I’ve spent most of my life with the label of “plus”,
The truth is that labels aren’t good for any of us.
Let’s labels shelves, and file cabinet drawers,
And signs on the ladies and mens bathroom doors.
A label is good if I need to explore
Where your office is located on the 5th floor.
And I need a label when I’m shopping for food
To know if tomatoes are pureed or stewed.
But don’t label me and my body, I ask,
And don’t make me wear this invisible mask…
Put labels on envelopes with return address,
Or telling me which one is lettuce, and which watercress.
Because in the end, I’m the same as you are,
And labels work better on bottles and jars.
But even if I am not your cup of tea
Don’t put labels on people…and please, not on me
Max “Mr. Divabetic” Szadek and poet Lorraine Brooks revisit her groundbreaking poem “Beauty & The Beach,” which premiered over thirteen years ago on Divabetic’s Roundtable podcast. The poem was inspired by Esther Williams and resonated deeply with podcast listeners and Diabetic blog readers. Since then, there have been numerous requests to have Lorraine share the poem again on subsequent podcasts or repost her words on the blog.
During this Divabetic podcast short take, Lorraine shares how her opinions about her body and wearing a swimsuit have changed over the past decade, but her feelings about her diabetes diagnosis have not. She emphasizes the time, effort, and care she has put into her diabetes management, which has helped her remain free of diabetes-related complications. The discussion also touches on how negative self-talk can hinder us from living life to the fullest. Lorraine has agreed to revisit the theme of the beach and swimwear at our request and has written a new poem, “Summer Skin,” for an upcoming podcast about the 42nd Annual Mermaid Parade in Coney Island.
Although “Summer Skin” is not a cheerful poem about exposing more skin during the summer, we are still honored to share it with the audience. We hope you know our community welcomes you to share your thoughts, feelings, apprehensions, struggles, and successes regarding living with diabetes.
Divabetic hosts a sneak peek of Clued Inn: The First-Ever Diabetes & Heart Health Escape Room Experience at Hale Organic Salon in New York City scheduled for National Diabetes Alert Day, Tuesday, March 26, 2019 sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Guest presenters: Dr. Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDE, Susan WeinerMS RDN CDE CDN FAADE, Catherine Schuller and Joe Murray will be discussing how your body shape relates to your risk for heart disease.
Does your Body Shape signal Heart Problems?
Having an apple shaped body – one where too much fat is stored around the middle (waist) – may be a warning sign that you are at risk for heart disease and other health problems, including Type 2 diabetes and cancer states Dr. Tony Hampton, an obesity expert at Advocate Trinity Hospital in Chicago and a member of the Obesity Medicine Association.
A clue to your risk is where your body stores excess fat. So, paying attention to the size of your waistline may be a more effective strategy for good health than focusing strictly on your Body Mass Index (BMI), or your overall weight.
Body types shaped like a carrot, a pear or an hour glass tend to carry lower risk for heart disease, even when carrying extra fat.Divabetic’s Sneak Peek for Clued Inn: Diabetes & Heart Health Escape Room features Divabetic Image & Style Advisor Catherine Schuller, Dr. Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDE (author of MY SWEET LIFE: Successful Men with Diabetes and MY SWEET LIFE: Successful Women with Diabetes), Susan Weiner MS RDN CDE CDN FAADE (author of The Complete Diabetes Organizer, Diabetes: 365 Tips for Living Well) Hale Organic Salon owner and Master Stylist Joe Murray. The program is hosted by Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek.
Don’t miss Clued Inn, the first-time Diabetes & Heart Health Escape Room Experience scheduled for Diabetes Alert Day, Tuesday, March 26, 2019 in New York City sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Free Admission. Space Limited.BOOK NOW