Revisit Your ‘Why’ If You’re Lacking Motivation

Wellness with a Wow

Revisit Your ‘Why’ If You’re Lacking Motivation

Our music inspiration, Alicia Keys’ make-up free movement, served as a self-empowerment tool for singer, songwriter, and maybe it can inspire you?

Alicia says,” I don’t want to cover up anymore. Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing.”

Are you tired of hiding in disappointment from your inability to lose weight or keep it off?

“Motivation tends to lose its luster as we go forward (with goals). When you take the time to get in the right mindset. When you start losing your motivation to go to the gym or you start losing motivation for what you are eating then you go back to your ‘why.’ Your ‘why is crucial to your success,” says Dr. Lori L. Shemek, Ph.D., America’s #1 Fat Loss Expert and Author of ‘How to Fight FATflammation!. “When you revisit how you felt when you initially made your goal, that’s the key. When you attach that emotion to why you made that goal, then you’ve got it.”

People give up because they don’t have the confidence to pull it off,” continues Dr. Lori. “If you stop worrying about your behavior and focus more on your self-trust research shows that you will follow through. Be consistent with self-trust.”

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