Don’t Look Back

Another year of life and love

And many things to be proud of.

Surviving all the ups and downs

The strength to smile, instead of frown.

Many people we lost last year,

And still we strive to be of good cheer.

Forward looking, into the sun,

Thankful for things done and undone.

Ever increasing our knowledge and worth

Enjoying all of our time here on earth.

Read “Don’t Look Back” in its entirety HERE

Love Your Diabetes Health with a Divabetic’s Valentine’s Day Celebration


This year we’re encouraging you to ‘sparkle’ not just survive the holidays if you’re living with diabetes. From feeling deprived about what you can eat to feeling embarrassed about living a sexual health related complication, diabetes can make it difficult at times to get in the spirit!

Coming soon our favorite experts, Stacey Harris aka the Diabetic Pastry Chef, ‘The Decadent Diabetic‘ aka Chef Ward Alper, Wine & Spirits Expert Samantha Shaken Baker, Certified Diabetes Educators, Patrica Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and Janis Roszler, LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND and Rich In Love Fashion style Blogger, Published Writer, Diabetes Advocate, and Spokesmodel, Doris Hobbs share their advice on loving the holiday without compromising your diabetes health.

Look for our Diabetic Valentine’s Day Celebration’s diabetes self-care advice, healthy and delicious recipes, beauty and fashion tips and favorite love songs on this blog and our upcoming February Diabetes Late Nite podcast inspired by George Michael on Tuesday, February 7, 2017, 6-7 PM, EST. 


Did you know that Valentine greetings were popular as far back as the Middle Ages, though written Valentine’s didn’t begin to appear until after 1400?

The oldest known valentine still in existence today was a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. (The greeting is now part of the manuscript collection of the British Library in London, England.) Several years later, it is believed that King Henry V hired a writer named John Lydgate to compose a valentine note to Catherine of Valois.

Did you know that Americans probably began exchanging hand-made valentines in the early 1700s?

In the 1840s, Esther A. Howland began selling the first mass-produced valentines in America. Howland, known as the “Mother of the Valentine,” made elaborate creations with real lace, ribbons and colorful pictures known as “scrap.” Today, according to the Greeting Card Association, an estimated 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year!

George Michael.001

TUNE IN: February’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast featuring music by George Michael on Tuesday, February 7, 2017, 6-7 PM, ESt. Guests include Chef Ward Alper aka ‘The Decadent Diabetic’, Rich In Love style blogger Doris Hobbs, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach, Mama Rose Marie and Poet Lorraine Brooks. Hosted by Mr. Divabetic.

Twinkies Recall Sparks Food Safety Discussion on Diabetes Late Nite

Earlier this week a seasonal version of the iconic American snack cake — Hostess Twinkies — joined dozens of other foods as a victim of a secondary recall because of Salmonella contamination at a powdered milk plant. What should you do if you’re living with diabetes and you experience food poisoning?

I spoke with one of the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE about this topic and the best ways to avoid food poisoning on January’s Diabetes Late podcast.

Hostess Brands LLC of Kansas City, MO, initiated a nationwide recall of its “Holiday White Peppermint Twinkies” because of the confectionary coating.

Hostess peppermint Twinkies Valley Milk“The confectionary coating contains milk powder ingredients recalled by Valley Milk Products LLC due to a concern of Salmonella contamination. No illnesses have been reported to date, and none of the confectionary coating sampled has tested positive for Salmonella.

Anyone who has eaten any of the recalled products and developed symptoms of Salmonella infection should seek medical attention and tell their doctors about the possible exposure to the pathogen.

Food contaminated with Salmonella may not look or smell spoiled but can still make you sick. Young children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems may contract serious and sometimes deadly infections.

Healthy people may experience short-term symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting, nausea, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Long-term complications may include severe arthritis.

Listen to my full interview with Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE by clicking HERE

Diabetes Late Nite inspired by Alicia Keys. Guests include: America’s #1 Fat Loss Expert and Author of ‘How to Fight FATflammation! Dr. Lori L. Shemek, PhD, Mary Ann Hodorowicz RD, LDN, MBA, CDE, CED, The Charlie’s Angels of Outreach and Mama Rose Marie.
Our INSTANT WINNER Prize Package features gifts courtesy of my sugr, Nu Naturals, Dr. Greenfield’s Diabetes Hand, Body & Foot Creams and Cabot Cheese. Throughout the podcast enjoy selected songs from Alicia Keys’ sixth studio album,“Here” courtesy of SONY Music. Hosted by Mr. Divabetic

Will Generic Insulin be Part of Donald Trump’s Legacy?

One of the biggest concerns facing people with diabetes is what’s will happen to their healthcare under the new Trump administration. I interviewed Mary Ann Horodowicz RD, LDN, MBA, CDE, CECabout this topic on January’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast.

Mary Ann hinted that a possible silver lining to any repeals and replacement of Obamacare might be generic insulin. Most people agreed that a medication as old as insulin, which has been available since 1921, ought to have at least one generic brand. But there is not.

In their report, published March 19 in the New England Journal of Medicine, Riggs and his colleague Dr. Jeremy Greene describe how the unique development of insulin allowed pharmaceutical companies to continually improve the medication while extending patents for decades. Generic drugs cannot be made until a patent on a brand-name drug expires.

Could President Elect Trump change that?

In the midst of Time Magazine’s 6,000-word “Person of the Year” profile of Donald Trump, the president-elect said, “I’m going to bring down drug prices…I don’t like what has happened with drug prices.”

Donald Trump has stated repeatedly that he strongly wants to cut through the red tape at the FDA. If this happens it could mean streamlining pipeline for diabetes drug development and other life-saying medications given the fact that there are over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval.

The Trump administration also wants to remove barriers that hamper the importation of cheaper drugs that are made abroad. To make this work, the FDA would have to be expanded to have the capacity to investigate foreign drug-making facilities more than it already does. This idea also would require Congressional approval, and that would again most likely require Democrats to side with Trump to pass.

Hear more of my interview with Mary Ann Horodowicz by clicking HERE


Diabetes Late Nite inspired by Alicia Keys. Guests include Mary Ann Hodorowicz RD, CDE, Lori Shemek PhD, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach and Mama Rose Marie.

Don’t miss Diabetes Late Nite inspired by Alicia Keys this Tuesday!


We’re getting up close and personal on two big issues concerning your diabetes health on Diabetes Late Nite scheduled for this Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 6 PM, EST.

