In Bed With Diabetes

For the past 64 years. Barbie has been a part of our lives, a cultural touchstone, or the quintessential image of what a woman should be but never will be – a sex or beauty object. Greta Gerwig’s big screen makeover and the related marketing blitz are making us revisit and reevaluate Barbie’s impact on our lives, including our sex lives.

After all, if Barbie and Ken are confused about what to do at sleepovers, you might be too, especially if you’re dealing with sexual health issues related to diabetes. Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in nearly all countries. People with diabetes experience sexual dysfunction more often than the general public.

Podcast guests: Dr. Janis Roszler PhD, LMFT, RDN, LD/N, CDCES, FAND, and Donna Rice, MBA, BSN, RN, CDCES, FADCES, the co-authors of Divabetic’s new e-book, Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love and Intimacy with Diabetes, available on Amazon.

Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love and Intimacy with Diabetes, book one in the series, is your key to a happy, healthy intimate life with diabetes. Inside you’ll find: The common physical and emotional sexual complications of diabetes and treatment options for men and women. An overview of diabetes nutrition, physical activity, weight loss, and diabetes medications Information on how aging impacts diabetes management and intimacy. Guidance on how to talk to your healthcare provider about intimacy-related issues. Ideas and techniques for building sexual intimacy and communicating effectively with your partner. Tips to help you avoid dangerous or money-wasting fraudulent sexual treatments, Authors Dr. Janis Roszler and Donna Rice use humor, helpful examples, and insightful questions to present key topics about sexual health in an engaging, approachable way.

Barbie & Ken Podcast on Love, Sex and Intimacy with Diabetes

For the past 64 years. Barbie has been a part of our lives, a cultural touchstone, or the quintessential image of what a woman should be but never will be – a sex or beauty object. Greta Gerwig’s big screen makeover and the related marketing blitz are making us revisit and reevaluate Barbie’s impact on our lives, including our sex lives.

After all, if Barbie and Ken are confused about what to do at sleepovers, you might be too, especially if you’re dealing with sexual health issues related to diabetes. Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in nearly all countries. People with diabetes experience sexual dysfunction more often than the general public.


Divabetic Podcast guests: Dr. Janis Roszler PhD, LMFT, RDN, LD/N, CDCES, FAND, and Donna Rice, MBA, BSN, RN, CDCES, FADCES, the co-authors of Divabetic’s new e-book, Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love and Intimacy with Diabetes, available on Amazon.

Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love and Intimacy with Diabetes, book one in the series, is your key to a happy, healthy intimate life with diabetes. Inside you’ll find: The common physical and emotional sexual complications of diabetes and treatment options for men and women. An overview of diabetes nutrition, physical activity, weight loss, and diabetes medications Information on how aging impacts diabetes management and intimacy. Guidance on how to talk to your healthcare provider about intimacy-related issues. Ideas and techniques for building sexual intimacy and communicating effectively with your partner. Tips to help you avoid dangerous or money-wasting fraudulent sexual treatments, Authors Dr. Janis Roszler and Donna Rice use humor, helpful examples, and insightful questions to present key topics about sexual health in an engaging, approachable way.

This series is perfect for anyone (regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or health status) looking to rekindle intimacy with their partner or be proactive about their sexual and emotional well-being.

In Bed With Barbie & Ken Podcast features music by Doug Clay.

Divabetic’s Sweet Romance E-Book Available Now

Romantic relationships play an important role in our everyday lives. But when diabetes enters the picture, it can complicate even the most loving and open relationships. 

Many people don’t know that diabetes can impact physical and emotional intimacy. And intimacy-related issues can be especially difficult to discuss with a partner or a health care provider.

But don’t let diabetes hinder the romance. Divabetic’s Sweet Romance series gives you practical information and expert advice to tackle this sensitive subject. These comprehensive, interactive guides cover everything you need to know to enjoy a fulfilling sexual and emotional life despite the challenges of diabetes.


Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love and Intimacy with Diabetes, book one in the series, is your key to a happy, healthy, intimate life with diabetes.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • The common physical and emotional sexual complications of diabetes and treatment options for men and women
  • An overview of diabetes nutrition, physical activity, weight loss, and diabetes medications
  • Information on how aging impacts diabetes management and intimacy
  • Guidance on how to talk to your health care provider about intimacy-related issues
  • Ideas and techniques for building sexual intimacy and communicating effectively with your partner
  • Tips to help you avoid dangerous or money-wasting fraudulent sexual treatments

Authors Dr. Janis Roszler PhD, LMFT, RDN, LD/N, CDCES, FAND, and Donna Rice, MBA, BSN, RN, CDCES, FADCES, use humor, helpful examples, and insightful questions to present key topics about sexual health in an engaging, approachable way. This series is perfect for anyone (regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or health status) looking to rekindle intimacy with their partner or be proactive about their sexual and emotional well-being.


World Menopause Day Event on Zoom

Join us for Divabetic’s Menopause & Diabetes Panel Discussion  & SugarFree Baking Demonstration on Zoom in honor of World Menopause Day on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, from 7 – 8:30 PM. It’s FREE.

Catherine Schuller moderates a panel featuring Dr. Julianne Arena, MD, FACOG, ABAARM,  Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love And Intimacy With Diabetes co-author, COO for Diabetes Sisters Donna Rice MBA, BSN, RN, CDCES, FADCES, and photographer, Amparo.


Amparo discovered, quite unexpectedly, in the ER that she has diabetes after doctors told her her glucose level was over 800! Over the past six months, she’s been taking charge of managing her diabetes while facing hormonal changes during menopause – it’s a true Divabetic Victory story.

After our panel, Stacey Harris, The Diabetic Pastry Chef, demonstrates how to make her famous Sugar-Free Rum Cake Recipe and shares baking tips using popular sugar substitutes in your favorite recipes.

Stacey was attending culinary school when she was diagnosed with diabetes. She thought her career was over, not to mention her lifetime love affair with desserts. Her devastation gave way to innovation, resulting in the inventive and simple substitution system presented in her book. Stacey Harris, a caterer specializing in pastries, has been baking and collecting recipes since she was a teenager. She is a member of The American Diabetes Association, and her baking techniques have been featured in their magazine, Diabetes Forecast. Her book, Sugar-Free Sweets, is available now.

One lucky winner will win a Divabetic Prize at the end of the program.

The purpose of World Menopause Day is to raise awareness of menopause and the support options = for improving health and wellness.


Don’t Let Diabetes Kill Romance Podcast

Mr. Divabetic explores issues of love, intimacy, and diabetes on this special one-hour podcast. Guests include Best-Selling Author Lisa Eugene, Jennifer Martsolf from Trigg Laboratories (the makers of Wet Lubricants), and board-certified sex therapist, licensed marriage and family therapist, licensed dietitian/nutritionist and certified diabetes care and education specialist Dr. Janis Roszler MS, RD, LD/N, CDCES, FAND (2008-2009 Diabetes Educator of the Year (AADE).
If you or your partner is experiencing sexual health issues or difficulties, you may find it helpful to meet with a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, marriage counselor, or sex therapist.
These professionals can help you learn how to reduce stress and change behaviors and attitudes, particularly when impotence is caused by stress or other mental health issues.
Quick Tip: With diabetes, it’s best to avoid lubes containing glycerine because they can promote yeast infections (vaginitis). 

Don’t Let Diabetes Hinder Your Romance Advice

‘Diabetes & Intimacy’ Co-Author Janis Roszler, LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND answers our questions about how diabetes can impact our sex lives on February’s Divabetic Diabetes Late Nite podcast.

Diabetes can cause numerous problems in the bedroom, including erection challenges, reduced libido, vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, orgasm difficulties, and mood swings. If you experienced a diabetes-related weight gain or have marks on your skin from blood sugar checks, insulin pump infusion sets and/or injections, you may also feel uncomfortable having a sexual partner see you undressed.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to reclaim your mojo and enjoy sexual activity again. Tune in for Janis’s advice on how to resolve 3 of the most common problems facing couples with diabetes in the bedroom.

Janis Roszler is a board certified sex therapist, licensed marriage and family therapist and award-winning diabetes educator.


