Jet Magazine Returns with Slutty Vegan CEO As Their Cover Star!

After 63 years and thousands of issues, JET printed its last magazine in 2014, but it was announced that the iconic publication is coming back!

Growing up, Jet magazine was a staple in the Black community. Copies of Jet magazine could be found in Black hair salons, barbershops, and on almost every Black family’s coffee table, including Luther Vandross‘s house. He once told me how his older sister, Pat, would give him money to send him to the store to buy a copy!

The first Jet issue’s cover star is CEO & Founder of Slutty Vegan, Pinky Cole.

“I am so thrilled to be featured on the cover of Jet!” said Cole in a press release. “Ever since I was a little girl, I grew up reading every inch of every issue that I could get my hands on. Now here I am on the cover and as their iconic ‘Beauty of the Week.’ This moment is so personal and special to me because, in many ways, Jet helped shape who I wanted to become and who I am now.”

Pinky Cole is known for popularizing vegan meals in the Black community through her vegan comfort food and recipes. Since opening her business in 2018, her vegan burger chain has opened restaurants in Georgia, New York, and Alabama.

Her menus include such burgers as the Fussy Hussy (vegan cheese, caramelized onions), the Super Slut (guacamole, jalapeños), and the Ménage à Trois (vegan bacon, vegan shrimp). All were made with plant-based patties from Impossible Foods and doused with a spicy orange “slut sauce.”

Pinky Cole told New Yorker Magazine she estimates that three-quarters of Slutty Vegan’s customers are meat-eaters. “We like it that way,” she told the magazine. “It’s not a vegan concept where we’re this glorified group that’s better than everybody else.”

Some of Slutty Vegan burger options aren’t very healthy either. “I won’t sit here and tell you to eat Slutty Vegan every single day, all day,” she told the magazine before declining to share nutritional information.  “But I do want you to understand that veganism can be healthier, even if it starts with burgers and fries.”

A vegan diet doesn’t include animal products. That means no meat, fish, eggs, poultry, milk, cheese, or other dairy products. Strict vegans avoid honey.

Generally speaking, vegan diets tend to be lower in saturated fat and higher in fiber – as a result, they fit well with meal plans for people with diabetes. If you’re considering a plant-based diet, please consult with your friendly certified diabetes care and education specialist (CDCDE) to determine the best meal plan for you.

International yoga teacher, and author Rachel Zinman, living with LADA diabetes, shares a guided meditation, “Compassion Meditation,” focusing on self-love and compassion to help jumpstart your day with a new attitude.

Easter Bonnet Festival on Fifth Avenue

New York City’s annual Easter Bonnet Festival, a celebration that dates back to the 1870s, is a celebration of craftiness and creativity.

The event began as a post-mass stylish fashion show, but it’s a spectacle of floral whimsy and pageantry.

Many revelers wear traditional floral bonnets. From tailcoats, furs, and pearls to tweeds and herringbone, some couples are decked out in their 40s and 50s finery.  They go to great lengths to recreate head-to-toe sophisticated vintage looks.


But in between these swanky fashion plates are massive, at times monstrous,  absolutely fabulous creative creations. These spectacular works of art of epic vertical proportions can make you forget about the high cost of living in New York.

Some paraders subscribe to the adage, ‘Bigger is always better.’ For example, this parade found inspiration from the year of the rabbit in the Chinese Zodiac. In Chinese culture, the rabbit is known to be the luckiest out of all the twelve animals. It symbolizes mercy, elegance, and beauty.

The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic rolls out the Red Tomato Carpet and tests everyday people’s Food IQ with his Serve, Taste or Trash! Food Game at the Easter Parade on Fifth Avenue in New York City, NY. Special guests Carla Cravens and Catherine Schuller add some glamour to the occasion.

The New York City Easter Parade has been an annual tradition since the Civil War. It features marchers in elaborate Easter finery, including some of the fanciest Easter bonnets imaginable.

