Can Brains Be Insulin Resistant?

“The higher the blood sugar, the high the brain sugar,” says Psychiatrist Georgia Ede MD. “If your blood sugar is going too high too often so is your brain sugar. But remember that your insulin will plateau at a certain point.”

A recent study out of BYU has linked lifestyle choice to Alzheimer’s disease. “Growing evidence that the brains in humans with Alzheimer’s disease are deficient in the use of glucose,” tweeted one of our friends, and colleagues, Dr. Lori Shemek PhD.

As the brain becomes more insulin resistant, it can’t take in glucose anymore. Brain insulin resistance is a common and early feature of Alzheimer’s disease, closely tied to cognitive decline and capable of promoting many biological abnormalities in the disorder.

“While swimming in a sea of glucose, your brain can literally starve to death,” says Psychiatrist Georgia Ede MD.

While not affecting neuronal glucose uptake, brain insulin resistance in AD is similar to muscle insulin resistance in Type 2 diabetes (T2D). In both circumstances, insulin is much less able to activate a specific signaling pathway than is normally the case.



Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast guests include Asha Brown, Maximize Your Metabolism Co-Authors Dr. Noel Maclaren and Sunita Singh Maclaren, Trisha Artman, Dana B. Roseman, MPH, CDCES, RDN, Know Diabetes By Heart’s Karen Dawson and Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE.

In 1985, Barbra Streisand returned to her roots with the release of her twenty-fourth album, The Broadway Album. Having decided that Broadway musicals were no longer in the same league as some of the more commercial music dominating the charts in the early ‘70s, Streisand ended up taking an unforeseen fifteen-year break from Broadway and show tunes. This return to her “roots” was a shock to many, worrisome for some, but ultimately a massive success, both critically and commercially.

It’s almost time to raise the curtains again in New York City, says Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Broadway needs to come back, and we will move heaven and earth to bring Broadway back,” he said. New York City’s theaters have been shut down for more than a year, since Mar. 12, 2020.

Throughout the podcast, we will be featuring music from Barbra Streisand’s The Broadway Album courtesy of SONY Music.

Tune in over 140 Diva TalkRadio podcasts available for free on i-tunes (‘Divabetic’). Get the latest in diva news, diabetes headlines and inspiration by joining our Divabetic facebook page.

Barbra Streisand’s The Broadway Album inspires Diabetes Late Nite Podcast In May!

We’re raising the curtain on important diabetes health-related topics such as diabulimia, stroke, and insulin resistance on this Broadway-themed podcast.

Are you ready to make a comeback!

Never in its 120 years has Broadway been dark this long. Producers are on Zoom calls every day, trying to figure out when and how their industry can reopen. What are you doing to manage your diabetes health?

There is no way to know your blood glucose levels without monitoring. You need to be able to see what it is you need to do and when you have time to do it. Being able to sync your “to-do” list with your appointments and daily diabetes-related tasks is the essence of creating a time sense and time planning.

Broadway employs 90,000 people and contributes over $2 billion a year to the city’s economy. But theater people and theatergoers can find a measure of comfort in the past. Broadway has faced several existential crises before and has always managed to claw its way back, often more vibrant than ever.

You can do it too!

Sometimes the best way to overcome an obstacle is to identify it. Think about what is keeping you from being active and/or cognizant of your self-care. Then google some of the American Diabetes Association’s solutions to the most common barriers. Is there a solution for you?

Learning effective time-management and diabetes self-management skills requires embracing new behaviors as well as utilizing your own unique strategies.

Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast guests include We Are Diabetes Asha Brown, Maximize Your Metabolism Co-Authors Dr. Noel Maclaren and Sunita Singh Maclaren, Coach The Cure Trisha Artman, and Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE.


In 1985, Barbra Streisand returned to her roots with the release of her twenty-fourth album, The Broadway AlbumHaving decided that Broadway musicals were no longer in the same league as some of the more commercial music dominating the charts in the early ‘70s, Streisand ended up taking an unforeseen fifteen-year break from Broadway and show tunes. This return to her “roots” was a shock to many, worrisome for some, but ultimately a massive success, both critically and commercially.

From the Putting It Together introduction right through the explosive Somewhere finale, this album is a sumptuous combination of the ultimate in voice, selected material, and arrangements. Standouts include Putting It Together, which kicks things off with laughter and lightness with some biting insights and undercurrents into the hopes and fears of this project, and the upbeat Something’s Coming.