One of Janis Roslzer’s Tips For Reclaiming Your Mojo

Janis recommends following the Mediterranean Diet. She  shared in an article for Modern Intimacy that research has shown that choosing foods according to this plan can reduce the risk of sexual complications in people with type 2 diabetes.

The Mediterranean Diet means eating lots of vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, beans and whole grains. Meals are built around these plant-based foods. Moderate amounts of dairy, poultry and eggs are also central to the Mediterranean Diet, as is seafood. In contrast, red meat, sugar-sweetened beverages, added sugars, refined grains, refined oils and other highly processed foods are avoided. 

Authors Janis Roszler and Donna Rice use humor, helpful examples, and insightful questions to present key topics about sexual health in an engaging, approachable way. ‘Intimacy & Diabetes’ is perfect for anyone (regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or health status) looking to rekindle intimacy with their partner or be proactive about their sexual and emotional wellbeing. Intimacy & Diabetes is your key to a happy, healthy intimate life with diabetes.

Love New Recipes?

Join the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic for this free Virtual Cooking Party with special guest, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND on Zoom on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 7-8 PM, EST. Jill shares her favorite quinoa recipes with us!


Pelvic Floor Disorders & Diabetes

The pelvic floor includes the muscles, ligaments and connective tissue in the lowest part of the pelvis. It supports your organs, including the bowel, bladder, uterus, vagina, and rectum. The pelvic floor prevents these organs from falling down or out of your body. It also helps the organs function properly.

Thanks to Billie for sharing their work on Unsplash.

Mismanaged diabetes can weaken the pelvic floor muscles. A damaged pelvic floor weakens normal functioning of the bowel, bladder, uterus, vagina, and rectum can be affected. In plain English, people with mismanaged diabetes may experience an overactive bladder, poor control of sphincter muscles that surround the urethra, urine retention, and urinary tract infections.

Pelvic floor symptoms are significantly associated with reduced sexual arousal, infrequent orgasm, and painful intercourse (known in medical terms as dyspareunia).

Getting Help

There’s no question that incontinence can have a significant impact on the quality of life. Unfortunately urinary incontinence can be uncomfortable to talk about with anyone including your doctor. But talking is the first step to getting properly treated and taking back control of your life.

Once you have a conversation, your doctor may refer you to a specialist for follow-up care.

Bladder Control Quiz – Is this Happening to You?

Bladder control issues are not a normal part of aging and they are not something you have to just live with. Take control of your pelvic health by completing this short quiz to find out if its time for you to reach out for help.



The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic explores issues of love, intimacy and diabetes on this special one hour podcast.Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can lead to sexual health complications including vaginal dryness, sensation and performance. Up to 50% of men and 25% of women may experience some kind of sexual problem or a loss of sex drive.

Mr. Divabetic’s guests include Best-Selling Author Lisa EugeneJennifer Martsolf from Trigg Laboratories (the makers of Wet Lubricants) and Janis Roszler MS, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND (2008-2009 Diabetes Educator of the Year (AADE).

If you or your partner is experiencing sexual difficulties, you may find it helpful to meet with a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, marriage counselor or sex therapist. These professionals can help you learn how to reduce stress and change behaviors and attitudes, particularly when impotence is caused by stress or other mental health issues.

GLAM MORE FEAR LESS: Join Divabetic’s growing Facebook and Twitter communities. We’re celebrating 10 years of presenting diabetes educational outreach that dazzles!

Lubes with Glycerin Are A Big ‘No No’ for Women with Diabetes

We spoke to Janis Roszler LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND on May’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast about ‘sex and intimacy issues’ for men and women with diabetes. LISTEN NOW

During the conversation we discussed that it’s common for women with diabetes to experience vaginal dryness. For this reason, lubricants can be a lifesaver in the bedroom. But if you pick the wrong one, it can be seriously harmful to your diabetes health.

Women with diabetes should avoid lubricants containing glycerin, a sugar alcohol. Too much of this sugar alcohol can lead to bacterial growth and  yeast infections and UTIs.

