Living with diabetes can be a challenging experience, especially when it comes to your relationships. That’s why it’s essential to talk to your loved ones about your diabetes diagnosis and how it affects your life. It can help you surround yourself with a more supportive and encouraging environment.
Dr. Janis Roszler, PhD, LMFT, CDCES, LD/N, FAND, and Donna Rice, MBA, BSN, RN, CDCES, FADCES, co-authors of Divabetic’s ebook Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide To Love & Intimacy With Diabetes, Dr. Janis Roszler PhD, LMFT, CDCES, LD/N, FAND, and Donna Rice MBA, BSN, RN, CDCES, FADCES offer advice on discussing your diabetes diagnosis as well as issues related to intimacy, fertility, and menopause with the people you care about the most.
Thank you for helping us to better understand your unique experiences and struggles with diabetes by participating in our first-ever survey on love and relationships for women with diabetes with Diabetes Sisters . This survey, titled Love Across All Life Stages of Diabetes, allowed you to share your thoughts and experiences with us so we can create more meaningful programming and resources to serve you.
For the past 64 years. Barbie has been a part of our lives, a cultural touchstone, or the quintessential image of what a woman should be but never will be – a sex or beauty object. Greta Gerwig’s big screen makeover and the related marketing blitz are making us revisit and reevaluate Barbie’s impact on our lives, including our sex lives.
After all, if Barbie and Ken are confused about what to do at sleepovers, you might be too, especially if you’re dealing with sexual health issues related to diabetes. Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in nearly all countries. People with diabetes experience sexual dysfunction more often than the general public.
We are excited to announce our partnership with Diabetes Sisters to conduct the first-ever Survey on LOVE for women with diabetes across all stages of life.
Relationships, including the ones we have with ourselves, play a crucial role in managing diabetes. From marriages to best friends, we hope to gain insight into the topics that matter the most to you and what kind of support and guidance you need, particularly if you’re dealing with sexual health issues.
It’s time for the voices of the approximately 15 million women in the United States who have diabetes, or about 1 in every 9 adult women, to be heard.
Managing diabetes can be challenging. Depending on what’s happening in your life, such as hormonal changes, how you manage your diabetes may need to change over time. Staying on track with your body, relationships, and attitude towards living with diabetes can be a daunting task.
We plan to release the survey on Galalantines Day, February 13, and publish our results on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2024. Your participation can help us improve the quality of our care, support, and encouragement.
One lucky participant will win a Dario Blood Glucose Meter Starter Kit during our random drawing (no purchase necessary). You must register for Divabetic’s Zoom Party on Eventbrite to be entered into the random drawing. Enjoy this special Dario discount for the Divabetic community!
TheDario Blood Glucose Meterstarter kit is a all-in-one pocket-sized device can track blood sugar fluctuations and trends and identify hyper/hypoglycemic episodes right from your smartphone, providing readings within as little as 6 seconds. It’s scientifically proven, HIPPA compliant, and includes Dario Coaches to offer support and motivation to help manage your diabetes.
What women with diabetes say about Dario:
“It’s allowed to control my diet a lot better and by numbers have come WAY down,“ says Barbara, 64 years old. “ “You can’t go wrong with it. It’s all inclusive, it synchs to your phone, you just can’t go wrong with it.”
“I like Dario for the compactness. I can have 3 different testers that all go into the same app. If my purse isn’t near me, I just grab my tester that’s in the kitchen,” says Mary“It’s great that the data is all recorded together no matter which meter I use. And I love that it’s compact. It’s helped me manage my diabetes because it’s readily assessable. I don’t skip testing because it’s so easy to keep with me and take a test.”
Join us for Divabetic’s free, funVirtual Scavenger Hunt & Smoothie Partyon Zoom where everything you need to win a raffle prize is within your own home. Whether you have had diabetes for a long time or have only recently been diagnosed, having a diabetes management plan and supplies in place are essential for living life to the fullest.
