U. S. Open, Mental Health & Overcoming Setbacks

I attended the U.S. Open earlier this week and witnessed some incredible matches. While on the grounds, I heard Sloane Stephens playing in one of the stadiums. She was ahead 6-0, 4-1, but ultimately lost in three sets. I can only imagine how devastated she must have felt after the loss. How does one bounce back from such a disappointing defeat on one of the U.S. Open’s main courts, especially when commentators like Chris Evert are critical of your performance? Rennae Stubbs, whom I greatly admire as an announcer, mentioned that Sloane needs to learn how to win again after a tough summer season. Losing a tennis match can be frustrating and disappointing, especially if you have high expectations for your performance.

Similarly, managing unexpected blood sugar levels can be a setback that requires steadiness and resilience. Just as in tennis, where you need to stay focused and composed even when things don’t go as planned, managing blood sugar levels demands steadfastness and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Both situations require patience, determination, and the willingness to adjust your game plan when things don’t go your way.

Sometimes, you need a plan B. For someone living with diabetes, that may mean finding a new healthcare collaborator. If you feel your provider isn’t providing advice, encouragement, or resources to help you, which is expected, then it’s time for a change. Constant worrying, negative thinking, and always expecting the worst can take a toll on your emotional and physical health. It can sap your emotional strength, leave you feeling restless and jumpy, cause insomnia, headaches, stomach problems, and muscle tension, and make it difficult to concentrate at work or on court. Check out this HelpGuide.Org RESOURCE Guide. 

During the match I was watching, I saw LuLu Sun from New Zealand, the surprise Wimbledon quarterfinalist, playing in her first U.S. Open with high expectations. Unfortunately, her match coincided with the big-serving American Chris Eubanks‘s intense five-set battle, spilling large crowds of Eubanks fans into the stands at LuLu’s match. So, there she was, New Zealand’s tennis ace, playing her first match on an outside court with fans screaming nearby and planes flying overhead. On top of that, the lighting was rapidly changing from day to night, making things even more challenging. Watching LuLu, I realized that the U.S. Open isn’t as glitz and glamour as expected.

Having high expectations or setting high standards for ourselves may increase stress and pressure to meet those expectations. If we perceive ourselves as falling short of our dreams, this can lead to anxiety, self-doubt, and feelings of inadequacy. The fear of failure and the constant drive for perfection can take a toll on our mental well-being, potentially leading to burnout and feelings of frustration. It’s essential to strike a balance and set realistic expectations to maintain a healthy mindset and prevent unnecessary strain on our mental health. If you’re plagued by exaggerated worry and tension, there are steps you can take to turn off anxious thoughts. Chronic worrying is a mental habit that can be broken. You can train your brain to stay calm and look at life from a more balanced, less fearful perspective. Check out this HelpGuide.Org RESOURCE Guide. 

Our friend, Dr. Beverly S. Adler, PhD, CD, shares “Fear of Diabetes Complications” with our Divabetic community in this blog post. READ MORE. In the blog post, “Dr. Bev” states the topic of diabetes complications stirs up a lot of emotional issues. Some well-meaning but uninformed people (they call themselves your family and friends) may tell you that if you eat that slice of cake, you will lose a toe or go blind. Trying to guilt you into eating healthy does not work. It makes many people with diabetes become oppositional and eat that slice – and more – just because they want to be assertive.

National Mindfulness Day is coming up on Thursday, September 12, 2024. One tip to help cope with worrying is to write down your worries. If an anxious thought or worry comes into your head during the day, briefly note it and then continue about your day. Remind yourself that you’ll have time to think about it later, so there’s no need to worry about it right now. Also, writing down your thoughts—on a pad or on your phone or computer—is much more complex than simply thinking about them, so your worries are more likely to lose their power.

Divabetic Podcast: Mermaid Parade

Tune in to Divabetic’s podcast on the 42nd Annual Mermaid Parade with our guests, Coney Island USA’s Artistic Director Adam Rinn and Poet Lorraine Brooks.