Something to keep in mind is that many organic lubes or other glycerin free lubes use sweeteners other than sugar, such as aspartame. While this is great for those who cannot have sugar, others should keep this in mind as some people have negative reactions to aspartame. Knowing your own body and its reactions to various chemicals, and even natural sweeteners, can help you to make better decisions about the type or brand of lube you want to use.

One of the safest bets for women with diabetes is a high quality silicone lubricant. No studies have shown people having reactions to pure silicone lubricant, and many higher end versions, just as Pjur Bodyglide and Gun Oil only have four or five ingredients, most of them different types of silicone or silicone blends.

Liquid Silk and Play are two brands of water-based lubricant that do not contain glycerin.

Romantic relationships play an important role in our everyday lives. When diabetes enters the picture, it can complicate and strain even the most loving and open relationships. If you have diabetes, you may be looking for guidance on this sensitive subject – Janis Roszler and Donna Rice MBA, BSN, RN, CDE’s book, Sex and Diabetes is here to give help and advice where you need it. Don’t let diabetes hinder the romance; Sex and Diabetes can help you discover how to rekindle the intimacy with your partner.

We’re talking about ‘hush hush’ topics in diabetes wellness such as intimacy issues, fears and food phobias on Diabetes Late Nite with musical inspiration from H.E.R. courtesy of SONY Music.

H.E.R. chooses to keep her true identity a secret but that’s proving harder to do after winning Best New Artist and Best R&B Song Grammy Awards this past year.

Guests include Janis Roszler LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND, Cheryl Farley “Food as Medicine” Nutritionist, Dr. Dugan Maddux and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach. Throughout the podcast we will be playing music from H.E.R.’s “I Used To Know Her: The Prelude” album courtesy of SONY Music.

Diabetes Late Nite is a fast-paced, full-filled hour of diabetes education and wellness advice that encourages listeners to “laugh a little, learn a  lot’.

What’s Trending This Week At Divabetic

Check out the latest headlines in diabetes, diabetes self-management, healthy lifestyles and diva entertainment that we think you should know about.

Talking About Sex Is Great, But HOW You Talk About Sex Is What Really Matters

When individuals and couples have problems in the bedroom, it impacts other areas of their lives. “I once met with a couple to discuss how to manage the husband’s diabetes better. We talked about meal planning, label reading, exercise, medication dosing, and more,” writes Janis Roszler, LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDEFAND. “Later, I learned that he had erectile dysfunction (ED). She was angry and hurt. She assumed that his performance problems meant that he was no longer attracted to her.” READ MORE

Taylor Swift Goes to a Darker Place on New Album, ‘Reputation’ 
Singer Taylor Swift didn’t just release a new single this week; she kicked off a meticulous campaign to get die-hard fans involved in the collective experience of buying things from Taylor Swift.
When Swift dropped “Look What You Made Me Do” at midnight on August 24, another video appeared on her YouTube page to announce a new partnership between the singer and Ticketmaster in preparation for the tour she’ll embark on in support of her upcoming album Reputation, which will be available November 10. The basic idea is, as the peppy voiceover declares, to “beat the bots” to the business of buying the best seats, an ongoing frustration for fans of Swift and/or anyone else who routinely sells out shows. READ MORE
Hurricane Harvey: Diabetes Tips to Be Prepared for the Storm 
Hurricane Harvey is heading toward Texas and is set to make landfall late Friday night or early Saturday morning — meaning that people with diabetes should take preventative measures now.
The American Diabetes Association recommends storing three days worth of diabetes supplies, which, depending on how you take care of your diabetes, could include oral medication, insulin, insulin delivery supplies, lancets, extra batteries for your meter and/or pump, and a quick-acting source of glucose. You may also want to have an extra glucagon emergency kit. All these items should be kept in an easy-to-identify container, and stored in a location that is easy to get to in an emergency. READ MORE
Amazon Says Whole Food Prices Will Drop Prices 
Amazon is cutting the prices of bananas, butter, organic eggs, and other best-selling staples at Whole Foods’ 470 stores, promising customers lower costs and targeting the grocer’s “Whole Paycheck” nickname. The online giant also says its Amazon Prime members will get special prices and perks according to
New prices will take effect on Monday, August 28, 2017 — the same day Amazon says it will finalize its $13.7 billion acquisition of Whole Foods. The online marketplace, famous for disrupting the book industry and other retail segments, also laid out its plans for combining its business with an established brick-and-mortar chain. READ  MORE

Dr. Phil Could have Ended up Weighing 500 Pounds.

