‘Disconnect’ by Poet Lorraine Brooks

Connected, injected, collected, in touch,
Devices are sometimes a need or a crutch.
If I find myself in the mall with no phone,
I suddenly feel afraid and alone.

With all this technology right in our hands
It increases pressure and makes more demands.
I’m beeping, and buzzing, and vibrating too,
They tell me the traffic and tell me what’s new.

Weather, and movies, and amber alerts,
Baseball and football and music concerts.
I have the world in my pocket at will,
But often I feel that I’m out of it still.

There’s hazards to all of this need to be known.
There’s risks to,our health, as studies have shown.
The false sense of intimacy when we’re online
Is making connections that aren’t genuine.

There’s many days when I just put down my screen,
And those are the times when I feel most serene.
I put up my boundaries, turn off the sounds,
And try to connect with the peace to be found.

We all need alone time, to take care of us,
Time away from the hustle and fuss.
My message is always essentially this…
Take care of YOU FIRST, And don’t be remiss.

Don’t allow,life to just fritter away,
And turn off your phones for a part of the day!

Poet Lorraine Brooks reads her poem, ‘Disconnect’ on January’s Diabetes Late Nite with music from P!NK. We’re talking about ‘Mindfulness & Diabetes’ with guests: Diabetes Alert Dog and Scent Detection Expert, Debby Kay, ‘Walking with Peety’ Author Eric O’Grey, Poet Lorraine Brooks, ‘Yoga for Diabetes’ Author, Rachel Zinman, and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE. Throughout the podcast we’re spotlighting songs from P!nk’s album, ‘Beautiful Trauma’ courtesy of SONY Music.  LISTEN NOW


Blue Christmas by Poet Lorraine Brooks

Enjoy this original poem, ‘Blue Christmas’ by Lorraine  Brooks written for December’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast.

Blue Christmas by Lorraine Brooks 

Thinking about the holidays and all the endless cheer
Carols, lights and Christmas trees, and ringing in the year…
Friends and folks and families all gather in the home
We look around at all the hope, but sometimes feel alone.

While others eat and drink and dine enjoying foods we make
I’m calculating insulin, and how much I should take.
If I want pie or something sweet, I have to stop and think.
But other people can just eat, and never have to blink.

If I am honest and up front, I have to just admit
That all the food around me sometimes makes me want to quit.
The holidays can make me sad with all thats going on
I wish that I could just be glad, and sing a happy song.

Its better to be pleasant though, and think of all I’ve got
And if I can remember it, I know I’ve got a lot.
This time of year can be so blue, we have to just remember
It’s only one month of the year…only the month of December.

There’s lots of colors that I want to be, and I choose not to be blue.
I’d rather be gold or purple or pink, and maybe lavender too.
i’m not gonna stress about all,the treats, I’ll try to be sensible though.
And after I eat maybe I’ll go outside for a walk in the snow.

So,I will have a holiday that’s full of fun and cheer
And I’ll be happy and give thanks that I made another year…
and I’ll enjoy my Christmas day, and I will make it right.
And I will have a Christmas that’s the way it should be – white.

On December’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast we’re celebrating a Blue Christmas. I chose this theme in December because ‘Blue’ is the color that I feel is most closely associated with diabetes and more importantly, it gives us an opportunity to raise awareness for the mental health issues related to diabetes. Guests include Chilbrook Kennels Breeder Author, Diabetes Alert Dog and Scent Detection Expert, Debby Kay, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Susan Weiner MS, RDN, CDE, CDN, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Rachel ZinmanDr. Mandy Reece PharmD, CDE, BC-ADM, and America’s #1 Energy Conductor, High Voltage.

Throughout the podcast we will be featuring songs from the new “Christmas with Elvis and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra” album courtesy of SONY Music. The album brings together Elvis Presley’s best-loved yuletide performances from “Elvis’ Christmas Album” (1957) and “Elvis Sings the Wonderful World of Christmas” (1971) re-imagined with sublime and exquisite new arrangements performed by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.

Are you feeling ‘blue’ this holiday season?

If so, you’re not alone. While it’s true that sadness and/or depression at holiday time can be a reaction to the stresses and demands of the season, people with diabetes are more likely to be depressed than others states David Spero BSN, RN for Diabetes Self-Management.

Diabetes can cause complications and health problems that may worsen symptoms of depression. Depression can lead to poor lifestyle decisions, such as unhealthy eating, less exercise, smoking and weight gain — all of which are risk factors for diabetes.