The Mermaid Parade is the nation’s largest art parade. It brings together creative minds in art and fashion and attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors to Brooklyn’s amusement district. The Parade originated to help preserve the tradition of Mardi Gras-type events popular in Coney Island between 1903 and 1954.

This year, painter, performer, and sideshow historian Joe Coleman will be King Neptune, and his wife, artist, and photographer Whitney Ward will be Queen Mermaid. The couple will officially open the beaches for the beginning of summer and celebrate the sun, sand, sea, and salt air.

Our first guest, Adam Rinn, Coney Island USA’s Artistic Director, is a Coney Island native who has worked as a sword swallower, strongman, and variety performer for the past 20 years, so you’re sure to enjoy this fun and colorful interview!

Frequent contributor Poet Lorraine Brooks revisits her groundbreaking poem “Beauty & The Beach,” which premiered over thirteen years ago on Divabetic’s Roundtable podcast. “Beauty & The Beach” resonates deeply with podcast listeners and Diabetic blog readers. Since then, we have reshared Lorraine’s poem on body love, swimwear, and beaches on subsequent podcasts and blog entries.

During our interview, Lorraine shares how her opinions about her body and wearing a swimsuit have changed over the past decade, but her feelings about her diabetes diagnosis have not. She emphasizes the time, effort, and care she has put into her diabetes management, which has helped her remain free of diabetes-related complications.

Our discussion also touches on how negative self-talk can hinder us from enjoying life. Lorraine has agreed to revisit the themes of body love, beaches, and swimwear in a new poem entitled “Summer Skin” for this podcast.

Diabetes advocate turned reluctant amateur sleuth, Mr. Divabetic finally takes the plunge and ventures into a new career as a healthy caterer. With the help of his co-workers and nosy Italian mother, he heads for Coney Island to cater his first party aboard a yacht for his former swim coach, Ted Rockow. But his nautical soiree quickly capsizes when the guest of honor is found swimming with the fishes.

Was it an accident or foul play? Now Mr. Divabetic’s grilling Burlesque dancers, a lifeguard lothario, a gypsy fortune teller, and some sequined mermaids, all intent on keeping their secrets buried deep within the sand.

Can Mr. Divabetic overcome his green pea phobia in time to prove Coach’s death was a murder, not an accident? Or will he end up floating out to sea? Will he sink or swim? Tune in to find out if he can solve the murder of his former swim coach with the help of his nosey Italian mother and friends. Along the way to revealing the identity of the murderer, he uncovers expert tips for diabetes self-care during the Summer months.

FEATURING Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek, USA Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, MaryAnn Horst-Nicolay MEd, NDRT, Lorraine Brooks, Catherine Schuller, We Are Diabetes Founder Asha Brown, Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’, Mama Rose Marie, and Seveda Williams.

PLUS OR MINUS Poem by Lorraine Brooks

PLUS OR MINUS by Lorraine Brooks

Don’t call me plus size.

Why should I be?

I’m bigger than some,

some are bigger than me.

A number is given to keep track of our size,

And what is the difference which one I must buy?

I’m not plus or minus, don’t label me so,

And don’t tell me into which stores I can go.

If I need an 18, and you need a 3,

You shouldn’t be thinking you’re better than me.

If you need a 20 and I need a 2,

I shouldn’t be thinking

I’m better than you.

Why don’t we instead,

embrace everyone’s curves

With all the respect and support one deserves.

Don’t label me by the disease I possess

Or anything else that might cause me distress.

I’ve spent most of my life with the label of “plus”,

The truth is that labels aren’t good for any of us.

Let’s labels shelves, and file cabinet drawers,

And signs on the ladies and mens bathroom doors.

A label is good if I need to explore

Where your office is located on the 5th floor.

And I need a label when I’m shopping for food

To know if tomatoes are pureed or stewed.

