Divabetic Coming To Philadelphia In November

Changing our diet or mindset can feel like a daunting task, especially when it seems like others are breezing through the process. For our free upcoming Divabetic outreach on Saturday, November 8, 2025, in Philadelphia, let’s engage in an activity, Plate Poetry, that fosters open discussion and support.

In the comments, think about something you’re considering taking off your plate—maybe a beloved snack, negative thought or an indulgence. For example, imagine what your life and health would be like if you removed ‘SHAME’ from your diagnosis. Being diagnosised iwth diabetes is not your fault and blaming yourself can hinder you from seeking help and improving your well-being.

Share something you’d like to put on your plate, perhaps a healthier alternative, positive mindset or activity that excites you.

For example, a friend of mine, Manny, faced the challenging decision to eliminate gluten from his diet due to celiac disease. While the availability of gluten-free options has grown, it still requires significant adjustment, especially for someone who enjoys Italian cuisine. It’s certainly possible to embrace this change, but it’s important to recognize the difficulties that come with it.

Manny chose to put the word, ‘TRY’ on his plate. His first goal was to switch from eating rye bread to quinoa and oats. Experts agree that it takes three months or more of fully eliminating gluten from your diet for your body and immune system to respond.

I often recall the valuable insight from a Registered Dietitian who emphasized, “I focus on telling people what to put on their plate, not what to take off.” This perspective encourages us to view dietary changes as opportunities rather than restrictions.

Philadelphia’s beloved WDAS Radio personality, Patty Jackson, is a true inspiration! After surviving a stroke, she shared that she wasn’t drinking enough water or listening to her body before it happened.

Fast forward nine years, and Patty is staying hydrated and thriving as she continues to bring joy to her audience behind the microphone and camera. It’s heartwarming to see her enjoying life and spreading positivity!

Dining Out With A Dietitian

Some people looking at this photo may see a cozy place to sit and eat, while others see a minefield.

Chances are, if you’re newly diagnosed with diabetes, the concept of food and eating may be overwhelming. If you’ve never paid attention before to what you’re eating, you may find there’s a steep learning curve to learning to count carbohydrates and monitor saturated fats, added sugar, and calories. Plus, the chaos and contradictory messages surrounding what to eat and what not to eat can make you want to give up before you pick up a fork or order.

Navigating your favorite restaurant’s menu can prove difficult for anyone with dietary issues and living with diabetes. 

Our Dining Out With A Dietitian segment is among our most popular on Divabetic’s monthly podcast. During the segment, a registered dietitian, like our friend Constance Brown-Riggs,  reviews the menu and advises us on what to order without letting us feel deprived.

First and foremost, we’re told to watch our portions. Restaurants tend to serve large portions, possibly double what you normally eat or more. Eating half and getting a container to take the other half home is better.

Frequently, we’ve been advised to avoid fried and battered options and instead choose grilled or poached entrees. And if we’re going to have a burger,  order it without cheese but with tomato and lettuce; also, look for turkey or veggie burger options.

Don’t search for the parking spot closest to the restaurant. Get a little extra activity by parking farther away, leaving the car at home, and walking. A brisk walk can help you avoid after-meal blood sugar spikes.

Sally Field inspires this episode of Divabetic’s podcast with all the glamour and style of the red carpet hosted by the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic.

Sally Field’s films, interests, and relationships infuse our Hot Topics discussion, Dining Out with A Dietitian, Sexy Little Numbers, and Diabetes Numerology Game segments with Oscar-worthy advice. Go ahead, “Drink your juice, Shelby!”

Did you know the film, Steel Magnolias’ was based on a true story?

Actor and writer Robert Harling wrote the play based on the true story of his sister, Susan Harling Robinson, who died from complications related to mismanaged diabetes.

Podcast guests include diabetes advocate, author, and coach Riva Greenberg, Divabetic Image & Style Advisor Catherine Schuller, Connie Elder, Patricia Addie Gentle RN, CDCES, Constance Brown-Riggs MSEd, RD, CDCES, Mama Rose Marie and Marilyn from Pasadena, CA, who is living with diabetes.

Jill Weisenberger & Pat Lacy On Turning Around Type 2 Diabetes & Prediabetes

Mr. Divabetic hosts this episode of Divabetic’s podcast on tips, advice, and strategies for turning around a Prediabetes or a Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis.

Guests include Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDCES, CHWC, FAND, and gospel music recording artist, Pat Lacy. Jill Weisenberger is recognized internationally for her expertise in nutrition, diabetes, and prediabetes. She worked as a nutrition counselor, diabetes educator, and health coach in hospitals, research, and private practice settings. Jill helps leverage resources, recipes, and scientific insights to find better ways to improve eating and smart living, reduce the risk of mismanaged diabetes health-related complications and support better health.

