Diabetes Outreach At the New York Auto Show

We’re bringing our dazzling approach to diabetes outreach to the New York International Auto Show in New York City. The New York International Auto Show is North America’s first and largest attended auto show, featuring 1,000 vehicles plus the latest in tech, safety, and innovation.

Play along with Mr. Divabetic and participants in Divabetic’s ‘Serve, Taste or Trash!’ Game. In the game, you’re given three choices of popular foods. You must decide which one you’d serve, which one you’d taste, and which one you’d trash. The game’s goal is to encourage people to become more open-minded eaters:

Mr. Divabetic wants to raise awareness of the precautions people living with diabetes should take before getting behind the wheel. Did you know that sudden bouts of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, can lead to confusion, delayed reaction, visual disturbances, or loss of consciousness when driving? Even in the absence of low blood sugar, people with diabetes may have impaired vision or nerve function in the feet, which can affect driving. While most accidents related to diabetes complications happen to a small group of people with Type 1 diabetes who need to take insulin, people with Type 2 diabetes are also at risk.

Tune in to Divabetic’s free monthly podcasts hosted by Mr. Divabetic on blog talk radio. Divabetic’s dynamic free online and mobile podcast channel features live and archived programs and specials. Guests include healthcare collaborators, beauty, image/style, fitness experts, entertainment industry leaders, and VIPs: women and men living with, at risk of, and being affected by diabetes.

Join Divabetic’s Facebook page, follow Mr. Divabetic on Twitter, and learn more about sponsorship opportunities and event details.

Spinning Around in The Soul Train Dance Line at the Luther Vandross Celebration in Harlem

Just wanted to share this amazing experience from Thursday night’s Soul Train Tribute to Luther Vandross at Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem, NY.

We kicked off the free outdoor screening of the Luther: Never Too Much documentary with a Soul Train Dance Line, and it was genuinely heartwarming to see so many people, including those using mobility devices, participating with such an upbeat attitude and joyful spirit.

It’s reported that as high as 80% of non-traumatic lower limb amputations happen due to mismanaged diabetes. Regardless of how or why someone experiences a lower limb amputation, it can stop them from wanting to take care of themselves and their diabetes self-care in the future. Allowing these people to still participate in social events and gatherings could boost their morale.

Moments like these remind me of the incredible resilience and determination of people facing challenges. Witnessing someone joining the Soul Train Dance Line on her scooter made me smile and brought back many beautiful memories of our past events.

We can’t wait to return to more outreach events soon to spread positivity and help everyone glamorize good health!

Free Screening of Luther: Never Too Much Documentary Tonight!

Join me tonight for the free screening of the Luther: Never Too Much documentary, live Luther Tribute performances by Keith Anthony Fluitt, and a Q&A Panel with Fonzi Thornton and Dawn Porter in Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem.

Knowing and working for such an incredible artist and caring man was an honor. It’s a privilege to appear in the documentary to raise awareness of the tragic consequences of mismanaged type 2 diabetes. Seeing the trauma I experienced in my face on screen as I recalled the initial moments after Luther’s stroke made me realize how grateful I am to everyone who has supported, encouraged, and partnered with me on my various diabetes outreach efforts through my nonprofit organization, Divabetic. Org

Sadly, I wasn’t able to help Luther initially after he suffered a stroke. Heed my advice: if you are someone you love who has experienced a stroke, don’t wait to seek help or try to sleep. Every minute counts. The longer a stroke goes untreated, the greater the potential for brain damage and disability.

Act F.A.S.T. to help identify the early signs and symptoms of a stroke:

F: Is there drooping on one side of the face? Is the person unable to smile? Has their mouth or eye drooped? 

A: Can the person raise both arms and keep them there? Is there weakness or numbness in an arm or leg? 

S: Is the person’s speech slurred or garbled? Are they unable to speak at all? Do they need help understanding what you’re saying to them? 

T: If you notice any of these signs, call emergency services immediately

If you’re a Luther fan, please, “Keeping Your House A Home” by learning how to prevent diabetes health-related complications such as stroke, kidney failure, lower limb amputation, and blindness has been my mission for the past 20 years, and it will continue to be.

