How Much Sugar Is In Starbuck’s Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte?

Starbucks announced that the popular Pumpkin Spice Latte is officially coming back today, August 25, for its earliest recorded release day ever!

The drink is back for its 17th year (!!!) and as always you can get it hot, iced, or blended.

Starbuck’s Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte with 2 percent milk and whipped cream is 380 calories, according to Starbucks’ website. This includes 14 grams of fat, 52 grams of carbs and 50 grams of sugar.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends eating no more than 12.5 teaspoons of sugar each day, or about 50 grams (the same amount found in a Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte and a 16 oz. bottle of Coke!).  You are having a day’s worth of sugar in one drink!

The idea is to limit sugar consumption to 10 percent of a person’s daily total calories. Currently, Americans get about 16 percent of their calories from added sugars on average.

Over time, consistently taking in more sugar will lead to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t easily take up glucose from your blood, leading to prediabetes.

Prediabetes means your blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.

A new report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that among Americans age 20 and older, as many as 73 million Americans have prediabetes, which is about 1 in 3 Americans! That’s a lot of missed opportunities to prevent diabetes by cutting down on sugar intake.

Help Us Light the Way During National Diabetes Awareness Month (November)

Approximately 96 million American adults—more than 1 in 3—have prediabetes. Did you know that over 80% don’t know they have it? Prediabetes increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

This November, join Divabetic’s Blue Candle initiative and encourage your friends, co-workers, and family members to be screened for pre-diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offers a quick, easy online Pre-Diabetes risk test.

Prediabetes Risk Test

Be by their side when they check, and share your experience of living well with diabetes so they can see that living well with diabetes is possible. Together, we can help others come out of the dark, address their diabetes health status, and start living their lives to the fullest.

There’s a good indication that murder might be part of the recipe when Nantucket’s ten-time reigning Baking Champion’s last name is ‘Coffin’ in Divabetic’s Mystery Podcast, Kill Me Madam

But resentment, greed, and Britannia’s bad dealings turn everyone into a suspect when she’s found dead in the parking lot just before the Annual Decadents on Deck! Bake Off competition is about to kick off.

Delusional baker and amateur sleuth Mr. Divabetic is even shocked to find himself being treated as a suspect in the case by the local police after meeting her just once!

As if his life wasn’t crazy enough before, escaping a murderous mishap in New York and attempting a fresh start in Nantucket has turned into a complete and utter baking disaster. Now Max, along with his friends and nosy mother, have to add tracking down a murderer to his To-Do list, too.

Can our team hunt down the real murderer before they strike again? Will he become the next victim? Can Max ever manage to bake a cake that’s actually edible?

Divabetic’s Mystery podcast cast includes Tonya Kappes, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, MaryAnn Horst-Nicolay MEd, NDRT, Lorraine Brooks, Catherine Schuller, Wendy Radford, Trisha Artman, Mama Rose Marie, Seveda Williams, and Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek. Produced by Leisa Chester-Weir.

Throughout the  podcast, we will feature music from the Broadway Cast Album of ‘Call Me Madam’ courtesy of SONY Music.

Wheel of Wellness on NYC’s Halloween Street

Mr. Divabetic kicked off National Diabetes Awareness month, November, one day early by taking to the streets with fun, interactive diabetes advocacy on Halloween night.

He presented Divabetic’s Wheel of Wellness featuring the Energy Up! Sugar Shock demonstration on NYC’s most iconic Halloween Street.

We demonstrated the SCARY amount of ADDED SUGAR in popular drinks (fruit juice, energy drinks, soda, sports drinks and vitamin waters).

Every sugary beverage featured in our presentation contains 6 teaspoons of added sugar. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar per day for women and 9 teaspoons (38 grams) for men. Limit daily sugar to 6 teaspoons (25 g) for women, 9 teaspoons (38 g) for men. Yet, the average American consumes 17 teaspoons (71.14 grams) every day.

Initially we were a bit skeptical about our message and participation going over like a lead balloon with the crowds. We’re glad we pushed any doubts and fears aside because last night was one of the most amazing diabetes wellness outreach experiences in our 16 year history. Hundreds of kids and their parents were very appreciative of our message and screamed ‘Wheel of Wellness’ as people took turns spinning the prize wheel.

On top of that, we we’re proud to bring some visibility to an invisible chronic illness. People tell us they feel isolated with diabetes so Mr.. Divabetic’s Fruit Suit emblazoned with the word ‘DIVABETIC’ on the back is a friendly reminder that they are not alone.