Jill is the author of Prediabetes: A Complete Guide, 2nd edition, Diabetes Weight Loss Week By Week, 21 Things You Need to Know About Diabetes and Your Heart, and The Overworked Person’s Guide To Better Nutrition. Additionally, she offers the Prediabetes Meal Planning Crash Course, Prediabetes Turnaround, Type 2 Eating Guide, and a Stick With It Video Course.

Vocalist Pat Lacy, who has worked with The Sounds of Blackness and Luther Vandross, shares her experience of ignoring a prediabetes diagnosis, initially denying living with type 2 diabetes, and then how she turned her attitude and health around.  This podcast features music from Pat Lacy’s upcoming gospel album, I’m Taking You To Church

Take this 1-minute test to find out your risk for prediabetes. Now is the time to take action. The CDC-led National Diabetes Prevention Program helps people with prediabetes make lasting lifestyle changes to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.

Working with a trained coach, you’ll learn to eat healthy, add physical activity to your life, and manage stress. With other participants, you’ll celebrate successes and work to overcome challenges. Click HERE to learn more.

The Happy Diabetic’s Oven Roasted Salmon with Fruit Salsa Recipe

I was thrilled to be a guest on my friend, Chef Robert Lewis, The Happy Diabetic‘s Kitchen Podcast. I had the chance to reflect on my twentieth anniversary of presenting diabetes outreach diva-style.

Several years after graduating from the prestigious Culinary Institute of America in 1976, Chef Robert Lewis was diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes. His love of food and cooking motivated to alter his recipes to achieve diabetes wellness.

“I suspected that my days of good eating were over; yet as I worked through my ups and downs, I came to realize that the selection of foods I could and should eat was vast and included many of my favorites,” he says.  “This motivated me to attempt to create delicious, diabetic-friendly dishes that were also easy to prepare.”

As a nationally recognized author, public speaker, and spokesperson for all people affected with diabetes, he travels the country, speaking on the benefits of healthy eating not only for people affected with diabetes but also for anyone who would like to eat well and live a healthy lifestyle.

The Happy Diabetic’s Oven Roasted Salmon with Fruit Salsa Recipe


  • 1⁄4 Cup of Fresh Mango diced (or use canned)
  • 1⁄4 Cup of Fresh Pineapple diced (or use canned)
  • 2 Fresh Strawberries diced
  • 1 Kiwi peeled and diced
  • 1 Teaspoon fresh lime juice
  • 1 Tablespoon leaf fresh cilantro chopped
  • 4-  5- 6 oz salmon filets
  • 2 Tablespoon of Splenda
  • Ground Pepper
  • Balsamic Glaze


Peel and dice the mango, strawberries, kiwi, and pineapple. Place them into a bowl. Add the lime juice and cilantro. Set aside. 

Season the salmon with cracked pepper and a dusting of Splenda. Place the fish into a non-stick oven pan lightly coated with canola oil on med heat (heat the pan first).

Place the salmon in a preheated 425-degree oven. Roast the tuna for about 10-12 minutes. The cooked fish will be firm to the touch, and the internal temperature will be about 140 degrees.

Remove from the oven and let the fish rest for 2-3 min. Place the fish on the plate. Top with fruit salsa.

Nutrition Information: Calories: 196 Fat: 4.31 g Sugar: 18.53 Fiber: 5.81 g Protein: 12.97 g 

The Happy Diabetic Kitchen Podcast: A Conversation with Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek LISTEN NOW

Are you a Picky Eater? The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic plays his food game, Serve, Taste or Trash! at Central Farm Market in Bethesda, MD.

Chef Robert Lewis, The Happy Diabetic, stars with Mr. Divabetic in Divabetic Mysteries: Gypsies, Tramps & Peas podcast. Tune in to find out if Mr. Divabetic can solve the murder of his former swim coach with the help of his nosey Italian mother and friends. Along the way to revealing the identity of the murderer, he uncovers expert tips for diabetes self-care during the Summer months.



A Bowl Of Oatmeal Sparks A Best-Selling Author’s Writing Career

Last night on Zoom, Best-Selling Author Viola Shipman revealed how choosing to eat a bowl of oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast instead of Captain Crunch with Crunch Berries sparked her healthy lifestyle revolution and writing career. Viola went on to say how a few small steps like forgoing sugary cereals, walking around the block, and waking up early to write led to significant changes in her life over time.

Healthy eating and daily walks motivated her enough to stop thinking about what could happen negatively (“I can’t write,” “No one will publish my book”) if she became an author. Pushing these doubts aside resulted in more time actually to write. Her walking ultimately turned into running. Viola said her runs helped her creatively figure out plots and characters.

