Divabetic Pattern Management Tips

Pattern Management is a skill that you can help you to manage your diabetes like a diva! The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic and Neva White, the leader of the Divabetic Club – Philadelphia discuss the basics and benefits of Pattern Management. Free Divabetic Club meeting mixing diabetes education, support and style advice have been presented in New York, NY, Cleveland, OH and Philadelphia, PA.

Divabetic will partner with the Frazier Family Coalition to present a free program in November 2025 at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.

Romantic relationships play an important role in our everyday lives. But when diabetes enters the picture, it can complicate even the most loving and open relationships. Many people don’t know that diabetes can impact physical and emotional intimacy. And intimacy-related issues can be especially difficult to discuss with a partner or a health care provider. But don’t let diabetes hinder the romance. Divabetic’s Sweet Romance ebook series is here to give you practical information and expert advice to tackle this sensitive subject. These comprehensive, interactive guides cover everything you need to know to enjoy a fulfilling sexual and emotional life despite the challenges of diabetes

FLASHBACK: Phyllis Kornbluth talks about how her participation in the Divabetic Support Meeting, have help changed her life for the better.

Enjoy this animated scene from Divabetic’s 10th Annual Original Mystery podcast, Murder Plain As Vanilla, streaming on YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, and BlogTalkRadio.

Divabetic mystery podcasts are not just for mystery lovers. It’s an engaging way to learn about diabetes and self-care. Amidst colorful characters, thrilling adventures, and delightful settings, we offer health and wellness tips to help you take charge of your diabetes self-care. We also promote the idea of thinking like a detective when you experience unexpected blood sugar fluctuations. Look for clues, gather data, talk to witnesses (friends, co-workers, and family members ), and present your ideas to healthcare professionals for solutions. A team approach to managing your diabetes is also a great idea.

Princess Frog Poems: Toad White

Without a drop of rain, I staged a few of my upcoming Princess Frogs displays for Halloween. It was my first time seeing all the display elements – Princess Frogs, signs, lily ponds, and foliage—together.

I was overjoyed when a young girl passing by screamed, “Princess Frogs!” when she spotted my display. Her mother told me that her daughter loves to dress up as a princess. My target audience gets me!! My display will be on one of New York City’s iconic Halloween Streets, where over 2,000 children trick-or-treat annually.

Everything, except the wigs and crowns, is made from recycled materials – water bottles, pizza boxes, FedEx boxes, paper towels, toilet paper rolls, New York Times newspapers, bubble wrap, coffee cans, lids, and packing foam. 

Toad White 

In the forest so green and wide, 

Lives a toad, Toad White, with seven dwarfs by her side. 

Her skin is bumpy, her voice so low, 

But she is kind and gentle to all she knows

She spends her days hopping and leaping

and her nights on a lily pad, quietly sleeping

The Seven Dwarfs work in a field

harvesting corn that they later peel

She often visits them during the day

and reads them stories to keep them entertained

With her quick wit and sense of humor 

she makes long days pass much sooner 

One day, a prince passes her way, 

And sees  Toad White, a toad so gray. 

He picks her up, kisses her head, 

And suddenly, she is no longer dead. 

Toad White transforms, to her surprise, 

A princess now, before her eyes. 

But she never forgets her humble start, 

As a toad with a kind and gentle heart.

so the couple settles in a castle near a pond

so she will never forget her bond

with seven dwarfs who are her friends

so they all live happily together in the end 

My Princess Frogs display is a twist on the perennial tale Frog Prince. Instead of a woman kissing a frog to break the spell and turn it back into a prince, I wondered if a man would be willing to kiss a frog and turn it back into a princess.

If a man was willing to kiss a frog, would the frog want to be turned back into a Princess? Sarah Ferguson, Diana Spencer, and Meghan Markle‘s comments about a princess’s real life make it clear it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Life as a frog might be much easier than life as a princess.

Celebrity Charcuterie at Halloween Dinner

Last night’s Annual Pumpkin Carving Party was an absolute blast, especially with the fun food game, Celebrity Charcuterie! I created different plates of foods to see if guests could guess the identities of several Halloween-themed famous figures: Big Foot, Bewitched, Angelica Huston, the Mummy, and Ichabod Crane.

Despite being busy catering and sprucing up my Princess Frogs and Mermaid outdoor Halloween displays, I still found time to vote.

Thank you, Carol Seitz, for the great photo capturing the creepy creativity of our tablescape. 

The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic stops by the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island to raise awareness for diabetes in a fun, new way.

