31 Days of Divabetic Podcasts, Day Thirty

Divabetic (Divabetic.org) presents a month-long showcase celebrating 10 years of diabetes podcasting. Each of the featured podcasts spotlights our favorite guests, topics, poems, games and/or musical inspiration. Enjoy!

On Day 30, we’re spotlighting Divabetic’s 6th Annual Mystery podcast, Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes, from September 2019.

“Our mystery podcast is the culmination of a year’s time spent creating characters, developing  storylines, choosing music and sound effects, and rehearsing with the full cast to educate people about diabetes in a fun, new way,” says Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek.

The mystery is set in the fictitiously decadent world-renowned Gingerbread Men Cookie Baking Competition in New York’s Central Park Zoo. Mr. Divabetic’s healthy culinary misadventures continue in this year’s escapade as he enters the competition with headless cookies and pureed kale hot cocoa for the judges to sample. As if this dreadful combination wasn’t bad enough to land him at the bottom of the throwdown, his mother, Mama Rose Marie, is accused of poisoning one of the celebrity judges! Things go from bad to worse when the snake phobic Mr. Divabetic hears about the giant python’s escape.

Now, the happy healthcare host must decide to face his fear of snakes and recipe rejection or throw in his apron and risk getting caught up in another murder investigation. Can Mr. Divabetic and his team of amateur sleuths hunt down the real killer and get Mama Rose Marie out of jail? Will he be the next murder victim? Can he ever create an edible recipe?

The cast of Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes features Mama Rose Marie, Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach (Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and MaryAnn Nicolay BA, DTR), The Happy Diabetic Chef Robert Lewis, Seveda Williams, Coach The Cure‘s Trisha Artman, Jillian Walsh, Wendy Radford, Dave Jones, Lorraine Brooks and Max Szadek.

Throughout this podcast we will be featuring music from the original Broadway cast recording of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes courtesy of SONY MUSIC.



Our monthly podcasts are dedicated to Music Lovers living with, at risk and/or affected by diabetes. We aim to be the epicenter of the circle of care, a link between patients and their health care providers, a translator of clinical speak and a bridge between denial and acceptance, fear and confidence

Divabetic was inspired by the late music legend, Luther Vandross and created in 2005 by Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek, who, as Vandross’ assistant of 14 years, witnessed his boss, mentor, and friend struggle in silence and solitude with the diabetes and its related complications. Since its inception, Divabetic has presented outreach programs in 15 major U.S. cities, reaching hundreds of thousands of women, their families and health care professionals.

Experience more of our GLAM MORE, FEAR LESS philosophy at divabetic.org

Gypsies, Tramps & Peas Mystery Podcast

Diabetes advocate turned reluctant amateur sleuth, Mr. Divabetic finally takes the plunge and ventures into a new career as a healthy caterer in Divabetic’s Mystery podcast, ‘Gypsies, Tramps & Peas’.

. With the help of his co-workers and nosy Italian mother, he heads for Coney Island to cater his first party aboard a yacht for his former swim coach, Ted Rockow. But his nautical soiree quickly capsizes when the guest of honor is found swimming with the fishes. What it an accident or foul play? Now Mr. Divabetic’s grilling Burlesque dancers, a lifeguard lothario and some sequined mermaids, all intent on keeping their secrets buried deep within the sand. Can Mr. Divabetic prove Coach’s death was a murder, not an accident? Or will he end up floating out to sea?

Will he sink or swim?

Tune in to find out if he can solve the murder of his former swim coach with the help of his friends, some sassy mermaids and a cooky fortune teller. Along the way to revealing the identity of the murderer he uncovers expert tips for diabetes self-care during the Summer months.

Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, Asha Brown, Catherine Schuller, Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’, Seveda Williams, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, MaryAnn Horst Nicolay, Mama Rose Marie & Lorraine Brooks star in Divabetic’s ‘Gypsies, Tramp & Peas’ Mystery Podcast


Mr. Divabetic at the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island

Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes – Scene 2

The Annual Gingerbread Man Cookie Jamboree benefiting the Central Park Zoo is in full swing. Dozens of revelers are even dressed up like Gingerbread Men watching the seals and sea lions feeding nearby.

Everyone’s declining Max’s kale hot cocoa. Admittedly the smell isn’t that appealing. Hopefully, our judges, who are approaching, will have a different opinion. 