Today, Viola Shipman is 80 pounds lighter and a best-selling author! So the question is, what’s stopping you from having that first bowl of oatmeal? It just might lead you to live your best life.  

By the way, I am paraphrasing her conversation, but you can visit her Facebook page to hear this inspiring story in her words. I was so captivated and motivated by his story that I just wanted to write it from my heart. 

Viola Shipman is the pen name of WADE ROUSE. He is the internationally bestselling author of nine books. Wade chose his grandmother’s name, Viola Shipman, as a pen name to honor the woman whose heirlooms and family stories inspire his fiction.

Wade’s novels include The Charm Bracelet, a 2017 Michigan Notable Book of the Year; The Hope Chest; and The Recipe Box.

Looking for a fun way to socialize without putting your diabetes wellness at risk? Do you need a little help staying on track with your diabetes self-care?

Back by popular demand! The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic hosts this free, fun Virtual Valentines-themed Baking Party with our special guest, Stacey Harris aka The Diabetic Pastry Chef on Wednesday, February 9, 7 – 8:30 PM, EST on Zoom.

During this virtual Baking Party on Zoom, The Diabetic Pastry Chef will prepare a Valentine’s Day Sugar-Free Dessert recipe and share expert baking tips for substituting sugar substitutes and flours in your favorite recipes.


Register Noe For Divabetic’s Free Salad Making Party with Jill Weisenberger

Register now for Divabetic’s free Salad Making Party with special guest, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDCES, CHWWC, FAND on Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 7 – 8 PM, EST on Zoom.  


Eating a salad sounds healthy, doesn’t it? But a leafy green salad can go bad when you pile on the high calorie and high carb toppings, dressings, and other deep-fried offerings. 

How do you make a great-tasting salad without sacrificing your diabetes wellness?

Special Guest, Jill Weisenberger shares 2-3 of her favorite nutrient-dense salad and tasty dressing recipes that you can make at home and answers your nutrition questions.

Nationally recognized Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDCES, CHWC, FAND. Jill has authored four books. Diabetes Weight Loss Week by Week is a bestseller and can help you manage your weight and blood sugar at the same time.

The Overworked Person’s Guide to Better Nutrition offers solutions to your everyday food and nutrition problems – no matter how busy you are. 21 Things You Need to Know About Diabetes and Your Heart gives you specific actions to take to improve your health right away.

And Jill’s latest book Prediabetes: A Complete Guide leads you through dozens of concrete steps to lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and other chronic health problems.

Learn to finally Stick With It and keep your motivation and willpower up for healthy lifestyle habits. Jill Weisenberger’s Stick With It is a self-paced video course that guides you step-by-step to the healthy habits you want. You’ll learn why your motivation and willpower move up and down like a roller coaster and what you can do to keep them up higher and longer.

Jill Weisenberger’s Grated Summer Squash Salad: A New Favorite

“I came up with this simple, pretty, and very tasty summer squash salad,” says Jill Weisenberger. “I’ve tried it with zucchini and with yellow squash, as well as a variety of types of summer squash. Use what you have or what you like best! Feel free to call it zucchini salad, or anything else.”




Healthy Red Quinoa Tabouli Recipe by Jill Weisenberger

Last night, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDCES, CHWC, FAND shared her delicious Red Quinoa Tabouli recipe, answer our questions and even recommended some helpful kitchen tools at Divabetic’s Cooking Party on Zoom.

Jill’s latest book, The Beginner’s Guide To What To Eat With Type 2 Diabetes will teach you how to enjoy eating again without all the worry and guilt.

You’ll learn to fit in your favorite treat foods, so you never feel deprived, choose the right foods to avoid blood sugar spikes, keep track of the carb counts in your usual foods, eat to feel full – no more long-lasting hunger pangs, and more!

Enjoy a diva-licious discount on Diabetes Smarts bonus information when you purchase Jill Weisenberger’s The Beginner’s Guide To What To Eat With Type 2 Diabetes.  To save, enter the code ‘DIVABETIC’ for the bonuses to be free here.


“Enjoy this refreshing Mediterranean-style salad as a side dish with hot or cold foods, or make it into a meal with the addition of kabobs, chickpeas, chicken or salmon,” says Jill Weisenberger.

Healthy Red Quinoa Tabouli Recipe by Jill Weisenberger



  • 1 cup red quinoa cooked according to package directions with salt omitted (about 3 cups cooked)
  • 2 cups tightly packed finely chopped fresh parsley (about 3.5 ounces) Use more as desired.
  • 1/2 tightly packed cup finely chopped fresh mint (about 3/4 ounce)
  • 2 cups quartered cherry tomatoes (about 13 ounces)
  •  cups diced cucumber (about 8 ounces)
  • ½ cup diced scallions (about 1.25 ounces)



Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDCES, CHWC, FAND guests on this episode of Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite  podcast with music from Maria Callas. Throughout the podcast we will be featuring music from the Grandiose Stimmen: Maria Callas album courtesy of SONY Music.