The good news is that diabetes and depression can be treated together. And effectively managing one can have a positive effect on the other.

If you think you might be depressed, seek help right away. Your doctor or diabetes educator can refer you to a mental health professional.

Divabetic Delivers Big Divas on World Diabetes Day!

Our favorite divas from the world of entertainment, beauty/fashion, poetry and diabetes education, Whitney Houston, Constance Brown-Riggs, Karline Ricketts, Lorraine Brooks, Patricia Addie-Gentle, Mama Rose Marie and ‘Dr. Bev’, join us to celebrate World Diabetes Day on Diabetes Late Nite scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 6 -7:30 PM.

First up, we have an exclusive first listen of “Whitney Houston – I Wish You Love: More From ‘The Bodyguard’” ahead of the album’s release date courtesy of SONY Music.

The Bodyguard Original Soundtrack Album set a record for the most albums sold in a single week since the Nielsen SoundScan introduced a computerized sales monitoring system in May 1991, with sales of 1,061,000 copies during Christmas week of 1992, becoming the first album sold over 1 million in one week.

In November 1999, Houston and The Bodyguard Soundtrack, were named the “Top-selling R&B Female Artist of the Century ” by the RIAA, respectively.

Whitney’s iconic songs are inspiring us to discuss how to become your own ‘Diabetes Bodyguard’.

Safeguarding yourself and your diabetes health requires a healthy dose of Self-Compassion.

Dr. Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDE discusses how the ‘negative talk’ inside our heads affects our diabetes. 

How do you talk to yourself?  Do you talk to yourself with kindness? Or do you  beat yourself up for being diagnosed with diabetes, unexpected high’s and low’s, your weight and/or unhealthy habits?

There is a vast difference between feeling sorry for yourself and feeling kindness toward yourself. When you see yourself as a victim, you indulge in selfpity. You are a bottomless pit of misery, and you may find yourself crying endless victim tears.

Dr. Beverly Adler (aka “Dr. Bev”, right) is an award-winning certified diabetes educator and diabetes psychologist. She has combined her first-hand knowledge of living with Type 1 diabetes with a PhD in clinical psychology to serve the mental health needs of those within the diabetes community. She’s also written two self-help books ( “My Sweet Life: Successful Men with Diabetes” and “My Sweet Life: Successful Women with Diabetes”) and many articles, and does speaking engagements.

Constance Brown-Riggs discusses her personal fitness journey as well as her new book, “Diabetes Guide to Enjoying Foods of the World”.

Constance Brown- Riggs is an award winning Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator, and the co-author of the new book, “Diabetes Guide to Enjoying Foods of the World”. This guide provides information on native foods and flavors, strategies for healthy eating, recommended healthful pleasures, dishes for special occasions (or smaller portions), and carbohydrate counts for popular dishes for 11 popular ethnic cuisines. Help your clients learn to quickly identify the best choices for their meal plan, whether preparing ethnic foods at home, eating in restaurants, or traveling abroad.

Karline Ricketts believes“Beauty starts from the inside.”  In 1997, Karline opened her first salon in West Palm Beach, FL, to provide an upscale client environment for a growing ethnic consumer market. This former NYC  accounting professional, who spent many evening hours working for the legendary  Studio 54, retrained and retooled under the tutelage of Paul Mitchell Systems.

You can be an INSTANT WINNER! Enjoy a Divabetic Prize package featuring a Nu Naturals gift basket filled with diabetic safe, low glycemic tooth friendly sweeteners, a Cabot Cheese gift basket filled with an assortment of delicious low-fat cheeses, Dr. Greenfield’s Diabetic Foot, Hand & Body Lotions which specifically designed for people with diabetes with sensitive and delicate skin, and a TRU Chocolate gift box. TRU Chocolate is the only 72% dark chocolate snack that’s sugar free, gluten free, ethically sourced and incredibly delicious. It’s TRU, you can finally eat chocolate and be healthy with their chocolate covered flame raisins, almonds, wafers and gluten free pretzels!

November’s Diabetes Late Nite guests include Dr. Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDE and Constance Brown Riggs MSEd, RD, CDE, CDN along with Poet Lorraine Brooks, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie Gentle RN, CDE, Karline Ricketts and Mama Rose Marie.

Diabetes Late Nite is a fast-paced, full-filled hour of diabetes education and wellness advice that encourages listeners to “laugh a little, learn a  lot.”