Our  music guest, Alicia Keys’ make-up free movement is inspiring us to take an unfiltered look at food waste and food safety as well as some of the new innovative solutions to solving the biggest food and agriculture concerns with President and Founder of Food Tank Danielle Nierenberg. Food Tank, a  nonprofit organization focused on building a global community for safe, healthy, nourished eaters.


We’re also going with speak to Mary Ann Hodorowicz RD, MBA, CDE about President Elect Donald Trump’s potential reforms and provisions to the Affordable Care Act – Obamacare. 

Although, neither President-elect Donald Trump nor Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who met with House and Senate Republicans at the Capitol, offered lawmakers details about their repeal plan, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he expects to have legislation to replace, as well as repeal, the Affordable Care Act this year.

“Our legislating will occur this year,” Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, said at a news briefing. “What date all of this gets phased in on is something we do not now know,” partly because the administration is not in office yet.”

Plus, The Charlie’s Angels of Outreach (Patricia Addie-Gentle), Mama Rose Marie and Poet Lorraine Brooks will be joining us. And our INSTANT WINNER will receive a prize package featuring 6 months free access to mysugr pro, a Cabot Cheese gift box, an assortment of Dr. Greenfield’s Diabetic Foot, Hand & Body Creams and Nu Naturals samples.

Alicia says her makeup free crusade has served her well as an a self-empowerment tool. She said, ”I don’t want to cover up anymore. Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing.”

She even talked about it in one of  her new songs, “When a Girl Can’t Be Herself,” quoting the line “Who says I must conceal what I’m made of / Maybe all this Maybelline is covering my self-esteem.

Let Alicia Keys help inspire you to push past your fears and face the issues that concern you most about your  diabetes self-care  this year! 

Throughout this podcast will be playing selected songs from Alicia Keys’  sixth studio album,“Here” courtesy of SONY Music. 

TUNE IN: Click on this link to listen to Diabetes Late Nite podcast inspired by Alicia Keys scheduled for Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 6 PM, EST.

Diabetes ‘Workout with A Wow!’ for Winter


Do you dread your workouts? Catch yourself counting down every minute you’re at the gym? Your mind plays a big role in each of your workouts, and if you find an activity you really enjoy–you’ll stick to it and have fun.

We get it — and it’s totally OK to skip a workout every once in awhile. But, sometimes, you need to sweat, whether that’s to actually get you to the gym, motivate you in the middle of a tough workout, or snap you out of a rut.

Let Divabetic help inspire you to take your workouts into the limelight in 2017.

Since color plays such a critical role in energy levels we chose a vibrant color to jump start your workout routine … Lime Green!

Did you know that color creates psychological and physiological responses in people and the color of your gym can affect your workout?

According to Old Earth website the color Lime Green brings Manifesting and Getting What You are Due. Lime Green brings you rewards for your labors and striving and an end to stress.


Instead of wearing black or gray baggy clothes to your next workout, add some will dazzle with lime green! The color green makes people think of nature, fresh starts, spring and youth(!) The Germanic roots of the word mean “to grow.”


Motivate yourself to workout with a little fitness fashion show. Playing dress-up helps many women (including personal trainers)  get motivated to move their bodies.

Or add some dazzle to your shoes! This Nike Women’s Air Max Thea Running Shoes will help you stand out among the crowd. Made of mesh and pylon materials, these shoes bring the durability and comfort whenever you wear. For the outsole, this visible air-sole was made of the premium rubber which support individuals in every movements.

70dd91f70902727f8258acef0e91e736If dressing in head-to-toe lime green scares you then why not make it an accent color? Like most colors, lime green looks good with a crisp white or black. Greens are almost universally positive.

Lime can be used as a substitute for lemon because these two types of fruit have sour taste and similar vitamin and mineral content including potassium. Potassium is important for maintaining nerve function and healthy blood pressure levels. The fruit is also linked to antioxidants and bioflavonoids that researchers believe could lower the likelihood of cancer.

Fun is another big motivational factor too. If you associate your workouts with excitement, exercise will become an enjoyable part of your everyday life. Here are three ideas that are sure to spice up your routine and make your workouts fun.

outfits-with-green-shoesJust ‘sexy enough designs’ to choose from that you might want to ditch the heels and step out in sneakers on for Date Nite. Many running shoes use of high-end fabrics and come in fabulous color palettes making them perfectly acceptable across all facets of life, from Saturday brunch to the Wedding Day!  And with more design houses and celebrities jumping on the trend we will be seeing a lot more running shoes in late nightclubs.

Divabetic ‘Workout with A Wow’ Tip: Exercise, eat, and take your medicines at the same time each day to prevent low blood sugar, also called hypoglycemia.

A great way to kick start  your fitness routine is to crank up the tunes. A great playlist can motivate you to get moving and keep moving. Music can improve performance and even make you think the strenuous activity is easier than you otherwise might.

Variety is the key to enjoying your workout. Why not rotate power-walking, running, and lifting weights? Get inspired by the iconic 90’s NYC nightclub, ‘The Limelight’ to create different music playlists for each specific workout.

Right now, I’m listening to the ‘La La Land’ soundtrack including my absolute favorite song, ”Another Day of Sun,” I doubt anyone can sit still after hearing the first few notes of the exuberant song.

Why not grab Alicia Keys’ new album, “Here” on SONY Music? We will be featuring selected cuts from the album on January’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast scheduled for Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 6 PM, EST.


Trying to lose weight?  Why do it alone? Today  there are plenty of tech-y support to help motivate and encourage you to be your reach your ideal weight like mobile apps that do everything from decoding the back of a snack box to breaking down which produce is worth buying.

Lose It! is a mobile app that helps out with a range of wellness targets, like tracking food and exercise, hydration, and blood pressure. It works with your weight and fitness goals to help you stay on track and keep you accountable.

How does diabetes affect your workout?

The affect physical activity has on your blood glucose will vary depending on how long you are active and many other factors.  According to the American Diabetes Association physical activity can lower your blood glucose up to 24 hours or more after your work out by making your body more sensitive to insulin.

You should become familiar with how your blood glucose responds to exercise. Checking your blood glucose level frequently before and after exercise can help you see the benefits of activity. You also can use the results of your blood glucose checks to see how your body to reacts to different activities. Understanding these patterns can help you prevent your blood glucose from going too high or too low.

Use the ‘Rule of 15’ when you are working out:

If you experience hypoglycemia during or after exercise, treat it immediately. Use the same process as you would any other time of the day:

Have at least 15-20 grams of fast-acting carbohydrate (sports drinks, regular soda, or glucose tabs are all good ideas).