Thank you to HINT Water for providing our participants with a great tasting, healthy beverage alternative.

We’re talking about ‘THE SWEETEST TABOO’ aka ‘ADDED SUGAR’ with musical inspiration from Sade on Diabetes Late Nite.

Sugar is everywhere. But do we really understand the impact it has on our diabetes health? 

If asked to name sugary foods, you may think of sweets, chocolate, sodas, table sugar, and perhaps even fruit. But sugar also appears in savoury foods such as ready meals, soups, salads and sauces; as well as ‘healthy’ foods such as breakfast cereals and yogurt. Furthermore, starches such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes also convert to sugar in our bloodstream, having the same impact on our bodies. These ‘hidden sugars’ can add a surprising amount to our daily intake. 

Guests include Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Tameka Milline, Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP. Kathy Dolgin aka ‘High Voltage’, and Stephanie MacKendree. Throughout the podcast we will be featuring music from ‘The Essential Sade’ album courtesy of SONY Music. 


Learn How Much Added Sugar is In Your Favorite Drinks on Halloween Streets

We’re taking Divabetic’s unique brand of Diabetes Outreach to the streets! With eye opening, hands on, Scary Sugary Drinks demonstrations about how much sugar is in popular drinks (fruit juice, iced teas, sodas, sports drinks) on NYC’s Halloween Streets.

Sugary drinks are responsible for almost half the added sugar consumed by American children, but many parents aren’t aware of how much sugar is in the drinks they serve their children.

Last year, nearly two-thirds of the $2.2 billion in beverages marketed to children contained added sweeteners, according to a report released last week by the Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity at the University of Connecticut.

A 20-ounce bottle of soda could have the same amount of sugar as 16 chocolate mini doughnuts. You wouldn’t want your children to eat that much sugar. So why let them drink it? A large amount of added sugar can be hiding in drinks. That’s why it’s important to always check the back of the bottle. Read the list of ingredients and the nutrition facts label to see how much sugar is in your drink.

How To Figure Out The Added Sugar In Your Favorite Drink

If you drink the entire container, you’ll need to multiply the grams of sugar in one serving by the total number of servings in the container to calculate the total grams of sugar. Then, divide total grams of sugar by 4 to get the total number of teaspoons of added sugar in the drink.

Stop by, win fun prizes and enjoy #HINTWater samples.

Hint water contains only water and delicious fruit flavors. No sugar, no diet sweeteners, no calories. Whole30 approved. 

The Truth About Added Sugars & Your Health

It only takes is trying to read one food label for anyone to become extremely frustrated when trying to decipher exactly how much added sugar is contained in a specific food product.  Unfortunately for us many food marketers like ot use sexy-sounding health-claims, fancy buzzwords, and seemingly “good-for-you” taglines that make it downright difficult to know what types of foods actually contain added sugar in them, and which ones do not.

To tell if a processed food contains added sugars, you need to look at the list of ingredients and have a dictionary handy. Sugar has many other names. Besides those ending in “ose,” such as maltose or sucrose, other names for sugar include high fructose corn syrup, molasses, cane sugar, corn sweetener, raw sugar, syrup, honey or fruit juice concentrates. Learn more about reading food labels.

For the record, the American Heart Association’s recommended maximum amount of added sugars is much lower than the amount most Americans consume. For most American women, that’s no more than 100 calories per day, or about 6 teaspoons of sugar. For men, it’s 150 calories per day, or about 9 teaspoons. he AHA recommendations focus on all added sugars, without singling out any particular types such as high-fructose corn syrup.  For more detailed information and guidance on sugar intake limits, see the scientific statement(link opens in new window) in the August 2009 issue of Circulation, Journal of the American Heart Association.

My food friend and mentor, health and wellness pioneer Kathie Dolgin aka ’High Voltage’ has a wonderful mantra ’no more than 24 grams in 24 hours’ that makes it easy to remember. 

Here’s why:

The phrase, “No Sugar Added” or “No Added Sugar” on packaged foods is our #1 pet peeve. For one, it’s everywhere lately (especially since it’ll be mandatory on labels by 2018). It’s also tricking you into thinking you’re purchasing something that it’s not (that is, a nutritious food for you and your family!).

