How Much Do You Know About Insulin? Part 2

How much do you know about insulin? 
The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic has created a new game to test one lucky listener’s ‘INSULIN IQ’ featuring a series of questions about insulin for November’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with musical inspiration from Aretha Franklin’s rendition of ‘Teach Me Tonight’ from her Aretha Franklin Sings The Great Diva Classics album courtesy of SONY Music.
Can’t wait until Wednesday, November 14th? Test your knowledge with these two ‘Teach Me Tonight Challenge’ questions (answers appear at the bottom of this blog post):

3: Which animal was insulin first tested on?

A. A cow

B. A pig

C. A dog

4: What year was insulin first used on a human?

A. 1912


C. 1932

5: How many people are living with diabetes in the world?

A. 322 million

B. 399 million

C. 422 million

Are you concerned about the average price of insulin skyrocketing in recent years – nearly tripling between 2002 and 2013?
Join us in calling for increased transparency and more affordable insulin. More than 377,207 people have signed the American Diabetes Association’s petition to support those struggling with insulin affordability. Add your name today. CLICK HERE

Don’t miss November’s Diabetes Late Niteon Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 6 PM, EST.Divabetic will be hosting November’s Diabetes Late Nite with music by Aretha Franklin on World Diabetes Day Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 6 PM EST in celebration of World Diabetes Day.

You may be wondering why November 14th is World Diabetes Day?
November 14th is a significant date in the diabetes calendar because it marks the birthday of the man who co-discovered insulin, Sir Frederick Banting. Banting discovered insulin in 1922, alongside Charles Best. Insulin isn’t just a drug. It’s the difference between life and death for millions of people with diabetes – and it’s something they will need every day for the rest of their lives.

Guests included Poet Lorraine Brooks, Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport, Owner of Diabetes Strong Christel Oerum, Makeup Artist & Skincare Expert Suzanne Perez, Mama Rose Marie and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach. Plus, win a copy of Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport’s newest book,

“Friendship Matters: memoir, life lessons, laughter” as part of our World Diabetes Day giveaway! TUNE IN

ANSWERS: 1). C: DOG. Canadian physician Frederick Banting and medical student Charles H. Best would be credited with discovering the hormone insulin in the pancreatic extracts of dogs. Banting and Best injected the hormone into a dog and found that it lowered high blood glucose levels to normal. 2). B: 1922.  On 11 January 1922 insulin was first used in the treatment of diabetes. Insulin was discovered by Sir Frederick G Banting, Charles H Best and JJR Macleod at the University of Toronto in 1921 and it was subsequently purified by James B Collip. 3). C: 422 MILLION. According to the World Health Organization, 422 million people are living with diabetes worldwide, nearly doubling the prevalence from 4.7 percent in 1980 to 8.4 percent in 2014. In the United States alone, an estimated 29.1 million adults and children are affected.

How Much Do You Know About Insulin? on November’s Diabetes Late Nite

Divabetic will be hosting November’s Diabetes Late Nite with music by Aretha Franklin on Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 6 PM EST in celebration of World Diabetes Day.

You may be wondering why November 14th is World Diabetes Day?
November 14th is a significant date in the diabetes calendar because it marks the birthday of the man who co-discovered insulin, Sir Frederick Banting. Banting discovered insulin in 1922, alongside Charles Best. Insulin isn’t just a drug. It’s the difference between life and death for millions of people with diabetes – and it’s something they will need every day for the rest of their lives.
How much do you know about insulin? 
Mr. Divabetic has created a new game to test one lucky listener’s ‘INSULIN IQ’ featuring a series of questions about insulin for November’s podcast with musical inspiration from Aretha Franklin’s rendition of ‘Teach Me Tonight’ from her Aretha Franklin Sings The Great Diva Classics album courtesy of SONY Music.
Can’t wait until Wednesday, November 14th? Test your knowledge with these two ‘Teach Me Tonight Challenge’ questions (answers appear at the bottom of this blog post):

1. What is the most common methods of injecting insulin?

a. insulin syringe

b. insulin inhalers

c. insulin pens

2. In ancient times, doctors would test for diabetes by?

a. Check the patient’s eyes

b. Tasting the patient’s urine

c. Listening to the patient’s heart

Are you concerned about the average price of insulin skyrocketing in recent years – nearly tripling between 2002 and 2013?
Join us in calling for increased transparency and more affordable insulin. More than 377,207 people have signed the American Diabetes Association’s petition to support those struggling with insulin affordability. Add your name today. CLICK HERE
Don’t miss November’s Diabetes Late Nite on Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 6 PM, EST with  Poet Lorraine Brooks, Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport, Owner of Diabetes Strong Christel Oerum, Makeup Artist & Skincare Expert Suzanne Perez, Mama Rose Marie and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach. TUNE IN