Oh, my! What I thought was an over sized collar around Natasha’s neck is an actual python. Let’s hope Max is too busy pouring cocoa to notice the anaconda. Too late! ‘Diamonds’ hissed at Max and he jumped clear across the table

He just knocked over the ‘Queen of Cream’, Sweet Sally Buttercup as she was sipping his kale hot cocoa. Brave woman. Oh wait, she’s grabbing her throat – she’s convulsing on the ground. Sounds like she is moaning, ‘Diamonds’, Diamonds’. This is terrible. Oh, no! The blonde celebrity chef has stopped breathing.

Ambulance Wow! That was quick! The EMTs are lifting Sweet Sally Buttercup’s lifeless body onto a gurney, covering her with a sheet and rolling her to the waiting ambulance. But even this tragic event can’t prevent the Gingerbread Man Cookie Jamboree competition from continuing.

Tonya: Max, isn’t it ironic for a celebrity chef to drop dead at a cooking competition? I’ve got a hunch Sweet Sally’s death was meant to be humiliating.  Take off that silly spotted apron. You owe it to her, as one of her devoted fans, to solve this murder!

Max:  No-no-no! I don’t have time to get mixed up in another one of your crazy investigations. I’ve got to focus on winning.

Tonya: The other competitors are the least of your worries. If you don’t stop tampering with the evidence. People are already blaming her death on your kale hot cocoa

Max: That slimy snake bit her! I’m as innocent — as my mother!

Natasha: There she is! Officer arrest that woman with the leopard purse. She killed my sister!

Sally’s twin sister, Natasha ‘Knock-Out’ Buchanan rushes forward with several police officers. She waves a stack of letters in Mama Rose Marie’s face. 

Natasha: See for yourselves, Officer! Here’s the proof! She’s  a cold blooded killer!

Mama Rose Marie: Me? Oh dear. 

A quick scan of the letters in Natasha’s hand confirms they contain deranged descriptions of what will happen to the star of Chew TV’s show, Triple Buttercream, Sweet Sally Buttercup, if she doesn’t comply with the demands to send money.

Natasha: You can drop the ‘sweet old lady’ act. Officers, she sent these letters to my sister. Her signature is right here at the bottom.

Mama Rose Marie: Oh dear, that is my signature. 

Natasha: Lock her up! 

Max: Officers, Officers this is a terrible mistake! She’s not a killer!  She’s my Mama!

Natasha: Save your tears for the courtroom. She’s going to prison!

The police take Mama Rose Marie off in their squad car. I can’t help to wonder ‘is this true’? Is our sweet Mama Rose Marie a modern-day Ma Barker? Could she pen dozens of vengeful threats in such gory detail? They seem to be the work of a sick, twisted, demented Wacko.

Max: I wrote those letters. But they’re funding requests, not death threats. Honest. I signed my mom’s name at the bottom, hoping Sweet Sally couldn’t say ‘no’ to a sweet little old lady. I have to confess to the police before my mother’s mug shot ends up in the Post Office.

Tonya: I’ve got a better idea, Max. Let’s just solve Sweet Sally’s murder. Now, what ingredients did you put in that lethally laced cocoa?

Max: My kale hot cocoa is NOT deadly. I drank several cups and I’m fine.

Tonya: After you added in the Almond Milk? I read somewhere that almonds are poisonous. 

Max: There’s only one thing poisonous around here. Natasha’s pet viper!

Patricia: Max, pythons aren’t venomous but wild almonds contain cyanide.

Tonya: Ah ha! That’s it!

MaryAnn: No, no, no you can’t buy poisonous almonds in the United States. And domesticated sweet almonds used to make Almond Milk don’t contain cyanide. It had to be something else! 

Tonya: Whoever did it, had to be very accurate with the dosage. The amount of poison you need for one particular person might not be enough for someone else. 

Max: And where did you get that little tidbit, Tonya?

Tonya: Research – my newest book – “Motorhomes, Maps and Murders”. 

Patricia: Of course! The same principle applies for managing blood sugars. I tell my patients all the time: what works for one person may not work for someone else. Everyone’s different.

MaryAnn: The best way is to know how different foods will affect you is to check your blood sugars before you eat and then again two hours after you eat

Tonya: Whoever killed Sweet Sally Buttercup had to be knowledgeable in both math and science. 

MaryAnn: Or have a culinary background. 

Max: Using that logic, everyone here competing is a suspect — including my mother!

Tonya: In my book, “Scene of the Grind”, Roxy Bloom faced your same situation, Max. The only way she could clear the name of her beloved Aunt was to prove who did do it! Now, who else was close enough to tamper with the cocoa?

MaryAnn: The other two judges were standing next to Sweet Sally. 