Our entertaining night of virtual diabetes wellness, healthy smoothies, and conversation features best-selling Intimacy & Diabetes co-author, Janis Roszler LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND.
Relationships play an important role in our everyday lives. But when diabetes enters the picture, it can complicate even our casual relationships. Janis will answer your questions about how diabetes affects the 8 types of Intimacy: Aesthetic, Spiritual, Intellectual, Social, Emotional, Affection, Physical, and Sexual.
We’re talking about the 8 Types of Intimacy with special guest: Janis Roszler on Divabetic’s free Indoor Scavenger Hunt & Smoothie Party on Zoom on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 7 – 7:30 PM, EST. Register
How does the fact that you have (your partner has) diabetes affect your relationship with your partner, positively and/or negatively?
Many people readily admit that living with diabetes can complicate and strain even the most loving and open relationships. The mood swings and emotional demands of diabetes can affect relationships with friends, family, co-workers and partners. Having a chronic disease can both increase the need for emotional support and increase the potential for frustration and tension.
Thanks to Shwa Hall for sharing their work on Unsplash.
No two relationships are exactly alike. However, different types of relationships have certain things in common. This might mean the types of feelings involved, the style of sex and intimacy of the couple, or even whether or not they live together.
We tend to focus on the sexual component in romantic relationships whereas but there are actually 8 different types of intimacy. Learning what they are can help you evaluate your relationship and what you can do to make your relationship a more intimate one.
8 Types of Intimacy
Affection (not sexual):Thank your partner for something they do. Say, “I love you” or “I’m so glad we are together.” Give them a hug and quick kiss when they arrive home from work.
Physical (not sexual):Go for a walk, swim, or bike ride together. If you have a ping pong table, challenge your partner to a game or two.
Aesthetic:Go outside and watch the sunset together. Stroll through an art gallery and view the paintings. Join your partner in the den and ask Alexa to play a song you both enjoy.
Spiritual:Pray or meditate together. Discuss a spiritual topic, attend church or synagogue together
Intellectual:If you share political views, discuss the 2020 election. Or, talk about a topic you recently heard or read about.
Social:Go out to a restaurant, see a movie, double date with friends, etc.
Emotional:Share your feelings about something.
Sexual:Shower together, share a bubble bath, or more.
Janis Roszler MFT, RD, LD/N, CDCES, FAND will be sharing insight about the 8 types of intimacy during Divabetic’s Zoom Party. Janis is the AADE 2008-2009 Diabetes Educator of the Year 2008 -2009, Board Certified Sex Therapist, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics andAuthor and/or Co-Author of: Intimacy & Diabetes (ADA, 2020); Approaches to Behavior (ADA,2015); Diabetes On Your OWN Terms (Marlowe & Company, 2007); Sex and Diabetes (ADA, 2007); The Secrets Of Living And Loving WITH Diabetes (Surrey Books, 2004).
If you have diabetes, you may be looking for guidance on this sensitive subject. Intimacy & Diabetes is here to give help and advice where you need it.
Intimacy & Diabetes by Janis Roszler, LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND; and Donna Rice, MBA, BSN, RN, CDE, FAADE. e-book: $9.99
Special Guest: Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDCES, CHWC, FAND shared this easy, healthy recipe on last night’s free Divabetic’s At Home Scavenger Hunt & Smoothie Party on Zoom.
Do you know? Both yogurt and berries are linked to less incidence of type 2 diabetes.
“I always recommend both foods to my clients with prediabetes. And they’re probably good for diabetes, as well.” READ MORE
HELPFUL TIP: “When berries aren’t in season, I grab a bag of frozen mixed berries or mixed berries with cherries at the supermarket,” says Jill Weisenberger.
“This is the week-by-week guide that will change your life!”
One lucky participant, Helen from Georgia, from last night’s Divabetic Zoom Party won a copy of Jill Weisenberger’s best-selling book, Diabetes Weight Loss – Week by Week.
