A white terrier, became the first dog to receive insulin in Frederick Banting and Charles Best’s laboratory on July 30, 1921 in Canada.
The scientists took blood samples from the dog every 30 minutes and saw a temporary drop in blood sugar from 0.2 percent to 0.12 percent. Banting was not knowledgeable enough about new developments in testing blood sugar to check for diabetes accurately, so he checked the urine, which was less reliable.

The dog died the next morning due to an infection, but the scientists noted the first signs of anti-diabetic action from the extract, which they had named isletin.
“Diabetics the world over owe much to the true, brave, faithful, loving little dog who played her heroic role as part of her day’s work.” -Frederick Banting, 1940
The next challenge in the discovery of insulin they faced was to find a method of producing islet cells, and therefore insulin, on a mass scale, so that it would have some use as a wide-scale medicine for diabetes.
Realizing that a supply of dogs for pancreas ligation was going to limit the progress of the research, Banting and Best moved on to using the pancreas of cows as source material.

Divabetic and Central Farm Markets proudly present Collar Greens Health & Wellness Day on Sunday, September 29, 2019, 9 AM – 1 PM. This free health and wellness event features health information for both pets and pet owners alike!
Enjoy Market Food Tours, Live Cooking Demonstrations, Family & Dogs Scavenger Hunts, Dog House Decorating for Kids, Amazing Service Dog Demonstrations, Live Music, Veterinarian Talks & Ask A Diabetes Educator Sessions!
Plus, visit 40 vendors for fresh local pork, chicken, fish, cheeses, produce, dairy, baked goods, prepared foods to go, eggs, flowers, and ice cream.
What’s Your Dog IQ? Take our FUN QUIZ

Meet Tabouli: The World’s Most Famous Diabetes Alert Dog!
Meet the World’s Most Famous Diabetes Alert Dog: Tabouli Gallagher and his trainer, Debby Kay at Collar Greens Health & Wellness Day on September 29, 2019.
Debby Kay has been a been an internationally recognized leader in medical, diabetes alert, and scent detection dog training for over 40 years. Her Super Sniffer® program is now in 22 countries, helping people utilize the remarkable talents of the dog’s nose. The best selling series of Super Sniffer® books are available online at: www.debbykay.com.

Can’t make it? We’re talking to the owner of the World’s Most Famous Diabetes Alert Dog, Tabouli Gallagher, Elizabeth Gallagher on August’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with musical inspiration from Phyllis Hyman scheduled for August 13, 2019, 6 PM, EST. TUNE IN
Diabetic Alert Dogs are trained to alert their owners in advance of low (hypoglycemia) or high (hyperglycemia) blood sugar levels before they become dangerous.
Tune in to find out how this service dog not only helps Elizabeth who is living with type 1 diabetes, happy and healthy but also inspired a series of children’s books, “Tabouli: The Story of a Heart-Driven Diabetes Alert Dog” by Matt Pelicano

Win $500 Gift Basket! Enter Our Cutest Dog Contest
Upload your dog photos to Instagram and tag @centralfarmmarkets and include the hashtag #centralfarmdogcontest to enter the Central Farm Markets Cutest Dog Photo Contest.