Patricia: Maybe Max is right – Natasha’s snake is at fault. Sweet Sally was moaning ‘Diamonds’ as she was gasping for air.

Max: And I wouldn’t be surprised if Renata Whisk was involved. 

Agnes: Max!  Max! Come quick! She’s disappeared!

Max: Who? Renata? 

Agnes: No, ‘Diamonds’ is on the loose!

Enjoy Divabetic’s 6th Annual Mystery podcast, Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes features Mama Rose Marie, Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach (Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and MaryAnn Nicolay BA, DTR), The Happy Diabetic Chef Robert Lewis, Seveda Williams, Coach The Cure’s Trisha Artman, Jillian Walsh, Wendy Radford, Dave Jones, Lorraine Brooks and Max Szadek.

Throughout this podcast we will be featuring music from the original Broadway cast recording of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes courtesy of SONY MUSIC.


Gingerbread Men Prefer Men – Scene 1

On a perfect autumn day, Max and our team arrive at the Central Park Zoo to compete in the Annual Giant Gingerbread Man Cookie Jamboree. This prestigious baking competition boasts a $10,000 grand prize and benefits the zoo. Central Park Zoo’s origins date back to the 1860’s when New Yorkers donated their unwanted pets, like a black bear cub in 1859.

Today Central Park Zoo is home to a wide range of animals including Red Pandas, Sea Lions, Penguins, Fish, Birds, Lizards and Snow Leopards.

Max weaseled his way into the baking competition with the help of his friend and Zoo Discovery Guide volunteer, Agnes Frumpster. Now, the only thing standing between Max and the culinary crown are the three celebrity judges: Chew TV’s most beloved blonde Chef, the Queen of Cream, Sweet Sally Buttercup, Sally’s twin sister and professional wrestler Natasha ‘Knock-Out’ Buchanan and the dashing, former New York City Councilman Skeeter Jones who is more famous for his love life than for his legislation. Let’s hope Max has what it takes to win the Grand Prize. The competition’s about to start! 

Agnes: Max, hurry up! The judges will be here any minute.

Max: Almost done, Agnes, I’ve got one more Snow Leopard spot to make on this cookie using chia seeds.

Tonya: Those are ‘spots’? I thought they were ‘bullet holes.’

Max: Just because you’re a mystery writer – you don’t have to read ‘BLOODY MURDER’ into everything I bake. 

Tonya: Let’s face it, Max. You’ve been involved in so many murders, I wouldn’t be surprised to find a dead body under this table.  What’s so special about chia seeds anyway?

MaryAnn: Chia seeds contain omega-3 fats and more fiber than other grain. They are also a good source of antioxidants and protein.

Patricia: And that amount of fiber can slow the absorption of sugar in your blood 

Mama Rose Marie: Your Snow Leopard cookies are adorable and match my fur accessories. 

Max: We’re going to need more cookies. Patricia, grab the extra container under the table.

Patricia: Sure. Oh, no! Their heads are broken off!

Tonya: I was right! You do have dead bodies under this table. This isn’t an accident, Max. It’s an omen. Something’s bad is going to happen. I can feel it! 

Max: Quick! Hide the broken ones. Now, who wants some of my kale hot cocoa? Anyone? Mom?

Mama Rose Marie: Oh no, I’ll pass. You know I have an overactive bladder.

Max: How can you resist this earthy aroma? Mmm! 

Tonya: Yuck. It smells like compost!

Max: But Almond Milk is so good for you! And I added kale to give it that EXTRA nutrient boost!

Patricia: He’s right. Almond Milk is rich in good fats which promote a healthy heart.

MaryAnn: And unsweetened Almond Milk is 50% lower in calories.

Mama Rose Marie: Can Almond Milk help strengthen my bones? 

Patricia: No, it won’t. It doesn’t contain calcium. But kale does.

Tonya: You’re all nuts! No one’s going to taste that kooky combination, not even the judges. It smells awful.

Max: You don’t know what you’re talking about!  My TV idol, Sweet Sally Buttercup will love my kale hot cocoa so much she’s going to make a big donation to Divabetic.  You’ll see! 

Patricia: How can you be so sure?

Max: I left a stack of donation requests in her dressing room earlier.  

Patricia:  She stars in a TV show, publishes a magazine and still has time to judge a Gingerbread Man contest! How does she do it?

MaryAnn: And she just introduced her own line of Buttercup bottled fruit juices. 

Agnes: I’ll tell you. She does it by driving everyone crazy! Her list of demands was a mile long. I don’t care if these Gingerbread Men have heads or not, I want one NOW!

Max: Help yourself.