Answers: 1. (a.) The most common method of injecting insulin is by syringe, but there are a lot of other options available, such as insulin pens, inhalers and pumps. Talk to your doctor to find out what’s best for you. Answer 2 (b). In ancient times, doctors would test for diabetes by tasting the patient’s urine to see if it was sweet. People who tasted urine to check for diabetes were called “water tasters.” Other diagnostic measures included checking to see if urine attracted ants or flies.

Sloppy Joes, Added Sugars & Healthy Eating Advice with Jill Weisenberger

One of our Divabetic community members, Deb L.., who is living with type 2 diabetes,  recently contacted us through Facebook with questions about added sugars. We contacted our good friend, a past Diabetes Late Nite podcast guest, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator and Best-Selling Author Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, FAND for answers  and advice regarding Deb’s questions.

Q: Is the amount of sugar in packaged products and recipes increasing?

Jill Weisenberger (JW): I’m not aware that this is true. In fact, I think there’s been a big push in the last few years to reduce the amount of added sugar is packaged goods. And manufacturers are responding. My own observation is that manufacturers provide a variety of options for different consumer likes and dislikes, so some products are created simply for taste and others are developed health goals in mind as well as taste.

One new thing that’s confusing is that some food labels show the amount of added sugar and some show the amount of total sugar. That’s because not all manufacturers have yet adopted the newest guidelines to include a line to show how much sugar has been added to a product. I never worry about the amount of sugar naturally in foods like fruits, vegetables, milk and yogurt. It’s the added sugars that I pass close attention to.

Often people with diabetes focus too much on sugar when the total amount of carbohydrate is really what’s important. It’s not only the sugar portion that affects blood sugar. For example, a cup of milk has 12 grams of carbohydrate, and all 12 are sugar (lactose). A cup of brown rice has 1 gram of sugar, but 45 grams of carbohydrate. In this case, the cup of brown rice with a mere 1 gram of sugar will raise blood sugar levels far more than a cup of milk with 12 grams of sugar.

Q: I like to read recipes and I’m horrified by the amount of sugar in them. I’ve looked in vain for a Sloppy Joe recipe that isn’t sweet. All of the ones I’ve read and I’ve read plenty call for (too sweet) ketchup plus additional brown sugar. Even dessert recipes seem to be increasing the amounts of sugar in them.

Jill Weisenberger (JW): The good news when you’re preparing your own recipes is that you can tweak them to meet your needs. Often you can reduce sugar by 1/4 to 1/2. In some recipes, you can omit it or swap it for a non-nutritiive sweetener of choice. However, if you’re baking, you’re going to get very white cookies or cakes without having at least a little sugar. It’s needed for the browning.

Q: Can you provide a Sloppy Joe recipe and/or a low sugar alternative?

Jill Weisenberger (JW): You can point out that while lentils are a source of carbohydrate, they – like other legumes – are full of the type fiber that’s good for blood sugar control. While there is a tablespoon of brown sugar in the recipe, that amounts to about 1 gram of added sugar per sandwich. If she is concerned aobut the total amount of carbohydrate (40 g, but 7 are fiber), she can remove the top bun to save 60 calories and about 12 grams of carbohydrate.

Lentil Sloppy Joes Recipe: A Healthy, Delicious take on an Old Favorite

Jill Weisenberger (JW): I usually eat this open faced to save about 60 calories. And for my friends and clients with diabetes, leaving half the bun trims 15 grams of carbohydrate. If the length of this ingredients list gives you pause, take the very, very easy route. Simply mix prepared lentils with a can of your favorite sloppy joe sauce. It won’t be the same, but it will allow you to try out this concept.


1 tablespoon canola or olive oil

1 large yellow onion, chopped (about 2 cups)

1 large carrot, chopped (about ⅓ cup)

1 orange bell pepper, chopped (about 1 cup)

2 garlic cloves, chopped or crushed

1 teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon chili powder

2 tablespoon tomato paste

3 cups vegetable broth

24.5-ounce box of strained tomatoes (or 24-ounces canned tomato sauce)

1 tablespoon sriracha sauce

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

1 tablespoon brown sugar

1 cup green lentils, rinsed and sorted

12 small whole-grain rolls, toasted (look for rolls about 120 calories)


In a large pot or Dutch oven, heat the oil over medium heat. Sauté the onions, carrots and bell pepper until softened, about 5 minutes.

