Enter Our Glamazon Beauty Cosmetics Giveaway on Diabetes Late Nite

We’re excited to announce a Special Divabetic Giveaway in celebration of our 9th Year Podcasting Anniversary. We’re teaming up with Glamazon Beauty Cosmetics to giveaway a Lip Gloss, Lipstick and Mascara.

Glamazon Beauty Cosmetics founder, Kim Baker is a New York-based commercial makeup artist and former Wilhelmina Model who specializes in working with celebrities and models. Kim’s unique background and approach to beauty is what sets her apart from her peers. For 20 years, Kim was in front of the camera, beginning as a size 4 model and then in the early 90s became what was considered one of the pioneers in the plus size industry.

Kim learned early on the power of great makeup and a great makeup artist; so, when she met a makeup artist who was just starting her own line, and shared her philosophy about makeup, “Don’t fall into trends-just play up your best features!”

Glamazon Beauty is a cosmetics color line that emcompasses the beauty of all women! Glamazon Beauty focuses on the lightest of porcelain to the deepest of ebony skin tones and all the shades in between.

Divabetic & Glamazon Beauty Cosmetics Giveaway

All correct answers to question above will be entered in our random drawing. Winner will be announced on-air during our 9th Anniversary Podcast Special tomorrow night, Tuesday, July 9, 2019, 6 PM, EST.

E-mail answers: mrdivabetic@gmail.com. GLAM MORE, FEAR LESS!

Join us for Divabetic’s 9th Year Anniversary Diabetes Late Nite Podcasting Celebration with musical inspiration from P!nk.

P!nk’s new album, Hurts 2B Human features the singer teaming up with Chris Stapleton, Khalid and more on her passionately confessional eighth LP. 

Pink sings “I abhor reality” on the sugary dance song “Can We Pretend” featuring Cash Cash. But when she digs into what’s getting her down, it’s the most brazen and heartbroken she’s ever sounded. On the Sia-cowritten “Courage,” Pink’s voice swings up the scale on its own chandelier. “I don’t have to do this perfectly,” she sings. “Happy” (co-written by Teddy Geiger and Sasha Sloan) reminds us she is also the patron saint of the Missundaztood: “Can somebody find me a pill to make me unafraid of me/ Maybe I’m just scared to be happy,” she sings.

Guests include Beyond Type 2’s T’ara Smith, Catherine Lawrence , Dr. Sara (Mandy) Reece PHARMD, CDE, BC-ADM, BCACP, FAADE, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Glamazon Beauty owner Kim Baker, and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach. Hosted by the happiest health care “MC,” Max “Mr. Divabetic” Szadek. 


Diabetes Murder Mystery at the Mermaid Parade

Diabetes advocate turned reluctant amateur sleuth, Mr. Divabetic finally takes the plunge and ventures into a new career as a healthy caterer but can’t quite keep his head above water in in Divabetic’s Diabetes Murder Mystery podcast, ‘Gypsies, Tramps & Peas’.

With the help of his co-workers and nosy Italian mother, he heads for Coney Island to cater his first party aboard a yacht for his former swim coach, Ted Rockow. But his nautical soiree quickly capsizes when the guest of honor is found swimming with the fishes.

What it an accident or foul play?

Now Mr. Divabetic’s grilling Burlesque dancers, a lifeguard lothario and some sequined mermaids, all intent on keeping their secrets buried deep within the sand. Can Mr. Divabetic prove Coach’s death was a murder, not an accident? Or will he end up floating out to sea? Will he sink or swim?

Tune in to find out if he can solve the murder of his former swim coach with the help of his friends, some sassy mermaids and a cooky fortune teller. Along the way to revealing the identity of the murderer he uncovers expert tips for diabetes self-care during the Summer months.