If you see this documentary or love Luther’s music, you owe it to his legacy to educate and empower yourself about your health.

U. S. Open, Mental Health & Overcoming Setbacks

I attended the U.S. Open earlier this week and witnessed some incredible matches. While on the grounds, I heard Sloane Stephens playing in one of the stadiums. She was ahead 6-0, 4-1, but ultimately lost in three sets. I can only imagine how devastated she must have felt after the loss. How does one bounce back from such a disappointing defeat on one of the U.S. Open’s main courts, especially when commentators like Chris Evert are critical of your performance? Rennae Stubbs, whom I greatly admire as an announcer, mentioned that Sloane needs to learn how to win again after a tough summer season. Losing a tennis match can be frustrating and disappointing, especially if you have high expectations for your performance.

Similarly, managing unexpected blood sugar levels can be a setback that requires steadiness and resilience. Just as in tennis, where you need to stay focused and composed even when things don’t go as planned, managing blood sugar levels demands steadfastness and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Both situations require patience, determination, and the willingness to adjust your game plan when things don’t go your way.

Sometimes, you need a plan B. For someone living with diabetes, that may mean finding a new healthcare collaborator. If you feel your provider isn’t providing advice, encouragement, or resources to help you, which is expected, then it’s time for a change. Constant worrying, negative thinking, and always expecting the worst can take a toll on your emotional and physical health. It can sap your emotional strength, leave you feeling restless and jumpy, cause insomnia, headaches, stomach problems, and muscle tension, and make it difficult to concentrate at work or on court. Check out this HelpGuide.Org RESOURCE Guide. 

During the match I was watching, I saw LuLu Sun from New Zealand, the surprise Wimbledon quarterfinalist, playing in her first U.S. Open with high expectations. Unfortunately, her match coincided with the big-serving American Chris Eubanks‘s intense five-set battle, spilling large crowds of Eubanks fans into the stands at LuLu’s match. So, there she was, New Zealand’s tennis ace, playing her first match on an outside court with fans screaming nearby and planes flying overhead. On top of that, the lighting was rapidly changing from day to night, making things even more challenging. Watching LuLu, I realized that the U.S. Open isn’t as glitz and glamour as expected.

Having high expectations or setting high standards for ourselves may increase stress and pressure to meet those expectations. If we perceive ourselves as falling short of our dreams, this can lead to anxiety, self-doubt, and feelings of inadequacy. The fear of failure and the constant drive for perfection can take a toll on our mental well-being, potentially leading to burnout and feelings of frustration. It’s essential to strike a balance and set realistic expectations to maintain a healthy mindset and prevent unnecessary strain on our mental health. If you’re plagued by exaggerated worry and tension, there are steps you can take to turn off anxious thoughts. Chronic worrying is a mental habit that can be broken. You can train your brain to stay calm and look at life from a more balanced, less fearful perspective. Check out this HelpGuide.Org RESOURCE Guide. 

Our friend, Dr. Beverly S. Adler, PhD, CD, shares “Fear of Diabetes Complications” with our Divabetic community in this blog post. READ MORE. In the blog post, “Dr. Bev” states the topic of diabetes complications stirs up a lot of emotional issues. Some well-meaning but uninformed people (they call themselves your family and friends) may tell you that if you eat that slice of cake, you will lose a toe or go blind. Trying to guilt you into eating healthy does not work. It makes many people with diabetes become oppositional and eat that slice – and more – just because they want to be assertive.

National Mindfulness Day is coming up on Thursday, September 12, 2024. One tip to help cope with worrying is to write down your worries. If an anxious thought or worry comes into your head during the day, briefly note it and then continue about your day. Remind yourself that you’ll have time to think about it later, so there’s no need to worry about it right now. Also, writing down your thoughts—on a pad or on your phone or computer—is much more complex than simply thinking about them, so your worries are more likely to lose their power.

Under The Vines: Adult-Onset Blindness

Season 3 of one of my favorite Acorn TV shoes, Under The Vines, tackles the challenges of adult-onset blindness.  The blindness of the owner of the neighboring vineyard, Hilary (Catherine Wilkin), is worsening. What Hillary is experiencing isn’t just a great storyline in a TV drama; it’s more common than you think. 