Add the garlic, cumin, chili powder and tomato paste. Mix well.

Add the vegetable broth, strained tomatoes or tomato sauce, sriracha sauce, Dijon mustard and brown sugar. Mix well. Add the lentils.

Increase the heat to a boil. With the lid ajar, reduce the heat and simmer until the lentils are tender, about 45 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.

Serve in a toasted bun.


I use a lot of tomato paste in my recipes because I really like the full-bodied, meaty flavor it provides. Look for it in a tube, so it lasts a long time in your refrigerator after opening. Feel free to substitute any other color bell pepper for the orange or red pepper specified.

Nutrition Information

Serving size: rounded ½ cup, 1 roll Calories: 235 Fat: 3g Saturated fat: <1g Trans fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 40g Sodium: 470mg Fiber: 7g Protein: 11g Cholesterol: 0mg

Jill Weisenberger’s comprehensive guide, Prediabetes: A Complete Guide’ will lead you through dozens of concrete steps you can take to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and other lifestyle-related chronic diseases. Taking an individualized approach to your lifestyle “reset,” this book will allow you to choose your own path to wellness, help you gain a greater sense of wellbeing, boost your confidence in your abilities to maintain a healthful lifestyle, and potentially even help you reverse prediabetes and avoid type 2 diabetes and other chronic illnesses. You’ll be feeling better than you have in years! Inside, you will learn to:

Identify your risks for developing type 2 diabetes

Set personalized and meaningful behavioral goals

Identify and build on your motivation for a lifestyle reset

Create positive new habits

Change eating habits for weight loss and greater insulin sensitivity

Choose wholesome foods in the supermarket and when away from home

Tweak your favorite recipes

Reduce sedentary time

Start or improve upon an exercise plan

Reduce emotional eating

Organize and track your progress with tools included in the book

Much more

Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND is a great resource for all things nutrition, food and diabetes. Whether she’s speaking, writing, chatting on social media, appearing on TV or working with individuals, her candid and energetic approach appeals to busy people, and her sound nutrition and fitness advice gets results. In fact, her appreciation for science and ability to translate science into actionable information earned her a place in US News & World Report’s 10 Dietitian’s You Need to Follow on Social Media.

LISTEN NOW: Divabetic’s 8th Year Anniversary podcast featuring music by Patti Austin. We’re talking about healthy strategies to help you deal with the FOOD POLICE with guests: Poet Lorraine Brooks, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, Chris Pickering co-founder of ‘The Betes Bros, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, and Mama Rose Marie.

Gluten Free Pumpkin Crumble Cheesecake Recipe from The Happy Diabetic

Mr. Divabetic’s gluten free cheesecake is so terrible that it gets him into deep trouble (including MURDER!) in our 5th Annual Diabetes Mystery podcast, Swan Wake’.

Luckily for our listeners Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy  Diabetic’ is willing to share this recipe for a delicious tasting gluten free pumpkin crumble cheesecake!

Gluten Free Pumpkin Crumble Cheesecake Recipe by Chef Robert Lewis aka The Happy Diabetic 

What’s in it?

Cake Ingredients:

3 – 8 oz. packages cream cheese, softened 

1/3 cup SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend 

2 T. Splenda Naturals®

3 large eggs

1 t. almond extract

1 – 15 oz. can pumpkin

½ cup vanilla Greek yogurt 

2 T. almond flour 

1 ½ t. ground cinnamon 

½ t. ground ginger 

1 t. imitation maple flavoring 

2 t. vanilla extract 

Crumble Topping Ingredients:

1 cup almond flour

2 T. chilled butter

½ t. vanilla

4 T. SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend 

Let’s put it together:

Preheat oven to 350*. Coat the bottom and sides of a 9-inch spring form pan with non-stick cooking spray. Using an electric mixer, beat cream cheese, SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend, and Splenda Naturals® until smooth. Beat in eggs one at a time. Blend in pumpkin, yogurt, almond flour, cinnamon, ground ginger, maple flavoring, and vanilla. Pour filling into prepared pan. Mix the topping ingredients by hand or in a food processor until crumbly. Sprinkle on top of cheesecake. Bake until firm, about 1 hour and 10 minutes. Remove from oven and run a butter knife around the inner edge but do not remove the pan side. Let stand at room temperature 30 minutes. Refrigerate.