Watch this dynamic duo in the diabetes outreach challenge, everyday people, to play Divabetic’s original food game, Serve, Taste or Trash!

You might be surprised by the results. In the game, you’re given three choices of popular foods. You must decide which one you’d serve, which one you’d taste, and which one you’d trash. The game’s goal is to encourage people to become more open-minded eaters.


Divabetic Halloween Displays 2022

My office is on New York City’s Halloween street. We’re expecting 3,000 – 5,000 trick-or-treaters. Everyone decorates their brownstones and flower beds. This year, I made 3 displays with my friend, Lauren.

Display #1: Ghost of Lily, the Central Park Zoo Polar Bear (1987- 2004)

“Lily was the beloved companion of Gus, a 700-pound polar bear that mesmerized tourists. He swam lap after lap in figure-eight patterns, pawing his way through the water with powerful backstrokes. He did this for as many as 12 hours a day. Every day. Every week. Every month. Lily would grin and bear it.

Materials: I used office shreddings, a dollar store mask, masking tape, plastic Chinese Restaurant soup containers, bubble wrap, a plastic serving bowl (belly), a Dollar Store child’s tutu, and newspaper to make her!).

Inspiration: I had no plans to make this bear until I received a package that arrived with pink bubble wrap. I couldn’t stop wondering if I could make a tutu using it!

Display #2: The Amy Wine “Haunted” House Twins:

“Rockstar Amy Winehouse died too soon

She misused hard drugs
drank too much booze

Maybe a lesson for October
is to remember you can make great art even when you’re sober”

Materials: I used Diet Coke bottles (shoes), hangers, newspaper, Dollar Store masks, pipe cleaners, Target (dress), water bottles, 1-gallon water jugs (heads), styrofoam balls, takeaway food serving utensils (hands), yarn, shower loofa (flower), yarn (hair), masking tape, and office shredding to make these beauties).

Inspiration: I adored my friend Catherine Schuller’s beautiful fascinator made out of water bottles that she wore for Halloween a few years back, so I challenged myself to build something out of my recycling pile.

Display #3: Real-Life Van der Voort Sister Ghosts. These beauties will make their debut later today! When I googled ‘Central Park Ghosts,’ I found a few articles about the two Victorian sisters, Janet and Rosetta Van der Voort, who haunt the ice rink in Central Park. Their story has such Gothic overtones that I got carried away. I produced a short audio story (with the help of Lorraine Brooks, Wendy Radford, Verna Henry, and Lauren Ricks), designed an art installation, and recruited my boyfriend, Joe, a found art sculptor, to create an additional display. I can’t wait to share it with you! Happy Halloween!


Divabetic Shares A Halloween Ghost Story with Listeners

Enjoy this special Divabetic podcast for Halloween.

Our regular Divabetic podcast featuring an all-star lineup of guests resumes next month for National Diabetes Awareness month in November.


Did you know that Halloween’s sugar consumption will likely surpass the $36 billion record set in 2021?

Understanding how food affects blood glucose is the first step in managing diabetes. But many people, especially at Halloween, when candy is so plentiful,  love to give their unsolicited advice about what we’re putting in our mouths.

Many assume that eating candy causes diabetes.

There are two main types of diabetes – type 1 and type 2 diabetes. We know that sugar does not cause type 1 diabetes because our immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells in our pancreas.

Type 2 diabetes is a combination of insulin resistance and pancreatic failure. That said, there’s enough shame and blame already associated with diabetes that it’s too much when someone feels obligated to tell us what we can and cannot eat.

One of our Facebook community members, Rosemary R., perfectly summed up our feeling on the subject:

“Having had diabetes since 11 years old and now 73, you do the math. It is only a part of my life, not the whole. I live a full and varied life. I tell new folks I meet about my condition to alert them to the possibilities of “lows” & how to help me.

Essentially, it’s my responsibility to look after myself just like anyone else. My only beef is that sometimes those “in the know” tell me, “oh, you are a diabetic and shouldn’t be eating that.”

