Sensational Spray Painted Summer Hats

Summer is the season of outdoor concerts. It’s a great way to enjoy music, but excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause skin damage. Protect yourself from the sun with style!

Our friend Evetta Petty, the owner of Harlem Heaven’s Hats, puts pizzazz into sun protection with a unique collection of spray-painted sun hats featuring brightly colored fruits are fun, fun, fun!

By the way, Evetta Petty is off to the races—the UK’s Royal Ascot, one of the most famous in the world. She is the only American milliner represented at Ascot this year, and she’s the first Black milliner ever to have a hat selected for the Royal Ascot Millinery Collective. Twelve milliners were chosen from all over the world. Her ‘Blue Note’ hat is simply FABULOUS!

Most skin cancers are preventable. Proactive approaches to sun protection are essential. Wearing protective clothing, seeking shade, and avoiding indoor tanning are great ways to have fun and protect yourself from the sun.

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests using at least an SPF 30, but higher is better. It is important to reapply every two hours, especially if out in the sun or in the water.

Christopher Faison Performs At Our Luther Vandross Never Too Much Celebration in NYC

“I love singing Luther’s music because it is how I discovered my voice,” says Christopher Faison, the creator and star of the cabaret “Here and Now: The Music of Luther Vandross.  “Everything I know about love I learned from listening to Luther Vandross.  His voice to me was LOVE.”

Christopher will perform at our upcoming Luther Vandross: Never Too Much birthday celebration, featuring a music panel, fashion show, live performances, style and tea vendors, and DJ DAN.C.E. on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 5:30 – 8:30 PM at THREAD Lounge in the Renaissance Hotel in New York City. 

Christopher Faison’s 60-minute self-contained cabaret chronicles his quest to find love and all that it entails, underscored by the music of the legendary singer Luther Vandross. Featuring songs like “Never Too Much,” “Any Love,” and “Dance with My Father,” Christopher owns the stage in an intimate and glorious performance.

Debbie White of Banderas News writes: “Christopher Faison’s Here and Now: The Music of Luther Vandross was the perfect show for novice listeners and die-hard fans. Faison’s honesty, humor, and stellar vocals won over his audience instantly. With enthusiastic applause and several standing ovations, Here and Now is a fabulous show where emotion meets talent! 

“I grew up listening to all the male vocalists of the 80s, but Luther was the only way to emulate. His music was sacred in my house and remains that way today, “Christopher says. “I learned about heartache and heartbreak, and I learned the beast of what it means to be in love and not have it returned. Most importantly, Luther taught me what love sounded like: the low rumbling in the pit of your stomach when love is new, the crescendos and decrescendos of courtship, the fortissimo you hit when you’re feeling just right, and the breath you hold while waiting for loves return.”

We’re celebrating the Glitz, Glamour, and Romantic Elegance that made Luther’s concerts memorable and set him apart from other entertainers.

MUSIC PANEL: Luther’s Vocalist, Cindy Mizelle, and Luther’s Choreographer, James Ervin, discuss working on his recordings and stage shows. 

MAKEOVER: Graffiti Glamour Makeup Artistry Founder Alicia Mitchell demonstrates the power of beauty to transform your health. Hosted by Max Szadek.

Photographer: Hank Pegeron @hpegeron | Model: Keanna Bryant | Hat Designer: @harlemheavenhats | Dress Designer: Malcolm Staples | | 718-564-9916 |

FASHION SHOW: Designers showcase their gorgeous creations inspired by Luther Vandross’s romantic elegance. See the latest styles from Harlem Heaven’s Hats, S Designs, Dig Ferreira Kynetik Soundz, Teresa Marie Collection, LPF Collection, and Modafleur, among others! Hosted by Catherine Schuller.

LIVE PERFORMANCE: Luther’s most iconic songs by vocalists Keith Anthony Fluitt and Christopher Faison. 

DJ DAN.C.E. has developed his style of open-format DJing, which he refers to as RetroFitted. He developed his style of open format DJing, RetroFitted, playing the family of R&B music (Funk, Soul, Disco, House, and Hip-Hop) across eras. He also leans heavily into spinning Hip-Hop/Lo-Fi instrumentals, which he calls “Spinning the Essence.”