Servings/Yield: 16 servings

*NUTRITION FACTS: Per Serving: Calories: 312, Total Fat: 21.68g,  Cholesterol: 77mg, Sodium: 336 mg, Total Carbohydrates: 17.71g, Dietary Fiber: 3.09g, Sugars: 4.20g, Protein: 8.13g

LISTEN NOW: Divabetic’s 5th Annual Diabetes Mystery podcast “SWAN WAKE” starring Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, We Are Diabetes organization founder Asha Brown, Seveda Williams, Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Mary Ann Nicolay MEd, DTR, Mama Rose Marie, Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’ and Poet Lorraine Brooks.

Throughout the podcast we will be featuring music from Leonard Berstein’s recording of ‘Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20″ in celebration of the centennial of America’s greatest classical composer and conductor courtesy of SONY Music.

Our 5th Annual Diabetes Mystery Podcast, ‘Swan Wake’ Coming in September

Join us for Divabetic’s fifth annual Diabetes Mystery podcast, ‘Swan Wake’ debuting on Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 6 – 7:30 PM, EST.

This year’s whodunnit tackles diabetes wellness issues related to  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), smoking, drugs and medication interactions and gluten-free foods.

Here’s a quick synopsis:  When the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic heads to the Gotham City Ballet Company’s box office to fix a mix up with his ‘Swan Lake’ tickets he’s faced with a even bigger problem – a murder. To make matters worse, one of his latest culinary creations, a gluten free cheesecake, seems to be covering the victim’s face. Even more shocking are the numerous scandals swirling around the Gotham City Ballet and it’s members that have everyone walking around on tip toes. Could our happy healthcare host’s questionable culinary skills make him an accessory to the crime or even a possible side dish? Now Mr. Divabetic with the help of his team of whip smart Diabetes Educators, a Best-Selling Mystery writer and his own nosy Italian Mom must whip up his own crime-solving recipe, and fast–before a hearty dose of intrigue and a deadly dash of danger ends his diabetes advocacy and healthy catering career once and for all.

Our Swan Wake cast features Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, We Are Diabetes organization founder Asha Brown, Seveda Williams, Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Mary Ann Nicolay MEd, DTR , Mama Rose Marie and Chef Robert Lewis aka ‘The Happy Diabetic’ and Poet Lorraine Brooks. 

Throughout Divabetic’s fifth annual Diabetes Mystery podcast we will be featuring music from Leonard Berstein‘s recording of ‘Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20’ in celebration of the centennial of America’s greatest classical composer and conductor courtesy of SONY Music.

What is PCOS? Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs. PCOS) is associated with a high-risk of development of Type 2 diabetes. Both conditions share insulin resistance as an important pathogenic factor.

‘Don’t Hate My Plate’ by Poet Lorraine Brooks

are you sure that it’s ok
to eat that Chinese food?
Yes, it is, and I can say
I think you’re being rude.
I do not want to be observed
With everything I eat.
The food that I prepared and served
Is savory, and sweet.
What you don’t see is how I count
My carbs, my fats, my fruit.
To,make sure that the right amount
Is what I did compute.
So please believe that I do know
Exactly what I’m doing
And even if it doesn’t show
I’m sure what I’m pursuing.
If you see some onion rings
Or maybe eggs and bacon
Trust that I’m aware of things
And that I’m not mistaken.
Sometimes I eat pasta too
And pizza topped with cheese.
I do not need advice from you
So do not give it, please.
We people who have diabetes
Eat all kinds of food.
From oatmeal, grits and even Wheaties
And chicken, barbequed.
It’s ok to ask a question
To better comprehend.
But remember it’s just your impression.
And I do not have to defend.
So you eat yours, And I’ll eat mine
And we’ll enjoy our dinners.
Just realize where to draw the line,
And we’ll all come out winners!
LISTEN: Poet Lorraine Brooks reads ‘Don’t Hate My Plate’ on July’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with music from Patti Austin. We’re celebrating our 8th Year Podcasting Anniversary talking about ‘I Know What You ATE Last Summer’ with Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, Chris Pickering co-founder of ‘The Betes Bros, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Poet Lorraine Brooks and Mama Rose Marie.Throughout this podcast we will be featuring songs from ‘The Best Of Patti Austin’ album courtesy of SONY Music.