Wait 15-20 minutes and check your blood glucose again.

If it is still low and your symptoms of hypoglycemia don’t go away, repeat the treatment.

After you feel better, be sure to eat regular meals and snacks as planned to keep your blood glucose level up.

If you want to continue your workout, you will usually need to take a break to treat your low blood glucose, depending on what activity you are doing and how much insulin you have circulating in your bloodstream. If you do stop exercising, check to make sure your blood glucose has come back up above 100 mg/dl before starting to exercise again.

60880-onetouch-ultramini-meter1The OneTouch UltraMini Blood Glucose Meter has all the features you need to test your blood sugar plus it’s small enough to fit into a clutch. A simple testing process provides accurate results in just five seconds.

Divabetic  ‘Workout with A Wow’ Tip: Go public. Tell your personal trainer, workout buddie(s) that you are living with diabetes and educate them about how they can help you if you are experiencing a low blood sugar.

Exercise beginners are often terrified of boot-camp style workouts, and experienced gym-goers sometimes write off bodyweight training as not challenging enough. Fortunately there are so many options and variations that you can make them as easy or as difficult as you need right in your home without changing your clothes. There’s a reason they call it housework! 

Did you know the average 125 pound person will burn 128 calories per hour while ironing? 128 calories per hour while washing dishes? 150 calories per hour while cooking? 150 calories per hour putting away groceries? 165 calories per hour doing general housework?


Of course, just because you mopped the floors today doesn’t mean you can skip your workout.

One of our favorite cleaners is LIME-A-WAY® Toilet Bowl Cleaner. It removes all soap scum and buildup on the glass shower doors. Works like a charm every time. The ingredients found in LIME-A-WAY® aid in the dissolving of limescale and calcium deposits and hard water mineral build-ups.

Divabetic ‘Workout with A Wow’ Tip: Work out with someone who knows you have diabetes and knows what to do if your blood sugar gets too low.

One way we keep ourselves in the zone is by setting up healthy rewards to celebrate hitting specific fitness goals or milestones.

Many women believe that the only way to lose weight is to do cardiovascular (aerobic exercise). So they jog or take aerobics classes five times a week. Eventually, though, they notice that while their bodies are a little smaller, there are still a lot of flabby and jiggly bits. Sound familiar? Aerobic exercise is important for good health, but for a lean body, weight training is essential. If you avoid pumping iron because you’re afraid of getting “bulky,” then you’re missing out on one of the best fat-burning methods around.

How much does your purse weigh? Chances are you’re lugging around an extra 10 to 15 pounds of weight everyday!  Why not add some weight training to your fitness routine and grab a pair of lime green dumbbells?


Weight training can slim you down, create new curves, and help avoid the “middle-age spread.” Dropping only 3 percent of your body fat could translate into a total loss of 3 inches off your hips and thighs. And no, you won’t bulk up—women don’t have enough muscle-building hormones to gain a lot of mass like men do.

Researchers at Tufts University found that when overweight women lifted heavy weights twice a week, they lost an average of 14.6 pounds of fat and gained 1.4 pounds of muscle. The control group, women who dieted but didn’t lift weights, lost only 9.2 pounds of fat and gained no muscle. When you do an intense weight-training program, your metabolism stays elevated and you continue to burn fat for several hours afterward. During regular cardio exercise, you stop burning fat shortly after the workout.

Why not indulge yourself with a safe manicure or pedicure? If you have diabetes, you’ll have more peace of mind if you take precautions to avoid nicks or cuts on your skin at the spa or salon. You’ll also lower your odds of getting an infection.

In general, it’s safe to get manicures or pedicures at a spa or nail salon if you have diabetes that’s well-controlled, says Fred Williams, MD. He’s a clinical endocrinologist in Louisville, KY. But choose carefully before you get services somewhere.

0b3d3fc62cf35d2fcef04275a8b1d6cb“The general rule of thumb is that there are really good places to get a pedicure and there are bad places,” Williams says. “Talk to someone you know who has been to that particular spa. Make sure they practice good hygiene, that their soaking solutions are changed frequently, and their instruments sterilized before each use. If the salon doesn’t seem quite right or doesn’t look clean, don’t go back.”


Always tell your nail technician that you have diabetes. This lets them know to use extra care while pampering you, even if you don’t feel anything is wrong, says Brent Bauer, MD. He is the medical director of the International Spa Association.

Unfortunately not all nail polishes are designed with environmentally friendly formulas. Make sure your manicure is free of harmful chemicals with polish brands that pride themselves on providing nontoxic tips.

We love fresh-squeezed lime taste so much that we wanted to enjoy it wherever we go so we made True Lime®.

Hydrating before, during and after your workout is very important. Need some motivation to stay hydrated?  There’s now a free Dally Water app on i-Tunes to help you set personalized objectives and stick to them by keeping track of each glass of water chugged per day (the recommended eight glasses of water a day).

One online review of the Daily Water app said, “I’ve tired all the drink water reminder apps out there, and this by far is THE one to install; simple, precise, and keeps me on track to staying hydrated.”

600-0016To help you determine the amount of fluid you lose during exercise, you can weigh yourself before and after exercise. For each pound lost during activity, drink 24 oz. of fluid. If your body weight increased, you have overhydrated and you should drink less fluid in future exercise sessions.

After a practice or competition, drink to quench your thirst and then drink some more. Because the thirst mechanism is an inaccurate indicator of dehydration, you’ll have to monitor your urine to determine whether or not you’ve had enough.

Sometimes  you want to quench your thirst something with a little more ‘zing’ than  water.   Our Winter ‘Workout with A Wow’ beverage of choice is True Lime. True Lime is a low calorie (0 -10 calories) way to add fresh-squeezed lime taste to your water, tea or recipes. Each packet equals the taste of 1 lime wedge and is made with only 3 ingredients and contains no artificial flavors, no preservatives and is gluten free. It’s also great for seasoning and recipes that call for lime juice.

9d12edbd-2876-437d-bade-48da482ac27a_2.984c3886e2b0ed4a46e9ed7ae772bb9fIndulge in a healthy snack. Key Lime Low-Fat Yogurt with Graham Crackers and White Chocolate.  Made with only natural, non-GMO ingredients.This means that ingredients like sugar are sourced from sugar cane, and not beets, which are genetically modified.  The concept behind Chobani Flip isn’t new: sell a yogurt product with two compartments. The first is for “wet” ingredients, and the second is for the dry ones.  So is this a healthy snack? According to the Fooducate website it’s certainly healthier than a candy bar, especially due to the healthy probiotics (live and active cultures). However, a better choice would be plain yogurt to which you can add fruit, nuts, and a much less sweet.