But don’t label me and my body, I ask,

And don’t make me wear this invisible mask…

Put labels on envelopes with return address,

Or telling me which one is lettuce, and which watercress.

Because in the end, I’m the same as you are,

And labels work better on bottles and jars.

But even if I am not your cup of tea

Don’t put labels on people…and please, not on me

Max “Mr. Divabetic” Szadek and poet Lorraine Brooks revisit her groundbreaking poem “Beauty & The Beach,” which premiered over thirteen years ago on Divabetic’s Roundtable podcast. The poem was inspired by Esther Williams and resonated deeply with podcast listeners and Diabetic blog readers. Since then, there have been numerous requests to have Lorraine share the poem again on subsequent podcasts or repost her words on the blog.

During this Divabetic podcast short take, Lorraine shares how her opinions about her body and wearing a swimsuit have changed over the past decade, but her feelings about her diabetes diagnosis have not. She emphasizes the time, effort, and care she has put into her diabetes management, which has helped her remain free of diabetes-related complications. The discussion also touches on how negative self-talk can hinder us from living life to the fullest. Lorraine has agreed to revisit the theme of the beach and swimwear at our request and has written a new poem, “Summer Skin,” for an upcoming podcast about the 42nd Annual Mermaid Parade in Coney Island.

Although “Summer Skin” is not a cheerful poem about exposing more skin during the summer, we are still honored to share it with the audience. We hope you know our community welcomes you to share your thoughts, feelings, apprehensions, struggles, and successes regarding living with diabetes.

No Regrets Poem By Lorraine Brooks

I asked Poet Lorraine Brooks to write a poem about living with diabetes with no regrets for our podcast featuring music by Edith Piaf.

Born in Paris in 1915, Edith Piaf became a national treasure. She was the voice of France. She began her singing career on the streets, and her only musical apprenticeship came from listening to singers on the capital’s popular radio stations. Her iconic hit, “Non, je ne regrette rien” spent seven weeks atop the French Singles & Airplay Reviews chart. I was inspired to email Lorraine with a laundry list of ideas. My list included having no regrets when checking blood sugars in public, no regrets for standing in front of the exercise class to be closer to the instructor, no regrets for asking for substitutions at the restaurants, no regrets for having dietary restrictions or bringing your meal to a party, and no regrets about firing your doctor.

No Regrets by Lorraine Brooks

Je ne regrette rien.
The where and the why and the when.
If I have a need that is pressing
I never find that it’s distressing.
Like pricking my finger for testing
Or foods that I may be ingesting.
I do not regret when they stare…
Or that I receive Medicare.
I take stock of all of my needs
And all that I need to proceed.
Why regret what makes me feel better?
Maybe it’s ME that’s the trend-setter!
I spend no time feeling regret.
Or that some might think me “heavy set.”
Life is too short for that worry.
So I’ll order that Indian curry.
As long as I’m smart and stay mindful
There’s no reason not to be prideful.
Pack up your cares and remorse.
And stay on your self-caring course.
Kick that regret to the curb.
And start living the life you deserve.

Listen to Lorraine Brooks perform her poem, No Regrets, on Divabetic’s podcast.

Edith Piaf inspires us to discuss living with ‘NO REGRETS’  on this episode of Divabetic’s podcast.

We all have regrets. It is part of human nature. However, hanging onto regrets takes up space and keeps us from enjoying the present moment. The stress factor wreaks havoc on the cells of the body. It affects our blood pressure, energy levels, hormones, and immune response. It also affects the mind. Our thinking process becomes clouded, mistakes are made, and poor choices lead to increased stress. All of these things can affect our diabetes wellness.

If we look carefully enough, we will see that they hold a lesson for the things we regret doing, and if we learn from our regrets, then the regret has served us well.

Edith Piaf’s unique ability to sing from the heart enchanted audiences beyond Paris. Her songs touch one’s heart and spirit, even if one cannot understand the words themselves.

Edith Piaf is helping us sing your praises! We applaud your determination, persistence, and efforts to stay healthy and upbeat about your daily self-care. Together, we are changing the way people learn to live with diabetes.

Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDCES, Dr. Lori Shemek PhD, Dr. Andrea Chisholm OBGYN, Cindy Lou from the ‘Diabetes What To Know’ community, and Mama Rose Marie.

This podcast features music from the ‘EDITH PIAF TOP 40’ album courtesy of SONY Music.

Divabetic podcasts are fast-paced, full-filled hours of diabetes education and wellness advice encouraging listeners to “laugh a little, learn a  lot.”

Help Us Light the Way During National Diabetes Awareness Month (November)

Approximately 96 million American adults—more than 1 in 3—have prediabetes. Did you know that over 80% don’t know they have it? Prediabetes increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

This November, join Divabetic’s Blue Candle initiative and encourage your friends, co-workers, and family members to be screened for pre-diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offers a quick, easy online Pre-Diabetes risk test.

Prediabetes Risk Test

Be by their side when they check, and share your experience of living well with diabetes so they can see that living well with diabetes is possible. Together, we can help others come out of the dark, address their diabetes health status, and start living their lives to the fullest.

Clarence Waldron talks about his stroke, recovery, working as Senior Editor and Writer of Jet Magazine, and his memories of Luther Vandross and Aretha Franklin.

Twenty years ago, Clarence interviewed Luther’s mother, Mrs. Mary Ida Vandross, for Jet Magazine after Luther suffered a stroke due to mismanaged type 2 diabetes.

Clarence’s story is an excellent reminder of why it’s essential to ACT F.A.S.T. if you or a loved one is experiencing a stroke. The acronym FAST (Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties, and Time) has been used by the National Stroke AssociationAmerican Heart Association, and others to educate the public on detecting stroke symptoms. Earlier treatment results in a greater chance of recovery, a reduced likelihood of permanent disability, and a lesser need for extensive rehabilitation.

You’ll quickly hear Clarence’s upbeat attitude and ferocious appetite for music and divas have served him well during his recovery. Throughout this podcast, we feature music from Aretha Franklin’s Get It Right album and Luther Vandross’s Live At Radio City Music Hall 2003 20th Anniversary Edition album courtesy of SONY Music.


Bittersweet by Poet Lorraine Brooks

Lorraine Brooks’s poetry expresses the emotional side of living with diabetes that is often overlooked or ignored on Divabetic’s monthly podcast.

If you’re feeling angry, ashamed, or overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to seek help.

Bittersweet by Poet Lorraine Brooks

I have diabetes, that’s generally known,
And sometimes, there’s cause for concern.
When others assume, that what I have shown
Is reason for them to be stern.
So what makes me angry, occasionally,
Is questioning my food decisions.
It’s when people judge, even well-meaningly,
And then look at me with derision.
It’s when doctors give me a guilt-making talk,
As if I have failed in my dealing.
It’s when people think that they’re walking the walk,
But they don’t understand how I’m feeling.
I often get angry when numbers don’t jive
In spite of the effort I’m making.
When blood sugars rise to two, hundred and five,
And my carb-counting may be mistaken.
Or how about not being able to lose
Any weight, even though I am trying.
I try all the diets, end up confused,
And sometimes I just feel like crying.
I never would choose this, the way that I live,
Because of the changes required.
And I can get angry and cannot forgive,
And I can get real sick and tired.
Counting, and checking, and eating, or not,
Cooking and shopping, and staying aware…
Trying to balance the changes I’ve got,
And making the most of my need for healthcare.
I know that some people will not understand,
That sometimes I’m hurt, and I’m scared.
But all I can say is, respect who I am,
And know that some days, it’s just HARD.
So walk in your beauty, and walk in your pride,
And use all your anger as fuel.
It’s not always easy to be on this ride,
And people can often be cruel.
But also don’t let people stand in your way
And don’t let yourself get unwound.
Even if you’re not feeling completely OK,
Get off of the merry-go-round!
Focus, be thoughtful, and give it your best,
Because that’s really all you can do.
Let go, of the anger and feeling depressed…
Stand up, and enjoy being YOU!

