Barbie & Ken Podcast on Love, Sex and Intimacy with Diabetes

For the past 64 years. Barbie has been a part of our lives, a cultural touchstone, or the quintessential image of what a woman should be but never will be – a sex or beauty object. Greta Gerwig’s big screen makeover and the related marketing blitz are making us revisit and reevaluate Barbie’s impact on our lives, including our sex lives.

After all, if Barbie and Ken are confused about what to do at sleepovers, you might be too, especially if you’re dealing with sexual health issues related to diabetes. Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in nearly all countries. People with diabetes experience sexual dysfunction more often than the general public.


Divabetic Podcast guests: Dr. Janis Roszler PhD, LMFT, RDN, LD/N, CDCES, FAND, and Donna Rice, MBA, BSN, RN, CDCES, FADCES, the co-authors of Divabetic’s new e-book, Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love and Intimacy with Diabetes, available on Amazon.

Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love and Intimacy with Diabetes, book one in the series, is your key to a happy, healthy intimate life with diabetes. Inside you’ll find: The common physical and emotional sexual complications of diabetes and treatment options for men and women. An overview of diabetes nutrition, physical activity, weight loss, and diabetes medications Information on how aging impacts diabetes management and intimacy. Guidance on how to talk to your healthcare provider about intimacy-related issues. Ideas and techniques for building sexual intimacy and communicating effectively with your partner. Tips to help you avoid dangerous or money-wasting fraudulent sexual treatments, Authors Dr. Janis Roszler and Donna Rice use humor, helpful examples, and insightful questions to present key topics about sexual health in an engaging, approachable way.

This series is perfect for anyone (regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or health status) looking to rekindle intimacy with their partner or be proactive about their sexual and emotional well-being.

In Bed With Barbie & Ken Podcast features music by Doug Clay.

Going In Circles at the Old Hook Windmill in East Hampton, NY

If you say you’re going around in circles, you probably mean you’re not achieving anything because you keep returning to the same point or problem. But a hundred a hundred years ago, going around in circles could have meant accomplishing a lot, especially if you operated a windmill.
Last week, I visited Hook Windmill, also known as Old Hook Mill, a historic windmill on North Main Street in East Hampton, New York. It was built in 1806 and operated regularly until 1908. 
The Hook Windmill was the last wind-powered grain mill or gristmill. Once I went inside, I was surprised by how big it was. It’s a two-story structure.  
The mechanics of the mill fill most of the building. These large wooden gears, levers, shafts and wheels are fill most of the space.
Even after our guide, Francine, explained, I was still confused about how the mill worked. I scratched my head, looking at the drawings, trying to figure out the wheat’s route up and down the two-story structure.
Francine mentioned that a local clockmaker named Nathanial Dominy discovered the windmill cap could be turned so the blades could face the changing location of arriving wind not just by using a long “tail pole” with a wheel at the end—which could move along the ground as people pushed it, dragging the cap way up at the top along—but by the operation of new gears.
The wind’s energy, harnessed by the windmill’s 40-foot sails, is transferred via shafts, cogs, and belts to drive one or more pairs of millstones. Grain, oats, and corn fed between the rotating millstones crushed and ground into meal.
The mill I toured was the third Old Hook windmill built on the site and was completed in 1806. 


English windmills, like the ones in the Hamptons, spin clockwise. Dutch windmills spin counterclockwise. Many people believe the difference is due to how the mills catch the wind or how the millers work the mills. When standing still, the position of a windmill’s wings can indicate certain occasions.

Francine told us that the windmill produced 5,000 pounds of wheat, corn, and oats.
I climbed two flights of stairs to see the inner workings of the mill. The stairs are extremely narrow and steep. I had to hold on to a rope as I descended. It felt like I was inside a giant watch or clock. The device was so massive it was hard to believe only one man was needed to operate the mill.
The handwriting on the wall is not graffiti. The millworkers signed their names on the door to document their efforts. One man operated the device. 
Windmills were considered farm equipment, which could be bought, sold, and moved from place to place. It’s hard to believe a structure housing such sophisticated mechanics could be moved so easily.

Why They Stopped Using Windmills

The first steam-powered mill was built in Bridgehampton in 1850. And when the first steam-powered locomotive hauled its train on tracks from New York City in 1872, it was possible now to order sacks of flour and grain from a factory up-island and have it on the East End later that same day. Thus ended the age of the beautiful old windmills.

Do You Feel Like You’re Going In Circles?

If you’re feeling like there’s nothing you can do to make living with diabetes easier, it can be helpful to meet with a certified diabetes care and education specialist (CDCES) and a mental health practitioner. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.  Problem-solving with the aid of experts can help you deal with the negative impact that having diabetes may have on your life, relationships, and goals.  They can help you see your diabetes challenges in a new, more positive way. Even if you feel fine, introduce yourself to a therapist to keep phone numbers handy if anything challenging arises.

Luther Vandross recorded the song Going In Circles for his Songs album in 1995. The song was written by Jerry Peters and Anita Poree, and originally performed by The Friends of Distinction on their 1969 album, Grazin’, reaching number 15 on the U.S. Hot 100, and number three on the R&B chart, selling over a million copies.