CLICK HERE to Listen to November’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast on Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 6 -7:30 PM, EST.

‘Making Friends With Fear’ by Lorraine Brooks

What scares me about diabetes in me?

There’s so many things I could mention

From finding out “sugar free”  isn’t so free…

To dealing with my hypertension.

On some days there isn’t much that I can do

To keep from experiencing highs

And some days no matter which foods I pursue

My blood sugars are a surprise.

I’m fearful that this is affecting my heart

And maybe my eyesight will fade

There’s so many things I don’t know where to start

But I won’t spend my life being afraid.

On Halloween night I might have me a treat

And I promise myself not to feel guilt

I won’t overdo it, I won’t overeat

But I’ll enjoy life to the hilt.

See, here’s my philosophy, here’s what I know

And here’s how I do this disease

I don’t let fear stop me from letting me grow

And I won’t live in parentheses.

Make your own choices, make you own way

And get good professional care

Take care of your health each and every day

And take all your supplies everywhere.

So yes, I get frightened and yes, I’m concerned

And yes I can sometimes get weary

But when I apply all the things that I’ve learned

Diabetes gets less and less scary.

LISTEN NOW: On October’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast we’re talking about what scares us most about diabetes with musical inspiration from the chart-topping band, Old Dominion.

Does diabetes and it’s health-related complications scare you? How does fear of diabetes affect your life and your daily self-care, and more importantly, what do you do about it?

Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Dr. Michele Summers Colon DPM, Dr. Andrea Chisholm MD,OB-GYN, Diabetes – What To Know founder & CEO Ansley Dalbo, Diabetes Advocate Cindy Lou, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, newly diagnosed Diva living with diabetes, Jackie, and Dr. Lori Shemek PhD.

‘I Woke Up This Morning’ by Lorraine Brooks

I woke up this morning, as always,

And while walking through my hallway,

I looked in the mirror, reflecting,

And thought, why am I so rejecting?

There’s food in my pantry and clothes on my back

And 2 cars in my garage.

I’ve plenty of colleagues and friends, I don’t lack,

I’m blessed with a fine entourage.

There’s heat in the winter and cool when its hot,

There’s no way I’m doubting the blessings I’ve got.

So what if I need to count calories now,

I still can consume that dessert anyhow.

My kidneys are fine and my eyesight’s okay,

And I can still sleep at the end of the day.

I have a few dollars and I can have fun

And not have to justify to anyone.

I make my decisions and live with my fears

And thankful for 65 wonderful years.

This life here on earth can be tragic enough

Without adding to it irrelevant stuff.

The gift is in living, and doing our best.

And then letting go of all of the rest.

So have a good time and be of good cheer.

And you will enjoy the time you have here.

Positive vibes and a will to stand tall

And living won’t be any trouble at all.

LISTEN NOW: Lorraine Brooks reads ‘I Woke Up This Morning’ on June’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast. Guests include singer Alfa Anderson, Diabetic Macular Edema patient Maryanne Kass, Artist Bryce Chisholm, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach, Poet Lorraine Brooks and Mama Rose Marie. Throughout the podcast we will be featuring selected songs from several of Maxwell’s albums courtesy of SONY Music.

Enjoy Best-Selling Cookbook Author Holly Clegg‘s healthy delicious recipes for our Divabetic ‘Spaghetti Western’ Father’s  Day Celebration. Holly’s menu includes Southwestern Roasted Vegetables, Asparagus with Zucchini Rings., Vodka Pasta, Beer Bread , Butternut Squash, Black Bean and Feta Enchiladas with Salsa Verde,  Southwestern Pasta. READ

Find out how our Divabetic ‘Spaghetti Western’ themed Father’s Day Celebration is shedding new light on ‘Great Silence’ aka Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in this guest blog by Janis Roszler MSFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND READ


Love to Me by Poet Lorraine Brooks

I requested that Poet Lorraine Brooks tackle the topic of ‘self love’ in her poetry on On February’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast in celebration of Valentine’s Day.

What if, when you make your list of valentines, you include yourself this time? Showing yourself and your diabetes health some love could be your sweetest decision yet….

If we don’t take the time to honor and appreciate ourselves, how can we expect that others will?

With this inspiration, we hope that you feel the love from everyone around you, including yourself – maybe not just today, but year round! Happy Valentine’s day!

Love to Me by Poet Lorraine Brooks

can I return my love to me

with stems of flowers by the sea

or maybe with a beating heart

that says our paths must never part…

i think my love can never say

the feelings I felt yesterday

and so I focus here and now

and try to love me anyhow.