According to the FDA, food manufacturers may use the term “no added sugar” if “no amount of sugars, or any other ingredient that contains sugars that functionally substitute for added sugars is added during processing or packaging.” The loophole? Juice, of course. It’s made up of the simplest sugars on the planet, allowing it to immediately enter your digestive tract and be absorbed by the cells of your bloodstream.

While the FDA states that “concentrated fruit juice” can’t be used as a sweetener in a product labeled “no sugar added,” you bet many food products can still use “fruit juice from concentrate” (water plus fruit concentrate) as a form of added sugar.

You’re better off eating the whole fruit, not just the juice that fruit contains — regardless of the processing technique, price point, packaging, or celebrity endorser.

Added sugars contribute zero nutrients but many added calories that can lead to extra pounds or even obesity, thereby reducing heart health.

Kathie Dolgin aka ‘High Voltage’ talks about added sugar and shares an easy way to stay on track with your daily sugar consumption on October’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with music from Sade. LISTEN NOW

Totally Unrealistic Healthy Food & Drink Swaps for Summer

Instead of a frozen strawberry daiquiri, drink water!

Most of us would sooner roll our eyes than adhere to this helpful, overzealous healthy eating advice. But does that mean we’re not taking our diabetes seriously? Or are we a bad person? 

Although water is the obvious healthier option, the two choices aren’t even comparable which doesn’t seem to bother our well-intentioned friends, co-workers and family members aka ‘The Food Police’. They like to share stringent suggestions while strictly adhering to a ‘do as I say, not as I do’ code of conduct at family gatherings or celebrations. But our their good intentions helpful or hurtful?

The ‘Food Police’ is the topic of July’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast entitled ‘I Know What You Ate Last Summer’ on Tuesday, July 12, 2018, 6 PM, EST. Those well meaning friends, family members and co-workers in your life who like to imply you’re good or bad for choosing a certain food. Their ‘helpfulness’ can lead to guilt and shame over food choices and make you loathe your diabetes self-care. Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, Chris Pickering co-founder of ‘The Betes Bros’ Foundation, and Mama Rose Marie.

Confused about Food?

If you are, you’re not alone. When you go online to seek advice you’ll find a dozen different ideas on the right way to eat to manage your blood sugars and they all contradict each other. It is very confusing, but it will all fall into place eventually, especially if you connect with a Registered Dietitian(RD) who’s a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE). You can find such a person at

A Registered Dietitian (RD) can help you to create a personalized nutrition care plan to help manage your blood sugar levels throughout the day, prevent further health complications, and feel your best,

Have you got a blood glucose meter? If not, we recommend that you get one. You can use it to test out your meals by check before you eat then again 2 hours after your first bite. The difference in the readings will show you how that meal affected your blood sugar levels. You may have some shocks, and you may have some nice surprises, but it is the only way to learn. Our bodies are all different. We are all on different (or no) medications, at different stages of the disease, so what is right for one may not be right for another.

What’s a healthy alternative to a Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri?

1. Make your own Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri at home. Most home-cooked meals have less calories, sugar, and fat than meals out and the same holds true for stay at home cocktails. The main ingredients are frozen strawberries, lime juice, lemon juice and a bit of sugar or honey. And, if you opt for alcohol you can decide how much rum to use. Don’t forget that a frozen strawberry daiquiri, made from strawberry schnapps, rum, lime juice, sugar and strawberries, contains about 220 calories and 34 grams of carbohydrates. If you’re trying to lose weight than drinking a few of these isn’t the best option.

2. Opt for a nonalcoholic version. You won’t save many calories but you will cut down on the added sugars from the liqueurs.

3. Alternate between a frozen strawberry daiquiri and a glass of water. As an added bonus, drinking plenty of water at the bar will likely reduce the chance of waking up with a hangover.

Keep in mind, while moderate amounts of alcohol may cause blood sugar to rise, excess alcohol can actually decrease your blood sugar level — sometimes causing it to drop into dangerous levels, especially for people with type 1 diabetes. Alcohol can interfere with the positive effects of oral diabetes medicines or insulin.

What’s moderate alcohol consumption?

Moderate alcohol consumption is considered 2 drinks/day for men; 1 for women. One drink contains 14 grams of alcohol meaning: one 12 oz beer (5% alcohol), one 5 oz glass of wine (12%) or one 1.5 oz of hard liquor (40% or 80 proof). It does appear that alcohol itself, and not the source, is responsible for the benefits.