My choice and my responsibility. I own my actions, taking care that any risk is managed and minimized and that I don’t become a burden to family, friends, workmates, the community at large, and the health system. My mantra has always been “moderation in all things.” I thank those who accept me for who I am. I lead a full and satisfying life.”

The American Heart Association suggests limiting adding sugars to no more than 100 calories per day (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams) for most adult women and no more than 150 calories per day (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar) for most men.

You can also access the Van der Voort Ghost Story using this QR code:

Pink Champagne Christmas Story, Part 3

If my plans make me sound like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible, I can’t help it. A lot is riding on our Christmas’ date night’ to get my Christmas wish. Because the only gift from Jasper I want for Christmas is a bigger family. 

Jasper’s constant complaints about the costs of having too many mouths to feed can’t dissuade me either. But, to be honest, the price of a bigger family isn’t the only thing he’s worried about. He’s also concerned about my health. I had gestational diabetes during my pregnancy with the twins. I can’t lie – It was brutal. There were times during my pregnancies when it was challenging to manage for me. My insulin resistance worsened around 32 – 36 weeks when I thought I had everything under control. I was literally waking and eating the same breakfast every day for weeks when suddenly I experienced crazy blood sugar levels. I kept thinking, “What the heck is going on, and what did you do wrong???” I was so frustrated, upset, and, yes, very emotional. I felt helpless. 

During my lowest points, Jasper was my rock. First, he dealt with the brunt of my anger and frustration with so much compassion. Then he even paid out of pocket for a therapist, who wasn’t covered by insurance, to help me process what I was feeling. To say I felt like a failure is an understatement. Every high reading on my blood glucose monitor chipped away at my confidence until I was a bundle of nerves. I didn’t trust myself or my body. Thankfully, Jasper found a specialist who helped me when I hit my lowest point. After that, it was a huge relief to learn that my progesterone hormone levels caused by insulin resistance crank up to another gear instead of negligence. Little by little, day after day, I got my blood sugar levels back on track with insulin therapy. Looking back, my initial hesitations to inject myself with insulin seem ridiculous. My insulin dosage even lowered after the release of my hormones slowed down, and my insulin resistance improved. And all that self-monitoring paid off, too, because today, we have two healthy, beautiful children. I can’t imagine my life without them. This is why I am so determined to have more children. Jasper feels the opposite; he isn’t budging either. If I make a sigh when we see a baby on TV, he recites the opinions of every specialist who has advised me against it. I’m more than likely to have gestational diabetes again, according to statistics. But these specialists don’t understand that I am not a statistic either. I have a better understanding of what’s involved and know my risks this time. I know I can do it. 

However, tonight seems like it’s months, not hours away. Nothing has gone according to my plans since we left the house this morning. I’m sure Tom Cruise could rectify the situation quickly without breaking a sweat. Then again, he’s not wearing three-inch heels or wading through the crowded streets of New York City holding hands with two five-year-old children anxious to see Santa Claus. The traffic was bumper to bumper coming into the city. Every store has been jam-packed with people. After waiting for over two hours for Santa Claus, the kids are tired and hungry. My feet are killing me too. All three of us are cranky but teetering towards Grizzly bears grouchy the longer we go without food. I’m in such a rush to feed them and get home that I drag them through the doors of the Windows of the World, New York’s sky-high restaurant. The restaurant’s close proximity to the parking garage was the deciding factor. Usually, I wouldn’t dare take the twins to such an expensive and stuffy restaurant, but their growling stomachs can’t wait. Our twenty-floor glass elevator ride to the top floor is an unexpected thrill for the kids. Thousands of lights twinkle at us when the elevator doors open to a cozy holiday atmosphere where every corner seems decorated in gorgeous evergreen garlands, ribbons, and pinecones. And surrounding windows provide a jaw-dropping three-sixty view of Manhattan. We sit down and order what I can only assume is the city’s most expensive hot chocolates with extra whipped cream and two grilled cheese sandwiches. I’m trying to hold off on food until I go out with Jasper later tonight.