Agnes: No one else knows this but Sweet Sally’s been receiving death threats. Now her sister, Natasha insists on wearing Diamonds!

MaryAnn: How can wearing expensive jewelry protect her sister?  

Agnes:  Not real diamonds. She has a pet python named ‘Diamonds’.

Max: Oh no! I’m petrified of snakes. Tell her to keep her ‘Diamonds’ away me.

Patricia: Max, you’re so dramatic. Agnes … how do the cookies taste?

Agnes: They’re no gluten-free blueberry lavender cheesecake. But go ask Renata Whisk.  She’s a last-minute replacement in the competition. 

Max: Oh, no, Renata Whisk is the last person I want to see! She blogged that the only people who like my food are six feet under!

Tonya: She has a point, Max. Your catering career is as ‘spotty’ as your cookies.

Mama Rose Marie: But they do match my handbag perfectly. 

Patricia:  Is that real leopard, Rose Marie?

Mama Rose Marie: Oh, Good Heavens, NO!  This is ‘Fun Fur’. Where ARE the Snow Leopards anyway? I don’t see them. 

Tonya: Yeah, Max. You said we’d be right next to their cage! 

Agnes: Well, my new boyfriend, Damon moved Max’s station to the Tropical Rainforest Zone when he learned Sweet Sally and her sister love reptiles. Listen Max, it might help you win.

Max: Oh, no! We’re surrounded by retiles. Switch us back! 

Agnes: You can’t move now – you’ll be disqualified before the judges even get here.

Tonya: I can’t wait to meet Former Councilman, Skeeter Jones. They say he’s a real lady killer. 

MaryAnn: I’m surprised he’s even here. After all, he just lost his election. 

Max: When do we meet your new boyfriend Damon?  Agnes, you seem so happy.

Agnes: I am! I finally found my Prince Charming after kissing so many frogs – and he’s a zoologist!  

Mama Rose Marie: Speaking of frogs, these little colorful ones over here are adorable. Look!

Enjoy Divabetic’s 6th Annual Mystery podcast, Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes features Mama Rose Marie, Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach (Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and MaryAnn Nicolay BA, DTR), The Happy Diabetic Chef Robert Lewis, Seveda Williams, Coach The Cure’s Trisha Artman, Jillian Walsh, Wendy Radford, Dave Jones, Lorraine Brooks and Max Szadek.

Throughout this podcast we will be featuring music from the original Broadway cast recording of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes courtesy of SONY MUSIC.


Coach The Cure’s Trisha Artman Joins the Cast of Divabetic’s Mystery Podcast: Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes

We’re thrilled to announce that Coach the Cure, Trisha Artman is joining the cast of Divabetic’s 6th Annual Diabetes Mystery Podcast, Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes on Tuesday, September 10, 2019, 6 -7 PM, EST. 

Trisha Artman is a motivated Health Coach, Educator, and Writer. With personal diabetes experience, compassion, and professionalism, she nurtures trusting relationships—promoting healthy changes in an empowered environment.

“I teach people that they do not have to wait until things are at their worst to change negative thoughts and behaviors, but to start right where they are. Not because they have to, but because they choose to live out the life they desire and deserve,” says Trisha Artman. “Today, I spend my days not simply surviving, but instead thriving—inspiring other people to finally experience the freedom of getting “control” over diabetes, other chronic illnesses, and their lives. I’m excited to invite you on my latest journey— helping others realize their potential and strength within. Let’s live out loud!”

Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes Discussion Guide

This year’s Divabetic Diabetes Mystery Podcast, Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes, takes place at the fictitiously decadent world-renowned Gingerbread Men Cookie Baking Competition in New York’s Central Park Zoo. Mr. Divabetic’s culinary misadventures continue in this year’s escapade as he enters the competition with headless cookies and pureed kale hot cocoa for the judges to sample. As if this dreadful combination wasn’t bad enough to land him at the bottom of the throwdown, his mother, Mama Rose Marie, is accused of poisoning one of the celebrity judges. Things go from bad to worse when the snake phobic Mr. Divabetic hears about the giant python’s escape.         

Now, the happy healthcare host must decide to face his fear of snakes and recipe rejection or throw in his apron and risk getting caught up in another murder investigation. Can Mr. Divabetic and his team of amateur sleuths hunt down the real killer and get Mama Rose Marie out of jail? Will he be the next murder victim? Can he ever create an edible recipe?

The cast of Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes features Mama Rose Marie, Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach (Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and MaryAnn Nicolay BA, DTR), Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’, Seveda Williams, Trisha Artman, Catherine Schuller, Wendy Radford, Dave Jones, Lorraine Brooks and Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek.

