Sugar Substitutes, Gut Health and Type 2 Diabetes

The whole conversation around the risks of consuming sugar, added sugars, and artificial sugar substitutes is confusing for anyone, especially those with diabetes.

The health risks associated with consuming too much sugar in your foods and drinks are alarming. But sugar is sneaky. When you think you figured it out, you look closely at nutrition labels, only to discover manufacturers have ways of hiding sugar in foods and drinks marketed as ‘healthy.’  

When you know, a 16 oz bottle of Coke contains almost ten teaspoons of sugar; you think you’re making a better choice by reaching for a Diet Coke or Coke Zero. But recent studies suggest that fake sugars can also have unexpected effects on your gut and metabolic health and even promote food cravings and insulin resistance, leading to Type 2 diabetes. Not to mention, quitting Diet Coke can lead to headaches and withdrawal symptoms. I know because I’ve experienced the vicious cycle of quitting Diet Coke several times without much success. 
And what about these murmurs that diet drinks make you fat? Morning TV shows love to share results from studies that have found using artificial sweeteners and drinking high amounts of diet soda is associated with an increased risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome. One study also reported a link between the high consumption of diet drinks and the increase in belly fat in older adults.
Drinking water is a great alternative. But if you’re like me, you enjoy a carbonated drink from time to time. So what do you do? A glance at the cold drinks shelves at my local bodega reveals a plethora of diet drinks. Every company offering a popular sugar-sweetened beverage now offers a sugar-free alternative. Each contains a list of ingredients a mile long with names only a scientist could understand.   
If you’re wondering why sugar substitutes seem more prevalent in our food and drink choices, one reason could be the Food and Drug Administration’s proposal to stop companies from labeling a food “healthy” unless it adheres to strict new limits on added sugars. Savvy companies can conform to the proposed rules by replacing added sugars in foods with artificial sweeteners.
“When companies reformulate their foods to contain less sugar, it leads them to use more non-nutritive sweeteners,” said Jotham Suez, an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told the Washington Post.
Studies show that when countries such as Chile and Australia instituted similar policies to reduce sugar consumption, there was an increase in artificially sweetened foods and beverages.
“These low-calorie sweeteners are ubiquitous in the food supply, and so people often aren’t even aware that they’re consuming them,” said Allison Sylvetsky, an associate professor in the Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at George Washington University.
Many sugar substitutes are often hundreds of times sweeter than table sugar. Some are synthetic, while others, like stevia and monk fruit extract, are referred to as “natural” because they’re derived from plants.
The confusion surrounding what to do makes me feel like I’m talking from two sides of my mouth. Divabetic has hosted several Sugar-Free Baking Programs on Zoom, and we have shared dozens of Sugar-Free Dessert Recipes. Both of these offerings have proven to be very popular with our community. We’ve even rewarded our followers with free gift baskets of popular artificial sweeteners. But after seeing the new findings, I’m unsure how to proceed.
The World Health Organization cautioned people to limit their intake of sugar substitutes because of their potential for “undesirable” long-term effects, including detrimental effects on gut and metabolic health.
What the heck is Gut Health?
Gut health refers to the health of the entire digestive system — the parts of our body responsible for breaking down our food into individual nutrients we use to run our bodies.

If you suffer from frequent discomfort, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn, your gut has difficulty processing food and eliminating waste. People with chronic fatigue may have imbalances in the gut.
Health Studies Seem To Only Make It More Confusing!
According to a Cedars-Sinaistudy, one type of bacteria in the gut may contribute to the development of Type 2 diabetes, while another may protect from the disease. The researchers admitted it is too early to know how people can change their microbiome to reduce their diabetes risk.

In the meantime, experts recommend using artificial sweeteners sparingly because science changing all the time. Many of these old and new sugar substitutes seem destined to spur ongoing concerns and confusion. All we can hope for is to use them in moderation as we strive to live our best diabetes lives. 

Divabetic Bookshelf: Maximize Your Metabolism

Our friends, Dr. Noel Maclaren and Sunita Singh Maclaren have helped thousands of patients at their New York City clinic for over fifteen years by reversing their metabolic imbalances. In fact, several Divabetics with type 1 and type 2 diabetes are Dr. Maclaren’s patients. They like him so much that they have encouraged others to seek out his services too.

In their new book, Maximize Your Metabolism, the Maclarens share their scientific approach to help lose weight, regain energy, enrich brain health, and prevent disease.

Maximize Your Metabolism is filled with time-tested guidance and over twenty-five healthy and delicious recipes. This book perfect for anyone who wants to be a champion of their own well-being.

Imagine the metabolism as a beguiling jigsaw puzzle much like our fingerprints, each of us has a unique metabolism. Your metabolism will change as you move through life, shaping your mental and physical capabilities. However, one in four of us will experience trouble with our metabolism. The authors have identified several critical components including genetic legacies, appetite signals, and sleep patterns, to design a ten-part Metabolic Matrix. With this comprehensive matrix, you will learn how to manage these ten elements to help achieve robust health and an overall sense of wellbeing in as little as six months and sustain it over a lifetime.

Quinoa Gets A ‘Quin-Wow!’ Makeover with Jill Weisenberger

Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wa) has become the latest superfood to take America by storm.

Some people even call it the ‘Beyonce’ of Supergrains!

But is this gluten-free, high-protein grain-like relative of spinach and beets worth the hype?

We asked our friend and colleague, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDCES, FAND, CHWC, who recently published The Beginner’s Guide To What To Eat With Type 2 Diabetes, for her advice.

Q: What puts the ‘Quin-Wow! into Quinoa and makes it so special?

Jill Weisenberger (JW): I love it for its taste, versatility and nutrition profile. We classify quinoa as a whole grain and eat it like it’s a whole grain, but technically it’s a seed. Nutritionally, it has all the essential amino acids, lots of fiber, B vitamins, magnesium and other vitamins and minerals, as well as health-boosting phytonutrients. 

Eat it hot or cold, in soups or stews, in place of rice or pasta and even as a cooked breakfast cereal. And it’s great sweet or savory.

Q: Why should someone with type 2 diabetes and/or prediabetes consider adding Quinoa to their meal plan?

JW: In general, eating whole grains is associated with less risk of type 2 diabetes. And whole grains are an important part of a balanced diet. Quinoa is a little higher in protein than most, but the goal is not to focus on one or two whole grains. Instead, we should eat a diet as varied as possible to get the best range of nutrients and other disease-fighters. I especially like quinoa because it’s an intact whole grain, as opposed to one highly refined. Of course, you can find it in crackers, breads and other processed foods – and that’s perfectly fine – but eating the intact seed is quite good for us.

Q: Can Quinoa help manage blood sugar levels?

JW: Not in any direct way, but a balanced diet in general helps manage blood sugar and other metabolic problems associated with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Q: What are some do’s and don’ts for cooking Quinoa?

JW: Rinse it first to rid the bitter saponins, which are natural pesticides. You can cook it like rice: 2 parts liquid: 1 part quinoa. I typically prepare it in my rice cooker with half water and half broth. This gives it a great flavor without too much sodium. 

Experiment with quinoa as a base for a whole-grain salad, a nourish bowl, as the starchy side to soup up sauces, and as a str on it’s own flavored with your favorite herbs, spices and cooked vegetables.

Love New Recipes?

Join the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic for this free Virtual Cooking Party with special guest, Author of The Beginner’s Guide To What To Eat With Type 2 Diabetes,  Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND on Zoom on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 7-8 PM, EST. Jill shares her favorite quinoa recipes with us!