Click HERE to read Pink Champagne Christmas Story PART 1 

Click HERE to read Pink Champagne Christmas Story PART 2

On 22 April 1974, this performance by Love Unlimited (also known for singing backing vocals for Barry White) was broadcast by AVRO television as part of TopPop, the Dutch version of Top of the Pops. Glodean James, the singer in the middle, was married to Barry White at that time.


Wow, I Had Grandstand Seats to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

What a Day! I had grandstand tickets for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. It was spectacular!!

My day started at 4:30 AM. The line to get into the grandstands starts at 5:30 AM and closes at 7:30 AM. However, there’s no guarantee you will get in so the early you get there, the better! We didn’t want to take any chances because the weather forecast predicted a sunny, warm day. We arrived at 6:30 AM.

Our tickets for the 71st Street entrance. There’s another entrance on either 77th or 79th Street. Several people in line had the wrong tickets for our entrance and had to hustle up ten blocks to get in. No, we were not seated across from Macy’s flagship store in Herald Square on 34th Street. Grandstand seats, are about thirty blocks uptown and run from 79th Street to 65th Street on Central Park West.

You had to show identification and vaccination to get past one of two checkpoints. Once inside, you’re directed to your seats and then you have about two hours to kill before the parade starts. The people sitting around us were so friendly and nice. We started chatting about every topic from A to Z that didn’t include politics(!) and the time flew by.

There’s so much to love about what I consider to be one of the best art parades. Yes, I said ‘art parade.’ Since 1969, a talented group of makers called “The Balloonatics” has designed the floats and balloons at the Macy’s Parade Studio in New Jersey.

The first parade featured live animals and nursery rhyme-themed floats such as Little Red Riding Hood, the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe, and Little Miss Muffet. 

The amazing, colorful giant character balloons were introduced in 1928 to replace live zoo animals.

The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company provided the balloons’ material from the 1920s through 1980. Macy’s balloons stay thanks to 12,000 cubic feet of helium afloat. Each balloon gets pumped up on the eve of the parade. 

When I first moved to the city, you could walk up and touch the balloons lying in the middle of the streets the night before the parade. Back in 1995, the night before the parade felt more like a block party. Today, seeing the balloons the night before is much more organized. The Inflation Station featuring all the balloons wraps around the perimeter of the Natural History Museum, and crowds line up to see them. It’s still fun! I have visited the Inflation station many times because there’s nothing quite like seeing these colorful, gigantic characters in person. The size and scope of each one are jaw-dropping. 

The balloons are typically deflated behind the Macy’s store on 7th Avenue. The process involves:

  • Unzipping them to let out the helium.
  • Lying on top of the balloon.
  • Rolling up the balloon to squeeze out any remaining air.

A skilled hand can deflate a balloon in 15 minutes or less.

This year’s parade featured 15 giant character balloons, 28 floats, 36 novelty and heritage inflatables, more than 800 clowns, ten marching bands and nine performance groups, and, of course, Santa Claus. 

The new balloon giants included Ada Twist, Scientist; Grogu (so-called Baby Yoda from the “The Mandalorian”); and the Pokémon characters Pikachu and Eevee. 

Our seats were so close to the giant character balloons, floats, marching bands, and performers. It took your breath away. It was incredible to see the crew of handlers and pilots work to stop the giant balloons from fishtailing into buildings and trees due to gusts of wind. We sat eye to eye with all the performers, many of them on stilts, which kept the energy up between the balloons and floats. 

Unfortunately, I have always been too far back from the action to see these hardworking performers doing their best to spread holiday cheer in the past years. But every year I attend, no matter how far back in the crowd I am, I enjoy the experience! It never disappoints. Every time I see Santa Clause I become a child again!!

The Macy’s volunteers, participants, and spectators were friendly, kind, and upbeat. It’s one of those memories that make you love living in NYC.