It’s almost time to raise the curtains again in New York City, says Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Broadway needs to come back, and we will move heaven and earth to bring Broadway back,” he said. New York City’s theaters have been shut down for more than a year, since Mar. 12, 2020.

Throughout the podcast, we will be featuring music from Barbra Streisand’s The Broadway Album courtesy of SONY Music.

Tune in over 140 Diva TalkRadio podcasts available for free on i-tunes  (‘Divabetic’). Get the latest in diva news, diabetes headlines, and inspiration by joining our Divabetic facebook page.

Former Soloist Ballerina Zippora Karz Guests On Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite Podcast

“For many years, I struggled silently, trying to hide the fact that I was in over my head and I didn’t know if I could keep dancing. I didn’t have a diabetes educator, and I didn’t have a doctor who understood. I was misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes because I was in my early twenties,” says Former Soloist Ballerina Zippora Karz, living with type 1 diabetes, on Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast featuring music by Christina Aguilera.

Zippora joined the New York City Ballet at seventeen in the 80s. She danced to George Balanchine’s ballets every night.

What’s life like for a ballerina?

“You are creating a new vocabulary within your body. You have to work on it every day. We take morning classes to improve your legs’ line and your jumps and turns because it’s not natural. And then, you a different program every night. A six-hour rehearsal day, and then you perform that night.”

“I was in my third year with the ballet when I was diagnosed with diabetes,” says Zippora. “However, my doctors didn’t understand the athleticism and energy output of a ballerina.

So what kept her going?

“I felt pressure to prove that nothing changed. But the magic I experienced dancing was so intense that I had to keep going and had to preserve.”

Former New York City Ballet Soloist Ballerina & Author (Sugarless Plum) Zippora Karz is a guest on this episode of Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast. We Are Diabetes founder Asha Brown, Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, and Mama Rose Marie.

Embracing Your Body & Your Diabetes

“I would look in the mirror, and I didn’t feel beautiful,” says singer Elle King about the insecurities she felt as a teen.

The “Ex’s and Oh’s” Grammy Nominated singer felt pressures to measure up to conventional beauty standards. But her mother, model London King, encouraged her to accept herself.

“My mom always raised me to love myself; she always told me I was beautiful,” King adds in the video reports PEOPLE magazine. “You’ll never feel beautiful unless you believe it inside. I had to go on my own journey to find that.”

Elle King’s personal journey to self-acceptance meant focusing on her passion for creativity, from writing songs — to experimenting with body art.

“I don’t sing, walk, talk, act like anyone else. That’s what I think is beautiful: People that stand out. Because if we all looked the same, I think the world would be a really boring place.”

Today, the singer has about 50 tattoos, which are inspired by her adventures in life and love.

Don’t Get Down, Get DIVA!

Research shows that self-esteem can be a key factor influencing health care behaviors.

Let our Diva Inspiration Elle King’s journey inspire you to see the beauty inside of you. Recognize that your body is your own, no matter what shape or size – focus on how strong and healthy you are!

Diva Inspiration Elle King says she doesn’t believe you can love another person or be in love unless you love yourself. We wholeheartedly agree and hope her music  inspires you to love yourself just the way you are!

Guests include Dr. Lori Shemek PhD, We Are Diabetes founder, Asha Brown, Author Ginger Vieria, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Divabetic Image & Style Advisor Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP and Mama Rose Marie. Hosted by Mr. Divabetic.

Throughout this Diabetes Late Nite podcast we are playing selected cuts from Elle King’s “LOVE STUFF” courtesy of SONY MUSIC.

Note: Elle King is not living with diabetes. However, she has battled substance abuse, depression and PTSD. Today, having made it through the darkness, Elle King shares her story on her album, Shake the Spirit to help inspire others. We hope she can inspire you to ‘GLAM MORE, FEAR LESS.’

Elle King adds, “I’ve changed a lot. I’m finding my own self-love, and I’m inviting love, outwardly in. … You can go through something crazy in your life, and you can come back from it.”

31 Days of Divabetic Podcasts, Day Twenty Four

Divabetic ( presents a month-long showcase celebrating 10 years of diabetes podcasting. Each of the featured podcasts spotlights our favorite guests, topics, poems, games and/or musical inspiration. Enjoy!

On Day 24, we’re spotlighting Divabetic’s Gypsies, Tramps & Peas Mystery Podcast from September 2017.