Throughout this podcast we will be featuring music from the original Broadway cast recording of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes featuring the iconic Carol Channing courtesy of SONY MUSIC.


Kale For Dessert?

Kale has been a trendy health food for a while. It’s so trendy that people including cooking hacks like Mr. Divabetic are adding it into any food, including DESSERT!

With more nutritional value than spinach, kale may help improve blood glucose management in diabetes, lower the risk of cancer, reduce blood pressure, and help prevent the development of asthma. The fiber and antioxidants in kale also may offer protection against diabetes. Studies have shown that a high intake of fiber may lower blood glucose levels in people with type-1 diabetes and people with type-2 diabetes may see improved blood sugar, lipids, and insulin levels according to Medical News Today.

But can one of the world’s healthiest foods taste heavenly in a dessert?

“While you might not think of the fibrous leafy greens as essential to dessert dishes, kale has the unique ability to lend cakes a feel-good dose of nutrients without sacrificing taste or flavor,” writes Jennifer En for mashed.com

Why Kale & Chocolate Make A Good Combination!

Chocolate is incredibly rich and bold, which makes it the perfect ingredient to pair with kale when you don’t necessarily want the veggie flavor to overpower the chocolate one. If you’re curious about what kale and chocolate taste like together, try this recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie for kale brownies. 

Chocolate Covered Katies

“It’s easy, streamlined, and completely winning where flavor is concerned. Get your chocolate on,” writes Jennifer En for mashed.com


Don’t let incorporating greens into your desserts be an excuse to overindulge. It’s easy to convince yourself that you can enjoy more sweets and feel better about yourself in the process because you’re adding in extra nutrients between spoonfuls of sugar. An indulgence on one day doesn’t matter when looking at a week or a month.

Mr. Divabetic loves to infuse his desserts with healthy doses of vegetables. Unfortunately his lack of cookings skills and questionable good taste doesn’t always make for a winning combination. In this year’s Diabetes Mystery podcast, “Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes” his original Kale Hot Cocoa recipe turns everyone’s favorite leafy green vegetable into something downright lethal! 

Divabetic presents their 6th Annual Diabetes Mystery Podcast,  “Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes,” on Tuesday, September 10, 2019, 6 -7 PM, EST. This diabetes mystery caper takes place at the fictitiously decadent world-renowned Gingerbread Men Cookie Baking Competition in New York’s Central Park Zoo. Mr. Divabetic’s culinary misadventures continue in this year’s escapade as he enters the competition with headless cookies and pureed kale hot cocoa for the judges to sample. As if this dreadful combination wasn’t bad enough to land him at the bottom of the throwdown, his mother, Mama Rose Marie, is accused of poisoning one of the celebrity judges. Things go from bad to worse when the snake phobic Mr. Divabetic hears about the giant python’s escape.         

Now, the happy healthcare host must decide to face his fear of snakes and recipe rejection or throw in his apron and risk getting caught up in another murder investigation. Can Mr. Divabetic and his team of amateur sleuths hunt down the real killer and get Mama Rose Marie out of jail? Will he be the next murder victim? Can he ever create an edible recipe?

The cast of Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes features Mama Rose Marie, Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach (Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and MaryAnn Nicolay BA, DTR), Asha Brown, Chef Robert Lewis, Seveda Williams, Catherine Schuller, Wendy Radford, Dave Jones and Lorraine Brooks.

Throughout this podcast we will be featuring music from the original Broadway cast recording of ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ courtesy of SONY MUSIC.


How Much Salt Are You Eating?

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend the average adult consume no more than 2,300 mg of sodium or about one teaspoon — over the course of a day. 

An even lower daily limit of 1,500 milligrams a day is suggested for people who:

– Have high blood pressure, diabetes or kidney disease.
– Are 50 or older.
– Are African American; this population has higher rates of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. 

Alternatively, aiming to at least lower your sodium intake by at least 1,000 mg also can help. 


Divabetic’s 6th Annual Diabetes Mystery Podcast

Divabetic presents their 6th Annual Diabetes Mystery Podcast, “Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes,” which takes place at the fictitiously decadent world-renowned Gingerbread Men Cookie Baking Competition in New York’s Central Park Zoo. Mr. Divabetic’s culinary misadventures continue in this year’s escapade as he enters the competition with headless cookies and pureed kale hot cocoa for the judges to sample. As if this dreadful combination wasn’t bad enough to land him at the bottom of the throwdown, his mother, Mama Rose Marie, is accused of poisoning one of the celebrity judges. Things go from bad to worse when the snake phobic Mr. Divabetic hears about the giant python’s escape.         