Coney Island’s Annual Mermaid Parade

Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’, USA Today Best-Selling Author, Tonya Kappes, Asha Brown, Catherine Schuller, Seveda Williams, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, MaryAnn Horst Nicolay, Mama Rose Marie, Lorraine Brooks and Mr. Divabetic star in Divabetic’s Diabetes Murder Mystery podcast ‘Gypsies, Tramps & Peas’ set at Coney Island’s Annual Mermaid Parade.


Mr. Divabetic stops by Coney Island’s Mermaid Parade

Insulin Resistance Quiz

According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 86 million Americans suffer pre-diabetes also known as metabolic syndrome.

Pre-diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance that develops when the body has trouble using the insulin that it produces. The more severe your insulin resistance, the greater your chance of developing diabetes and heart disease.

Dr. Sears Zone‘s Insulin Resistance Calculator helps determine your extent of insulin resistance, and also provides clinically-based dietary recommendations that may help reduce your levels of insulin resistance.


Quarter of U.S. Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Are Rationing Insulin

About a quarter of people with Type 1 diabetes ration their insulin because of cost, according to a study published last week by T1International, which advocates for insulin access and affordability. Internationally, 18 percent of people with Type 1 diabetes reported rationing their medication at least once in the past year, exposing themselves to potentially serious complications.

Two vials of insulin for $250 — with insurance coverage — seemed kind of steep to Joseph Strank. But he paid it anyway because he needs the medication to manage his Type 1 diabetes, which keeps his body from producing its own insulin.

But last year, when the cost increased to $250 for just one vial, the 60-year-old Philadelphia resident knew he had a problem.

“I was limiting my carbs so I wouldn’t have to give myself as much insulin,” Strank told the Philadelphia Inquirer.


Mr. Divabetic stops by the Mermaid Parade

We’re talking about ways to proceed with ‘CAUTION’ when coping with Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) with musical inspiration from Mariah Carey.  

Diabetes Late Nite inspired by Mariah Carey

Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks,  2015 AADE Diabetes Educator of the Year Susan Weiner, MS RDN CDE FAADE, Mama Rose Marie, Yoga For Diabetes Director & Author Rachel Zinman, WeAreEatNeat.com’s Lloyd Owens, Type 2 Diabetes What To Know Community Moderator Nick Zevgolis, and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach.


Fibromyalgia & Insulin Resistance

Researchers have noticed that metformin can also address the pain of fibromyalgia, which has provided them with a new clue about this chronic condition reports Medical News.

“We showed that most — if not all — patients with fibromyalgia can be identified by their A1c levels, which reflects average blood sugar levels over the past 2 to 3 months,” said lead researcher, Dr. Pappolla from The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX.

When the researchers compared the A1c test results of the people with fibromyalgia with those of age-matched controls, they found that the former group had significantly higher levels of hemoglobin A1c than the latter, indicating a measure of insulin resistance.

“[People with prediabetes] with slightly elevated A1c values carry a higher risk of developing central (brain) pain, a hallmark of fibromyalgia and other chronic pain disorders,” notes Dr. Pappolla, pointing out that this link between insulin resistance and fibromyalgia has been around for a long time.


What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes abnormal pain all over the body, increased sensitivity to pain, and heightened feelings of fatigue, among other symptoms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fibromyalgia affects 4 million people in the United States alone, which equates to about 2% of the population

Mr. Divabetic Raises Awareness for Diabetes at the Mermaid Parade

We’re talking about ‘Diabetes & Pride’ on June’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with musical inspiration from Ricky Martin.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Stonewall Uprising (June 29, 1969). It is widely considered to be the single most important event leading to the gay liberation movement.

Since Ricky Martin came out in 2010, he’s been a prominent voice for LGBT rights both in the U.S. and in his native Puerto Rico. Ricky Martin said, “I just wanna be free,” upon receiving GLAAD’s Vito Russo Award, which honors gay entertainers who promote equal rights. Martin opened up his life to Vanity Fair in its April 2012 issue and spoke candidly about his twins, Matteo and Valentino, and his longtime partner, Carlos Gonzalez.

