State of Type 2 Diabetes Research Report Findings

Wellness with a Wow

State of Type 2 Diabetes Research Report Findings

November is National Diabetes Awareness month. It’s a wonderful opportunity for everyone to gain a greater understanding of an invisible yet pervasive disease.  For the diagnosed, diabetes can affect every decision – what to eat, do, and other decisions about how they’ll take care of themselves. Yet the 24/7 burden of diabetes management is often misunderstood. If the physical, emotional, and financial burden aren’t taxing enough, the unwarranted social stigma is.
Recently Healthline Media released the findings from a “State of Type 2 Diabetes” research report that examines the day-to-day experiences and feelings of people living with type 2 diabetes. The report included findings from a July 2018 survey of more than 1500 people with type 2 diabetes across generations.
Here are some of the findings from the report:
At Divabetic we know that diabetes affects women and men in almost equal numbers. However, we have found through our vaious outreach programs, that the way diabetes affects women is different than men.  One key finding is that depression, which affects twice as many women as men, also raises the risk for diabetes in women. Here are some interesting findings related to the difference between men and women with diabetes.

It’s also interesting to note that compared with men with diabetes, women with diabetes have:

  • A higher risk for heart disease. Heart disease is the most common complication of diabetes.
  • Lower survival rates and a poorer quality of life after heart attack
  • A higher risk for blindness
  • A higher risk for depression. Depression, which affects twice as many women as men, also raises the risk for diabetes in women.

In a society largely based on helping yourself — just click on Amazon and browse the voluminous self-help section — it may seem odd to promote the idea that we need to learn better ways to ask for and receive assistance but these statistics may change your mind about asking for help!

Divabetic is equally proud to present outreach programming directed at men with diabetes. One of our most popular programs, ‘Love On A Two Way Street’ explores sexual health issues related to diabetes.

Did you know that men with diabetes tend to develop erectile dysfunction 10 to 15 years earlier thanmen without diabetes?

As men with diabetes age, erectile dysfunction becomes even more common. Above the age of 50, the likelihood of having difficulty with an erection occurs in approximately 50% to 60% of men with diabetes.

Men with diabetes may also face other unique challenges such as low testosterone. Having type 2 diabetes doubles your risk for having low testosterone, according to the ADA. A drop in the hormone can cause symptoms such as low energy, muscle loss, depression, and sexual problems, including low libido and erectile dysfunction (ED). Your doctor can check your testosterone level and treat you if you have a problem.

This next infograph sheds light on the fact that men appear to have the upper hand in dealing with the emotional side of diabetes compared to women.

About Healthline
As the fastest growing health information brand, Healthline engages 67 million unique visitors per month (comScore, August 2018). We provide real and relatable health content rooted in both information and inspiration.
About State of Type 2 Diabetes
State of Type 2 Diabetes” is the fifth release as part of the ongoing “State of…” series that explores key disease states affecting the modern health consumer, and uncovers differences across generations in how they use resources and approach their care.
Get Straight Talk About Diabetes 
Tune in to Divabetic’s free monthly podcast, Diabetes Late Nite for a  full-filled hour and half of diabetes education, empowerment, music, games and wellness advice that encourages listeners to “laugh a little, learn a  lot.”

We’re celebrating World Diabetes Day with musical inspiration from Aretha Franklin on November’s Diabetes Late Nite scheduled for World Diabetes Day, Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 6 – 8 PM, EST.  Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport, Diabetes Strong’s owner Christel Oerum, Beautyphonics CEO and “Beneath The Makeup”Author Suzanne Perez, Jessica Clark, Trisha Artman, and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach. Throughout the podcast we will be playing music from Aretha Franklin’s Aretha Franklin Sings the Great Diva Classics’ courtesy of SONY Music. CLICK HERE

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