Now, the happy healthcare host must decide to face his fear of snakes and recipe rejection or throw in his apron and risk getting caught up in another murder investigation. Can Mr. Divabetic and his team of amateur sleuths hunt down the real killer and get Mama Rose Marie out of jail? Will he be the next murder victim? Can he ever create an edible recipe?

The cast of Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes features Mama Rose Marie, Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach (Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and MaryAnn Nicolay BA, DTR), Asha Brown, Chef Robert Lewis, Seveda Williams, Catherine Schuller, Wendy Radford, Dave Jones and Lorraine Brooks.

Throughout this podcast we will be featuring music from the original Broadway cast recording of ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ courtesy of SONY MUSIC.


How Kevin’s Law Is Helping Save Lives of People Needing Life Saving Medications Like Insulin

On April’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast, Dan Houdeshell will share how his son’s untimely death, Kevin, spurred his family to take action to pass legislation to help save the lives of millions. Tune in to our exclusive interview on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 6 – 7:30 PM, EST.

Kevin Houdeshell, who was living with type 1 diabetes died at 36 years old because his pharmacy refused to give him insulin after his script had expired. 

Kevin Houdeshell

“He tried three times to call his doctor’s office and, four days later, he passed away from not having his insulin,” his sister, Amy Houdeshell told USA Today. 

His parents, Dan and Judy Houdeshell, were stunned to learn what had happened. “In the wee hours of the morning, we are wondering how can your son, or anyone, stand in front of a pharmacy desk and be turned away for a life-sustaining medication,” says Dan. 

Kevin’s unawareness about his worsening diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) may be due to a pervasive lack of information within the community reports Insulin Nation.

“I have been in contact with so many people [with Type 1] since Kevin’s death [who] are not aware of DKA, its symptoms, the results if not rectified, and how fast DKA can kill someone or put them in grave danger,” Dan told Insulin Nation. “Many (others) in the medical profession (including ER hospital settings) are not are not aware of what can happen if someone goes without their insulin for any amount of time.

A year after Kevin died, he appeared with his wife and daughter on local TV and their heart-wrenching interview helped trigger what is now known as Kevin’s Law in Ohio.

Kevin’s Law allows pharmacists to give up to a 30-day supply of even expired prescriptions of life-sustaining drugs.

“I never imagined we would reach so many people with that one little story about my brother,” Houdeshell said.

Currently HB 64 (also known as Kevin’s Law) has been passed in 12 states and allows a pharmacist to dispense an emergency supply of insulin to a patient without a current prescription. 

“No one should have to die because of an expired prescription and can’t get hold of your doctor,” said Amy and Kevin’s parents, Dan and Judy Houdeshell.

Dan Houdeshell feels that there is still much work to be done even in states that have passed legislation. “It’s important to note some versions of the law have flaws,” he told Pens & Needles.  “Some states allow only one refill, EVER. That is not acceptable.”

Diabetes Late Nite inspired by Luther Vandross

TUNE IN: April’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 6 – 7:30 PM, EST. Guests include FANDROSS CEO Seveda Williams, Keith Anthony Fluitt, Diabetes Advocate Dan Houdeshell, Pam Henry MEd, Luther Vandross Historian Leon Petrossian, Zhacary Smith, and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach. Throughout the podcast we will be playing music from Luther Vandross’s “Forever, For Always, For Love” album courtesy of SONY Music.

Don’t miss Clued Inn, the first-time ever Diabetes & Heart Health Escape Room Experience scheduled for Diabetes Alert Day, Tuesday, March 26, 2019 in New York City. Register now: https://cluedinn.org/

Divabetic’s Top 3 Most Popular Podcasts of 2018

How great was 2018? Well it was fabulously great for our Diabetes Late Nite podcast with ground-breaking topics, expert guests, exciting games and trending musical inspiration. Let’s look back at the top 3 most popular podcasts from the past year.  