Educate Your Circle on How to Treat a Low Blood Sugar

Could you show your circle where you keep your fast-acting carbohydrates and how much is needed to return blood sugar to normal? Everyone is different. For some, it is 5 grams of fast-acting carbs, for others 10, 15, or maybe 20 grams. It all depends on how low your blood sugar is at the time, how much insulin is on board, and what you are physically doing.

Coping with the Stress of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Diabetes Dr. Beverly S. Adler, PhD, CDCES

This is a guest blog post from our friend, colleague and Diabetes Late Nite guest, Dr. Beverly S. Adler, PhD, CDCES (Clinical Psychologist and Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist).

I have continued working with my patients, via telehealth phone calls, during these past few months, while they and I are following stay-at-home orders to try to flatten the curve of the Coronavirus pandemic. This is some information that I’ve gathered to keep everybody informed.

To manage your health proactively and ward off any respiratory system threats, the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION recommends the following:

  •  Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
  • Avoid touching surfaces others have touched. Use your knuckles to push buttons, elbows to open doors, disinfectant wipes to clean tables or chairs.  Use gloves or wipes to pump gas or when pushing grocery carts.
  • Teach yourself not to touch your face. If you must do so, then wash/sanitize hands, touch your face, wash hands/sanitize afterwards.
  • Practice social distancing—keep 6 feet away from others in public places
  • Make yourself a cloth face mask to wear in public, especially in high traffic areas (i.e. the grocery store)
  • When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw a tissue away immediately and wash hands
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever and/or cough
  • If you have a fever, cough and/or difficulty breathing seek medical care early and share previous travel history with your healthcare provider. Contact your healthcare provider via phone/portal first. Going into a clinic can expose you to the virus, so if you are told not to go in, then don’t. Many centers have increased their use of telemedicine.
  • When visiting live markets in areas currently experiencing cases of novel coronavirus, avoid direct unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces in contact with animals
  • The consumption of raw or undercooked animal products should be avoided. Raw meat, milk, or animal organs should be handled with care, to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked foods, as per good food safety practices.

Recommendations for people with diabetes have been endorsed by The American Diabetes AssociationBeyond Type 1Harvard Medical SchoolISPAD, and JDRF.

Establish and maintain strict personal hygiene 

  • Wash hands every time you come into contact with an out-of-home item or place.
  • Regularly disinfect high-touch surfaces in your home.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a handkerchief.
  • Act as though you have COVID and could pass it on.

Minimize risk when out in public

  • Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others.
  • Wear a cloth mask or face covering.
  • Adjust schedule to avoid busy times in public places. Take advantage of dedicated shopping times for vulnerable individuals if available.

Small routines can have a big impact on how we feel.

Barbara Corcoran advises, “Staying motivated at home can be tough.  So, I divide my day in chunks. First, I knock out my chores and exercise, zone in on my work, then spend time with my family.  I find being in control of my time keeps me mentally in a good place and makes me feel productive.”

Set yourself up for success with diabetes management 

  • Test blood sugar levels more often; your body may be reacting differently under these new circumstances.
  • Familiarize yourself with how to check for ketones. Check for ketones regularly, regardless of blood sugar levels.
  • Secure a sufficient amount of supplies, including ketone strips and severe hypoglycemia treatment (glucagon).
  • Maintain a routine of physical movement and blood sugar friendly eating.
  • Contact your doctor or health professionals by phone / telehealth, if possible, for diabetes management questions and concerns.
  • Lean on your community for help – none of these behaviors are easy, and we all need support. Look into digital and online communities.

Lockdown can lead to “quarantine fatigue.” Try to stay busy by focusing on a project. Some projects my patients are working on include:

  • ·         Working on a vegetable garden
  • ·         Exercising
  • ·         Meditating
  • ·         Journaling
  • ·         Trying new recipes
  • ·         Putting together 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzles
  • ·         Quilting
  • ·         Sorting out their closets
  • ·         Reading a novel
  • ·         Writing a novel

What can you add to this list? One project that I worked on was updating my website. Check it out

It’s okay if you can’t wait for lockdown to be over and also be uneasy for it to end. Most importantly please remember that you are not alone. You are not alone in this pandemic and you are not alone living with diabetes. If you need to, check your local area for mental health assistance and your local diabetes associations for help with managing your diabetes. As Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases says, “We’re all in this together.”

Dr. Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDCES is a clinical psychologist and Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist, in private practice, specializing in treating the emotional issues of people with diabetes. She has lived successfully for over 45 years with type 1 diabetes. Visit her website:

Dr. Beverly S. Adler helps us to celebrate Divabetic’s 10th Year Podcasting Anniversary with music from the world’s most famous “Divabetic”– Ms. Patti LaBelle on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 6 – 7:30 PM, EST.

