Divabetic Mystery Phrase #33

Can you solve Divabetic’s Mystery Phrase #33? Our phrase is measured by the force that pushes on the walls of your blood vessels as they carry blood and oxygen to your organs (systolic pressure) and the force that’s created when your heart rests between beats (diastolic pressure).

Do you know what Divabetic’s Mystery Phrase #33 is?

Diabetes damages arteries and makes them targets for hardening, called atherosclerosis. That can cause high blood pressure, which if not treated, can lead to trouble including blood vessel damage, heart attack, and kidney failure.

There are several ways in which high blood sugar levels in the blood can increase blood pressure:

  • The blood vessels lose their ability to stretch.
  • The fluid in the body increases, especially if diabetes is already affecting the kidneys.
  • Insulin resistance may involve processes that increase the risk of hypertension.

In 2012, researchers quoted figures suggesting that 30% of people with type 1 diabetes and 50–80% of those with type 2 diabetes have high blood pressure in the United States.

The combination of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes can greatly increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

If your blood sugar level is too high, you may experience: increased thirst, frequent urination an fatigue. However, the American Heart Association (AHA) stresses that most of the time there are no symptoms for high blood pressure (also known as hypertension).

People usually find out they have high blood pressure when a doctor takes a blood pressure reading, or they take one themselves at home.

The reading will give two numbers:

  • The systolic is the top number
  • The diastolic is the bottom number

According to the AHA, the results will be one of the following:

  • Normal: Systolic below 120 and diastolic below 80
  • Elevated: Systolic 120–129 and diastolic under 80
  • Hypertension stage 1: Systolic 130–139 and diastolic 80–89
  • Hypertension stage 2: Systolic 140-plus and diastolic 90 or more
  • Hypertensive crisis: Systolic higher than 180 and diastolic above 120.

What is considered normal blood pressure for people with diabetes?

On the basis of recent studies, most people with diabetes should have a blood pressure that’s more than 130/80 mm.

People with diabetes can help decrease the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease by managing their blood sugar levels.


Here area few effective ways to lower your blood pressure levels:

  1. Stop smoking
  2. Increase activity and exercise more
  3. Lose weight if you’re overweight
  4. Cut back on sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed foods

Join the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic for this free, fun Virtual Cooking Party with special guest, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 7 – 8 PM, EST on Zoom.


Chef Robert’s Mediterranean Chicken with Love Recipe

Chef Robert Lewis, aka The Happy Diabetic” shared his experience living with Type 2 diabetes, connecting with audiences through food, and how you can begin making healthy meals at home with the Divabetic community on Divabetic’s recent free Zoom Cooking Party.

Chef Robert Lewis, The Happy Diabetic, is a nationally recognized author and motivational speaker who is passionate about helping people learn to live a healthier lifestyle. Chef Lewis graduated from the prestigious Culinary Institute of America in 1976. He was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 1998. Thus began his motivation to create great tasting dishes that are easy to prepare. He travels the country speaking on the benefits of healthy eating not only for people affected by diabetes, but also for anyone who would like to eat and live a healthy lifestyle. 

Chef Robert’s Mediterranean Chicken of Love Recipe 


1 T extra-virgin olive oil

8 ounce skinless, precooked chicken brest sliced

1 T chopped garlic

Half a red bell pepper sliced, and green bell pepper sliced or 6-7 mini multi colored peppers sliced

½ red onion sliced

5-6 stalks of asparagus

2-3 large white button mushrooms sliced

1/2 cup grape tomatoes or Roma tomato diced

1/4 cup white wine or vegetable broth

1 t dried oregano

1 t dried rosemary

2-4 leafs of fresh basil or 1 t dried basil

10 black pitted olives or kalamata olives

1 can 15 oz. white Italian beans (drained well)

Black pepper, to taste

½ fresh lime


We’re talking about depictions of diabetes on the silver screen including Steel MagnoliasSoul Food and The Baby-Sitter Club on Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with music from 2Cellos. How realistic are these portrayals? How do we feel after viewing them?   Guests include Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Glucose SOS founder Pamela Heyward, Constance Brown-Riggs MSEd, RD, CDE, CDN, Kent Gash, Jessica Clark and Muniq Gut Health Shakes Founder, Marc Washington.

Throughout this podcast we will be featured music from the album ‘Score’ by 2Cellos courtesy of SONY Music.