#3: Swan Wake, 5th Annual Diabetes Mystery Podcast from September 2018

Show Synopsis: When the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic heads to the Gotham City Ballet Company’s box office to fix a mix up with his ‘Swan Lake’ tickets he’s faced with a even bigger problem – a MURDER! To make matters worse, one of his latest culinary creations, a gluten free cheesecake, seems to be covering the victim’s face. Could our happy healthcare host’s wacky culinary skills make him an accessory to the crime? Mr. Divabetic and his team must whip a crime-solving recipe before a deadly dash of danger ends his diabetes advocacy and healthy catering career once and for all. Guests included Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, We Are Diabetes organization founder Asha Brown, Seveda Williams, Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Mary Ann Nicolay MEd, DTR, Mama Rose Marie, Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’ and Poet Lorraine Brooks. Throughout the podcast we featured music from Leonard Bernstein’s recording of Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20 in celebration of the centennial of America’s greatest classical composer and conductor courtesy of SONY Music. LISTEN NOW

Behind the scenes of the Broadcast: I am thrilled that this podcast is one of our highest rated of the year! I spent more hours researching, writing and editing this mystery podcast than the previous four mystery podcasts combined. Since a physical injury prevented me from having much of a social life, I had no excuses but to write. My daily mantra: “if you can’t have an active body then, at least have an active mind” helped me when I was dealing with another physical setback. 

It’s interesting to note that some dialogue at the very end includes actual quotes from women who are involved in the MeToo movement. I am excited to be working on the next diabetes mystery podcasts scheduled for September 2019 – details soon!

#2: Annual Luther Vandross Tribute Podcast from April 2018

Show synopsis: We’re honored to celebrate Luther Vandross and his musical legacy as well as raise awareness for diabetes health-related complications (such as stroke) on our annual Luther Vandross Tribute podcast. This podcast presented details of the inaugural Fandross Festival in New York City. In the years since Luther’s passing, one constant has remained to define his life and musical success: the voice. Like any great singer of the past 100 years, Luther Vandross’ voice and distinct singing style led to not only monumental success, but an instant recognition when you hear him singing–through your stereo, car radio, on TV or in a movie. Coupled with that voice was Luther’s unique ability to write and sing about love and the shared emotions we all feel in that search for and enjoyment of love. Through his songs, for the last two generations Luther Vandross became a staple in the most joyous moments of people’s lives. Guests included Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat with Diabetes Author Dr. Michelle May, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, R & B Singer Alyson Williams, “Here & Now” Songwriter and Entertainer Terry Steele, Seveda Williams, Luther Vandross Historian Leon Petrossian and Luther Superfan John Price. Throughout the podcast we featured songs from Luther’s third album, Busy Body courtesy of SONY Music. It featured such hits as “Superstar,” “For the Sweetness Of Your Love” and the duet with Dionne Warwick entitled “How Many Times Can We Say Goodbye.” LISTEN NOW

Behind the scenes of the Broadcast: After we finished the live broadcast of our Annual Luther Tribute podcast in 2017, I thought it would be great to bring a tribute podcast to life! I wanted to connect the fans with Luther’s vocalists, musicians, friends and family members to celebrate his legacy.  That’s how our 4 day celebration entitled Fandross  was born. Fandross 2018  featured four wonderful events in New York City including a Live Tribute Concert at Ashford & Simpson’s Sugar Bar, Lisa Fischer & Grand Baton in concert at the Blue Note, a Luther Film & Video Presentation and Panel Discussion at SVA Theater and a Luther-themed Brunch, Fashion Show & Dress Auction with Runway the Realway. It was a magical experience to hear Luther’s music performed live by his musicians and vocalists. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.  

And now a drumroll for …

#1: Diabetes Late Nite inspired by P!nk from January 2018

 Show synopsis: We’re taking about MINDFULNESS with musical inspiration from P!nk. Mindfulness is a technique to be aware of moment-by-moment thoughts, emotions and physical sensations in a non-judgmental way and is increasingly used for eating habits and diabetes management. Research has shown that mindfulness enhances clinical effect of glycemic control. Mindfulness also allows you to accept the way you are feeling rather than constantly battling to try and change it. Guests include Chilbrook Kennels Breeder Author, Diabetes Alert Dog and Scent Detection Expert, Debby Kay, Walking with Peety Author Eric O’Grey, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Yoga for Diabetes Author, Rachel Zinman, and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE.  Throughout the podcast we featured songs from Pink’s Beautiful Trauma album courtesy of SONY Music. LISTEN NOW

Behind the scenes of the Broadcast: I can’t always personally pick the CDs we play on our podcasts. Sometimes the artists and/or albums I want are not available in the SONY catalogue or as in this case, I featured music that SONY recommended. As a P!nk fan, I was welcomed their suggestion.  Over the years I’ve come to realized just how big a role the music plays in our monthly podcast. It creates a theme, reinforces a key message, adds excitement to our games and leaves the listener with a beautiful final thought. Several of P!nk’s songs “Beautiful Trauma,” “What About Us” and “Better Life” inspired me to tackle the topics discussed on this podcast.  I usually listen to an album about 20 times prior to producing the podcast. I listen to it while I’m developing the show, choosing and booking guests, researching topics and coming up with game ideas.  Then, I listen to it one more time about an hour before we broadcast to get in the right frame of mind. 

