The 12-3-30 challenge on TikTok consists of setting a treadmill to a 12% incline and walking at 3 miles per hour for 30 minutes.
Last year, the challenge went viral after many TikTokers lost a sustainable weight. The people who created the challenge believe it can help anyone burn more calories, maintain strength and build muscle while alleviating joint problems.
A new twist to my existing workout sounds like fun!
Actually, the 12-3-30 workout sounds like fun on paper. As someone who warms up on a treadmill before group exercises (it’s the only way I will do over 100 situps), I frequently walk on the gym treadmill at the Level 3 (3 mph) setting. It is a moderate-paced walk. However, when you’re on a substantial incline Level 3 setting is vigorous.
The press release for the 12-3-30 challenge states walking uphill during a treadmill workout at the same pace as regular walking may increase endurance, improve performance, and increase lean muscle mass.
It all sounds good, but I’m over 50. At my age, sustaining that pace on a steep incline for thirty minutes might require a defibrillator. For me, the angle or the speed would have to be lowered. I would reduce the incline even though the experts behind this challenge say inclines strengthen joints. Too many of my friends from my adult volleyball league have suffered joint issues. Many under 60 have opted for joint replacement surgery.
As I mentioned, I love adding a new twist to my workout. I think it’s important to vary your workouts to keep yourself motivated. One of the big reasons why people struggle to work out regularly is due to repetitive exercise burn-out. Many people perform workouts they don’t actually enjoy just because they consider the workout “good for them.” Or they work out because they overate or overindulge. They treat it as a form of punishment.
I’m doing everything I can to avoid Prediabetes. Regular exercise is a big part of my overall health plan.
Prediabetes is a serious health condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough yet to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. Approximately 96 million American adults—more than 1 in 3—have prediabetes. Of those with prediabetes, more than 80% don’t know they have it.
Keeping your workouts fresh is not only fun but is vital to help you commit to lifelong fitness. So if this challenge appeals to you and keeps you motivated, go for it!
If you discover prediabetes, remember that it doesn’t mean you’ll develop type 2. Working with a team of healthcare collaborators, you can create a personalized treatment plan and alter your lifestyle through food choices and physical activity. Even small changes can have a huge impact on delaying or preventing diabetes.
Need some inspiration? Tune in to Divabetic’s Healthy Swaps podcast on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 6 – 7:30 PM, EST.
With a few simple swaps, you can help live your best life while managing your diabetes. Our experts offer straightforward, simple, and fun swap ideas for drinks, medications, self-care, and fashion. Plus, we share style tips and words of inspiration to help you maintain a healthy habit.
Developing these habits isn’t always easy. Adapting to a new routine can be tricky, and it’s often tempting to want to return to old ways if we don’t see immediate results. One of the biggest mistakes people make when forming a new habit is taking on too much too quickly. Focus on what’s working in your diabetes self-care plan before overhauling diabetes management. Instead of decluttering the entire house, why not focus on one room or closet? Why not focus on the calories you drink rather than everything you eat? If you want to eat healthier, try replacing one dessert daily with a piece of fruit rather than cutting out sugar completely. If you’re going to get into hiking, start with a walk at lunchtime. Setting small goals you can achieve will help keep you motivated along the way.
Guests include Catherine Schuller, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Patricia Addie-Gentle RD, CDCES, MaryAnn Horst Nicolay, MEd, NDTR, and Mama Rose Marie. Hosted by Mr. Divabetic.
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