Diabetes Weight Loss Week by Weektakes you on a one-year journey to weight control while managing your blood sugar,cholesterol level and more! This best-selling book includes sample menus, recipes and tricks for the kitchen. Instead of focusing on gimmicks, you will learn the skills you need to be successful long term.
Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, is a Nutrition, Culinary & Diabetes Expert, Wellcoach®-certified health and wellness coach, Freelance Writer, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator. She’s also the author of four books, including a best-seller. She’s a nationally-recognized media expert in high demand for print and online interviews, as well as corporate and one-on-one nutritional counseling. Jill’s philosophy is that nutrition science should be understandable, realistic and oh so delicious.
Looking for a fun, safe way to socialize without putting your diabetes wellness at risk?
Join the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic for Divabetic’s free, upcoming Zoom Scavenger Hunt: At Home Party on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 7 – 7:35 PM, EST.
This 35 minute virtual diabetes wellness outreach event features ‘Intimacy and Diabetes’ co-author,Janis Roszler LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND.
Relationships play an important role in our everyday lives. But when diabetes enters the picture, it can complicate even our casual relationships. Janis will answer your questions about how diabetes affects the 8 types of Intimacy: Aesthetic, Spiritual, Intellectual, Social, Emotional, Affection, Physical, and Sexual.
Janis Roszler is the 2008-2009 Diabetes Educator of the Year (AADE). She is a licensed marriage and family therapist, board certified sex therapist, registered dietitian, and award-winning medical media producer. Her books include Intimacy & Diabetes (ADA, 2020); Approaches to Behavior (ADA,2015); Diabetes On Your OWN Terms (Marlowe & Company, 2007); Sex and Diabetes (ADA, 2007); The Secrets Of Living And Loving with Diabetes (Surrey Books, 2004).
Divabetic’s Free Virtual Scavenger Hunt: At Home Party on Zoom on Thursday, July 18, 2020, 7 – 7:35 PM, EST. Once you register you will receive a Zoom code. If you’ve never used Zoom, you will need a few minutes before the start of our outreach event to download the app and log in.
Thank you to everyone who has taken measures to protect our Divabetic community members and their loved ones by wearing cloth face coverings and social distancing. We are so grateful! Divabetic will continue to provide free Virtual Diabetes Outreach events with qualified health experts to keep you safe, informed and connected. Please join us!
We’re talking about ‘ROMANCE & DIABETES’ on this episode of Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with musical inspiration from Camila Cabello.
Sometimes I’m angry, sometimes I’m sad,
Sometimes I cry at the day that I’ve had.
Often I’m happy, but sometimes I’m not,
Sometimes I fear the disease that I’ve got.
Sometimes I need to eat, sometimes I don’t.
Sometimes my meds will work, sometimes they won’t.
Sometimes my mood is good, happy and gay,
Sometimes it’s hard just to get through the day.
It’s hard to explain, and I don’t have a clue
As to why at some times I behave as I do.
But trust me, I’m trying…I’m doing my best
But this disease just doesn’t give you a rest.
So try to be gentle and do understand,
That I’m just trying to play all,the cards in my hand.
To manage is crucial, and I need support
With planning, and cooking, and things of that sort.
Help me to live with this, and watch what I do,
And know that I because you’re my mate, I need you.
We’re both on this journey, we travel this road
And we”ll both appreciate the seeds that we’ve sowed.
Parttners in everything, shoulders to lean,
All for each other, and no in-between.
That’s what I want and I know you’ll exceed
In giving me all the support that I need!
LISTENto Lorraine Brooks read her poem, ‘Live With Me, Love With Me’ on February’s Diabetes Late Nitepodcast featuring music from Tim McGraw & Faith Hill’s ‘Rest Of Our Lives’ album courtesy of SONY Music. ‘Rest Of Our Lives’ is described as a cozy, inoffensive depiction of an American marriage, with tender ballads and handsome up-tempo numbers preaching the gospel of devotion by Mikael Wood for the Los Angeles Times. Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Jaye O’Grey, Janis Roszler LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and Mama Rose Marie.