“I love  so many elements in this show starting with the soundtrack which has so many great songs and the setting, historic Coney Island,” says Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek. “Add to that, Catherine Schuller’s wacky nutrition fortune teller character, “Nutrina” from Divabetic’s popular Broomstick Bash healthy Halloween outreach program making an appearance. I also put a lot more of myself into this script. I was on my high school team and I have disliked peas since childhood.  As much as I like to think I’m different from my character, ‘Mr. Divabetic’, we are basically one in the same!”

Diabetes advocate turned reluctant amateur sleuth, Mr. Divabetic finally takes the plunge and ventures into a new career as a healthy caterer. With the help of his co-workers and nosy Italian mother, he heads for Coney Island to cater his first party aboard a yacht for his former swim coach, Ted Rockow. But his nautical soiree quickly capsizes when the guest of honor is found swimming with the fishes. What it an accident or foul play? Now Mr. Divabetic’s grilling Burlesque dancers, a lifeguard lothario and some sequined mermaids, all intent on keeping their secrets buried deep within the sand. Can Mr. Divabetic prove Coach’s death was a murder, not an accident? Or will he end up floating out to sea?

Will he sink or swim? Tune in to find out if he can solve the murder of his former swim coach with the help of his friends, some sassy mermaids and a cooky fortune teller. Along the way to revealing the identity of the murderer he uncovers expert tips for diabetes self-care during the Summer months.

USA Today Best-Selling Author, Tonya Kappes, Asha Brown, Catherine Schuller, Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’, Seveda Williams, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, MaryAnn Horst Nicolay, Mama Rose Marie and Poet Lorraine Brooks help the fruit suit clad sleuth in this seaside adventure. Gypsies, Tramps & Peas features music from the original cast recording of ‘Gypsy’ courtesy of SONY Music.

Our monthly podcasts are dedicated to Music Lovers living with, at risk and/or affected by diabetes. We aim to be the epicenter of the circle of care, a link between patients and their health care providers, a translator of clinical speak and a bridge between denial and acceptance, fear and confidence

Divabetic was inspired by the late music legend, Luther Vandross and created in 2005 by Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek, who, as Vandross’ assistant of 14 years, witnessed his boss, mentor, and friend struggle in silence and solitude with the diabetes and its related complications. Since its inception, Divabetic has presented outreach programs in 15 major U.S. cities, reaching hundreds of thousands of women, their families and health care professionals.

Experience more of our GLAM MORE, FEAR LESS philosophy at


31 Days of Divabetic Podcasts, Day Twenty Two

Divabetic ( presents a month-long showcase celebrating 10 years of diabetes podcasting. Each of the featured podcasts spotlights our favorite guests, topics, poems, games and/or musical inspiration. Enjoy!

On Day 21, we’re spotlighting Divabetic’s Mr. Divabetic Show on Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder podcast from July 2019.

Mr. Divabetic discusses Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) on this one hour of wellness with a wow podcast.

PMDD is a severe, sometimes disabling extension of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that start about 7 to 10 days before a woman gets her monthly period.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists estimates that at least 85 percent of menstruating women have at least one PMS symptom as part of their monthly cycle. PMS is much more common than PMDD.

The symptoms of PMDD are similar to but more severe than those experienced in PMS.

Symptoms of PMDD include:

  • mood changes, including irritability, nervousness, anxiety
  • severe fatique
  • crying and emotional sensitivity
  • difficulty concentrating
  • heart palpitations
  • paranoia and issues with self-image
  • coordination difficulties
  • forgetfulness
  • abdominal bloating, increased appetite and gastrointestinal upset
  • headaches
  • backache
  • muscle spasms, numbness or tingling in the extremities
  • hot flashes
  • dizziness
  • fainting
  • sleeplessness
  • vision changes and eye complaints
  • respiratory complaints, such as allergies and infections
  • painful menses
  • decreased libido
  • easy bruising
  • heightened sensitivity

Biologic, psychological, environmental, and social factors all seem to play a part in PMDD. It is important to note that PMDD is not the fault of the woman suffering from it or the result of a “weak” or unstable personality. It is also not something that is “all in the woman’s head.”

Rather, PMDD is a medical illness that impacts only 3% to 8% of women. Fortunately, it can be treated by a health care professional with behavioral and pharmaceutical options.