Divabetic’s 10th Year Podcasting Anniversary continues with a free Virtual Smoothie Party with special guest, Co-Author of the Best-Selling Intimacy & Diabetes e-book, Janis Roszler LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND. on Zoom on July 16, 2020, 7 – 7:35 PM, EST. REGISTER NOW

10th Year Podcasting Anniversary Giveaway! Win a Dario Blood Glucose Meter starter kit in our random drawing. This all-in-one pocket-sized device can track blood sugar fluctuations and trends and identify hyper/hypoglycemic episodes right from your smartphone, providing readings within as little as 6 seconds. It’s scientifically proven, HIPPA compliant, and includes Dario Coaches to offer support and motivation to help manage your diabetes. Enter Divabetic’s Random Drawing by ‘LIKING’ Divabetic’s Facebook page.

Divabetic Mystery Phrase #17

Can you complete our Divabetic Mystery Phrase below? Diabetes self-care can be emotionally taxing, but reframing your mind-set with positive affirmations can have powerful results.

Divabetic Mystery Phrase #17

Constant worrying or self-doubt about what you are or are not doing isn’t empowering. That inner dialogue isn’t true, or even real.

If you’re struggling to cope with your diabetes diagnosis: try repeating positive affirmations to yourself each morning to steer your mood in the right direction. This way of thinking can be helpful when the mental burden of diabetes management gets tough.

We also encourage you to seek out a therapist like our colleagues, Dr. Beverly S. Adler CDE, PhD, Janis Roszler or Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport LCSW, PsyD.

People without diabetes can feel loneliness, anger, guilt, and shame or use denial, rebellion or secrecy. The addition of diabetes to your daily life increases the likelihood of complex emotions,” says Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport aka ‘The Diabetes Pysche’. She adds, “My goal is to help you recognize these normal and demanding feelings and then move past them to do better.

Divabetic Mystery Phrase #17

“Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts which weaken you.” – anonymous

Making your diabetes wellness your top priority will help you find the life flow that you can manage and maintain.

Like many habits, inner strength, resilience and/or wherewithal can be attained states the Power of Positivity website. It doesn’t matter if someone is thought of as weak or timid; they can still overcome life’s challenges

Inner strength comes from knowing you have the tools you need to handle life’s challenges. If at first you don’t succeed then rely on your strength for progress. Optimism is a source of courage and confidence. It motivates us to set goals, to take risks. It encourages persistence in the face of obstacles.

We’re talking about overeating, binge eating and food addiction on Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Mama Rose Marie, Dr. Lori Shemek PhD, Megrette Fletcher MEd, RD,CDE and Cat Beach with music from Kelly Clarkson.

Questions Your Therapist Might Ask During Your First Session

You made your first therapy appointment and although you know it’s a positive step, you may still feel hesitant. To ease your pre-appointment nerves, we asked our friend and Diabetes Late Nite podcast guest, Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport, Psy.D. LCSW aka The Diabetes Psyche, to share three questions she asks during the first therapy session to help clients living with diabetes feel more comfortable with the process. 

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

1. What prompted you to seek therapy now? 

Wendy Satin Rapaport Psy D (WSR): This is an important question because we, as therapists, want to understand whose idea it is (parent? spouse?) and what is bringing you, so that we have YOUR agenda. You can always ask us questions too because this is all about you and my goal as a therapist is to make you comfortable in this situation. 

2. Up until now, how have you been coping with your diabetes?

WSR: This question allows you to begin to see the original response you had to your diabetes diagnosis and if and how you have changed. The question implies that people change over time. It also asks you to determine your opinion with your assessment – not the family or medical team’s response.

3. Have you ever done therapy before? If so, what parts were helpful and what parts were not? Do you think you will have the courage to let me know when I am helpful or not?  

WSR: This series of questions gives the therapist an idea of your acceptance and/or resistance of getting the help and then honors your control over this experience. A therapist is for a resting place, education, and prevention of bad habits and the startup of good habits. 

Getting to Know You

WSR: Before your first session, your therapist will likely request intake paperwork and maybe a questionnaire that asks for your medical history, medications, mental health services, current issues or stressors, an assessment of depression or anxiety, and what you hope to get out of therapy. They may want you to elaborate on them during your initial session. Any of the papers the therapist asked you to fill out so that you begin to think about how you feel as well besides letting your therapist know what’s going on for youAnd if you are not comfortable filling out papers your therapist will understand that as well but remember everything is confidential.

The beauty of a therapist in your life is a chance for it to be all about you in the most loving way. It is like a friendship in part with the promise of complete confidentiality. You do not have to please your therapist. What freedom.

Friendship Matters: memoir, life lessons, laughter

Friendship Matters: memoir, life lessons, laughter by Sandra Neshin Bernstein Psy.D. and Wendy Satin Rapaport Psy.D. LCSW

Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport Psy.D. LCSW has worked as a social worker and psychologist specializing in diabetes for twenty-eight years.

Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite Podcast

Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport Psy.D. LCSW, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Alexis Gray, Author of the Noodle Shop Mysteries: Vivien Chien, Lorraine and Brooks, Sara (Mandy) Reece, PharmD, CDE guest on Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with music from Maren Morris.

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