We’re Ready To Stare with Alysse Dalessandro Santiago on October’s Divabetic Podcast

Wellness with a Wow

We’re Ready To Stare with Alysse Dalessandro Santiago on October’s Divabetic Podcast

Do you feel like the whole world is judging you for being plus-size and living with type 2 diabetes?

Alysse Dalessandro Santiago is brimming with confidence. She is a fierce diabetes advocate who is outspoken about her experience living with type 2 diabetes and depression.

Alysee joins us on Divabetic’s October podcast to talk about how the Freestyle Libre 2 helps her to keep confident about managing her diabetes on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, at 6 PM, EST.

Alysse Dalessandro Santiago may be one of Instagram’s hottest influencers as a lifestyle and travel expert but that doesn’t mean she has it made in the shade. “Every day I wake up and take my medication and try to walk into the day with a new positive outlook. Having depression definitely makes that a challenge some days. And having diabetes makes me want to check out from everything. I’m not going to let diabetes or depression steal my shine!”, says Alysse.

We’re talking about how to get over the fear and anxiety about speaking publically about your diabetes and related health issues (including depression and sleep apnea) with musical inspiration from Carly Simon.

Grammy winner Carly Simon has recorded over 30 albums, won two Grammies, and an Academy Award. Carly Simon managed to accomplish her dreams by overcoming severe stuttering and painful migraines to achieve her success. When I was a young child,” Carly Simon has revealed, “I had a stammer. And the only time it went away was when I sang. One day, my mother said to me, ‘Don’t speak it, sing it.’ And that’s what I did.”

Leading advocates share their journeys and tools that help them: FreeStyle Libre 2 App, CPAP machines, and a new line of baked good mixes, TruEats.

The FreeStyle Libre system measures glucose levels through a small sensor applied to the back of your upper arm. It provides real-time glucose readings for up to 10 days, both day and night.

Sleep Apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. If you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night’s sleep, you might have sleep apnea.

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is a common treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. A CPAP machine uses a hose and mask or nosepiece to deliver constant and steady air pressure.

TruEats Baking Mixes have 1g of Sugar or Less + Complex (Good) Carbs for great-tasting, steady energy that’s diabetic friendly. Guests include Marten Carlson,  Alysse Dalessandro Santiago, Surinder and Daven Kumar, and Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDCES.

October’s Divabetic podcast features music from Carly Simon’s Coming Around Again album courtesy of SONY Music.

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