Podcast Guests: Dr. Andrea Chisholm OBGYN, Peak 10 Skin founder Connie Elder, We Are Diabetes founder, Asha Brown, and Laura L. who are both living with type 1 diabetes.

Throughout the podcast we will be playing selected songs from P.M. Dawn’s live album courtesy of SONY Music.


Our monthly podcasts are dedicated to Music Lovers living with, at risk and/or affected by diabetes. We aim to be the epicenter of the circle of care, a link between patients and their health care providers, a translator of clinical speak and a bridge between denial and acceptance, fear and confidence

Divabetic was inspired by the late music legend, Luther Vandross and created in 2005 by Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek, who, as Vandross’ assistant of 14 years, witnessed his boss, mentor, and friend struggle in silence and solitude with the diabetes and its related complications. Since its inception, Divabetic has presented outreach programs in 15 major U.S. cities, reaching hundreds of thousands of women, their families and health care professionals.

Experience more of our GLAM MORE, FEAR LESS philosophy at

31 Days of Divabetic Podcasts, Day Thirteen

Divabetic ( presents a month-long showcase celebrating 10 years of diabetes podcasting. Each of the featured podcasts spotlights our favorite guests, topics, poems, games and/or musical inspiration. Enjoy!

On Day 13, we’re spotlighting Divabetic’s Dabetes Roundtable podcast inspired by 20 Feet From Stardom podcast from 2013.

The compelling Academy Award winning documentary, 20 Feet from Stardom,  focuses on the untold true story of the backup singers behind some of the greatest musical legends of the 21st century including Bruce Springsteen, The Rolling Stone, Bette Midler and Luther Vandross. Triumphant and heartbreaking in equal measure, the film is both a tribute to the unsung voices who brought shape and style to popular music and a reflection on the conflicts, sacrifices and rewards of a career spent harmonizing with others.

The happy healthcare, Mr. Divabetic aims to encourage everyone with diabetes to back up their daily self-care management with a team of professionals. Strive to create a team aka ‘entourage’ to help you perform at your best in the same way your favorite famous ‘diva’ has done. Managing blood sugars can be challenging and overwhelming at times. It’s important to find answers to your questions, connect with others and get the support you need during difficult times.

Tonight’s special guests include: 20 Feet From Stardom star, Lisa Fischer, Actor, Screenwriter and Author of ‘Good Like This’ Peter Arpesella, Authors Ginger Vieira and Riva Greenberg, Poet Lorraine BrooksMama Rose MariePatricia Addie-Gentle, RN, CDE, Pam Butler MS, CDE, Janice Harris RN, CDE and Asha Brown, the founder of the We Are Diabetes organization ( and is living with type 1 diabetes.

Our monthly podcasts are dedicated to Music Lovers living with, at risk and/or affected by diabetes. We aim to be the epicenter of the circle of care, a link between patients and their health care providers, a translator of clinical speak and a bridge between denial and acceptance, fear and confidence

Divabetic was inspired by the late music legend, Luther Vandross and created in 2005 by Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek, who, as Vandross’ assistant of 14 years, witnessed his boss, mentor, and friend struggle in silence and solitude with the diabetes and its related complications. Since its inception, Divabetic has presented outreach programs in 15 major U.S. cities, reaching hundreds of thousands of women, their families and health care professionals.

Experience more of our GLAM MORE, FEAR LESS philosophy at

Divabetic’s Mystery Phrase #10

Can you complete the Tina Turner-inspired Divabetic Mystery Phrase below? Diabetes self-care can be emotionally taxing, but reframing your mind-set can have powerful results.

Mystery Phrase

Self-help books often promote the power of positive affirmations. If you’ve never tried them before, the idea can seem incredibly awkward to tell yourself how awesome you are.

Positive affirmations help to re-program your thought patterns and change the way you think and feel about things. They are short positive statements that can help you focus on goals, get rid of negative, self-defeating beliefs and program your subconscious mind.

And yes, there is genuine theory and a fair amount of neuroscience behind this practice.

If you’re struggling to cope with your diabetes diagnosis: try repeating positive affirmations to yourself each morning to steer your mood in the right direction. This way of thinking can be helpful when the mental burden of diabetes management gets tough.

Your constant worrying of what you’re not doing and/or how much more you could and should be doing for your diabetes wellness doesn’t feel empowering, because it isn’t. That inner talk isn’t true or real.

Putting yourself down at every chance you get doesn’t draw you closer to what you want to create in your life, nor does it help your diabetes health.