My hair my eyes my brows my cheeks

the pound I lost, that took me weeks

my nose my mouth my chin and neck

my weight that I must keep in check.

impatience at the world I see

and people who look down at me

I love myself in spite of that

in spite of what I’m looking at.

I compliment my mirrored face

the age that fills my eyes with grace

the lines have formed around my smile

I’ve loved them now for, quite a while.

my body is another story

but still I love it in its glory

that’s a little harder task

acceptance there is all I ask.

i love myself enough to do

the things that help me follow through.

I tell myself I’m good enough

In fact, I think I’m quite hot stuff.

I’m happy I can look at me

And satisfied with what I see.

So please make friends with what you’ve got

Don’t make yourself an afterthought.

Be kind, be loving, and embrace

Your body, thoughts, and lovely face.

Hear Poet Lorraine Brooks read ‘Love to Me’ on-air during February’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with music by George Michael.

LISTEN NOW: Diabetes Late Nite inspired by George Michael podcast featuring Chef Ward Alper aka ‘The Decadent Diabetic’, ‘Rich In Love’ fashion blogger Doris Hobbs, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach, Poet Lorraine Brooks and Laura Laria.

February’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast is part of #DPodcastWeek in support of the “Spare a Rose, Save a Child” campaign. “Spare a Rose, Save a Child” encourages people to buy one less rose this Valentine’s Day and donate the value of that flower to children with diabetes. Donations go to Life for a Child, an International Diabetes Federation program which provides life-saving diabetes supplies, medication, and education that children in developing countries need to stay alive. (Artwork pictured by Lorraine Brooks)

Don’t Look Back

Another year of life and love

And many things to be proud of.

Surviving all the ups and downs

The strength to smile, instead of frown.

Many people we lost last year,

And still we strive to be of good cheer.

Forward looking, into the sun,

Thankful for things done and undone.

Ever increasing our knowledge and worth

Enjoying all of our time here on earth.

Read “Don’t Look Back” in its entirety HERE

‘Don’t Look Back’ by Poet Lorraine Brooks


Another year means a new beginning for all of us. This is a perfect time to dream big and to become a better person than you were before. Divabetic’s  aim is to encourage you to ‘sparkle’ not just survive with diabetes in 2017.  Whether you’re confused about nutritional labels, outraged over health costs, stuck in a fashion rut, discouraged by your food choices and/or at a loss for words, we’re sharing expert advice to empower you to have a ‘New Attitude’ about living well with diabetes.

Poet Lorraine Brooks shares her words of inspiration in her newest poem, ‘Don’t Look Back’:

Another year of life and love

And many things to be proud of.

Surviving all the ups and downs

The strength to smile, instead of frown.

Many people we lost last year,

And still we strive to be of good cheer.

Forward looking, into the sun,

Thankful for things done and undone.

Ever increasing our knowledge and worth

Enjoying all of our time here on earth.

We strive to be honest, courageous, and bold,

Regardless of age, trying not to act “old”.

Accepting the world with its troubles and woes,

And being OK with your friends and your foes.

What have we, then, at the end of the year,

When the clock is ticking, and midnight is near…

When we look into the eyes of our lovers

And look back at everything we’ve discovered

And understand all, of the things we have lost

And celebrate all of the bridges we crossed

And drink a big toast to the ones who passed on

Who we still love and cherish although they are gone

While the seconds are counting down to a few

And we take a deep breath to start anew

And the crystal ball moves down its silvery spike

And we wish for all of the things we would like

When its only 10 seconds left in ’16

And our hearts begin pounding while watching the screen

And there they are playing Auld Lang Syne

And we lift our glasses and toast with some wine…

What we have is stillness deep in our heart

And a new dedication to make a new start

To open new chapters and write a new book

And follow new avenues over the brook

Inventing new attitudes, trying new thoughts

Forgetting all yesterdays and what they have wrought…

Here’s to tomorrow

Cheers to the dawn

New times are coming

Time to move on.

Good lives I wish you

And also for me.