Diva-Style Face Masks To Stay Safe And Stylish

For over 20 years, our friend, Evetta Petty has designed hats in her uptown New York studio, Harlem’s Heaven Hat Shop. Her hats have captured worldwide attention and have been worn to the Kentucky Derby and Royal Ascot in England. Recently, she’s put her design skills to work making fabulous, functional face masks. 

Q: Tell us about your face mask collection. What colors and styles do they come in? Are they for both women and men?

Evetta Petty: My mask collection is functional and fun. Its for ladies and gentlemen. I use the same high quality textiles for my masks that I use for my hats which makes them very special. I’m using beautiful brocades In rich jewel tones and rhinestone embellishments for the couture mask collection. 

Q: What inspires you?

Evetta Petty: I’m inspired by my world travels. What comes to mind is my trip to India. The beautiful buildings and the colors of the spices in the marketplace. I bought beautiful fabrics and trimmings that I use for the masks. 

Q: How has your life changed living in New York City and you’re living with type 2 diabetes since the pandemic? 

Evetta Petty: Being quarantined at home during this pandemic is very challenging with Type 2 diabetes. I’m really being careful not to overeat because food is too available. The good thing is that I can do some healthy cooking and try new dishes that I normally would not have the time do. 

Q: How do you cope with the stress and anxiety?

Evetta Petty: Being busy making masks and adding new items to my website has given me a great since of accomplishment. I really have been able to keep the stress level down by concentrating on daily tasks and limiting my time watching the News.  I realized early on that when I watched the News all day, it gave me too much anxiety. 

Q: You also amazing design hats! What are some of your favorite designs for Summer?

Evetta Petty: My favorite Summer hats are super wide brims with floral trim. You get ultimate Sun protection as well as high style. I’m pairing them with matching masks. 

Q: What fashion advice can you offer for wearing a hat with a mask?

Evetta Petty: Masks are the new accessory and should be coordinated with your hat for a very cohesive ensemble. It’s a great look. 

Q: How can people purchase your hats and masks? 

Evetta Petty: You can purchase my hats and masks on my website and we will promptly ship them out. My Hat shop up in Harlem has been closed during this pandemic and will reopen as soon as the law allows. 

Harlem’s Heaven Hat Shop is located 2538 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd.   (@W.147) New York, NY 10039. Phone:  212-491-7706. Store hours: 12PM to 6PM. Closed Sunday & Monday. Appointments available after hours

Hat Designer, Evetta Petty

See hat desginer, Evetta Petty’s sensational hat designs sweeping across the New York Fashion Week runway. Evetta who attended the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City was inspired by the exhuberance of the Poppy Flower for this unique collection. Her hat designs are fierce!

We’re talking about Secrets to Longevity & Diabetes with musical inspiration from Dionne Warwick on Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast. Guests include The Lager Queen of Minnesota and Kitchens of the Great Midwest Author J. Ryan Stradal, Deborah Greenwood PhD, RN, BC-ADM, CDE, FAADE, Fonzi Thornton, Rachel Stahl MS, RD, CDN, CDE, and Lorraine Brooks. Throughout the podcast we will be featuring music from Dionne Warwick’s ‘Dionne’ album featuring I’ll Never Love This Way Again and Deja Vu courtesy of SONY Music.

The Happy Diabetic’s Roasted Fennel Recipe

Chef Robert aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’ takes part in Divabetic’s sixth annual Diabetes Mystery podcast: Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes available for free on demand. LISTEN ON DEMAND.

The mystery revolves around a fictitious Gingerbread Man Cookie competition in New York City.

Not only can ginger help lower your blood sugar levels, fennel can too!  

Fennel seeds have alleviated diabetic properties which helps in fighting against diabetes. Due to its high source of nutrients like vitamin C and Potassium, fennel seeds have been known to help lower the blood sugar levels and increase insulin reactivity.

To get you in the spirit of Divabetic’s upcoming Diabetes Mystery podcast, The Fennel Curtain, we asked the Happy Diabetic to share his favorite fennel recipe. 