A ‘Handy’ Guide To Figuring Out Portion Sizes

Lately I feel the real culprit in managing my weight is portion size. It’s not what I eat, it’s how much I eat. I’ve been learning the hard way that the amount of food I used to eat at 20 or 30 is making me gain weight! Old eating habits are hard to break too.

When I was growing up, my father told me to “clean your plate.”

The problem is that dinner plates, especially in restaurants, have gotten bigger. And so has the amount of food we put on them. If I clean my plate now, I’m overeating.

If you struggle like me with portion sizes, the best help might be right in the palm of your hand.

Photo by Nsey Benajah on Unsplash

Use Your Hand To Figure Out Portion Sizes

Your fist = the size of a cup

The palm = the size of 3 ounces of meat

Your thumb = the size of 1 ounce of cheese

Another helpful tip is to check food labels and restaurant menus for hidden calories. Learn to “eyeball” your food to gauge what’s too much — and what’s just right.

The good news is that experts agree that when you downsize to healthy portions, your body will, too!

Love New Recipes?

Join the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic for this free Virtual Cooking Party with special guest, Author of The Beginner’s Guide To What To Eat With Type 2 Diabetes,  Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND on Zoom on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 7-8 PM, EST. Jill shares her favorite quinoa recipes with us!


James Corden Says He’s Fed Up With Being Unhealthy

I’m fed up with the way I look, I’m fed up with being unhealthy. This is the year I’m doing it,” admitted late-night TV host James Corden who struggled with his weight for a long time.

The Emmy Award winning actor shared his weight loss goals in an emotional video posted to the WW YouTube Page.

“I’ve realized that every year for the past decade — probably even 15 years — on January the 1st I’ve told myself and anyone that would listen that I’m going on a diet, I’m going to lose a load of weight,” the new WW spokesperson said.

He said he hasn’t had much success with diets in the past. He’s hopeful that this time will be different. He said his son, Max, 9, is a major source of inspiration.

He goes on to mention that he believes that WW has the tools to make him fulfil his resolution for this year. With James Corden’s weight loss goal, the company is also giving away a hundred of thousands of memberships.

Five weeks after starting the program, James Corden said he’s lost 16 lbs.

“And I’ve been doing some exercise, which I hate. I just can’t bare it, so I’m using the word ‘hate’. But my wife is so good at it.”

During James Corden’s YouTube interview, Oprah Winfrey said, “WW is all about making yourself more aware of what you are eating and taking responsibility for that.”

Tune in To Divabetic’s popular Diabetes Late Nite podcast featuring Mila Clarke Buckley ‘The Hangry Woman’, Sex Therapist Janis Roszler, PhD, RD, LD/N, CDCES, FAND, and Bella Krueger and music from Celine Dion’s ‘Falling Into You’ album.

Love New Recipes?

Join the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic for this free Virtual Cooking Party with special guest, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND on Zoom on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 7-8 PM, EST. Jill shares her favorite quinoa recipes with us!


Divabetic Word Puzzle #3

Can you find the five words above that are connected to diabetes wellness?  Each word starts with one of the choices from the left side column. It then continues with something from the middle column and then finishes with something from the right side column.


  • Counting this to help manage blood sugars
  • Insulin _________ is a marker for Metabolic Syndrome
  • What your liver turns this fat into
  • It was first used in the treatment of diabetes in 1922
  • An emergency medical treatment to treat very low blood sugar.

Tune in To Divabetic’s popular Diabetes Late Nite podcast featuring Mila Clarke Buckley ‘The Hangry Woman’, Sex Therapist Janis Roszler, PhD, RD, LD/N, CDCES, FAND, and Bella Krueger and music from Celine Dion’s ‘Falling Into You’ album.

What is Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic Syndrome is a combination of several medical issues. Together they increase your chance of developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes. The condition is also known as insulin resistance syndrome. According to a national health survey, more than 1 in 5 Americans has metabolic syndrome

Insulin resistance means that the body does not use insulin efficiently to lower glucose and triglyceride levels. A combination of hereditary, genetic and lifestyle factors may result in insulin resistance.

Love New Recipes?

Join the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic for this free Virtual Cooking Party with special guest, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND on Zoom on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 7-8 PM, EST. Jill shares her favorite quinoa recipes with us!



Puzzle idea created by Dani Raymond.

Puzzle answers: Carbohydrates, Resistance, Ketones, Insulin, Glucagon