Now with 20 varieties of Chobani “Flip”™, one container has 200 calories and 25 grams of carbohydrates. Ingredients: Lowfat Yogurt (Cultured Pasteurized Nonfat Milk, Cream), Evaporated Cane Sugar, Water, Wheat Flour, Brown Sugar, Sugar, Soybean Oil, Key Lime Puree, Cocoa Butter, Key Lime Juice Concentrate, Milk, Key Lime Peel, Skim Milk, Fruit Pectin, Locust Bean Gum, Guar Gum, Natural Flavors, Salt, Honey, Baking Soda, Cinnamon, White Vinegar, Organic Soy Lecithin, Fruit Juice Concentrate And Turmeric (For Color), Lemon Juice Concentrate. Contains Milk, Wheat And Soy. Manufactured On A Line That Also Handles Tree Nuts And Peanuts. Contains Live And Active Cultures: S. Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, L. Acidophilus, Bifidus And L. Casei.

Everyone who exercises knows how great it feels post-workout–that natural high you feel when you’ve gone for a satisfying swim or finished up your training run. Did you know this feeling is actually scientific–exercise releases endorphins which produce a natural high. That feeling is what gets a lot of people off the couch and into the gym, pool or court.

Diabetes Late Nite Podcasts of 2016 Encore


We’re taking a look back at the past year in podcasting. I’ve enjoyed a tremendous year of meaningful moments with interesting topics, amazing guests, games, prizes and music on our shows. My goal has been to provide inspiration and motivation to keep you happy and health.

Every podcast is available on demand, anytime, anywhere at i-Tunes, and blog talk radio. Enjoy!

What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? How about January’s podcast featuring music by Adele. We discussed  the best ways to set realistic goals about your diabetes health and also salute one of our favorite singers, Natalie Cole. Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Mama Rose Marie, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach (Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and MaryAnn Nicolay MEd, NDTR), Jennifer Jacobs, Dana Collins Carr and Cindy Lou, who is living with type 2 diabetes from Kentucky.  LISTEN:

What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Was it our February show with  music by Tamar Braxton. Tamar inspired us to talk about sexy shoes that don’t just look good on your feet but that also make your feet feel good with a podiatrist. We also kick off our new game, “Which Shoe Do You Do?” with prizes courtesy of Earth Brand shoesLISTEN:

What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Check out March’s show with  music by Rachel Platten? We’re talking about the best  morning routines for living well with diabetes self-care. LISTEN:

What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Check out April’s show with music by Etta James? On this show, we discuss the different weight loss surgery options and how they impact your diabetes health. LISTEN:

What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Check out May’s broadcast with music by Elle King?  We take a deeper look into the topic of ‘Body Image and Diabetes’. Do you ever feel like you and your body are on opposite teams? Or like your scale has more authority than a therapist or a doctor? Maybe it’s time to discover, challenge and reset the beliefs that are holding you back from being unapologetically you in today’s perfection-obsessed society?  Guests include Dr. Lori Shemek PhD, We Are Diabetes founder, Asha Brown, Author Ginger Vieria, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Divabetic Image & Style Advisor Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP and Mama Rose Marie. LISTEN :

What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Check out June’s podcast with music by A Tribe Called Quest. ‘Quest’ member, Phife Dawg’s sudden death at the age of 41, related to diabetes health-related complications, inspires us to talk about kidney disease and diabetes. Phife Dawg, born Malik Taylor, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in May of 1990. Experiencing constant thirst and bathroom visits, his grandmother, a nurse, tested him for diabetes after a performance in Connecticut. Initially, Phife admitted he did not take his diagnosis seriously, and maintained his same lifestyle.

“It’s really a sickness,” Taylor said in Beats, Rhymes & Life, Michael Rapaport’s candid 2011 documentary on the group. “Like straight-up drugs. I’m just addicted to sugar.”Guests include MaryAnn Nicolay DTR, Dr. Braxton Cosby, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Funny Man Mike, Arnon Krongrad, MD, Catherine Lawrence and Mama Rose Marie. LISTEN:

What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Check out July’s program with music by P. M. Dawn? P.M. Dawn’s lead singer, Prince Be‘s death, related to diabetes health-related complications, inspires our discussion on amputation and diabetes.Prince Be had suffered from diabetes for more than two decades, and had various health problems over the years, among them several strokes, including one in 2005 that left him partly paralyzed, and gangrene, which led to the partial amputation of one leg. Guests: Poet Lorraine Brooks, Mama Rose Marie, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach, Lynette Luckers from the Marion Luckers Kidney Foundation, Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’, Janis Roszler, RD, CDE, FAND and Leon Petrossian. LISTEN:


What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Check out Mr. Divabetic Show on Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)? PMDD is a severe, sometimes disabling extension of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that start about 7 to 10 days before a woman gets her monthly period. Dr. Andrea Chisholm MD, OB-GYN discusses how hormones impact your diabetes health. Guest, We Are Diabetes founder, Asha Brown shares her own personal struggle of living with type 1 diabetes and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) too.  LISTEN:–premenstrual-dysphoric-disorder-pmdd


What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Check out August’s with music by Evelyn ‘Champagne’ King. We all know what anger is, and we’ve all felt it: whether as a fleeting annoyance or as full-fledged rage. Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion.  But  keeping your temper in check can be challenging especially while managing your diabetes.  Diabetes is the perfect breeding ground for anger. Anger can start at diagnosis with the question, “Why me?” You may dwell on how unfair diabetes is: “I’m so angry at this disease! I don’t want to treat it. I don’t want to control it. I hate it!” LISTEN:–the-angry-show

What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Check out September’s Diabetes Mystery podcast featuring music from the classic film score of ‘Sunset Boulevard’. Our third annual Diabetes Mystery Theater Podcast, ‘Suspect Boulevard’ revolves around dogs, dementia, diamonds and diabetes. This special mystery theater production is loosely based on Billy Wilder’s film, Sunset Boulevard. Our cast includes Poet Lorraine Brooks, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, ‘We Are Diabetes’ organization founder, Asha Brown, Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP, Susan Weiner MS, RD, CDE, CDN, Chef Robert Lewis, USA Today Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes and Mama Rose Marie.  LISTEN:

What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Check out October’s podcast featuring music by Meghan Trainor. Guests include Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach (Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE), Style Blogger Doris Hobbs, Emmy Award winning Producer Linda Bracero Morel,  Poet Lorraine Brooks and Mama Rose Marie LISTEN:


What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Check out the Diabetes Game Show hosted by Mr. Divabetic. During National Diabetes Awareness month, Divabetic teams up with prominent healthcare vendors to giveaway great prizes to celebrate our listeners’ ongoing commitment to self-care.  Special guests: Pharmaceutical Chemist and Diabetes Physician, Dr. Stanley Greenfield and Carlos from the Diabetes What To Know community.  LISTEN:

What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Check out  November’s podcast featuring music by Ella Fitzgerald.  We continue our celebration of National Diabetes Awareness month with music from our favorite jazz legend “divabetic” who captured audiences everywhere with her astonishing vocal range, scat singing, and improvisational ability. Unfortunately she had to have both legs amputated below the knee. Despite ill health, she continued to perform at least once month into the early 1990’s. Although her quality of voice slowly deteriorated from the early 1970’s, even at the end of her career, her singing retained a remarkable rhythmic acuity.  Diabetes Late Nite guests include the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach (Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Susan Weiner MS, RDN, CDE, CDN) Poet Lorraine Brooks, Ansley Dalbo, Best-Selling Author Anna J. Stewart, Leola and Cornelia,and Mama Rose Marie. LISTEN:


What’s your favorite Diabetes Late Nite podcast of 2016? Check out December’s podcast with music by Leona Lewis. Can you really ‘get off’ your medication? I discuss how to the possibility of cutting down on three oral medications for anxiety, diet and erectile dysfunction with my guests including: Diabetes Alert Dog expert, Debby Kay CDT, CDTA, PDTI, Megrette Fletcher, MEd, RD, CDE, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach, Janis Roszler RD, CDE, LDN, Emmy winning Producer, Linda Bracero Morel, Poet Lorraine Brooks and Mama Rose Marie. LISTEN:

‘Don’t Look Back’ by Poet Lorraine Brooks


Another year means a new beginning for all of us. This is a perfect time to dream big and to become a better person than you were before. Divabetic’s  aim is to encourage you to ‘sparkle’ not just survive with diabetes in 2017.  Whether you’re confused about nutritional labels, outraged over health costs, stuck in a fashion rut, discouraged by your food choices and/or at a loss for words, we’re sharing expert advice to empower you to have a ‘New Attitude’ about living well with diabetes.

Poet Lorraine Brooks shares her words of inspiration in her newest poem, ‘Don’t Look Back’:

Another year of life and love

And many things to be proud of.

Surviving all the ups and downs

The strength to smile, instead of frown.

Many people we lost last year,

And still we strive to be of good cheer.

Forward looking, into the sun,

Thankful for things done and undone.

Ever increasing our knowledge and worth

Enjoying all of our time here on earth.

We strive to be honest, courageous, and bold,

Regardless of age, trying not to act “old”.

Accepting the world with its troubles and woes,

And being OK with your friends and your foes.

What have we, then, at the end of the year,

When the clock is ticking, and midnight is near…

When we look into the eyes of our lovers

And look back at everything we’ve discovered

And understand all, of the things we have lost

And celebrate all of the bridges we crossed

And drink a big toast to the ones who passed on

Who we still love and cherish although they are gone

While the seconds are counting down to a few

And we take a deep breath to start anew

And the crystal ball moves down its silvery spike

And we wish for all of the things we would like

When its only 10 seconds left in ’16

And our hearts begin pounding while watching the screen

And there they are playing Auld Lang Syne

And we lift our glasses and toast with some wine…

What we have is stillness deep in our heart

And a new dedication to make a new start

To open new chapters and write a new book

And follow new avenues over the brook

Inventing new attitudes, trying new thoughts

Forgetting all yesterdays and what they have wrought…

Here’s to tomorrow

Cheers to the dawn

New times are coming

Time to move on.

Good lives I wish you

And also for me.

And toasting to everything…



Divabetic wants to inspire you sparkle not just survive with diabetes in 2017. We’re asking our favorite experts in beauty/fashion, food and diabetes self-care to share advice on how to celebrate the holidays without compromising your diabetes health. Chef Ward Alper, The Decadent Diabetic share his healthy and delicious recipes for the perfect Divabetic New Year’s Day Brunch to help you kick off a New Year with a New Attitude! READ:


LISTEN: Laugh a little, Learn a lot! Enjoy an exciting mix of diabetes education, poetry, games, prizes and music by today’s hottest artists courtesy of SONY Music on Diabetes Late Nite. Divabetic’s free monthly podcasts are available for free on demand anytime, anywhere on i-Tunes, and


LISTEN: Mr. Divabetic Show on Women’s Health Issues in 2017. From reproductive rights to Medicare coverage, there could be a lot of policy changes impacting US women over the next four years. Additionally, many women may feel threatened from hearing about a powerful leader’s many sexual assault accusations and the rising incidents of hate crimes post-election.  Guests include: Dr. Andrea Chisholm OBGYN, Peak 10 Skincare founder and Domestic Violence Advocate Connie Elder, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Mary Ann Hodorowicz RD, CDE, Asha Brown, and the President of Women in Government Relations, Kathryn Schubert.


The Perfect Bubbles, Buffet & Blouse for a Divabetic New Year’s Day Brunch

Sure, it can be difficult at times to enjoy the holidays when you’re living with diabetes especially if you feel like you’re deprived of your favorite foods. Why not take the opportunity on New Year’s Day to change your mindset as well as someone else’s about what healthy tastes like?

For the past eleven years we’ve been promoting  a ‘New Attitude’ about living with well diabetes to prevent a diabetes health-related complication at our live events, on our podcasts and Divabetic blog! Now we’re sharing our decade’s worth of our ‘diva brand of diabetes outreach’ advice and suggestions with you so that you won’t have to avoid the holidays in order to take charge of our diabetes.

We asked our favorite experts, Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP, ‘The Decadent Diabetic’ aka Chef Ward Arpel, Wine & Spirits Expert Samantha Shaken Baker and certified diabetes educators, Patrica Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and Susan Weiner MS, RD, CDE, CDN, to share advice on how you can kick off the New Year in style without compromising your diabetes health.