Roasted Fennel of Love Recipe by Chef Robert Lewis 

Ingredients: What’s in it?

1 lb. fennel, quartered lengthwise 

2 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil

1/2 tsp. kosher salt; more to taste

Freshly ground black pepper

Fresh lemon juice 

Parmesan cheese 

Directions: Let’s Put it Together 

Position a oven rack in the center of the oven and heat the oven to 475° F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Trim the base and core of the fennel quarters, leaving just enough of the core intact to hold the layers together. Cut into 3/4- to 1-inch wedges. In a medium bowl, toss the fennel with enough of the olive oil to coat generously but don’t over do it, the salt, and generous  grinds of pepper.

Spread the fennel out onto the baking sheet and arrange the pieces so that they are evenly spaced and lying on a cut side. If the pieces cover the baking sheet sparsely, arrange them toward the edges of the baking sheet for the best browning. Roast until the fennel begins to brown on the edges, 15 minutes. Flip the fennel and continue to roast until tender and nicely browned, 10 minutes.

Return the fennel to the bowl in which you tossed them with the oil, or put them in a clean serving bowl. If the fennel seems a bit dry, drizzle it with a little oil. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and lemon juice, A nice dusting of cheese and granulated garlic will be predict. 

Chef Robert Lewis was diagnosed in 1998 with type 2 diabetes. “Much of what I heard in those early day was about the foods that were prohibited,” says Chef Robert Lewis.  “I suspected that my days of good eating were over, yet as I worked through my ups and downs, I came to realize that the selection of foods I could and should eat was vast and included many of my favorites. This motivated me to attempt to create delicious, diabetic-friendly dishes that were also easy to prepare.”

When the final curtain falls on opening night, the show might be over but it’s just the beginning of another one of Mr. Divabetic’s misadventures. Unfortunately, the happy healthcare host finds himself cast as the prime suspect when the leading lady is found dead backstage. Affairs and jealousy, not to mention old resentments, are all good motives for murder. But just which one brought the curtain down on the curvy community playhouse star? Now Mr. Divabetic and his team of amateur sleuths with their sometimes questionable way of handling things, must search for the murderer.

Don’t miss Mr. Divabetic’s newest Diabetes Mystery podcast, The Fennel Curtain coming in 2021!

Kale For Dessert?

Kale has been a trendy health food for a while. It’s so trendy that people including cooking hacks like Mr. Divabetic are adding it into any food, including DESSERT!

With more nutritional value than spinach, kale may help improve blood glucose management in diabetes, lower the risk of cancer, reduce blood pressure, and help prevent the development of asthma. The fiber and antioxidants in kale also may offer protection against diabetes. Studies have shown that a high intake of fiber may lower blood glucose levels in people with type-1 diabetes and people with type-2 diabetes may see improved blood sugar, lipids, and insulin levels according to Medical News Today.

But can one of the world’s healthiest foods taste heavenly in a dessert?

“While you might not think of the fibrous leafy greens as essential to dessert dishes, kale has the unique ability to lend cakes a feel-good dose of nutrients without sacrificing taste or flavor,” writes Jennifer En for

Why Kale & Chocolate Make A Good Combination!

Chocolate is incredibly rich and bold, which makes it the perfect ingredient to pair with kale when you don’t necessarily want the veggie flavor to overpower the chocolate one. If you’re curious about what kale and chocolate taste like together, try this recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie for kale brownies. 

Chocolate Covered Katies

“It’s easy, streamlined, and completely winning where flavor is concerned. Get your chocolate on,” writes Jennifer En for


Don’t let incorporating greens into your desserts be an excuse to overindulge. It’s easy to convince yourself that you can enjoy more sweets and feel better about yourself in the process because you’re adding in extra nutrients between spoonfuls of sugar. An indulgence on one day doesn’t matter when looking at a week or a month.

