Diabetes Late Nite Inspired by Maria Callas

Wellness with a Wow

Diabetes Late Nite Inspired by Maria Callas

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Blog Talk Radio
Totally Free

Are you a ‘Diabetes Drama Queen’?

Symptoms and situations related to diabetes are often dramatic and come on very suddenly. But how do you react to them?

Learn coping skills for dealing with dramatic symptoms and situations related to diabetes on January’s Diabetes Late Nite Inspired by Maria Callas scheduled for Tuesday, January 7, 2020, 6 PM, EST. 

If there’s drama in multiple areas of your diabetes life, be honest with yourself—you’re the constant. Are you creating it? We don’t do anything repeatedly unless there’s something in it for us, so, what’s the payoff?

Every time we find ourselves immersed in something that seems overwhelming, we have an opportunity to learn how to deal with challenges better.

Maria Callas changed the way we listen to opera—and charged the ambition of the singers who followed her.  Her ability to interpret a wide variety of different roles truly set her apart, establishing her as a phenomenon, an operatic diva. She was able to fully exploit the dramatic strength of her low vocal range as much as the high and bright notes of her high range

Opera takes any type of dramatic story and tries to make it more exciting and more believable with the help of music.

Throughout the podcast we will be featuring music from the Grandiose Stimmen: Maria Callas album courtesy of SONY Music.

TUNE IN: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/divatalkradio1/2020/01/07/diabetes-late-nite-inspired-by-maria-callas