Here are our suggestions for the Perfect Bubbles, Blouse & Buffet for a “Divabetic New Year’s Day Brunch”:

First up, our good friend, the Decadent Diabetic, Chef Ward Alper to share some of his fabulous recipes to help you create a fantastic New Year’s Day Brunch. Chef Ward Alper retired to Albuquerque after being a professional chef in Boston and New York City. He blogs as “The Decadent Diabetic: Taking Back My Life and Table,” Chef Ward is “famous” for his fantastic and festive New Year’s day buffet brunches. Chef Ward says, “the trick to entertaining with or without diabetes is to keep the food interesting and small enough for the guests not to have to fuss with balancing a drink and the food.”


Whether you are hosting a holiday gathering or have been invited to one, don’t let Diabetes get in your way. It is too easy to create something over the top delicious and low in carbohydrates, NOT just for you but for ALL your guests to savor.

If you are hosting a holiday party and Diabetes is a consideration, there are a few things to consider (beyond “Am I nuts?”)


1-Cocktails or Mocktails?

Every person with Diabetes is different in respect to alcohol. Some of us have no problem with it lowering our blood sugars, others get too low, too fast.

I suggest having both.  Just make it look festive. Even sparkling water (rather than higher sodium club soda) can look really festive with a slice of lime or pineapple balanced on the top. Try diet cranberry juice blend spritzers with a slice of fruit or a spritzer of TROP 50 spritzer garnished with pineapple. You might be surprised with people saying: “I’ll have what he is having.”

2Think dishes you can do ahead

Nothing spoils a party than having to cram hours of work in just before your guests arrive. Plan on using the same ingredients in a couple of different ways. Make the stuffings for tomatoes or mushrooms a day ahead

3-Take Ina Garten’s advice and make some, buy some.

Your invitees might be thinking: “Oh dear, Debbie has Diabetes. We will be eating rabbit food all night.” Surprise them with a platter of chunks of oven roasted turkey from the deli and jumbo olives stuffed with almonds. Do a platter of smoked salmon with a flavored whipped cream cheese. Serve these with simple homemade crackers made from low carbohydrate tortillas or Joseph’s lavash, brushed with garlic and olive oil and your favorite herb.

4- Keep it at room temperature

Why worry if Maxine is going to lose her balance in her Jimmy Cho shoes and knock over the sterno burner. Enjoy your guests and your party instead of guarding the chafing dishes.

5-How much should I make?

Depending on how many items you have on your buffet table, consider having 9-11 pieces per person, 2-4 hours event, 13-16 pieces per person; 4+ hour event, dinner replacement.

And as always this season, ENJOY, be happy, be healthy and above all…BE DECADENT.



Our “Divabetic New Year’s Day Brunch” starts with a sharp as a tack cocktail sauce with fresh vegetables

Homemade Cocktail Sauce by The Decadent Diabetic 

Makes 1 ½ cup- serves 8

carbohydrates 2 grams per Tablespoon

Chef’s notes: Most cocktail sauces for seafood are made with ketchup or chili sauce. While delicious, they have 5 grams of carbohydrates per tablespoon. This Homemade recipe is far lower with ONLY 2 grams per tablespoon. Tomato is the carbohydrate culprit here.

What you are doing with this recipe is basically making your own homemade ketchup.

6 oz. (approx. 2/3 cup) tomato paste

2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar

2 Tablespoons sweetener of choice, or to taste

salt and pepper to tatse and your doctor’s recommendation

½  teaspoons garlic powder

¾ teaspoons onion  powder

½  cup water

3- 4 tsp. prepared horse radish

How to prepare the recipe:

Place all ingredients in a bowl. Stir to blend completely.

Pistachio coated Feta and Cream Cheese Balls by The Decadent Diabetic 

Makes 16 Balls

Net Carbohydrates   2 per ball

4 – ounces , shelled pistachio nuts

2- 8 0unce packages cream cheese

6- ounces Feta cheese

2- tsp. dry basil

1 -Tsp. dry oregano

1 -Tbsp. fresh parsley chopped

Note: While I usually like to use fresh herbs, this recipe gets too wet and it is hard to shape the balls and have them hold together.

I suspect that this recipe can also be made with goat cheese but my friend Peter ruined goat cheese for me by suggesting it” tasted like you were licking a goat”.

How I prepare this Recipe.

Bring cheeses to room temperature

Very simple: Chop the pistachios into very small bits and place on a dish. Combine all of the remaining ingredients. Refrigerate until firm. Using a small ice cream scoop or a tablespoon, scoop the cheese out and form into a ball. Roll the balls in the chopped pistachio nuts and chill until firm again. Serve with Lavash or tortilla chips.


Cucumber and Radish Crunches by The Decadent Diabetic 

Serving size 6 pieces

Net Carbohydrates 5g.

Chef’s Note: The first time I entertained guests after my diagnosis, I went into a panic about what to make as an Hors d’ oeuvre. I came up with this very simple little bite that is so good that I never hesitate to serve it. It is a flash to prepare. I use the remaining cheese to spread on a low carbohydrate lavash or tortilla. Just roll it up and slice it to make pinwheels.

1 7-8 inch long cucumber, peeled and sliced into ½ inch thick pieces

1 8 ounce pkg.. cream cheese

1-2 Tbsp. minced shallot (or onion or scallion)

1 stalk of celery minced

5-6 radishes minced + 1-2 sliced thinly

1- Tbsp. fresh parsley, minced

Salt and pepper to taste.

How I prepare this Recipe:

Soften the cream cheese to room temperature

Mince the onion, celery radish, and parsley together and add to the softened cream cheese.

Spoon ½ tsp. of the mixture on each cucumber slice and top with ½ of a radish slice. Refrigerate until set.

Use remaining mixture on a sheet of lavash or on lavash chips or save for use on your morning toast.

There are as many variations on the filling as you have an imagination to create. Curry comes to mind as does spinach.

Divabetic Tip: Being active is your secret holiday weapon; it can help make up for eating more than usual and reduce stress during this most stressful time of year. Get moving with friends and family, such as taking a walk after a holiday meal or buffet.


Tortilla/ Lavash Baskets filled with Shrimp by The Decadent Diabetic 

Makes 16 cups  < 0g carbohydrate per cup

1 _ sheet JOSEPH’S  lavash or low carbohydrate tortillas

2 – Tbsp. olive oil

1 – tsp. dry dill weed

1 – tsp. dry parsley flakes

½ – tsp. garlic powder


Pre heat oven to 375°F

Combine olive oil and spices. Brush the lavash. Pat off any excess oil from the lavash. Cut the lavash into 16 equal pieces (8 for a tortilla).