Mr. Divabetic loves to infuse his desserts with healthy doses of vegetables. Unfortunately his lack of cookings skills and questionable good taste doesn’t always make for a winning combination. In this year’s Diabetes Mystery podcast, “Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes” his original Kale Hot Cocoa recipe turns everyone’s favorite leafy green vegetable into something downright lethal! 

Divabetic presents their 6th Annual Diabetes Mystery Podcast,  “Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes,” on Tuesday, September 10, 2019, 6 -7 PM, EST. This diabetes mystery caper takes place at the fictitiously decadent world-renowned Gingerbread Men Cookie Baking Competition in New York’s Central Park Zoo. Mr. Divabetic’s culinary misadventures continue in this year’s escapade as he enters the competition with headless cookies and pureed kale hot cocoa for the judges to sample. As if this dreadful combination wasn’t bad enough to land him at the bottom of the throwdown, his mother, Mama Rose Marie, is accused of poisoning one of the celebrity judges. Things go from bad to worse when the snake phobic Mr. Divabetic hears about the giant python’s escape.         

Now, the happy healthcare host must decide to face his fear of snakes and recipe rejection or throw in his apron and risk getting caught up in another murder investigation. Can Mr. Divabetic and his team of amateur sleuths hunt down the real killer and get Mama Rose Marie out of jail? Will he be the next murder victim? Can he ever create an edible recipe?

The cast of Gingerbread Men Prefer Blondes features Mama Rose Marie, Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach (Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and MaryAnn Nicolay BA, DTR), Asha Brown, Chef Robert Lewis, Seveda Williams, Catherine Schuller, Wendy Radford, Dave Jones and Lorraine Brooks.

Throughout this podcast we will be featuring music from the original Broadway cast recording of ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ courtesy of SONY MUSIC.


Clued Inn 2019 Highlights

Divabetic’s Clued Inn Escape Rooms is an innovative, fun approach, to reach people at risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease before they experience health-related complications.

Carol Seitz Photography

Easy Booking

Quick and easy Individual and Group online reservations start at with the Diabetes Risk Test or the Heart IQ Quiz.

Carol Seitz Photography

Escape Rooms

Three interactive themed escape room challenges are filled with brainteasers to sharpen problem-solving skills with the power of communication and teamwork. 

“I think it was really great that you organized an escape room with the goal of reaching more folks about diabetes.”

Carol Seitz Photography

Table Talks

Certified Diabetes Educators (Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDE, Susan Weiner MS RDN CDE CDN FAADE and  Rachel Stahl, MS, RD, CDN, CDE) host discussions for people at risk for and living with diabetes and others to gather and learn together about diabetes and heart health.

“Even if you have diabetes you can lead a fun and productive life”

Carol Seitz Photography

Clued Inn Tote Bags 

Take-home resources include Know Diabetes By Heart information materials, Divabetic diabetes information and Metakura local health program calendars.

“I walked away with a lot of information I had not previously known about diabetes.”

Carol Seitz Photography

Prize Wheel 

An amazing assortment of prize giveaways are courtesy of Sweet Defeat, Glucose SOS, Hint Water, plus ‘My Sweet Life’ books by Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDE.

Carol Seitz Photography


Orientation features diabetes/heart health primer, patient testimonials and overview of program goals to empower and educate.

“We had a great time and the event was wonderful! Looking forward to future events!”

Divabetic’s Clued Inn Escape Rooms was presented on Diabetes Alert Day, March 26, 2019 sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim in New York City, NY.

Divabetic® is a national nonprofit diabetes outreach organization committed to changing attitudes in people at risk, affected by and living with diabetes. We strive to encourage prevention, early action and above all, education. 

Divabetic® was inspired by the late R & B legend, Luther Vandross, and created and founded by his long-time assistant, Max Szadek. Divabetic®, a combination of the word ‘diabetic’ with the letter ‘V’ inserted for Vandross, evokes feelings of power and the positive attitude associated with the great DIVAS Luther loved like Patti LaBelle.