“I’m the only one in my family who’s not morbidly obese,” says the top TV talk show host. “I have two nephews who are over 500 pounds, I’ve got aunts that died in their 40s from being hugely obese.” His father died of heart complications from obesity, and diabetes is a huge problem for both sides of his family. READ MORE

Luther Vandross Tribute Podcast
We’re honored to celebrate Luther Vandross and his musical legacy as well as raise awareness for diabetes health-related complications (such as stroke) on our annual Luther Vandross Tribute podcast. Featured guests include Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Luther percussionist Steve Kroon, Luther vocalists Tawatha Agee and Pat Lacy, Luther historian Leon Petrossian, members of ‘The Luther Re-Lives Experience’, family members, friends and superfans. Throughout the podcast we will be featuring selected songs from the album entitled ‘Luther Vandross’ courtesy of SONY Music. LISTEN NOW

Grace & Frankie Tackle Vaginal Dryness


The original Netflix series, “Grace & Frankie” starring Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda tackles  the topic of ‘vaginal dryness’ in post menopausal women in one episode in the first season.

Vaginal dryness is is the biggest sexual complaint in women with diabetes. Vaginal dryness is, this  twice as likely if you have diabetes. If you are in menopause or postmenopause, less estrogen may be the cause. If you aren’t, damage to the nerves that lubricate your vagina may be. Vaginal dryness can become a painful cycle. If sex hurts because of it, you may tense up during sex, causing more pain, or avoid sex altogether.

“I did want to talk about sexuality with older women because people usually go “Ugh” when you talk about an older woman having sex,” says “Grace & Frankie” co-creator Marta Kauffman.

“We can have sex when we’re older, and we’re going to find a way to make it beautiful and lovely and important. And it’s just as important for us as it is for a 20-year-old, if not more so, because it’s about intimacy. I got a little excited about that one. See, the dry vagina leads to everything”, says Kauffman.

About 35% of women with diabetes seem to have sexual issues. That doesn’t mean you have to live with them. There’s help to get your sex life going again.

“Some women’s issues may be more complex to treat than those of men, but most can be treated,” says frequent Diabetes Late Nite guest,  Janis Roszler, a diabetes educator, marriage therapist, and author of Sex and Diabetes: For Him and For Her. “There’s no reason for any woman with diabetes to deny herself the opportunity to have a fulfilling and pleasurable sex life.”

On the Netflix series, Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda play 70-something frenemies whose husbands (played by Sam Waterston and Martin Sheen, respectively) leave them for each other— explores twilight years thrown into chaos, and Tomlin and Fonda anchor the emotional heft of the show. Though it has some missteps, seeing the two onscreen together feels like a victory.

Jane Fonda and  Lily Tomlin both want more “Grace and Frankie” — more seasons, more often. Spurred on by positive feedback for a terrific second season, the pair have gone so far as to lobby Netflix president Ted Sarandos about releasing more than one season per year.

dont-let-003LISTEN NOW: Don’t Let Diabetes Kill Romance podcast discussing sexual health issues related to diabetes.

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can lead to sexual health complications including vaginal dryness, sensation and performance. Up to 50% of men and 25% of women may experience some kind of sexual problem or a loss of sex drive.

Don’t equate sexual performance with love or a fulfilling relationship; focus on letting your partner know you care and want to give pleasure as part of your relationship

Mr. Divabetic’s Guests include Best-Selling Author Lisa Eugene, Jennifer Martsolf from Trigg Laboratories (the makers of Wet Lubricants) and Janis Roszler MS, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND (2008-2009 Diabetes Educator of the Year (AADE).

If you or your partner is experiencing sexual difficulties, you may find it helpful to meet with a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, marriage counselor or sex therapist. These professionals can help you learn how to reduce stress and change behaviors and attitudes, particularly when impotence is caused by stress or other mental health issues.