Lorraine Brooks performs her poem on this episode of Divabetic’s podcast with musical inspiration from Evelyn “Champagne” King.

Podcast guests include Authors of Overcoming Destructive Anger , psychologist Dr. Bernard Golden, PhD, an anger management specialist, Dr. Lori Shemek PhD, Susan Weiner MS, RD, CDCES, CDN, Laura Laria MA, CASAC-T, Jill Knapp- Woolsey, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Mama Rose Marie, and the Charlie’s Angels Outreach.

Throughout the podcast, we will play selected songs from The Essential Evelyn “Champagne” King courtesy of SONY Music.

Divabetic’s podcast is a fast-paced, full-filled hour of diabetes education and wellness advice that encourages listeners to “laugh a little, learn a lot.”

I Woke Up This Morning by Lorraine Brooks

Lorraine Brooks shares her thoughts about her experience of living with diabetes on Divabetic’s popular podcast. It’s a splendid thing that makes our diabetes podcasts so unique. Occasionally, we challenge her to write about a specific topic. When we do, she always delights us with her prose.  Our podcast focused on vision, which many of us take for granted. If you’re living with diabetes, make time for an annual exam to protect your eyes. Your vision is too important to take for granted, as it has an astonishing impact on your quality of life. To convey our message, we asked Lorraine to share a poem about taking things in life for granted. 

I Woke Up This Morning by Lorraine Brooks

I woke up this morning, as always,

And while walking through my hallway,

I looked in the mirror, reflecting,

And thought, why am I so rejecting?

There’s food in my pantry and clothes on my back

And 2 cars in my garage.

I‘ve plenty of colleagues and friends; I don’t lack,

I‘m blessed with a fine entourage.

There’s heat in the winter and cool when it is hot,

There’s no way I‘m doubting the blessings I‘ve got.

So what if I need to count calories now,

I still can consume that dessert anyhow.

My kidneys are fine, and my eyesight’s okay,

And I can still sleep at the end of the day.

I have a few dollars, and I can have fun

And not have to justify it to anyone.

I make my decisions and live with my fears

And thankful for 65 wonderful years.

This life here on earth can be tragic enough

Without adding to it irrelevant stuff.

The gift is in living and doing our best.

And then letting go of all of the rest.

So have a good time and be of good cheer.

And you will enjoy the time you have here.

Positive vibes and a will to stand tall

And living won’t be any trouble at all.


Listen to Lorraine Brooks perform her poem, I Woke Up This Morning, on this episode of Divabetic’s podcast with musical inspiration from Maxwell.

Along with fellow musicians D’Angelo and Erykah Badu, Maxwell has been credited with helping to shape what has been termed the “neo-soul” movement that rose to prominence during the late 1990s. He scored a major hit and won awards for his song, Fortunate, featuring a message that aligns with our podcast theme.

Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) is an accumulation of fluid in the macula-part of the retina that controls our most detailed vision abilities-due to leaking blood vessels. To develop DME, you must first have diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the tissue at the back of the eye (retina). Poorly controlled blood sugar is a risk factor. Early symptoms include floaters, blurriness, dark areas of vision, and difficulty perceiving colors. Blindness can occur.

Guests include singer Alfa Anderson, Diabetic Macular Edema patient Maryanne Kass, Artist Bryce Chisholm, Charlie’s Angels of Outreach, Poet Lorraine Brooks, and Mama Rose Marie. This podcast features songs from several of Maxwell’s albums courtesy of SONY Music.

Buttons by Lorraine Brooks

Enjoy this poem, Buttons, by Lorraine Brooks, whose monthly poetry contributions on Divabetic’s podcast help inform and enlighten our listeners. Over the years, Lorraine has helped me champion a weight-neutral approach to managing diabetes. She has shown me and countless others how focusing solely on the number you see on the scale can harm your diabetes health.