One of the leading causes of blindness in U. S. adults is mismanaged diabetes.  Diabetes Retinopathy is a condition caused by diabetes, which disrupts the body’s ability to convert food into energy and can damage the eyes. 

Many people with diabetes don’t realize they have it until organ damage has occurred, so regular health and vision check-ups are essential. 

Hilary struggles to accept her condition and ask for help. She is stubborn, willful, and narrow-minded, much like many people struggling with worsening health conditions. She flatly refuses her rival, Miranda’s offers to take her to the doctor, clean her house, and help run her vineyards. Of course, Miranda has ulterior motives for helping Hilary, but that’s another story. 

If you’re concerned about your vision, follow the advice of healthcare collaborators on how often you should go for exams. Always contact an eye care provider when you have a change in vision or something wrong with your eyes. Wear your prescription glasses and contact lenses when necessary.
If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar levels tightly managed, and manage your blood pressure if you have high blood pressure.

Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. They cause the eye’s lens to harden and turn yellow. In the US, nearly 20.5 million people over 40 have cataracts.

The type of treatment available depends on your condition. Providers can treat some forms of blindness with medications or glasses but can’t treat others, such as those where your eyes are missing or completely damaged. In these cases, your provider may recommend visual rehabilitation. Vision rehabilitation aims to enhance visual functioning to meet your goals and improve your quality of life. 

Actors Rebecca Gibney and Charles Edwards star in Under The Vines as two city slickers who inherit a failing vineyard, Oakley Vineyards, in rural New Zealand. The only problems are that neither of them has ever done a hard day’s work—and they despise one another.

Under The Vines is a fun, easygoing watch. 

Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story at Central Park Film Festival

Last night, I saw the National Geographic and Disney+ nature documentary Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story at the Central Park Film Festival. Directed by Charlie Hamilton Jones, it explores a love story between a lonely man and a lonely river otter—an unexpected duo that forms a bond.

As the man, Billy, and the otter, Molly’s bond develops, his wife, Susan, and their dog, Jade, are pushed to the side. Billy neglects his promises to Susan and ignores Jade. Susan narrates the film. Her narration details Billy’s mental state, which he might not have shared, and expresses how she feels like the ‘other woman’ in Billy’s life. The story is told with heart and humor and with a musical score by composer Erland Cooper.

 The story is filmed in the remote Shetland Islands, just above the mainland of Scotland. The scenery is breathtaking. Shetland Islands is known as the last barrier of the UK before the Arctic Circle. During a dramatic winter storm scene, with crashing waves and torrid winds, a large branch fell off a tree next to the outdoor screen. Everyone in the audience gasped.  The film leaves your heart feeling all warm and fuzzy.

After you see this film, you’ll have many questions about how they did it. I found this interview very insightful. 

The Annual Central Park Conservancy Film Festival, presented by National Geographic Documentary Films, in August is truly a treat! For five nights, award-winning films are shown for free in the middle of Central Park. 

The film revolves around the importance of family in our lives. In many ways, Billy serves as Molly, the otter’s surrogate mother/father figure. As strange and unusual as their relationship is, it brings Billy joy and fulfillment.  

Many people with type 2 diabetes admit their children, and their grandchildren motivate them to stay on top of their self-care. However, changing one’s lifestyle can be a constant, difficult struggle after diagnosis. Experts agree the keys to success include social support and relatedness, achievement of results, support from healthcare collaborators, and acceptance of your diagnosis. 

At Divabetic, we believe confidence in managing lifestyle adjustments and handling the challenges of living with diabetes is crucial. Our ongoing efforts in diabetes education and empowerment testify to our belief that if you believe it, you can achieve it. 

Please take a minute to support our efforts and purchase Divabetic’s new lip balm (watermelon flavor). For $10, you’ll receive three of our Divabetic branded lip balms. Shipping and handling fees are not included. For more information, contact: mrdivabetic@gmail.com

I’m Featured in the Luther Vandross “Never Too Much” Documentary

Thank you for the kind comments about my appearance in the documentary. Initially, I was apprehensive about appearing in the film. But as many of you know, I dedicated my life to diabetes outreach after Luther’s debilitating stroke related to mismanaged type 2 diabetes. The need to raise awareness for preventing a stroke or diabetes-related complication from occurring far outweighed my doubts or insecurities. The trauma I experienced from Luther’s health crisis will always be heavy on my heart. I hope sharing my story will empower you and your loved one to make time to manage your health.