As an openly gay man, Mr. Divabetic is proud to shine the spotlight on members from the LGBTQ+ community living with diabetes. Guests include Stephen Bernstein, Greg Rubin, Maria Salazar, Maya James and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach.


Collar Greens Health & Wellness Day in September 2019

Divabetic’s new outreach program, Collar Greens Health & Wellness Day, celebrates the positive changes both animals and people can make to affect each other’s heart health at Central Farm Markets in Falls Church, Virginia on Sunday, September 29, 2019, 9 AM – 1 PM.

Owning a dog can be wonderful. They provide great companionship, and are loyal, loving members of the family. They can also be trained for medical assistance such as diabetes alert and seeing eye dogs. Unfortunately people love their dogs so much they’re neglecting their own health issues as the humanization of pets continues as these statistics show:

Two-thirds visit the vet more than their doctor and more than half have called in sick at work to look after their dog.

Dog owners spend more on their dogs’ oral care than on their own according to the American Pet Products Association

Millennials (23-38 years old) expect to spend more money on their dogs over the course of the pet’s lifetime than they do on their own lifetime health care costs according to a TD Ameritrade survey.

With the majority of people putting their dogs’ health before themselves, Diabetic’s Collar Greens Health & Wellness Day offers cardiovascular disease and diabetes information in a dog friendly environment.

Divabetic is partnering with local veterinarians and service dog experts to leverage pet owners’ interest in their pets and in turn engage them in discussions about their own risk for diabetes and heart health with Virginia Hospital Center and Inova Health System professionals. 

Please join us! 

Diabetes Late Nite Inspired by Ricky Martin

We’re talking about ‘Diabetes & Pride’ on June’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with musical inspiration from Ricky Martin.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Stonewall Uprising (June 29, 1969). It is widely considered to be the single most important event leading to the gay liberation movement.

Since Ricky Martin came out in 2010, he’s been a prominent voice for LGBT rights both in the U.S. and in his native Puerto Rico. Ricky Martin said, “I just wanna be free,” upon receiving GLAAD’s Vito Russo Award, which honors gay entertainers who promote equal rights. Martin opened up his life to Vanity Fair in its April 2012 issue and spoke candidly about his twins, Matteo and Valentino, and his longtime partner, Carlos Gonzalez.

As an openly gay man, Mr. Divabetic is honored to shine the spotlight on members from the LGBTQ+ community living with diabetes. Guests include Stephen Bernstein, Greg Rubin, Maria Salazar, Maya James and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach.

Diabetes Late Nite is a fast-paced, full-filled hour of diabetes education and wellness advice that encourages listeners to “laugh a little, learn a  lot.”


Phantom of Okra Mystery Podcast

The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic gets caught up in a murder mystery when he agrees to host the Red Tomato Carpet at the 6th Annual Bake Bethesda A Pie Contest at Central Farm Market in Bethesda, MD. 

Will orange be the ‘new black’ for Mr. Divabetic?

Find out what happens when Mr. Divabetic, the Diabetes Late Nite cast and some special friends try to solve this diabetes murder mystery, Phantom of Okra, loosely based on “The Phantom Of The Opera.” Enjoy diabetes self-care advice and nutrition information in between moments of suspense, wide-goose chases, and entertaining banter. 

Guests include: Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, Asha Brown (founder of the We Are Diabetes organization), Central Farm Markets Co-Founder Debra Moser, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Author Peter Arpesella, Susan Weiner MS, RD, CDE, CDN, Leisa Chester Weir, Terri Seidman and Mama Rose Marie.

This podcast features song selections from “The Phantom Of The Opera” soundtrack courtesy of SONY Music. 


Mr. Divabetic’s culinary misadventures continue when he enters the Annual Gingerbread Men Cookie Jamboree.