Thanks for being a part of our 8th year of Diabetes Late Nite and Cheers to you for an inspiring and productive 2019. 

Coming in January 2019: Diabetes Late Nite Inspired by Mariah Carey

We’re talking about ways to proceed with ‘CAUTION’ in 2019 with musical inspiration from the iconic Mariah Carey on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, 6 PM, EST. TUNE IN

Join us as we talk to experts about the link between Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD).  

Do you know living with type 2 diabetes puts you at greater risk for heart disease and stroke? Unfortunately most people don’t. We want to help you get CLUED INN and make a healthy comeback worthy of Mariah Carey. Music critics agree that Mariah’s latest collection of songs not only maintains her status as one the best singer/songwriters in the game, but also eloquently displays her truth. She opens up about love, loneliness, and self-worth in a cautionary album that reminds us that she is still a force to be reckoned with after nearly three decades in the industry. Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks,  2015 AADE Diabetes Educator of the Year Susan Weiner, MS RDN CDE FAADE, Mama Rose Marie, WeAreEatNeat.com’s Lloyd Owens, Nick Zevgolis, and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach. Throughout the podcast we will be playing music from Mariah Carey’s “CAUTION” courtesy of SONY Music.

Diabetes Late Nite is a fast-paced, full-filled hour of diabetes education and wellness advice that encourages listeners to “laugh a little, learn a  lot.”

Join Mr. Divabetic and cast of Diabetes Late NIte for the first-ever Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease Escape Room Experience, Clued Inn,on National Diabetes Alert Day (March 26, 2019) in New York City sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Happy Diabetic’s Turkey Joe’s Fast Recipe

Chef Robert “The Happy Diabetic” Lewis, who is living with type 2 diabetes, has made it his  goal is to live happy and healthy and to create recipes that celebrate great-tasting food that both diabetics and non-diabetics can enjoy. His cookbooks are filled with tips, tidbits and humorous anecdotes that he hopes will make cooking fun! Below is one of our favorites:

Happy Diabetic’s Turkey Joe’s Fast Recipe

“Happy and Healthy sloppy style joes made with simple ingredients and ground turkey. Can you feel the love?”, says Chef Robert Lewis. 

What’s In It?

2 pounds ground turkey

2 cups tomato sauce (low sodium)

1 can tomato paste

1 Tablespoons garlic powder

¼ teaspoon Mrs. Dash Table Blend Salt

¼ Tablespoons chili powder

2.5 Tablespoons honey or maple syrup

1 16 oz can diced tomatoes, drained (optional I like to reserve the juice incase I want or need to thin down the sauce)

Let’s Put It Together:

In a large sauce pan, brown ground turkey over medium heat until completely cooked.

Stir in all ingredients. Once mixed, heat on low for an additional 10-15 minutes.

The NUTRITION Facts (approximate): Serving Size 4 oz, Calories 220, Total Fat 8 g, Sodium 178.7 mg, Total Carbohydrates 14.5 g, Protein 22.1 g

In a recent profile on the Everyday Diabetes website, Chef Robert Lewis admitted that he feared the worst for his own love of great food following his diagnosis with Type 2 Diabetes in 1998.

“I suspected that my days of good eating were over,” Lewis writes on his blog. “Yet, as I worked through my ups and downs, I came to realize that the selection of foods I could and should eat was vast and included many of my favorites. This motivated me to attempt to create delicious, diabetic-friendly dishes that were also easy to prepare.

Today he’s a man on the go! is a man on the go. When he’s not working as a director of training for 60 restaurants in the Midwest, he’s  traveling around the country as a keynote speaker for Taking Control of Your Diabetes and/or hosting his own podcast, ‘The Happy Diabetic Kitchen Podcast’! Read more about Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’ in Diabetes Health Monitor magazine.

Chef Robert “The Happy Diabetic” Lewis stars in Divabetic’s 5th Annual Diabetes Mystery podcast, “Swan Wake”  starring Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, We Are Diabetes organization founder Asha Brown, Seveda Williams, Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Mary Ann Nicolay MEd, DTR, Mama Rose Marie, Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’ and Poet Lorraine Brooks. Throughout the podcast we will be featuring music from Leonard Berstein’s recording of ‘Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20’ in celebration of the centennial of America’s greatest classical composer and conductor courtesy of SONY Music. Available for free on demand LISTEN NOW