SHOP VENDORS: Support a dazzling array of small entrepreneurs, including True Serenity Tea (For the Love Of Luther Tea blend), Power Pieces, and Harlem Heaven’s Hats.

COCKTAILS & LITE BITES: Enjoy signature cocktails and delicious appetizers.

Harlem Heaven’s Hats Joins our Luther Vandross Celebration in NYC

“When I listen to Luther Vandross’ music, It makes me happy. I want to sing along and move to the beat. I want to snap my fingers and stomp my feet. There is joy in his music,” says Evetta Petty, the owner and designer of Harlem Heaven’s Hats. 

Evetta will be joining us at our upcoming Luther Vandross: “Never Too Much” birthday celebration featuring a Music Panel, Fashion Show, Live Performances, Style Vendors, and Live DJ on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at Thread Lounge at the Renaissance Hotel in NY, NY.

Photographer: Hank Pegeron @hpegeron | Model: Keanna Bryant | Hat Designer: @harlemheavenhats | Dress Designer: Malcolm Staples | | 718-564-9916 |

Evetta and Divabetic partnered on a successful faith-based diabetes outreach program, Hat Boxing. At these events, we challenged women at risk, affected by, and living with diabetes to design hat boxes with educational, motivational, and encouraging messages about managing their diabetes health. Our main focus was raising awareness of the link between mismanaged diabetes and stroke. 

In 2003, before the release of “Dance With My Father,” my boss, Luther Vandross, suffered a debilitating stroke due to mismanaged type 2 diabetes. Please learn how to keep your house a home by learning to prevent a stroke from occurring. If someone you know is experiencing a store, don’t wait to take action. Once a stroke strikes, every minute counts. BE FAST is a simple way to remember the signs of a stroke. BE FAST stands for balance, eyes, face, arm, speech, and time. 

Strokes don’t automatically result in long-term impairment. A clot-busting drug, known as tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), can be given intravenously to people having a stroke. The drug can shrink the size of the clot, allowing blood to flow back to the brain. The key is calling 911 when you recognize a loved one is experiencing a stroke.

My boss, Luther Vandross, was known for wearing rhinestones, silk tuxedos, and tailcoats on stage and Versace, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, and Tom Ford off-stage! He wore bright colors, animal prints, geometric patterns, and fringes, which  Evetta Petty appreciated.

“When I design hats, I want them to make the customer happy. I am dressing people for important events in their life. I want them to smile when they see the hats and look great in them. I want my hats to evoke that same joy that I feel from Luthers’ music, ” says Evetta Petty. Harlem Heaven’s Hats have been featured in VOGUE, ELLE, CNN, the NY Times, and the World-Renowned Kentucky Derby and Royal Ascot. She will participate in our Fashion Show at the Luther Vandross Never Too Much Birthday Celebration on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at Thread Lounge in New York City.

Join us when we celebrate the Glitz, Glamour, and Romantic Elegance that made Luther’s music and concerts memorable and set him apart from other entertainers.

MUSIC PANEL: Luther’s Vocalist, Cindy Mizelle, and Luther’s Choreographer, James Ervin, discuss working on his recording and stage shows. Hosted by Max “Mr. Divabetic” Szadek. 

MAKEVOER: Graffiti Glamour Makeup Artistry Founder Alicia Mitchell demonstrates the power of beauty in transforming your health. Alicia’s own health journey is powerful, and she will share how small steps led her to great success in managing her weight. Hosted by Max “Mr. Divabetic” Szadek.

FASHION SHOW: Harlem Heaven’s Hats, Kynetik Soundz, Baro Sanchez, Dig Ferreira, LPF Collection, Teresa Marie Collection, JM Designs, and Modafleur showcase the hottest trends in fashion. Plus, S Designs spotlights Luther’s Wedding Song, “Here & Now,” with funky, flashy, and fabulous wedding gowns you don’t want to miss! Hosted by Catherine Schuller.

LIVE MUSIC: Keith Anthony Fluitt will perform some of Luther’s most beloved songs, plus Special Guest performer Christopher Faison. DJ DAN.C.E. will spin Luther’s hits all night long.

STYLISH VENDORS: Support a dazzling array of small businesses, including True Serenity Teas, Power Pieces, and Harlem Heaven’s Hats.

Come dressed in your Big 80s Bling! Register Now. It’s Free!