Taking a weight-neutral approach involves working outside the confines of weight loss as the primary goal for managing your diabetes. The goal is to respect the body and learn how to cultivate healthy habits. Unlike traditional approaches to weight loss, weight is not used as an indicator of health. The focus is on size acceptance, consistent self-care behaviors, and diabetes care. You can be healthy at every size. 

BUTTONS by Lorraine Brooks

I’ve never had buttons

On top of my jeans

I’ve only been able

To wear size of “queens”.

Elastic has often been

Something I needed

In clothing that made me feel

Somewhat defeated.

I longed for the feeling

Of putting on pants

Not worrying if people

Looked at me


No more stretch fabric

And no more a “plus”,

And seeing my booty

As big as a bus.

I’m tucking my shirt in,

I’m wearing no sleeves,

My body is freedom

My body believes.

The old grey sweatshirt

That I used to dread

I’m wearing a cardigan sweater


I know that this “victory”

Might not seem much

And that I am not “perfect” or

Gorgeous and such.

But trust me and listen

When I have to say

I buttoned my jeans today…

Hip, hip hooray!

The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic plays the food game, Serve, Taste or Trash! at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York.

Habits by Lorraine Brooks

Poet Lorraine Brooks shares her poem about habits on Divabetic‘s Healthy Swaps podcast. We’re offering simple ideas to help you live your best diabetes life on our podcast.
We understand many people deal with diabetes distress and feel overwhelmed by the rentlessness of diabetes.

Feeling this way about your diabetes is understandable and it’s a natural reaction for anyone that’s been diagnosed with a long-term health condition.

Lots of people feel like this sometimes but it’s important you get help. If you don’t get support to help you cope, you’re more likely to reach burnout and that can be really serious. Please let us join you on the journey.

Habits by Lorraine Brooks

To do somethig once

Doesn’t make a habit yet
You have to repeat
Some habits are good
Like eating our vegetables
And counting our carbs
Bad habits die hard.
Our chooices become lifestyles.
And sometimes are poor
What is a habit
A behavior that binds us
But you can break free
To age with kindness
Cmes from having good habits
From when we are young.
I dont mind aging
Because I have formed habits\
That serve e well now
I’m aging like wine
Rich and mellow and sparkling
My habits paid off
I know I’m OK
I have worked hard to get here
And I will not quit

Be Kind To Yourself

Try to manage your expectations about your blood sugar levels and A1c test results and set smaller, more realistic goals.

It also helps to stop using phrases like ‘good’ or ‘bad’ blood sugar – as this can constantly feel like you’ve done something wrong. Talk about high or low blood sugar instead.

Taking time for yourself, like booking a massage or setting an evening aside for a long bath can help you relax.

We’re sharing healthy swap ideas on this episode of Divabetic‘s podcast. With a few simple swaps, you can help live your best life while managing your diabetes. Our experts offer straightforward, simple, and fun swap ideas for drinks, medications, self-care, and fashion. Plus, we share style tips and words of inspiration to help you maintain a healthy habit.

Developing these habits isn’t always easy. Adapting to a new routine can be tricky, and it’s often tempting to want to return to old ways if we don’t see immediate results. One of the biggest mistakes people make when forming a new habit is taking on too much too quickly.  Focus on what’s working in your diabetes self-care plan before overhauling diabetes management. Instead of decluttering the entire house, why not focus on one room or closet? Why not focus on the calories you drink rather than everything you eat?  If you want to eat healthier, try replacing one dessert daily with a piece of fruit rather than cutting out sugar completely. If you’re going to get into hiking, start with a walk at lunchtime. Setting small goals you can achieve will help keep you motivated along the way.

Guests include Catherine Schuller, Poet Lorraine BrooksPatricia Addie-Gentle RD, CDCES, MaryAnn Horst Nicolay, MEd, NDTR, and Mama Rose Marie. Hosted by Mr. Divabetic.

Clarence Waldron talks about his stroke, recovery, working as Senior Editor and Writer of Jet Magazine, and his memories of Luther Vandross and Aretha Franklin in this YouTube video. Twenty years ago, Clarence interviewed Luther’s mother, Mrs. Mary Ida Vandross, for Jet Magazine after Luther suffered a stroke due to mismanaged type 2 diabetes.


Singer Alyson Williams’s Near Death Experience from COVID on Diabetes Late Nite

“The doctors were having trouble bringing me out of my coma due to COVID, so my angel, Valerie Simpson, told them to play my music in my ear,” confesses the First Lady of Def Jam, Alyson Williams, living with type 2 diabetes, on August’s episode of Divabetic’s monthly podcast.

“Sure enough, the nurse downloaded my music I opened my eyes and responded to her,” adds Alyson.

We are thankful to share that our friend, Alyson has made a triumphant return to the stage after a near-death experience from COVID. Currently, she’s touring worldwide with saxophonist and flutist Najee supporting their new rendition of Valentine Love which was first released in 1975 featuring Michael Henderson & Jean Carn. 

Hear more of Alyson Williams’s incredible story, her triumphant return to the stage, and “Rollercoaster Ride Of Diabetes” type 1 blogger FatCat Anna‘s account of her attempted suicide and managing diabetes in a mental hospital during the podcast.

Additionally, in August, we’re sharing poetry, an honest, no-filter look at the daily grind of living with diabetes, and practical ways to help you pivot and stay positive.

As part of my research for August’s podcast, I went to see Barry Manilow perform at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ. It’s a hard job, but someone’s got to do it!! He’s an incredible entertainer. What I loved most was how comfortable Barry Manilow is in his skin. He thoroughly enjoyed performing the songs he’s performed over a thousand times for his devoted ‘Fanilow’ fans like it was the first time!

We encourage others with diabetes to live life to the fullest and apply Barry Manilow‘s attitude to their daily lives.

“I believe that we are who we choose to be. Nobody is going to come and save you. You’ve got to save yourself. Nobody is going to give you anything. You’ve got to go and fight for it,” says the Grammy, Tony, and Emmy award-winning music icon with 50 Top 40 hits, 12 #1 singles, and more than 85 million albums.

Guests include The First Lady of Def Jam Alyson Williams, Poet Lorraine BrooksPatricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDCES, diabetes advocate, blogger, and mentor Fat Cat Anna. Music from The Essential Barry Manilow courtesy of SONY Music.  Hosted by Mr. Divabetic.

A Woman’s Choice Poem By Lorraine Brooks

Poet Lorraine Brooks shared her newest poem, A Woman’s Choice, on last night’s Divabetic 12th Year Podcast Anniversary Special.  Overnight there’s been a tremendous response to Lorraine’s powerful verse.

A Woman’s Choice by Lorraine Brooks

A woman’s choice

a woman’s voice

A voice that claims

Her rightful domains

To make decisions

Without derision

To control our fate

To procreate

To love at will

To take a pill

I’ve had my fill

Of Capitol Hill

They tell me why

l must comply

With laws that make me

Someone’s property

Heaven forbid

l choose to get rid

Of a child of a rape

Or a need to escape

From abuse or unfairness

From lack of awareness.

A part of this nation

I want education

And as a minority

l resent superiority

l resent being told

I must fit in your mold

And that l must submit

To some old hypocrite

Who is hellbent on taking me

Back to last century.

But we’re not done fighting

For laws that need writing

For fairness and decency

And justice spread evenly.

The fight is not over

The US will recover

From all this confusion –

And once and for all honor its Constitution.

Listen to Lorraine Brooks perform A Woman’s Choice on Divabetic’s 12th Year Podcast Anniversary Special. Other guests include Susan Weiner MS, RDN, CDCES, Ivan Hampden Jr.,  and Collage Artist Tom Cocotos. Hosted by Mr. DIvabetic with musical inspiration from Babyface courtesy of SONY Music.