Outside the Tribeca Film Festival screening of “Never Too Much” with Fonzi Thornton, James Ervin (Luther Vandross‘s choreographer, me, Catherine Schuller (Divabetic Image and Style Advisor, and Seveda Williams (Luther Vandross‘s niece).

Until now, I have refrained from discussing the documentary out of consideration for friends and colleagues who were not featured. I am grateful to have been included, but seeing myself on screen shattered any illusions that I resemble Brad Pitt (LOL).

Watching myself relive the experience on screen was difficult, but knowing the path I chose in response to it made me feel proud.

Many people have told me that my scenes brought tears to their eyes. I was able to speak openly and honestly about Luther’s health crisis because of my ongoing work with Divabetic and the members of the Divabetic community.

If I had continued to work in entertainment instead of diving headfirst into diabetes outreach after Luther’s stroke, I don’t think I could have revisited my experience in such a candid and vulnerable way. More importantly, I feel I delivered a powerful message on why making time to take care of yourself and your health is essential.

Watercolor Washes And Blood Sugars

My second watercolor class was about washes. It proved to be just as challenging as the first class, but it was still a blast from start to finish. We used a large brush and loaded up with the paint mixture in a smooth, sweeping motion side to side. The three main types of watercolor washes are flat, graded, and variegated. You can attempt them with a wet brush on dry paper or a wet brush on wet paper. My goal was to create transparency with the paint.

I adore my instructor, Eva, from Bulgaria. She’s passionate about art and teaching art. When she travels back to Bulgaria, she doesn’t like to take photos because she feels photos can’t capture your memories. I’m paraphrasing, but I love her thoughts.  I arrived early so I could ask her about her artwork. She is a chemigram artist. A chemigram has been called  ‘the ultimate adventure of gelatin silver bromide’. It’s made by painting with chemicals on light-sensitive photography paper.  According to Eva, you can’t see what you’re creating until you process the paper, and there’s a high probability that it might not work out. Eva likes it because you can’t control it.  

Drinking water can help dilute blood sugar levels, but no single food or drink can directly reduce the amount of sugar in your blood. Different foods affect your blood sugar differently, creating bigger or smaller rises for longer or shorter periods. High blood sugar—known as hyperglycemia—can lead to dehydration, as the body tries to eliminate excess glucose through urine. Excess urination is one symptom of diabetes.

When dehydrated, your blood becomes more concentrated, including glucose. Drinking water can help rehydrate your blood and dilute the sugar, which can help lower blood sugar levels. Water can also help your kidneys filter out excess sugar through urine, which can further help flush sugar from your body.

Taking fast-acting insulin medication is the fastest way to lower blood sugar. Talk to your healthcare collaborators about the best self-care plan for you. 

Happy 4th of July

Mr. Divabetic stops by the 10th Annual Big Apple Barbecue Block Party at Madison Square Park in New York City to find out how people stay on track with their Summertime health goals.

At the Big Apple Barbecue Block Party, pitmasters from New York City, Alabama, and Texas come together to celebrate American barbeque.

According to the Webstaurant Store blog, the main styles of American BBQ are Kansas City, Memphis, Carolina, and Texas.

Kansas pitmasters brush wet ribs with sauce before, during, and after smoking them for a wet sauce. Memphis-style “dry” ribs are coated in a dry rub before they’re smoked and served without sauce, allowing their authentic flavor to shine.

Alabama white sauce is mayonnaise-based and punctuated with apple cider vinegar, brown mustard, and horseradish. It is usually served on chicken.

St. Louis is famous for its spare ribs, and most people refer to this meat cut when they mention St. Louis-style barbecue. In St. Louis, they prefer grilling their ribs rather than slow-smoking them over indirect heat.

California-style BBQ centers on wood-fired tri-tip steaks rubbed in salt, pepper, and garlic powder seasoning. 

Everyone loves grilling food because the high heat and direct contact with your grill can make foods crispy on the outside while keeping them moist inside.