Push the pieces into a mini cupcake tin that has been sprayed with Pam.

Bake (WATCHING CAREFULLY) at 375°F for 8-10 minutes until the cups are LIGHTLY browned.

Invert cups onto a paper towel and let cool completely.

When completely cool, you can fill with recipe below, meatballs, salsa, or just use your imagination.

Roasted Shrimp with Cucumber and Dill Dressing by The Decadent Diabetic 

Fills 16 cups  < 0g carbohydrate per cup

2 – Tbsp. Mayonnaise

1- tsp. fresh lemon juice

zest from ½ lemon

¼ -tsp. Dijon mustard

1 – tsp. FRESH dill weed

¼  – tsp. ground black pepper

4 – ounces (after roasting) roasted shrimp

1 – medium cucumber



Preheat oven to 400°F.

Combine raw, peeled, shrimp, 1 clove grated garlic, 1- Tsp. chopped parsley, and 1 Tbsp. olive oil. Place in one layer on a baking sheet and roast for 5 minutes at 400. Let cool before adding to the rest of the recipe.


Combine mayonnaise, lemon juice, lemon zest, mustard, dill, and black pepper.


Peel cucumber. Using a teaspoon, remove any seeds. Chop cucumber into VERY small dice.

Cut shrimp into small pieces (just slightly larger than cucumber dice. Reserve any liquid in the baking sheet.

Combine Sauce, shrimp, and cucumber. Mix well and spoon into lavash cups.

No Cook Mediterranean Cheese Pate by The Decadent Diabetic 

Serves 8

Net Carbohydrates 2g per serving

Chef’s Note: Don’t let the title fool you, this is a snap to make.

If you want it to look more Christmas –y, you can certainly use green olives

I suspect that this recipe can also be made with goat cheese but my friend Peter ruined goat cheese for me by suggesting it “tasted like you were licking a goat”.

3 TBSP. Chopped Sundried Tomatoes (about 6-8 pieces)

1 TBSP. olive oil

1- 8 0unce packages cream cheese

3- ounces Feta cheese

2- tsp. dry basil

1 -Tsp. dry oregano

1 -TBSP. fresh parsley chopped

½ cup pitted olives, cut in half

How I prepare this Recipe.

Combine olive oil and chopped sun dried tomatoes and set aside.

Bring cheeses to room temperature.

Using an electric beater, combine cheeses and spices. Stir in  ½ of the sun dried tomatoes.

Line a 5-6 inch flat bottomed bowl (a ramekin works perfectly) with waxed paper or parchment paper.

Arrange the cut olives in a circular pattern over the bottom of the dish, rounded side down. Spoon the cheese mixture into the bowl and press down lightly to make good contact with the olives. Refrigerate at least 2 hours but over- night works as well Run a knife around the edge of the cheese and invert onto a dish. Place remaining chopped tomatoes in the center.

Plaque Assemble´e (Put it together platter) by The Decadent Diabetic 

Don’t make it, assemble it. Go to the best deli/appetizer store and get meats or smoked fish or little bites like grape leaves and put it together piece by piece, bit by bit. Make it a centerpiece of beautiful food.

Cherry Tomatoes Stuffed with Crab Salad by The Decadent Diabetic 

Makes 24 servings

Net Carbohydrates 2 per tomato half

Chef’s Notes: I like to do these with cocktail tomatoes. They are somewhere in size between a cherry tomato and a small tomato. If you use cherry tomatoes you will make about 36 servings.

The tomato is the thing. If crab is not in your budget, or you are allergic to shellfish, or simply don’t like crab, you can fill these with herbed or curried cheese or chicken or tuna salad and make “little” tomato surprises.

Tip: If you happen to have one of those old fashioned grapefruit spoons, it makes this a breeze. If not a sharp pointed paring knife works fine.

12 cocktail tomatoes


18 cherry tomatoes

8 oz. cream cheese

8 oz. crab meat

1 tsp. drained capers

1 small shallot, minced (you can use 3 scallions instead)

Salt and pepper to taste

4 dashes of Tabasco sauce (more if you like it hotter)


Cut the tomatoes in half and scoop out the insides.

Combine the remaining ingredients. Mix thoroughly.

Using either a star tipped pastry bag or a spoon, fill each tomato half. Chill so the mixture sets and the flavors meld.

Remove from the refrigerator about an hour before serving and stand back. The will disappear so fast you won’t believe your eyes.

Susan Weiner MS RDN CDE CDN and 2015 AADE Diabetes Educator of the Year is an award-winning Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator and published author. Susan offers this advice to all our ‘Divabetics’ who enjoy a buffet: Want to indulge in a few of your favorite hor d’oeuvres? Here’s a great strategy to help you stay within you calorie and carb budget: Select a few hor d’oeuvres and place them on a napkin or small plate. Stand or sit “away” from the bowl or appetizer table. Mindfully savor the flavor of your tasty appetizer while avoiding eating large quantities of these foods. Sit away from the hor d’oeuvres table and  enjoy the celebration with friends and family.


Stuffed Mushrooms by The Decadent Diabetic 

Net carbohydrates      3. per mushroom cap

This recipe calls for a spinach stuffing. I also use a well seasoned ground turkey (or turkey sausage) stuffing.

12 –mushroom caps (Button is fine but Baby Bella or crimini is better)

1 – pkg. chopped spinach (squeezed dry)

2 TBSP. lemon juice

¼ tsp. dry oregano or basil (or both if you like)

1 – large onion, sliced

2 tbsp. olive oil

¼ cup dried bread crumbs, divided (try panko)

¼ cup parmesan cheese, divided

salt, pepper, garlic powder, parsley to taste ( using 1/2 for the caps, 1/2 for the spinach)


Preheat oven to 350°F.

Clean the mushroom caps and remove stems. Lightly salt and pepper the inside of the caps.

Sauté the sliced onion in the oil and combine with the squeezed spinach, lemon juice and half of the bread crumbs and half of the parmesan cheese, salt pepper and garlic and divide evenly among the mushroom caps. Top with remaining

bread crumbs and parmesan cheese Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes until the cheese is lightly browned.

Chocolate Silk Tart by The Decadent Diabetic 

. 8 servings

Net carbohydrates    11g.


Chef’s note: Guests ALWAYS REMEMBER DESERT. Knock their sox off with this dark chocolate confection.  As a regular desert this recipe serves 8 people with people sized slices. For a party buffet, I suggest slicing it into 12-16 smaller slices.


