Sensational Spray Painted Summer Hats

Summer is the season of outdoor concerts. It’s a great way to enjoy music, but excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause skin damage. Protect yourself from the sun with style!

Our friend Evetta Petty, the owner of Harlem Heaven’s Hats, puts pizzazz into sun protection with a unique collection of spray-painted sun hats featuring brightly colored fruits are fun, fun, fun!

By the way, Evetta Petty is off to the races—the UK’s Royal Ascot, one of the most famous in the world. She is the only American milliner represented at Ascot this year, and she’s the first Black milliner ever to have a hat selected for the Royal Ascot Millinery Collective. Twelve milliners were chosen from all over the world. Her ‘Blue Note’ hat is simply FABULOUS!

Most skin cancers are preventable. Proactive approaches to sun protection are essential. Wearing protective clothing, seeking shade, and avoiding indoor tanning are great ways to have fun and protect yourself from the sun.

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests using at least an SPF 30, but higher is better. It is important to reapply every two hours, especially if out in the sun or in the water.

Quick Tips for The Picnic on Divabetic’s Zoom Program

Join us tonight, Tuesday, June 29, 2021 for Divabetic on Zoom at 7 PM, EST. Our free one-hour virtual program features ‘What To Wear When Nothing Fits for Summer’ presented by Divabetic Image & Style Advisor, Catherine Schuller and ‘How To Master The Menu at The Cookout’ presented by MaryAnn Nicolay MEd, NDTR.

Photo by Kate Hliznitsova on Unsplash

MaryAnn Nicolay MEd, NDTR’s quick tips for enjoying outdoor picnics without compromising your health include:

  • 3-4 servings of carb foods will be around 45-60 grams of carbohydrate. (This falls within the American Diabetes Association carb recommendations per meal.)
  • Use your carb servings on foods that you don’t get to eat as often.
  • Treat desserts like a snack by eating it 2-3 hours after the main meal.
  • Think about the face of a clock when eating pie or a round cake.  Instead of having a “15-minute” piece, have a “5-7 minute” piece.  This will give you the treat you desire while keeping you closer to your carb goals of less than 30 grams of carb for a snack
  • Get up and move, don’t just sit and eat.  Go for a walk, play games, have fun!

Tune in to the latest edition of Divabetic’s popular Diabetes Late Nite podcast for a unique mix of music with diabetes information.

Looking for a fun way to socialize without putting your diabetes wellness at risk? Do you need a little help staying on track with your diabetes self-care?

Join the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic for this free, virtual diabetes support program with style.