Halloween Extravaganza at the Cathedral Of St. John the Divine

Last night, I attended the Cathedral of St. John the Divine‘s beloved annual Halloween celebration, 

The night started with a ‘cello-ween’ performance by a scary skeleton musician. The haunting melodies filled the cathedral’s amber-hued walls, creating an eerie atmosphere.  Next, we enjoyed a screening of the silent film The Phantom of the Opera, from 1925, starring the incomparable Lon Chaney. I always thought Lon Chaney was a one-note performer best known for scary roles, but his performance as the Phantom was masterful. 

The film remains most famous for Lon Chaney’s ghastly, self-devised make-up, which was kept a studio secret until the film’s premiere.  The lighting design filled with shadows, the mythic Grand Opera House stage, cellar and river, the enormous cast, and the superb editing of this film make it a must-see movie.  

TV guide said, “One of the most famous horror movies of all time, The Phantom of the Opera, still manages to frighten after more than 60 years.”

Our screening featured a live organ accompaniment that heightened the horror and drama. After the film finished, we were treated to a parade of ghouls and goblins from the Mettawee River Theater Company. Performers emerged from the smile of a gigantic, grotesque clown to scare and delight us. 

The Mettawee River Theatre Company dramatizes myths, folk tales, and legends from diverse cultures. Their original theatre productions incorporate masks, puppets, and giant figures with music, movement, and text.  

Under the Artistic Direction of mask maker, designer, and director Ralph Lee, the Mettawee River Company experimented with means of presenting masks, puppetry, mythology, and theater in ways that led an audience to experience the powerful relationship between human beings, their ancestry, and the natural environment.

Janet and Rosetta Van der Voort, born in the 1800s, were two wealthy sisters whose father rarely let them leave the house unaccompanied. The one place they were allowed to visit was Central Park’s Wollman Rink, where they went ice skating in the winter. The two sisters never married, were lifelong best friends, and died a few months apart. Since their death, their ghostly spirits have been seen periodically skating together on the Central Park Pond, wearing the same red and purple outfits they wore over 100 years ago.

Divabetic pays tribute to the sisters’ spirits, hoping to encourage you to indulge in the creativity associated with Halloween instead of candy. Halloween’s record-breaking sugar consumption and its detrimental effects on overall health are scarier than any ghost story.

It’s been reported that consumers gobbled up a record $36.9 billion in candy, gum, mints, chocolate, and other confections in 2021. High dietary sugar intakes in the context of a worldwide pandemic of obesity and cardiovascular disease have heightened concerns about the adverse effects of excessive sugar consumption.

The American Heart Association suggests limiting added sugars to less than 100 calories per day (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams) for most adult women and no more than 150 calories per day (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar) for most men.

New York City’s Great Elephants Migration Exhibit

The life-sized sculptures made by Indigenous artisans using an invasive weed called lantana camera are incredible! 

Sometimes, the elephant in the room is the sudden change in your life due to the symptoms of diabetes. Keeping the symptoms a secret or ignoring the symptoms can be problematic, including increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, blurred vision, and numbness or tingling in the hands and feet. 

Our bodies start to struggle with insulin efficiency, leading to a state known as insulin resistance. Without proper treatment and management, prediabetes can progress to type 2 diabetes, underscoring the importance of early detection and intervention.

According to the CDC, 97.6 million people in the United States aged 18 and older have prediabetes, which is 38% of the adult population. Almost 90% of the people living with diabetes don’t know they have it or ignore the symptoms.  

The risk factors for developing prediabetes are varied. Being overweight or obese, having a family history of type 2 diabetes, leading a sedentary lifestyle, having high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, or a history of gestational diabetes are all significant contributors. Age also plays a role, as the likelihood of developing prediabetes increases after the age of 45.

Our friend, Jill Weisenberger RD, CDCES, offers advice on what to eat for those feeling confused or overwhelmed with living with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in this video series.

Prediabetes is a pivotal health condition that acts as a precursor to type 2 diabetes. It is defined by blood sugar levels that are higher than average yet not high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes.

This subtle difference is crucial, as prediabetes often goes unnoticed due to its mild nature, unlike type 2 diabetes, which presents more evident and urgent symptoms.

The elephant project directly fights the threat of an invasive species while raising money and awareness for environmental issues.

The collective isn’t just using lantana as a sculpting material; it converts tons of agricultural waste products rich in nutrients into biochar and black carbon. The biochar is then buried to improve the soil in India.

Could You Have Prediabetes? Don’t be part of the herd unsure or unaware of their health condition. Take this free, simple RISK TEST Now.

Enjoy this scene from Divabetic’s 10th Annual Original Mystery podcast, Murder Plain As Vanilla, streaming on Spotify, iTunes, and BlogTalkRadio.