Divabetic Spotlights Delta Burke

Wellness with a Wow

Divabetic Spotlights Delta Burke

“There are so many things you have to watch,” actress Delta Burke told Diabetic Living. “It’s a lot of searching, and it can be tedious, but you just have to stick with it.”
The Emmy-nominated actress is best known for her role as Suzanne Sugarbaker in Designing Women. She was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at 41, while she struggled with her weight and depression.

Delta told Eating Well Magazine that she’s learned how important it is to find a doctor you can trust — one who will take the time to explain. And she acknowledges that the road to managing diabetes is frustrating at times.

Delta began to lose some weight through diet and exercise, but it was slow going until she realized she had to change her mindset.
“I was telling myself that I was a bad person because I couldn’t lose the weight fast enough,” she says. “I decided to stop beating myself up and started to give myself credit for maintaining weight.”
Delta often struggled to find flattering and comfortable fashions in plus sizes, so she created Delta Burke Design in 1994.  Originally, she offered a full line of clothing but now purely focuses on swimsuits and lingerie in sizes 14 to 26.

Alyson Williams, Queen Diva, Tabouli: The Story of a Heart-Driven Diabetes Alert Dog Author Matt Pelicano, & Elizabeth Vaughan Gallagher join us on this episode of Divabetc’s podcast with music by Phyllis Hyman. 

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