Kentucky is famous for perfecting slow-smoking mutton and developed a Worcestershire-based sauce to complement its rich, gamey flavor.

In recent years, contradictory reports have cited the benefits and dangers of grilling.

According to New York Health, research has found that grilling may reduce your risk for many chronic diseases, including heart disease, certain cancers, and type 2 diabetes. This is because grilling food makes it easier for us to eat fewer calories and fat.

According to Columbia Doctors, cooking over high heat, especially an open flame, exposes you to two main carcinogens: heterocyclic aromatic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Studies show HCAs and PAHs cause changes in DNA that may increase the risk of cancer. 

Staying healthy isn’t just about watching what you eat; it’s also important to be aware of the excessive calories and added sugar in your drinks. Many summer drinks, including soda, sports and energy drinks, lemonade, fruit juices, and sweetened waters, contain added sugar. 

For example, a 16-fluid-ounce soda can contain over 12 teaspoons of added sugar, while a 16-fluid-ounce sports drink can contain 7 teaspoons. Added sugar can provide empty calories that can contribute to weight gain, obesity, heart disease, and tooth decay. 

Divabetic Podcast: Mermaid Parade

Tune in to Divabetic’s podcast on the 42nd Annual Mermaid Parade with our guests, Coney Island USA’s Artistic Director Adam Rinn and Poet Lorraine Brooks.

The Mermaid Parade is the nation’s largest art parade. It brings together creative minds in art and fashion and attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors to Brooklyn’s amusement district. The Parade originated to help preserve the tradition of Mardi Gras-type events popular in Coney Island between 1903 and 1954.

This year, painter, performer, and sideshow historian Joe Coleman will be King Neptune, and his wife, artist, and photographer Whitney Ward will be Queen Mermaid. The couple will officially open the beaches for the beginning of summer and celebrate the sun, sand, sea, and salt air.

Our first guest, Adam Rinn, Coney Island USA’s Artistic Director, is a Coney Island native who has worked as a sword swallower, strongman, and variety performer for the past 20 years, so you’re sure to enjoy this fun and colorful interview!

Frequent contributor Poet Lorraine Brooks revisits her groundbreaking poem “Beauty & The Beach,” which premiered over thirteen years ago on Divabetic’s Roundtable podcast. “Beauty & The Beach” resonates deeply with podcast listeners and Diabetic blog readers. Since then, we have reshared Lorraine’s poem on body love, swimwear, and beaches on subsequent podcasts and blog entries.

During our interview, Lorraine shares how her opinions about her body and wearing a swimsuit have changed over the past decade, but her feelings about her diabetes diagnosis have not. She emphasizes the time, effort, and care she has put into her diabetes management, which has helped her remain free of diabetes-related complications.

Our discussion also touches on how negative self-talk can hinder us from enjoying life. Lorraine has agreed to revisit the themes of body love, beaches, and swimwear in a new poem entitled “Summer Skin” for this podcast.

Diabetes advocate turned reluctant amateur sleuth, Mr. Divabetic finally takes the plunge and ventures into a new career as a healthy caterer. With the help of his co-workers and nosy Italian mother, he heads for Coney Island to cater his first party aboard a yacht for his former swim coach, Ted Rockow. But his nautical soiree quickly capsizes when the guest of honor is found swimming with the fishes.

Was it an accident or foul play? Now Mr. Divabetic’s grilling Burlesque dancers, a lifeguard lothario, a gypsy fortune teller, and some sequined mermaids, all intent on keeping their secrets buried deep within the sand.

Can Mr. Divabetic overcome his green pea phobia in time to prove Coach’s death was a murder, not an accident? Or will he end up floating out to sea? Will he sink or swim? Tune in to find out if he can solve the murder of his former swim coach with the help of his nosey Italian mother and friends. Along the way to revealing the identity of the murderer, he uncovers expert tips for diabetes self-care during the Summer months.

FEATURING Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek, USA Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, MaryAnn Horst-Nicolay MEd, NDRT, Lorraine Brooks, Catherine Schuller, We Are Diabetes Founder Asha Brown, Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’, Mama Rose Marie, and Seveda Williams.