I’m thrilled to share that UG-ONE Network radio host, Toni B. chose my Christmas ballad, Pink Champagne, as her Christmas Song of the Week. She’s planning to feature it every day this week on her Sparkle & Shine radio show in between a great mix of old and new R & B songs and holiday tunes.
Today she shared a heartfelt introduction encapsulating the song’s victim to victory mindset that had me smiling from ear to ear!
The inspiration for Pink Champagne came to me while I was watching a Hallmark Christmas movie. I thought, “What if the heroine ran into her (future) ex-boyfriend on Christmas Eve and told him she gave his present away?” Something about that idea made me think of Nancy Wilson’s iconic Guess Who I Saw Today? and the lyricist’s brilliant storytelling approach to songwriting.
When it came to selecting a cocktail for this song, I found myself drawn to pink champagne for a variety of reasons. Not only does it evoke a sense of celebration, but it also embodies a spirit of self-empowerment.
There’s something about the effervescence and vibrant color that feels uplifting and invigorating. Pink champagne is often associated with special occasions and moments of joy, making it the perfect choice for someone taking a bold step forward to move on with their life.
In addition to its celebratory nature, pink champagne exudes elegance, class, and sophistication. It can turn an ordinary moment into something truly extraordinary. The way it sparkles in the glass and the delightful bubbles that dance on your palate create an experience that is both luxurious and memorable.
I wonder what other cocktails you might choose. Would you lean towards something equally festive, or perhaps opt for a drink that reflects your personality or mood?
Once I chose my cocktail, the lyrics just flowed out of me like a story. I first reached out to my friend, Ivan Hampden Jr. to see if he’d be interested in working on a Christmas song, but he initially said “no.” Not one to give up, I called my friend, vocalist, Paulette McWilliams next, and she also said “no,” but before hanging up, I asked her if I could share a few lyrics. By the time I finished, she was asking me to send the rest!
A few hours later, Ivan called back and said, “We’re going to do your Christmas song!” From that point, the song blossomed week after week. Ivan layered on beautiful orchestration while Paulette played with the melody and ad-libs and helped fine-tune my lyrics, bringing her insights into the character.
When Ivan sent me the mastered track, I was absolutely blown away by how my words transformed into this lush and elegant Christmas song.
It turned out to be a truly beautiful collaboration!
My voice trembles for a moment. Now that I have told my husband about the painting, I passed the fork in the road. There’s no turning back. He wants to know where his new piece of art is. The excitement in his eyes makes my heart flicker. I feel it too. But my adrenaline rush is coming from the shift in our power dynamic. Suddenly I’m in control.
I managed to do something so unexpected earlier today. The realization makes me heady. I laugh, taking another sip of pink champagne. Could my insecurities that consumed my life from gestational diabetes vanish just as quickly as the bubbles in my glass? The confidence I felt as my old self was returning.
My. Jasper shifts uncomfortably in his chair. I grasp his hand and slowly begin to explain. Midway through my story, it dawns on Jasper that he might not be getting the painting for Christmas. I’d like to think either guilt or regret is the reason why his tongue is tied. I’m explaining to him how I found a lonely man on the street, a stranger, who would take the painting I bought for free. The color drains from his face. Earlier today, I took a photo with the man, assuming I would rub it in his face at this point in the story, but it’s unnecessary. Jasper feels the pain he caused me. His jaw is stiff for a second, then it relaxes.
Whether I ever decide to tell him that I saw him with her at the restaurant doesn’t matter. Jasper knows I know. He tightens his grip on my hand, looks deep into my eyes. First, he apologizes to me. Then he says,
“I don’t need another painting.” Huh? My husband doesn’t need another painting is the last thing I expect to hear. “I already have a masterpiece. It’s sitting right in front of me.”
My eyes fill with tears. My throat is choking with sadness and fear and regret and what feels an awful lot like hope, too.
Now, Jasper is looking at me like he hasn’t seen me in years. He sees the fierceness that he first fell in love with. The woman was so opinionated before slowly succumbing to the idea of what she thought Jasper wanted his wife to be. Searching my husband’s hazel eyes, I see my reflection. I found myself again this Christmas.
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Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 2
Click HEREfor Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 3
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 4
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 5
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 6
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 7
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 8
Click HEREfor Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 9
Divabetic Holiday Playlist: Gary Barlow’s super festive song, “How Christmas Is Supposed To Be” featuring Sheridan Smith. Gary told The Sun: “Everyone loves Sheridan, don’t they? She’s a great ball of energy and a great laugh. She’s just wonderful — and is a great actress and singer.
“We met in the wings of the Blackpool Opera House last year while waiting to go on for the Royal Variety Performance. She just said: ‘I’m a big fan, will you take my number and keep in touch?’
“So we swapped numbers and then when I wrote How Christmas Is Supposed To Be last year, I just thought of her immediately.
The song, How Christmas Is Supposed To Be, is about a couple who have a falling-out, they can’t do things right, it looks like they might split up.
The Take That star said of a new album The Dream of Christmas, “We were all trying to make Christmas feel good last year.
“It was a really hard Christmas for so many because of the scenario we all found ourselves in. So to try and make things a bit special, I started writing these songs
Time stands still. The warmth I feel from my husband’s soft adoring eyes gives me goosebumps. My heart begs my lips to tell sweet lies. I could say that the traffic was terrible coming home from the city, the lines waiting for Santa Claus were neverending, or that my mom was late coming to the house. All of them are good enough reasons why I didn’t bring his present. Just go with the flow, get swept up in the magic of pink champagne, and not spoil the moment.
My stomach’s butterflies can’t stop fluttering when he asks me about my day. I take another sip of champagne. Something deep inside tells me that a lie is not the way to start to right what’s wrong in our marriage.
Jasper listens as the words slowly begin to tumble from my mouth. I describe getting the kids dressed and ready to see Santa. I talk about how they both insisted on upgrading the gifts on their lists before we left the house. We both laugh when I mention that Darren wrote down a Black Maserati!! What kind of a ten-year-old asks for a luxury car in such detail?
One more sip of pink champagne for confidence helps me dive headfirst into my story. Jasper shifts a bit in his chair when I mention that I attended the Cox Collection auction this afternoon at Christie’s. His reaction goes from shock to disbelief when he hears I actually purchased something for him. My husband followed the sale closely on his phone. He saw the prices begin to skyrocket once the phone bidding started. He’s intrigued. He wants to know what piece I bought. Apparently, Beverly’s hasty departure interrupted him before the auction finished. As a result, he missed the final sales.
Jasper gasps when I finally tell him the painting I bought. My fingers reach for my purse, grab the receipt and then slowly push it across the oak table. His eyebrows raise in astonishment at the proof. The painting’s price is bewildering even for someone living in our zip code.
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Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 2
Click HEREfor Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 3
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 4
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 5
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 6
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 7
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 8
Divabetic Holiday Playlist: Thank you, Spotify, for introducing our ears to the son of singer Rhett Akins, singer-songwriter Thomas Rhett. He received four Grammy Award nominations with two albums nominated for Best Country Album in 2017 and 2019. After learning to play drums while attending junior high school, Rhett later would go onstage with his father and play. He was part of a band named The High Heeled Flip Flops in high school. Thomas dropped out of college when he was 20 to pursue a career in music. His sweet banjo-infused country Christmas tune, Christmas In The Country, is just what we need to hear right now.
It’s now or never. Should I tell my husband, Jasper what I did earlier today to save our marriage or not? The successful and wealthy chanteuse Dominique Deveraux confronting Alexis Carrington on the TV show, Dynasty would probably be calm, relaxed, and collected in my situation, but I’m a basket case. Hopefully, my inner Diahann Carroll, with her alluring elegance, glamour, and grace that made her a force to be reckoned with, will inspire me.
Just as I think a bit of liquid courage would help my situation, my favorite cocktail, pink champagne, appears in front of me thanks to our waiter. It’s the perfect cocktail for the best time of the year. Something about the fabulous pink color and all those tiny little bubbles feels like the holidays to me. What could be better than drinking a glass filled with glitter? And let’s not forget, it contains fewer calories than wine! Red or white wine has between 135 and 200 calories, a glass of pink champagne clocks in at only 95.
Jasper must have ordered my cocktail for me before I arrived. The thoughtfulness of his gesture makes me melt inside. He knows me, my likes, my dislikes, my interests, my passions, my moods, and my heart. Emotions surge inside of me. The ice around my heart begins to thaw. I can’t help feeling that Jasper is deliberately trying to woo me.
My husband’s eyes drink me in as I take a sip. I ask Jasper about his day. He seems a bit flustered at first, grasping for words before the smooth tenor of his voice returns. He doesn’t mention being at the restaurant earlier or with a woman, which doesn’t surprise me. Jasper doesn’t like to cause a scene in public. He’ll do anything to avoid it. Anytime our kids would cry in public when they were younger, Jasper moved mountains and earth to get us somewhere private as quickly as possible. He might be one of New York’s most successful ligators in court, but at home, he shies away from confrontation. I guess I do too. After all, I have never mentioned how I really feel about his early morning departures and late arrivals.
It’s actually a relief that Jasper doesn’t mention his lunch date to me. On the one hand, it means he didn’t see the children or me earlier, which means my surprise is still a surprise. But, on the other hand, if I can be so bold, his date doesn’t warrant a mention, which means we may not have a confrontation after all. Now perhaps that’s hope talking, but I am getting a strange feeling that my husband chooses me. He’s leaning forward in his chair, looking directly into my eyes and attentively listening to every word from my lips. If I believed in paranormal and mythical things, I’d say a time machine has sent us back to our first Christmas Eve together. Back then, we were so in love with each other that nothing else in the world mattered to us. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other.
While I take another sip of my pink champagne, Jasper shares the astronomical amount of money his client received in a settlement he negotiated today. Jasper talks with his hands as he describes his closing argument to the judge. I’m caught off guard by how my husband is talking to me. He’s not condensing, not cross or irritated. In fact, he seems determined for me to understand him as if my opinion truly matters. When I offer my praise, he seems genuinely grateful to be acknowledged.
His voice cracks when he mentions that he’s hiring a new assistant. I’m a bit surprised because I thought he loved his assistant, Monique. Monique always seems to know exactly what my husband needs before he’s able to tell her. It doesn’t matter if it’s a client file, a phone number, an internal memo, or even a take-out menu from a nearby restaurant. She’s always one step ahead of him. Although I have only met her once, I like Monique immensely. Jasper tells me that Monique left three months ago to be closer to her aging father. Apparently, she works for a law firm in her hometown, down South. I’m surprised I didn’t know sooner. Then again, we’ve said more to each other in the last thirty minutes than we have in the past three months.
I practically spill my pink champagne when Jasper asks me if I would consider coming to the office and helping him out until he finds a replacement. A wide smile spreads across my face. Jasper hasn’t asked for my help since he started practicing law. He couldn’t afford to hire anyone back then, so I readily agreed to be his assistant. I actually enjoyed the work. We were so close back then, working together as a team. My husband returns my smile when he hears my response. I agree with his request. He’s elated.
What’s going on here? Jasper is looking at me like I’m the only person in the woman. Now, I’m in a quandary about what to do. Do I go through with my plan? Do I tell him why I didn’t buy him a Christmas gift? Or do I make an excuse and pretend I forgot it at home?
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Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 2
Click HEREfor Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 3
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 4
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 5
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 6
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 7
Divabetic Holiday Playlist: We’re loving Lady A’s rendition of Paul McCartney’s iconic song, “Wonderful Christmastime”. Lady A decided to revamp their 12-track On This Winter’s Night Christmas album from 2012. According to Canadian actor Ryan George, it’s actually “about friends practicing witchcraft but then someone walks in and they have to suddenly play it cool.”
The Holidays are full of surprises— especially after Mr. Divabetic gets a new job as the pastry chef at the St. Nicholas Nursing Home nestled in a cozy Christmas Village. But adjusting to life in a Christmas Village is not all sugarplums and candy canes. Especially when a cantankerous resident, a real-life Ebenezer Scrooge, named Mr. Pincher almost dies——shortly after eating one of Max’s peanut butter swirl brownies. Despite all of the ingredients for danger, Mr. Divabetic along with our team of amateur sleuths and his overly protective mother — set out to find the real culprit in the hopes that his name isn’t on a lethal naughty list.
Our story was inspired by Kevin Houdeshell’s tragic true-life story. Thanks to the Houdeshell family for their advocacy efforts on behalf of the Emergency Insulin Act of 2019 and the emergency prescription refill legislation. Known as Kevin’s or Howdy’s Law, it allows pharmacists to dispense an emergency supply of a chronic maintenance medication if the doctor cannot be reached – a common-sense act that could save a life.
Starring Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek, USA Best Selling Author Tonya Kappes, Mama Rose Marie, Patricia Addie Gentle, Terri Seidman, MaryAnn Nicolay, Trisha Artman, Catherine Schuller, Chef Robert Lewis, Seveda Williams, and Wendy Radford. Special thanks to the Houdeshell family, and Pharmacist Mandy Reece. Original music by Ivan Hampden Jr., Celine Dion’s vocals courtesy of SONY Music. Produced by Leisa Chester Weir.
In the spirit of Scrooge’s awakening at the end of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, we encourage you to honor Christmas in your heart by living in the Past, The Present, and the Future. Try to embrace the Spirits of all Three and the lessons that they teach.
I make a beeline for Jasper’s Christie’s catalog as soon as the kids and I get home from the city. I got the idea to buy something for Jasper in the car as the twins were talking about what they wanted from Santa. I knew instantly that something from the Cox Collection auction was at the top of Jasper’s list. According to Jasper, it’s one of the most significant American collections ever appearing on the market. Masterpieces by Cézanne and Van Gogh will be on sale. This isn’t the area of my expertise, but I know what I need to do. I grab the catalog, tell my mother I have to run an errand and dash out the door before anyone can stop me.
I let myself wallow in the backseat of an Uber as I listen to Luther Vandross’s Every Year, Every Christmas song on the radio. Something in the lyrics makes me realize it takes two people to ruin a relationship. My eyes start painting pictures with the snow falling outside. I open my window to catch one before it hits the ground. If I can save just one, then maybe I can save my relationship as well.
When the cab abruptly stops, the weight is back, pressing on my chest. The scene at the restaurant keeps playing over and over again in my mind. I can’t seem to erase it. A few deep breaths later, I convince myself I’m doing the right thing. I don’t want a bigger family. The one I have is perfect. I figured that much out in the cab.
My urgency propels me through the Art Deco-style gleaming front doors of the Christie’s Auction House in Rockefeller Center in New York City. To say I’m a bit intimidated would be an understatement. This establishment sells roughly $7 billion worth of art, jewelry, and luxury goods a year. But, thankfully, the atmosphere I find is much more casual than I expected.
After dodging a few staff members’ prying questions about my husband and his whereabouts, I tell them that I am attending today’s auction in his place. Whether or not the staff buys my made-up story doesn’t matter. My husband’s black American Express card’s ridiculous high credit limit certainly makes up for any lingering doubts.
A senior sales consultant named Rudolfo takes me under his wing and points me in the direction of the auction floor. From the back of the room, I count about 40 bidders, although several more filtered in late. Most attendees wear jeans, sneakers, hoodies, and UGG boots and sit in the rows of chairs in the center of the room, but I take a seat against the back wall. Rudolfo doesn’t waste any time showing me how the auction works and what he thinks my husband is looking for. First, I circle a few items that I think he might like. Then, Rudolfo urges me to keep looking at more. The dollar signs in his eyes motivate him to stay close by my side.
On either side of the room are about 25 Christie’s staff members taking bids from clients in Singapore, Germany, and Florida over the phone. There’s tension in the air. It’s both nerve-wracking and exciting. I can see why my husband is so obsessed with collecting now. One man wearing a backward baseball cap bids $88,000 for a ruby and diamond jewels set that ends up selling to another bidder for $112,500. People raise their paddles so quickly and subtly that I often don’t even spot them.
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 1
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 2
Click HEREfor Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 3
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 4
This year’s Divabetic Gift Guide theme: Pink Champagne, is inspired by song lyrics that I wrote after binge-watching a dozen Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. I picked up a pen and wrote these lyrics:
Oh baby! pour me a glass
of pinkchampagne
after a few sips, I’d love to explain
why I decided on Christmas Day
to give my gift for you away
The rest of the song lyrics for Pink Champagne quickly followed and I liked my lyrics so much that I called my Luther Vandross musical family friends, producer Ivan Hampden Jr., and vocalist Paulette McWilliams. This dynamic duo agreed to record the song. I look forward to sharing the recorded song but until then please take a minute to enjoy this year’s Gift Guide inspired by a burst of creativity!
I’m sure more than a few readers are scratching your heads over the fact that our gift guide’s theme of an alcoholic cocktail, Pink Champagne. Sure, it’s a great song title but is it right for a healthy holiday gift guide designed to inspire you to live your best diabetes life?
Since we know many people with diabetes enjoy an alcoholic beverage during the holidays, we think it is!
A long time ago, I presented diabetes outreach at an Open Clinic in Sleepy Hollow. I met with the diabetes educator ahead of time to discuss our presentation. She did not want to address alcohol consumption during our presentation even though Cinco De Mayo was quickly approaching. Instead, she felt strongly that abstinence from alcohol was the best option for people with diabetes. Therefore, in her opinion, there was no need to address the topic during our presentation.
Let’s just say we didn’t see eye to eye on the matter.
I felt, and still believe that abstinence from alcohol works for some people with diabetes but not everyone. At one point during our presentation, I asked the crowd to raise their hands if they were planning to have a cocktail or two to celebrate Cinco De Mayo. Every hand flew up. When I asked if anyone knew how alcohol affects their blood sugar levels there was confusion.
Needless to say, we addressed the topic in-depth during the presentation. We held a highly interactive and meaningful discussion. Afterward, the educator expressed her gratitude to me for addressing the topic. There is no doubt that we will be featuring information about alcohol’s impact on blood sugar levels in our upcoming Pink Champagne Christmas Gift Guide-related posts.
Whether you’re focused on losing weight or want to add a little extra sparkle into your daily diabetes self-care, we’ve got you covered with this year’s Divabetic Holiday Gift Guide 2021. We believe in thoughtful gifts that bring a little happiness and good health into your life.
This colorful portion control container system allows you to maintain better portion control for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, making it perfect when you’re trying to lose weight or better manage diet and exercise. Each pre-measured container is based on the amount of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, proteins, and carbs you need each day. Simply match your color to your food plan for ideal portion control sizes. Price: $16.95 on Amazon.
Christmas song. I sat down, and the lyrics to a song I’m calling Pink Champagne poured out. I liked it so much that I called my Luther Vandross musical family friends, producer Ivan Hampden Jr., and vocalist Paulette McWilliams. They agreed to record the song.
Here are the first lines of Pink Champagne:
Oh, Baby! pour me a glass
of Pink Champagne
after a few sips, I’d love to explain
why I decided on Christmas Day
to give my gift for you away!
Rather than post the rest of the song lyrics, I decided to share the short story that I wrote inspired by the song on this blog throughout December. Enjoy!
The bright streams of sunshine are as bitter as the taste of flat champagne this morning coming through the window of my bedroom. Once again, my husband, Jasper, left early. I’m alone. He’s made it a habit to leave for work before anyone else in the house wakes up. But, for the past three months, Jasper’s been coming home late too. Like my father with my mother, he can’t stop himself from reminding me that someone has to work to put food on the table.
It’s true. Someone in the household has to pay for our family’s life necessities. But lately, Jasper uses his role as ‘breadwinner’ as an excuse to stay away. Our family’s lifestyle gives him plenty of excuses, too, because we live in the Hamptons. Jasper is proud to tell anyone who asks that we live in a ten thousand square feet residence with 6 bedrooms and 8 baths. It features a clubhouse, high-end fitness center, and outdoor pool located just a short walk to the Village of East Hampton and a little over a mile from pristine beaches. Just the upkeep alone for our home isn’t cheap either. But, according to our account, Jasper’s cousin, Aramis Fishbourne, we don’t have a choice. If we let the value of our home slide due to negligence, it would be even more costly to our finances.
But today is Christmas Eve! Weeks ago, Jasper promised to spend the whole day with the twins and me. No phones, no interruptions, just family time. Now, his side of the bed is cold, and the kids aren’t even up yet. If he stayed home for breakfast or dinner, he’d know that our children have been counting down the days until our annual trip to the city to see Santa Claus. So why does his boss expect him to work? More importantly, why does my husband agree to go?
I turn to look at his pillow and find a note, “See you at 8”. Jasper didn’t bother to sign it. I guess I should be happy that he remembered that we are going on a date tonight without me having to remind him. Still, my mind can’t help but fixate on his initial lack of enthusiasm. He was actually upset that I distracted him from reading his Art Auction catalog. Still, I didn’t let that deter me. I gently took his catalog away as I explained to him how we used to go out on Christmas Eve when we were dating. We’d dress up, sip champagne and enjoy an elegant dinner at the Plaza Hotel. We’d spend half of the evening looking around and fantasizing about being as rich as Rockefeller. But, somewhere between getting engaged, married, buying a home, and supporting a family, our little romantic tradition was lost.
Lately, we act like co-workers instead of man and wife. My job is to raise our family, his job is to support our family, and our bedroom is the water cooler where we catch up with each other. All that to say, I haven’t felt any chemistry between us in a long, long time. So hopefully, ‘date night’ on Christmas Eve will jumpstart an office romance.
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 1
Click HERE for Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 2
Click HEREfor Pink Champagne Christmas Story Part 3
Pink Champagne lyrics are a slight nod to Nancy Wilson’s iconic “Guess Who I Saw Today” and Marlena Shaw’s delicious “Go Away Little Boy”. Both of these songs have brought me tremendous joy over the years. If you have never heard these immortal songs – enjoy them!
We’re excited to announce a Special Divabetic Giveaway in celebration of our 9th Year Podcasting Anniversary. We’re teaming up with Glamazon Beauty Cosmetics to giveaway a Lip Gloss, Lipstick and Mascara.
Glamazon Beauty Cosmetics founder, Kim Baker is a New York-based commercial makeup artist and former Wilhelmina Model who specializes in working with celebrities and models. Kim’s unique background and approach to beauty is what sets her apart from her peers. For 20 years, Kim was in front of the camera, beginning as a size 4 model and then in the early 90s became what was considered one of the pioneers in the plus size industry.
Kim learned early on the power of great makeup and a great makeup artist; so, when she met a makeup artist who was just starting her own line, and shared her philosophy about makeup, “Don’t fall into trends-just play up your best features!”
Glamazon Beauty is a cosmetics color line that emcompasses the beauty of all women! Glamazon Beauty focuses on the lightest of porcelain to the deepest of ebony skin tones and all the shades in between.
Divabetic & Glamazon Beauty Cosmetics Giveaway
All correct answers to question above will be entered in our random drawing. Winner will be announced on-air during our 9th Anniversary Podcast Special tomorrow night, Tuesday, July 9, 2019, 6 PM, EST.
E-mail answers: mrdivabetic@gmail.com. GLAM MORE, FEAR LESS!
Join us for Divabetic’s 9th Year Anniversary Diabetes Late Nite Podcasting Celebration with musical inspiration from P!nk.
P!nk’s new album, Hurts 2B Human features the singer teaming up with Chris Stapleton, Khalid and more on her passionately confessional eighth LP.
Pink sings “I abhor reality” on the sugary dance song “Can We Pretend” featuring Cash Cash. But when she digs into what’s getting her down, it’s the most brazen and heartbroken she’s ever sounded. On the Sia-cowritten “Courage,” Pink’s voice swings up the scale on its own chandelier. “I don’t have to do this perfectly,” she sings. “Happy” (co-written by Teddy Geiger and Sasha Sloan) reminds us she is also the patron saint of the Missundaztood: “Can somebody find me a pill to make me unafraid of me/ Maybe I’m just scared to be happy,” she sings.
Guests include Beyond Type 2’s T’ara Smith, Catherine Lawrence , Dr. Sara (Mandy) Reece PHARMD, CDE, BC-ADM, BCACP, FAADE, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Glamazon Beauty owner Kim Baker, and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach. Hosted by the happiest health care “MC,” Max “Mr. Divabetic” Szadek.
A Finnish study suggests that regular sauna visits can reduce the risk for high blood pressure.
Nearly 79 million adults in this country — one of three — have high blood pressure, and half of those being treated for it still have systolic pressures over 140.
The study, in the American Journal of Hypertension reported that people who took two to three sessions were 24 percent less likely to have hypertension, and four to seven visits a week reduced the risk by 46 percent.
The study controlled for body mass index, alcohol consumption, resting heart rate, smoking, family history of hypertension and other variables as reported by the New York Times.
Did you know the best exercise to manage high blood pressure may be to divvy up your workout into bite-size pieces?
In a 2012 study by Dr. Gaesser, three 10-minute walks spread throughout the day were better at preventing subsequent spikes in blood pressure — which can indicate worsening blood pressure control — than one 30-minute walk. And if even a 10-minute walk sounds daunting, try standing more often.
“Exercise intensity does not appear to play any significant role” in helping people control blood pressure, Dr. Gaesser said
A: Troponins rise after a heart attack, or after excessive sitting.
Troponins are proteins produced by cardiac-muscle cells when they are hurt or dying. A heart attack releases a sudden tsunami of troponins into the bloodstream.
But even slightly elevated troponin levels, lower than those involved in heart attacks, are worrisome if they persist, most cardiologists believe. Chronically high troponin levels indicate that something is going wrong inside the heart muscle and that damage is occurring and accruing there. If the damage is not halted or slowed, it could eventually result in heart failure.
Sitting for hours on end is unhealthy, even if you occasionally exercise. People who sit for more than about nine or 10 hours each day — a group that includes many of us who work in offices — are prone to developing diabetes, heart disease and other problems, and most of these risks remain relatively high, even if we exercise.
Excessive sitting also has been associated with heart failure, a condition in which the heart becomes progressively weaker and unable to pump enough blood to keep the rest of the body oxygenated and well. But how sitting, which seems to demand so little from the heart, could be linked to heart failure, a condition in which the heart cannot respond adequately to exertion, has been unclear.
We’re taking about ‘MINDFULNESS’ with musical inspiration from Pink on January’s Diabetes Late Nite podcastscheduled for Tuesday, January 9, 2018, 6 PM, EST.
Mindfulness is a technique adopted to becoming aware of moment-by-moment thoughts, emotions and physical sensations in a non-judgmental way. … In the US, mindfulness is being increasingly used for eating habits and diabetes management. Research has shown that mindfulness enhances clinical effect of glycemic control.
Mindfulness can help break down the constant cycle of becoming stressed, anxious and depressed. Pressures and strains of everyday diabetes life cause an internal battle of avoidance.
People strive to avoid ‘negative emotions’ such as guilt, sadness, frustration and anger and instead are attracted to feelings of happiness and contentment.
Mindfulness allows you to accept the way you are feeling rather than constantly battling to try and change it.
Guests include Chilbrook Kennels Breeder Author, Diabetes Alert Dog and Scent Detection Expert, Debby Kay, ‘Walking with Peety’ Author Eric O’Grey, Poet Lorraine Brooks, ‘Yoga for Diabetes’ Author, Rachel Zinman, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and America’s #1 Energy Conductor, High Voltage.
Throughout the podcast we will be featuring songs from the Pink’s ‘Beautiful Trauma’ album courtesy of SONY Music. TUNE IN