Start believing in yourself and believing deeply—on every level—that you are doing your best.

We think you’re fabulous!

Divabetic Survey

Tell us how we’re doing. Take our quick Divabetic Podcast Listener Survey to help us identify the topics that matter to you most.


Divabetic’s Mystery Podcast

Diabetes advocate turned reluctant amateur sleuth, Mr. Divabetic finally takes the plunge and ventures into a new career as a healthy caterer on Divabetic’s Mystery Podcast, ‘Gypsies, Tramps & Peas.’

With the help of his co-workers and nosy Italian mother, he heads for Coney Island to cater his first party aboard a yacht for his former swim coach, Ted Rockow. But his nautical soiree quickly capsizes when the guest of honor is found swimming with the fishes. What it an accident or foul play? Now Mr. Divabetic’s grilling Burlesque dancers, a lifeguard lothario and some sequined mermaids, all intent on keeping their secrets buried deep within the sand. Can Mr. Divabetic prove Coach’s death was a murder, not an accident? Or will he end up floating out to sea?

Will he sink or swim? Tune in to find out if he can solve the murder of his former swim coach with the help of his friends, some sassy mermaids and a cooky fortune teller. Along the way to revealing the identity of the murderer he uncovers expert tips for diabetes self-care during the Summer months.

USA Today Best-Selling Author, Tonya Kappes, Asha Brown, Catherine Schuller, Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’, Seveda Williams, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, MaryAnn Horst Nicolay, Mama Rose Marie and Poet Lorraine Brooks help the fruit suit clad sleuth in this seaside adventure.

This year’s mystery podcast features music from the original cast recording of ‘Gypsy’ courtesy of SONY Music.

Gypsies, Tramps & Peas Mystery Podcast

Diabetes advocate turned reluctant amateur sleuth, Mr. Divabetic finally takes the plunge and ventures into a new career as a healthy caterer in Divabetic’s Mystery podcast, ‘Gypsies, Tramps & Peas’.

. With the help of his co-workers and nosy Italian mother, he heads for Coney Island to cater his first party aboard a yacht for his former swim coach, Ted Rockow. But his nautical soiree quickly capsizes when the guest of honor is found swimming with the fishes. What it an accident or foul play? Now Mr. Divabetic’s grilling Burlesque dancers, a lifeguard lothario and some sequined mermaids, all intent on keeping their secrets buried deep within the sand. Can Mr. Divabetic prove Coach’s death was a murder, not an accident? Or will he end up floating out to sea?

Will he sink or swim?

Tune in to find out if he can solve the murder of his former swim coach with the help of his friends, some sassy mermaids and a cooky fortune teller. Along the way to revealing the identity of the murderer he uncovers expert tips for diabetes self-care during the Summer months.

Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, Asha Brown, Catherine Schuller, Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’, Seveda Williams, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, MaryAnn Horst Nicolay, Mama Rose Marie & Lorraine Brooks star in Divabetic’s ‘Gypsies, Tramp & Peas’ Mystery Podcast


Mr. Divabetic at the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island

Gout & Diabetes

My three brothers all have gout. I have psorasis and one brother is also living with type 1 diabetes. Is there any connection?

Gout is a type of arthritis that happens when a substance called uric acid builds up in your blood. It causes joint pain, especially in the big toe

Gout and diabetes are two different health problems, but if you have one, you’re more likely to get the other.

People with type 2 diabetes often have high levels of uric acid in their blood, which could be due to extra fat. If you’re overweight, your body creates more insulin. That makes it harder for your kidneys get rid of uric acid, which may lead to gout. 

There’s also a link exists between gout and heart problems and the new findings show the need for people to talk to their doctors about added risks.

Two reasons for why gout might increase the risk of cardiovascular disease are increased oxidative stress and inflammation.


Diabetes Late Nite Inspired by Jennifer Lopez

Enjoy expert advice on diabetes health, fabulous fashion and beauty news and real talk about eating disorders related to diabetes.

Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Catherine Schuller, Mama Rose Marie, @WeAreDiabetes founder, Asha Brown, Constance Brown-Riggs, MSEd, RD, CDE, CDN & Lorraine Brooks guest on Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with music from #JenniferLopez.


Clued Inn

Don’t miss Divabetic’s free Clued Inn: Diabetes & Heart Escape Rooms on Diabetes Alert Day on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 in New York City. Registration opens soon.