Things go from bad to worse when his dreadful pureed kale hot cocoa recipes lands him at the bottom of the throwdown, and his mother, Mama Rose Marie, is accused of poisoning one of the celebrity judges.  

Can Mr. Divabetic and his team of amateur sleuths hunt down the real killer and get Mama Rose Marie out of jail? Will he be the next murder victim? Can he ever create an edible recipe?

Tune in on Tuesday, September 10, 2019, 6 PM, EST for Divabetic’s Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes live broadcast.

Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes

Divabetic presents their 6th Annual Diabetes Mystery Podcast, Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes, which takes place at the fictitiously decadent world-renowned Gingerbread Men Cookie Baking Competition in New York’s Central Park Zoo. Mr. Divabetic’s culinary misadventures continue in this year’s escapade as he enters the competition with headless cookies and pureed kale hot cocoa for the judges to sample. As if this dreadful combination wasn’t bad enough to land him at the bottom of the throwdown, his mother, Mama Rose Marie, is accused of poisoning one of the celebrity judges. Things go from bad to worse when the snake phobic Mr. Divabetic hears about the giant python’s escape.

Now, the happy healthcare host must decide to face his fear of snakes and recipe rejection or throw in his apron and risk getting caught up in another murder investigation. Can Mr. Divabetic and his team of amateur sleuths hunt down the real killer and get Mama Rose Marie out of jail? Will he be the next murder victim? Can he ever create an edible recipe?

Will Salad Frostings Get Your Kids to Eat More Vegetables

Kraft Heinz has introduced “Salad Frosting,” with the sweet tooth-invoking word on the label to encourage kids to eat more vegetables.

Maybe it’s not such a bad idea when you consider American toddlers are more likely to eat french fries than green vegetables on any given day, according to a new national survey on children’s eating habits.

Additionally, many young kids also go without any vegetables at all, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  found.

Salad Frostings is a slim squeezy container with bright, colorful swirls of ranch dressing. 2 tablespoons of Kraft’s ranch has 110 calories, 11 grams of fat and 290 milligrams of sodium. The same amount of Betty Crocker vanilla frosting has   has more calories — 140 – but less fat and sodium! (5 grams of fat and 70 milligrams of sodium).

“Kids will eat anything with frosting, right?” the company states in a news release. “It’s a match made for dinnertime bliss.”

Not everyone agrees with Kraft’s assessment — many responses online are negative to this new marketing strategy:

“Shame on you, @KraftHeinzCo. Seriously?” @bguezzie wrote on Twitter. “Relationships are built on trust, and no, ‘innocent lies’ are not a part of parenthood. No lies are innocent.”

“What the hell even? What made them think that promoting lying to kids was a good idea?” another user, Minki Rex, asked.

However, a rep for Kraft insisted the firm was “seeing overwhelmingly positive responses” to the campaign.

“It is meant to be a tongue-in-cheek way to connect with parents on something that they currently do to get their kids eat their greens.”

Diabetes Late Nite Inspired by Ricky Martin

We’re talking about ‘Diabetes & Pride’ with members of the LGBTQ+ community living with diabetes on June’s Diabetes Late Nite  podcast with musical inspiration from Ricky Martin.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Stonewall Uprising (June 29, 1969). It is widely considered to be the single most important event leading to the gay liberation movement.

Since Ricky Martin came out in 2010, he’s been a prominent voice for LGBT rights both in the U.S. and in his native Puerto Rico. Ricky Martin said, “I just wanna be free,” upon receiving GLAAD’s Vito Russo Award, which honors gay entertainers who promote equal rights. Martin opened up his life to Vanity Fair in its April 2012 issue and spoke candidly about his twins, Matteo and Valentino, and his longtime partner, Carlos Gonzalez.

As an openly gay man, Mr. Divabetic is honored to shine the spotlight on members from the LGBTQ+ community living with diabetes. Guests include Stephen Bernstein, Greg Rubin, Maria Salazar, Maya James and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach.