Love Yourself

I was talking to a friend with type 1 diabetes yesterday, and he shared an experience with me that highlighted the challenges of managing diabetes. His insurance company had miscoded his request for insulin, which caused his pharmacy to be unable to refill his prescription. After hours of phone calls, a trip to the Emergency Room, and a lot of frustration, he finally resolved the issue.

This situation emphasized how difficult and frustrating it can be to advocate for one’s health with diabetes. Many people assume that individuals with diabetes should be able to manage their condition without any problems. Unfortunately, empathy, compassion, and encouragement for those living with diabetes are rarely expressed. Instead, there’s an assumption that it’s “no big deal.”

Statistics show that many people struggle with medication compliance, even with oral medications. It raises the question: why don’t others recognize the courage, determination, dedication, and perseverance it takes to manage diabetes day in and day out, year after year? While I don’t have an answer to that rhetorical question, I do recommend giving yourself a pat on the back, encouraging yourself, and appreciating the hard work you put into managing your health.

Remember, it starts with you. Take a minute to love yourself, and let this post be a reminder to you that we see you, recognize your commitment to your health, and love you too. You are amazing!!!

Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love and Intimacy with Diabetes, book one in the series, is your key to a happy, healthy intimate life with diabetes. BUY NOW

Divabetic Inspiration: Patti LaBelle

Patti LaBelle inspired me to create the term “Divabetic” during a memorable Luther Vandross Tribute Concert in New York City back in 2003.

Watching her shine on stage, radiant and dressed to impress, she shared, “I have diabetes. Diabetes doesn’t have me.” Her courage and sparkle made me reflect, “You’re not just a diabetic; you’re a DIVA.”

That’s when the idea of “Divabetic” popped into my head. Once I got home, I noted the word ‘diabetic’ in black ink and then creatively added a ‘v’ in red. It suddenly clicked that the ‘v’ symbolized Vandross and the divine divas he loved, like Dionne Warwick, Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, and of course, Patti LaBelle.

I realized that encouraging Luther’s fans to embrace a fresh perspective (“NEW ATTITUDE”) on living with diabetes—just like Patti did—could really transform health outcomes.

For the past twenty years, Patti LaBelle has shown the world that you can GLAM MORE, FEAR LESS, and live well with diabetes every day.

While I don’t remember Luther discussing his diabetes openly, I knew he had a huge support system for his music, but when it came to managing his health, he faced it on his own. Tragically, he suffered a stroke due to mismanaged type 2 diabetes at just 52. But you don’t have to follow that path or choose to walk it alone.

It’s essential to seek help, connect with a caring community, and share your journey. After all, living with diabetes can be fabulous! For over twenty years, I’ve been on this mission, all thanks to the inspiration from Patti LaBelle.

Through the Divabetic programs, podcasts, and videos, I’ve reached hundreds of thousands of men and women, spreading awareness and positivity. Let’s live life like a diva!

It is a privilege to be featured in the NAACP-nominated documentary Luther: Never Too Much and to share my story of discovering Luther after he suffered a stroke related to mismanaged diabetes, hoping to help others avoid a health crisis.

My hope is that by sharing our experiences, we can encourage others to take preventative steps for their health. If you live alone, please make sure you have a solid support system in place for any emergencies.

Remember, if you notice any signs of a stroke, don’t hesitate to seek help right away – taking quick action can really make a difference in your recovery. Let’s look out for each other!

Max Szadek Founded Divabetic.Org After Luther Vandross Suffered A Stroke Related To Mismanaged Type 2 Diabetes

ince many of you might be watching the Luther: Never Too Much documentary on CNN, I wanted to take a moment to share a bit about my journey. After discovering Luther, after he suffered a stroke due to mismanaged type 2 diabetes, I felt driven to become a diabetes advocate.

I joined Luther’s mother, Mrs. Mary Ida Vandross, on the promotional tour for Luther’s album, Dance With My Father. Sadly, Luther suffered a stroke related to mismanaged type 2 diabetes before the album’s release.

It was a meaningful time as I shared updates about health with the media. After the tour wrapped up, I asked Mrs. Vandross if she’d be interested in participating in the first PSA for Divabetic, produced by my dear friend, Gay Ball O’Brien. Our shared loss made us a powerful team advocating for diabetes education and stroke prevention.

This path led me to found Divabetic.Org, a nonprofit dedicated to reaching out to those at risk, impacted by, and living with diabetes.

The phrase Divabetic is a combination of the word ‘diabetic’ with a ‘V’ for Vandross to celebrate all the divas that Luther loved.

Patti LaBelle, living well with type 2 diabetes, inspired me one night during a Luther Tribute concert in New York City. In the middle of her performance, she boldly declared, “I have diabetes. Diabetes doesn’t have me,” which really struck a chord with me. Her confidence and glamour made me think, “She’s not just a diabetic; she’s a diva!”

When I got home after the concert, I felt inspired to jot down the word “diabetic” in black ink and cleverly add a ‘v’ in red ink. At that moment, it hit me that the ‘v’ stands for Vandross!

A few months later, when I traveled to Philadelphia with Luther to visit his mother, Mrs. Mary Ida Vandross, guess who was there? Patti LaBelle!

I was thrilled to present her with the first Divabetic t-shirt and share how much she had motivated me. Over the years, she’s graciously called herself a ‘Divabetic,’ and it’s such an honor!

The mission of Divabetic is to transform lives by changing attitudes, boosting spirits, and encouraging hope and motivation for those living with, affected by, or at risk of diabetes.

I couldn’t turn my back on what happened; instead, I became determined to help Luther’s fans and others learn to keep their house a home and stay healthy.

I focus on preventing diabetes complications, promoting a team approach to self-management, and educating everyone about handling unexpected self-care crises.

Luther suffered a stroke in April 2003, and by November, I was busy selling Divabetic t-shirts with the slogan “Sugar’s The Bitch Not Me” to raise funds for diabetes organizations.

I also volunteered on the national diabetes TV show, d-life, and started offering free coaching classes with two inspiring women who live with type 1 diabetes.

Fast forward to 2006, and I was out there participating in health fairs across NYC, including the Apollo Theater. I hosted monthly diabetes education meetings with a certified educator and launched my first major program, Divabetic – Makeover Your Diabetes, with support from Novo Nordisk.

Over the next two years, my program gained recognition, becoming the highest-rated diabetes program for Novo Nordisk worldwide!

I continued to bring unique diabetes outreach to major cities, started a podcast, and created ‘man on the street’ videos to empower those living with diabetes.

I created the carbohydrate counting game, Carb Kitty, published the ebook, Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love And Intimacy With Diabetes, and presented the art installation and outreach event, Plate Poetry, focused on emotional eating.

Divabetic’s Diabetes Plate Poetry “What’ s on Your Plate?” video describes the emotional experience of living with diabetes.  An important component of diabetes self-management, but often unaddressed, is the topic of emotional well being.

The Divabetic Club empowers those living with diabetes through media to manage their lives in healthier ways. People living with diabetes face numerous challenges in managing their disease on a day- to- day basis.  Divabetic wants to encourage these individuals to stay positive and healthy in their self-management.

Our mission to glamorize good health combines fitness, nutrition, style and positive energy.

Divabetic’s Luther Vandross Tribute podcasts aim to celebrate Luther’s musical legacay, share information on the emotions associated with managing diabetes and the underlying reasons attributed to those emotions, and encourage people to ‘keep their house a home’ by learning to prevent diabetes health-related complications from occurring.

I’ve had the pleasure of creating ten Divabetic mystery podcasts with the amazing Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes!

It’s been such a rewarding experience to empower others through storytelling. Our goal is to encourage listeners to think like detectives when it comes to self-care issues. We help them search for clues regarding unexpected high and low blood sugar readings and report back to their healthcare providers.

After facing challenges, including being unwelcome at a prominent church for being gay, I found support in my volleyball league, Gotham Volleyball.

I launched the Coming Out Project to help others embrace their identities.

In 2017, after Alfa Anderson’s album release (featuring her When Luther Sings tribute song, I organized reunion concerts at Ashford & Simpson’s Sugar Bar in NYC to celebrate Luther’s musical family resulting in the creation of FANDROSS.

I also produced several Luther Tribute podcasts featuring Luther’s friends, peers, collaborators and health educators.

Working with Luther Vandross also inspired me musically. My first foray into lyric writing led to the Billboard Dance Chartting single, That Man Of Mine, with singer songwriter, Cindy Mizelle and backing vocals by Brenda White-King.

I co-wrote UK Soul Chart hit, Mama’s Kitchen Table and the holiday breakup ballad, Pink Champagne with musician, songwriter, producer Ivan Hampden Jr. and singer, songwriter Paulette McWilliams.

I teamed up with the dynamatic sister duo, Crystal Penny, and Ivan Hampden Jr., to pen, Standards, my tribule to the legendary female vocalists whose music compose the soundtrack of my life.

So, thank you all for your concern—I’m doing well, staying busy, and ready to present more diabetes outreach with dazzle this year

Healthy Loops

The American Heart Association reports Charles Duhigg, author of “The Power of Habit,” describes a pattern or “habit loop” involving 3 elements: cue →, routine, → reward. Every behavior is a loop that follows those three elements.

Your brain can be trained to build habits. These three steps can help create habits that stick:

Cue: This is a reminder to act on your habit. It jogs your memory, prompting you to act in the same place, at the same time, every day.

Example: Leave your hand weights in a visible place so you can remind yourself of a habit of maintaining muscle tone in your arms.

Routine: To start with, choose a smaller, achievable version of your habit. Ensure it’s something you like so it’s easily repeatable. For example, start with a walk around the block rather than 20,000 steps daily.

I like creating a new playlist of my favorite disco songs weekly. By adding a new song to the list each week, I lengthen my workout and walk that much longer. For instance, Patti LaBelle’s ‘Think About You’ adds almost four and a half minutes to my workout. It doesn’t seem like drudgery, it feels like fun!

Reward: Positive emotions make habits stick. So have fun while you do your new activity, or associate it with a reward. Reserve time to watch your favorite TV binge-worthy show when you exercise.

ON SALE: Divabetic branded lip balm watermelon flavored (3 for $10.00 plus shipping and handling.)

Please take a minute to support our ‘glam more, fear less’ approach to diabetes outreach. For over 20 years, we have pioneered presenting traditional diabetes education in nonclincal ways. From monthly support meetings to national programs, we have made it our mission to empower women affected by, living with, and at risk of diabetes and their loved ones to achieve optimum health.

For more information, email:

Do you want another suggestion to add to your playlist? Check out Change’s “Glow Of Love,” featuring vocals by Luther Vandross. This song is guaranteed to put some pep in your step!!

Patti LaBelle’s New Attiude About Living With Diabetes

I coined the phrase “Divabetic” watching Patti Labelle on stage during a Luther  Vandross Tribute show in New York City in 2003. She said, “Diabetes doesn’t have me. I have diabetes.” Her bold, outspoken attitude about living with diabetes inspired me. I wish more people would adopt her approach and speak about living with diabetes. Informing your friends, co-workers, and family members about how to treat high and low blood sugar levels doesn’t just help you. It helps them, too.

Talking about diabetes isn’t always easy. But opening up could help you with coping with diabetes if you need it. If I had known more about my boss, Luther Vandross‘s type 2 diabetes, maybe I could have helped prevent his stroke from occurring.

Hopefully, Patti LaBelle’s iconic song, New Attitude, can inspire you to talk about your experience living with diabetes.

It can be hard to get started, or it’s just not the right moment. Maybe it’s easier to deal with your diabetes alone.

Help Us Light the Way During National Diabetes Awareness Month (November)

Approximately 96 million American adults—more than 1 in 3—have prediabetes. Did you know that over 80% don’t know they have it? Prediabetes increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

This November, join Divabetic’s Blue Candle initiative and encourage your friends, co-workers, and family members to be screened for pre-diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offers a quick, easy online Pre-Diabetes risk test.

Prediabetes Risk Test

Be by their side when they check, and share your experience of living well with diabetes so they can see that living well with diabetes is possible. Together, we can help others come out of the dark, address their diabetes health status, and start living their lives to the fullest.

Clarence Waldron talks about his stroke, recovery, working as Senior Editor and Writer of Jet Magazine, and his memories of Luther Vandross and Aretha Franklin.

Twenty years ago, Clarence interviewed Luther’s mother, Mrs. Mary Ida Vandross, for Jet Magazine after Luther suffered a stroke due to mismanaged type 2 diabetes.

Clarence’s story is an excellent reminder of why it’s essential to ACT F.A.S.T. if you or a loved one is experiencing a stroke. The acronym FAST (Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties, and Time) has been used by the National Stroke Association, American Heart Association, and others to educate the public on detecting stroke symptoms. Earlier treatment results in a greater chance of recovery, a reduced likelihood of permanent disability, and a lesser need for extensive rehabilitation.

You’ll quickly hear Clarence’s upbeat attitude and ferocious appetite for music and divas have served him well during his recovery. Throughout this podcast, we feature music from Aretha Franklin’s Get It Right album and Luther Vandross’s Live At Radio City Music Hall 2003 20th Anniversary Edition album courtesy of SONY Music.

We’re sharing excerpts of interviews from our favorite Divabetic podcasts over the years.

This excerpt is from our Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis Turnaround podcast with Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDCES, CHWC, FAND, and gospel singer Pat Lacy.

Jill Weisenberger is recognized internationally for her expertise in nutrition, diabetes, and prediabetes. She worked as a nutrition counselor, diabetes educator, and health coach in hospitals, research, and private practice settings. Jill helps leverage resources, recipes, and scientific insights to find better ways to improve eating and smart living, reduce the risk of mismanaged diabetes health-related complications, and support better health. Jill Weisenberger is the author of Prediabetes: A Complete Guide, 2nd edition, Diabetes Weight Loss Week By Week, 21 Things You Need to Know About Diabetes and Your Heart, and The Overworked Person’s Guide To Better Nutrition. Additionally, she offers the Prediabetes Meal Planning Crash Course, Prediabetes Turnaround, Type 2 Eating Guide, and a Stick With It Video Course. Gospel Singer

Pat Lacy, who has worked with The Sounds of Blackness and Luther Vandross, shares her experience living with type 2 diabetes and how she modified her lifestyle to take charge of her health. This podcast features music from Pat Lacy’s upcoming gospel album, I’m Taking You To Church.

Click this link for the full Prediabetes & Type 2 Diabetes Turnaround podcast.

New York Fashion Week: Meet Hat Designer Evetta Petty

Evetta Petty, the owner and designer of New York City’s Harlem’s Heaven Hats, shares how she stays on track with type 2 diabetes while running a successful small fashion business.

She is known for her big and bold hat pins, and her hats have humor, whimsy, rhythm, and fantasy. Evetta’s motto is, “I’ll make a hat out of anything.” Her hats have captured worldwide attention and have been worn to the Kentucky Derby and Royal Ascot in England.

Evetta designs an extensive line of hats and accessories. She travels to cities like Tokyo, Rome, Hong Kong, and New Delhi, looking for unusual textiles to create a more global headwear experience.

Her hats have been worn by many celebrities such as Patti LaBelle and Star Jones, and featured on TV shows like Anderson Cooper Live and The View. She has created hats for movies, fashion magazine covers, and editorials such as Essence, Jet, and Italian Vogue, it, Mujer Unica, Vibe, Fashion Affair, and The New York Times.

Get a sneak peek at Evetta Petty’s 30th Year Retrospective Fashion Show during New York Fashion Week and hear how she’s living with type 2 diabetes in style in this video.

New York Fashion Week (NYFW) provides leading designers worldwide with an unrivaled global platform to showcase their collections bi-annually every February and September.

For several years, Harlem’s Heaven and Divabetic partnered on a successful faith-based diabetes outreach program, Hat Boxing. Participants enjoyed a Diva Hat Fashion Show, Guest Speakers and a Hat Boxing Decorating Contest. Competitors entered their decorated hat boxes with messages about diabetes and diabetes self-care to win a crown from Harlem’s Heaven Hat.

Help Us Light the Way During National Diabetes Awareness Month (November)

Approximately 96 million American adults—more than 1 in 3—have prediabetes. Did you know that over 80% don’t know they have it? Prediabetes increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Join Divabetic’s Blue Candle initiative and encourage your friends, co-workers, and family members to be screened for pre-diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offers a quick, easy online Pre-Diabetes risk test.

Prediabetes Risk Test

Be by their side when they check, and share your successes and struggles of living with diabetes so they can see that living well with diabetes is possible.

Coming Soon! Divabetic’s first e-book, Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love and Intimacy with Diabetes, by co-authors Dr. Janis Roszler PhD, LMFT, RDN, CDCES, FAND, and Donna Rice MBA, BSN, RN, CDCES, FADCES, available on Kindle.


Ben Vereen on Living Healthy With Type 2 Diabetes

“How are you feeling today? I hope you’re doing well and taking good care of yourself. ❤️ Remember to prioritize your well-being and find moments of joy in your day. Wishing you a wonderful day ahead filled with positivity and happiness,” 🙏🏾 posted Ben Vereen, living with type 2 diabetes,  on social media. The Broadway legend often shares positive messages on social media to motivate and encourage people.

After the initial panic from his diagnosis lessened, he began to seek help. “Once my doctor told me what I had to do, I knew the regimen. He provided that comfort zone and made it very easy for me. I was able to maintain my performing schedule, I still do.”

Type 2 diabetes means that your body doesn’t use insulin properly. And while some people can manage their blood sugar levels with meal plans and exercise, others may need medication or insulin to manage it. 

In an interview with Diabetes Self-Management, Ben Vereen said, “The community has been so inspirational. Right after I was diagnosed, I had a show in Vegas. I thought, how am I gonna get through this? This is why we have to speak up. I get there and a stagehand I’ve worked with for years said, “I heard you have diabetes.” He said, “Don’t worry about this, you’ll get through it, I have diabetes, too. Many of us here have it — we’re gonna watch you.” Knowing someone else walking this path was comforting. I felt better knowing that if I had questions, I had someone I could turn to. As Patti LaBelle told me, “I have it, it doesn’t have me.”

Ben changed his eating plan. “I became a vegan, that’s what worked for me. I exercise, too, but I already did exercise so that was easy. My mantra: Everything in moderation. Moderation is key.”

He doesn’t adhere to a one size fits all mentality when it comes to managing diabetes but instead recommends tailoring self-care to meet your needs. “Do what works for you. Then share your story with the community so maybe someone with the same fear can be educated and not feel alone.”

Join us tonight for our Healthy Lifestyle Swaps podcast starting at 6 PM, EST.

With a few simple swaps, you can help live your best life while managing your diabetes. Our experts offer straightforward, simple, and fun swap ideas for drinks, medications, self-care, and fashion. Plus, we share style tips and words of inspiration to help you maintain a healthy habit.

Developing these habits isn’t always easy. Adapting to a new routine can be tricky, and it’s often tempting to want to return to old ways if we don’t see immediate results. One of the biggest mistakes people make when forming a new habit is taking on too much too quickly.  Focus on what’s working in your diabetes self-care plan before overhauling diabetes management. Instead of decluttering the entire house, why not focus on one room or closet? Why not focus on the calories you drink rather than everything you eat?  If you want to eat healthier, try replacing one dessert daily with a piece of fruit rather than cutting out sugar completely. If you’re going to get into hiking, start with a walk at lunchtime. Setting small goals you can achieve will help keep you motivated along the way.

Guests include Catherine Schuller, Poet Lorraine BrooksPatricia Addie-Gentle RD, CDCES, MaryAnn Horst Nicolay, MEd, NDTR, and Mama Rose Marie. Hosted by Mr. Divabetic.

Please feel free to call-in comments at 1-347-215-8551. Diva TalkRadio’s signature show is one you want to hear live every month.

Crystal Penny Guest on Richard Marzetti’s Soul Life on Solar Radio Today!

I’m thrilled my friends, Crystal Wilson Blackmon and Penni Wilson, professionally known as Crystal Penny, will be on Richard Marzetti’s Soul Life show on Solar Radio today.

They will be discussing their new song, “Standards.” I wrote this song with them and my Luther Vandross musical family member, Ivan Hampden Jr. – it means so much to return to music twenty years after Luther’s passing.

Ivan and I have had professional and personal ups and down’s over these past two decades.

Thanks to you, I channeled my grief into helping people affected by and at risk for diabetes through my work with Divabetic. Like anyone in the entertainment industry, I experienced disappointments and setbacks throughout my career. I feel fortunate that I still have the passion, perseverance, and imagination to write song lyrics. “Standards” is my ode to all my favorite divas – Dionne Warwick, Etta James, Phyllis Hyman, Sarah Vaughan, Chaka Khan, Nina Simone, Gladys Knight, and Patti LaBelle (who has once again sparked my creativity!)

Penni and Crystal are super-talented sisters who have survived several music career setbacks and disappointments to continue making incredible music. Their passion for making music began in Pittsburgh, performing as teenagers as The Lovations preserved a bad record deal and several broken promises to continue today. Another retro disco song I wrote with Crystal and Penni, “Are You Ready?” was the theme song for the first year of Divabetic podcasts.

During the pandemic, UK audiences rediscovered the Lovation’s Original Soul Classics records on multiple music streaming apps, which sparked Penni and Crystal’s interest in returning to the studio. Fortunately, I was the lucky fool who called them up to collaborate on a song. I wrote lyrics and recorded (an off-key) melody for a song called “Standards,” paying tribute to several female vocalists they idolized growing up. With Ivan Hampden Jr.‘s magic touch and polish, we released “Standards” earlier this Spring.

Crystal Penny Guest on Richard Marzetti’s Soul Life on Solar Radio LISTEN NOW

It’s been a fantastic journey for all of us. We were surprised and delighted by the response our song, “Standards,” received from UK Audiences. For the past six weeks, “Standards” has been on the BCfm Soul Chart hosted by Tony Griffin. We climbed as high as #3, which isn’t too shabby!

Check out “Standards” on YouTube using this link:


Crystal Penny Shows Their ‘Standards’ on Tribute Songs To Divas

Get drenched in a hefty dose of R&B and Soul with Crystal Penny as this musical duo has returned with another gem of a musical creation. Offering a punch of retro vibes and breezy tunes, their latest track ‘Standards’ is buzzing in the industry. This dynamic duo is best known for their exceptional vocal skills and sync between two which sounds a like single energetic entity. Let’s find out more about these talented music artists.

Crystal Penny is formed by Sisters Crystal Wilson Blackmon and Penni Wilson, the musical powerhouses who started music at an early age. They became seasoned music artists by their teenage and started performing as professionally as the Lovations. Their sheer individuality and the original essence of the soul could be noticed in their musical psyche. With the tunes and grooves of “I Keep Singing La, La, La, Oooh,” “I Want You,” “Later Baby,” and “Heaven Told Me So”; this duo came to Los Angeles to follow their dreams. After singing for legendary Motown Records, they have performed with numerous artists like Maurice White, Rick James, Diana Ross, Lou Rawls, Curtis Mayfield & the Impressions, and many others.

This dynamic duo has also appeared on OWN network’s reality TV show, “Flex & Shanice,” featuring Crystal’s daughter, Grammy-nominated recording artist Shanice Wilson, and her family. They have previously dropped a few songs like ‘My Vow to You’, and ‘My Heart Belongs to You’ that offer a redefined taste of soul music. Amid the global pandemic, with the help of fans from the UK; this musical duo started revolving at the center of attention with their timeless hit track “Keep Singing La La La Ooh.” It garnered over 350K views on YouTube and 150K Spotify streams.

Bringing back their original essence and the trademark soulful harmonies, the musical duo has come up with another new R&B and Soul track named ‘Standards’. Beautifully crafted and masterly produced by Ivan Hampden Jr., the track offers an amazing groove and an enticing musical experience. Not to mention, their eclectic vocals skills add more creative layers to the track. It is amazing to witness how two artists can be so much in control while complementing each other. This song is buzzing through all the major music platforms such as Spotify, SoundCloud, and Apple Music. Follow Crystal Penny on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to get more updates on their upcoming musical projects.

Song Link:


Crystal Penny’s Standards Is #3 on BCfm Official Soul Chart

Crystal Penny’s new single, Standards  is #3 on the BCfm Radio’s Official Soul Chart hosted by Tony Griffin.

Sisters Crystal Wilson Blackmon and Penni Wilson, are known as the singing-songwriting duo Crystal Penny. Their timeless R&B tune is brought to life by Crystal and Penni’s trademark vocal harmonies, an engaging melody, and lyrics praising the legendary soul music divas.

Standards’ catchy hook is a list of famous divas’ names, including Etta James, Sarah Vaughan, Gladys Knight, Dionne Warwick, Chaka Khan, Phyllis Hyman, and Patti LaBelle. These women taught higher standards of romance to generations of Quiet Storm listeners.

Many of these legendary ladies’ personal and professional journeys hit close to home to the Wilson sisters. “The women mentioned in the song are our icons,” says Crystal Blackmon Wilson. “We grew up listening to Sarah Vaughan and idolized Etta James and Dionne Warwick. These women inspired us to sing in the first place.”

 Crystal and Penni understand how love songs affect the way we love, live, and interact with one another. “Our favorite vocalists express the grand illusion of what love should be and what we should feel,” Penni adds.  “We hear it on the radio and strive to find it in our lives.”

The track was produced by Ivan Hampden Jr., who scored a UK Soul Chart hit with his song, Mama’s Kitchen Table, featuring Paulette McWilliams last Spring.

Already embraced by UK audiences, Crystal Penny’s new single, Standards,  is a follow-up to their original soul classic recordings (performed under the group name The Lovations) that have gone viral and will be available on all music app platforms, including Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon.

Crystal Blackmon Wilson and Penni Wilson began their singing career known as The Lovations. They wrote and performed a string of original classical soul hits that recently went viral.

Their immortal hit, the Lovations‘ I Keep Singing (La La La Ooh), gains 1,000 new listens each month on Spotify.  They don’t know who uploaded their songs to Spotify and YouTube, but they were shocked to see how many people enjoyed them. They hope a promoter will bring them to Europe to share the new and old material with fans.

Since then, they have shared the stage or recorded with such icons as Barry White, Maurice White, Rick James, Lou Rawls, Diana Ross, and Curtis Mayfield & the Impressions, among many others. Their sweet harmonies accompany the late maestro Barry White on his classic hit “Practice What You Preach.” The two also appeared on OWN network’s reality TV show, “Flex & Shanice,” starring Crystal’s daughter, Grammy-nominated recording artist Shanice Wilson, her husband, actor and comedian, Flex, and their children.