And toasting to everything…



Divabetic wants to inspire you sparkle not just survive with diabetes in 2017. We’re asking our favorite experts in beauty/fashion, food and diabetes self-care to share advice on how to celebrate the holidays without compromising your diabetes health. Chef Ward Alper, The Decadent Diabetic share his healthy and delicious recipes for the perfect Divabetic New Year’s Day Brunch to help you kick off a New Year with a New Attitude! READ: http://divabetic.org/2016/12/29/the-perfect-bubbles-buffet-blouse-for-a-divabetic-new-years-day-brunch/


LISTEN: Laugh a little, Learn a lot! Enjoy an exciting mix of diabetes education, poetry, games, prizes and music by today’s hottest artists courtesy of SONY Music on Diabetes Late Nite. Divabetic’s free monthly podcasts are available for free on demand anytime, anywhere on i-Tunes, Divabetic.org and blogtalkradio.com.


LISTEN: Mr. Divabetic Show on Women’s Health Issues in 2017. From reproductive rights to Medicare coverage, there could be a lot of policy changes impacting US women over the next four years. Additionally, many women may feel threatened from hearing about a powerful leader’s many sexual assault accusations and the rising incidents of hate crimes post-election.  Guests include: Dr. Andrea Chisholm OBGYN, Peak 10 Skincare founder and Domestic Violence Advocate Connie Elder, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Mary Ann Hodorowicz RD, CDE, Asha Brown, and the President of Women in Government Relations, Kathryn Schubert.


There’s A Pill For That

We live in a world where appearances rule.

And its what we look like that matters.

People make comments that sometimes are cruel

And can leave our emotions in tatters.

We live in a world where performances reign

And if we are lacking or tired…

Or even if we are in physical pain,

We still want to do whats required.

We’re told there’s a pill for whatever we lack,

Read “There’s A Pill For That” in its entirety HERE

‘There’s A Pill For That’ by Poet Lorraine Brooks

there's a pill.001

On December’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast we focus on people with diabetes’s interest in ‘getting off their meds’.

Today, a full 61 percent of adults use at least one drug to treat a chronic health problem, a nearly 15 percent rise since 2001. More than 1 in 4 seniors gulp down at least five medications daily as reported by Healthination in US News & Reports. The trend has multiple causes: a spike in diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis related to obesity; revised medical guidelines that treat high blood sugar, hypertension, and high cholesterol sooner; and a multibillion-dollar push by pharmaceutical companies to speak directly to consumers about the payoff in trusting our hearts to Lipitor, say, or taking Boniva to help stop bone loss. But many experts worry that one unintended effect of all the pharmacological success is that many people may be blithely taking drugs they don’t need, potentially setting themselves up for severe consequences.

Poet Lorraine Brooks shares her insight on this topic with her poem, ‘There’s A Pill For That’ on December’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast:

There’s A Pill for That by Lorraine Brooks

We live in a world where appearances rule.

And its what we look like that matters.

People make comments that sometimes are cruel

And can leave our emotions in tatters.

We live in a world where performances reign

And if we are lacking or tired…

Or even if we are in physical pain,

We still want to do whats required.

We’re told there’s a pill for whatever we lack,

From energy, to building breasts.

there’s something that soothes your aching back,

There’s something helps you to rest.

There’s something to aid with your bloating and gas,

There’s pills that will keep you from eating.

There’s medicine that makes erections to last,

And stuff that will aid with excreting.

So off to the pharmacy, scrips to be filled,

And looking for fixes and cures.

Just one more tonic, or two of these pills,

And perfection of health can be yours!

But all of these things, while they may work for some,

They also may lead to frustration.

There’s some things you cant easily overcome

By relying on quick medication.

But also there’s people who may need these aids

For reasons that suit their conditions.

And those are the people we shouldn’t dissuade

From listening to their clinicians.

For me, I am different, as 1 is my “type”

And I get confused and defeated.

because if I listen to all of the hype,

I sometimes feel like I’ve been cheated.

Pills and elixirs, and lifestyle adjusting

Are not part of my repartee.

What I need is the knowledge that people are trusting

That I’m making choices best for ME.

So here’s my 2 cents, and its just my own take.

Everyone’s life is unique.

Do what works for YOU, the decisions you make,

Will put you on your own winning


LISTEN NOW: December’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with guests include Diabetes Alert Dog expert, Debby Kay CDT, CDTA, PDTI, Megrette Fletcher, MEd, RD, CDE, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach, Janis Roszler RD, CDE, LDN, Emmy winning Producer, Linda Bracero Morel, Poet Lorraine Brooks and Mama Rose Marie. Plus, we’re giving away 6 months access to mySugr Pro in our INSTANT WINNER challenge.   Throughout the podcast we will be featuring music from Leona Lewis’ “Christmas, with Love” album courtesy of SONY Music.