Spray for the pan

(9-10 inch removable bottom fluted tart pan)

2/3. Cup flour

½  cup toasted nuts (either Almonds, Walnuts, or Pecans)


1 pinch salt

¼ tsp cinnamon

1/8 Tsp. ground ginger

½ tsp. baking powder

4 tbsp.  butter 1 large egg


1 pkg. cream cheese


3 TBSP. coffee

2 TBP. Sour cream or heavy cream

1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

4 TBSP.  Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa powder

3 large eggs


In a food processor with a steel blade pulse all of the dry ingredients until very well combined and the nuts disappear into the mixture. Add cold butter and pulse until butter is well distributed in the flour mixture. Add the egg and pulse until mixture forms a ball on the blade. Remove the dough pat into a disc about 5-6’’. Wrap disc in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least ½ hour but overnight will also work.

Roll out the crust on flowered surface to about a 14 in circle. Using your fingers fit  sections of the crust into tart pan. This dough is fragile and will break. Not to worry just piece it together with your fingers. Refrigerate for 15-20 minutes before filling.

Beat cream cheese in the bowl of a food processor or electric mixer until smooth. Add GRANULATED SUGAR SUBSTITUTE and beat until incorporated. Add eggs one at a time beating well after each addition. Add the coffee, vanilla, and Sour cream. Beat until well mixed.  Add the cocoa powder and mix well. Allow to sit for 20 minutes so some of the air from the beating is released (this will help keep the filling from cracking).

Pour into the crust and bake at 350°F for 25-30 minutes. Transfer to a rack and cool. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

612eRb0efrL._SX359_BO1,204,203,200_Divabetic Tip: Get Organized in 2017! From ideas on how to best store, plan for, and label things, every chapter is a treasure chest to help your blood sugars through lessened stress and better diabetes management get the advice you need in  The Complete Diabetes Organizer: Your Guide to a Less Stressful and More Manageable Diabetes Life  by Susan Weiner MS, RD, CDE, CDN and Leslie Josel. 

Divabetic Image & Style Advisor, Catherine Schuller thinks divas of all types and sizes can steal the spotlight at a New Year’s Day Brunch without breaking the bank  Catherine is one of the plus size industry’s pioneers, Former Ford model, consumer advocate image consultant, author, and the creator of ‘Runway the Real Way’ fashion brunches in New York City.

Catherine’s pick for the perfect blouse for a “Divabetic New Year’s Day Brunch” is a chiffon bow tie blouse. The sheer sleeves are perfect for someone who might feel self-conscious about their upper arms. And the bow tie adds a touch of feminine ‘pizazz’ to daytime dressing. You can pair this blouse under a blazer or cardigan sweater s-l1000with a tailored skirt or trousers and still look like you’re ready to walk the Red Carpet. 

Divabetic Tip:  If your eyes love stilettos but your feet don’t like wearing them then make sure to stash a pair of comfortable flats in your bag before heading out the door.  According to wearing high heels can have a great toll on any woman’s feet regardless of if she is a divabetic or not. So the question is… can women with diabetes safely wear high heels? Since foot complications are very common in people with diabetes it is often stated that high heels are not recommended at all; however, there are a few exceptions to this rule. You’ll be surprised at how many stylish choices are available in flats today. After you make your grand entrance in high heels, you can quickly switch into your comfy shoes without missing a beat and stay on track with your diabetes self-care management.


Since bubbles make a New Year’s Day celebration sparkle we asked Samantha Shanken Baker, who helps presents memorable food and wine events like the Annual Harlem Eat Up!, for her recommendation. Samantha suggests you serve IRON HORSE Russian Cuvée Green Valley of Russian River Valley 2011 (retails for $45). This champagne’s brioche, baked apple and floral raspberry aromas lead to focused, rich flavors that linger with notes of cinnamon, orange zest and mineral.

Divabetic Tip: Aim to stay on top of your blood sugar. Check it more often during the holidays, and if you take medicine, ask your doctor if the amount needs to be adjusted.


My pick for a soundtrack for a “Divabetic New Year’s Day Brunch” is Maxwell’s fifth studio album, blackSUMMERSnight featuring the song, ‘Lake  By The Ocean.’ Maxwell’s first offering in seven years forms the second installment of a trilogy of albums that are titled identically but for the position of the capital letters. The Grammy-winning soul man is a subeditor’s nightmare, but confusion seems a small price to pay for such a classy comeback collection of anguished R&B.

Pitchfork says, “the cool, shimmering blackSUMMERS’night is probably Maxwell’s most cohesive effort since Embrya.”

Divabetic Tip: Don’t skip meals to save up for a feast. It will be harder to keep your blood sugar in control, and you’ll be really hungry and more likely to overeat.

Weekly Wow: Food Safety Facts


We’re talking about food safety on January’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast scheduled for Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 6 PM, EST.

How good is your Food Safety IQ?

Safe steps in food handling, cooking, and storage are essential to prevent foodborne illness. You can’t see, smell, or taste harmful bacteria that may cause illness. 

Be an INSTANT WINNER on January’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast by correctly answering our ‘weekly wow’ question posted a few days prior to our broadcast on January 10, 2017.  You’ll be entered into our random drawing to win a Divabetic Prize Package with gifts courtesy of Nu Naturals, Dr. Greenfield’s Diabetes Hand, Body  & Foot Creams and Cabot Cheese. Send your answers to

Question: True or False: Will freezing food kills harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning?


ANSWER: FALSE. Bacteria can survive freezing temperatures. Freezing is not a method for making food safe to eat. When food is thawed, bacteria can still be present and may begin to multiply. Listeria monocytogenes and the Hepatitis A virus are two examples of foodborne pathogens that can survive for long periods at freezing temperatures.

We’re also taking about some of the food trends and new thinking in innovative solutions to solving the biggest food and agriculture concerns with President and Co-Founder of Food Tank Danielle Nierenberg. Food Tank, a  nonprofit organization focused on building a global community for safe, healthy, nourished eaters.


TUNE IN: Diabetes Late Nite podcast inspired by Alicia Keys scheduled for Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 6 – 7PM, EST. Enjoy our unique mix of diabetes self-care advice, health headlines discussion, fashion/beauty tips, games and prizes provided by Cabot Cheese, Dr. Greenfield’s Diabetic Hand, Body & Foot Creams and Nu Naturals. Throughout the podcast we will be featuring music from Alicia Keys’ album “Here” courtesy of SONY Music.