What words do you bring to the table? Fine Artist Susan McCaslin’s Plate Poetry Project will be on display at Mosaic Central Farm Market on Sunday, September 16, 2018 as part of Divabetic’s Collar Greens Wellness Day & Dog Parade outreach program.

Totally Unrealistic Healthy Food & Drink Swaps for Summer

Instead of a frozen strawberry daiquiri, drink water!

Most of us would sooner roll our eyes than adhere to this helpful, overzealous healthy eating advice. But does that mean we’re not taking our diabetes seriously? Or are we a bad person? 

Although water is the obvious healthier option, the two choices aren’t even comparable which doesn’t seem to bother our well-intentioned friends, co-workers and family members aka ‘The Food Police’. They like to share stringent suggestions while strictly adhering to a ‘do as I say, not as I do’ code of conduct at family gatherings or celebrations. But our their good intentions helpful or hurtful?

The ‘Food Police’ is the topic of July’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast entitled ‘I Know What You Ate Last Summer’ on Tuesday, July 12, 2018, 6 PM, EST. Those well meaning friends, family members and co-workers in your life who like to imply you’re good or bad for choosing a certain food. Their ‘helpfulness’ can lead to guilt and shame over food choices and make you loathe your diabetes self-care. Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, Chris Pickering co-founder of ‘The Betes Bros’ Foundation, and Mama Rose Marie.

Confused about Food?

If you are, you’re not alone. When you go online to seek advice you’ll find a dozen different ideas on the right way to eat to manage your blood sugars and they all contradict each other. It is very confusing, but it will all fall into place eventually, especially if you connect with a Registered Dietitian(RD) who’s a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE). You can find such a person at

A Registered Dietitian (RD) can help you to create a personalized nutrition care plan to help manage your blood sugar levels throughout the day, prevent further health complications, and feel your best,

Have you got a blood glucose meter? If not, we recommend that you get one. You can use it to test out your meals by check before you eat then again 2 hours after your first bite. The difference in the readings will show you how that meal affected your blood sugar levels. You may have some shocks, and you may have some nice surprises, but it is the only way to learn. Our bodies are all different. We are all on different (or no) medications, at different stages of the disease, so what is right for one may not be right for another.

What’s a healthy alternative to a Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri?

1. Make your own Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri at home. Most home-cooked meals have less calories, sugar, and fat than meals out and the same holds true for stay at home cocktails. The main ingredients are frozen strawberries, lime juice, lemon juice and a bit of sugar or honey. And, if you opt for alcohol you can decide how much rum to use. Don’t forget that a frozen strawberry daiquiri, made from strawberry schnapps, rum, lime juice, sugar and strawberries, contains about 220 calories and 34 grams of carbohydrates. If you’re trying to lose weight than drinking a few of these isn’t the best option.

2. Opt for a nonalcoholic version. You won’t save many calories but you will cut down on the added sugars from the liqueurs.

3. Alternate between a frozen strawberry daiquiri and a glass of water. As an added bonus, drinking plenty of water at the bar will likely reduce the chance of waking up with a hangover.

Keep in mind, while moderate amounts of alcohol may cause blood sugar to rise, excess alcohol can actually decrease your blood sugar level — sometimes causing it to drop into dangerous levels, especially for people with type 1 diabetes. Alcohol can interfere with the positive effects of oral diabetes medicines or insulin.

What’s moderate alcohol consumption?

Moderate alcohol consumption is considered 2 drinks/day for men; 1 for women. One drink contains 14 grams of alcohol meaning: one 12 oz beer (5% alcohol), one 5 oz glass of wine (12%) or one 1.5 oz of hard liquor (40% or 80 proof). It does appear that alcohol itself, and not the source, is responsible for the benefits.

‘Je ne regrette rien’ by Poet Lorraine Brooks

Je ne regrette rien by Lorraine Brooks 
The where and the why and the when.

If I have a need that is pressing
I never find that it’s distressing.
Like pricking my finger for testing
Or foods that I may be ingesting.

I do not regret when they stare…
Or that I receive Medicare.
I take stock of all of my needs
And all that I need to proceed.

Why regret what makes me feel better?
Maybe its ME that’s the trend-setter!
I spend no time feeling regret.
Or that some might think me “heavy set”.

Life is too short for that worry.
So I’ll order that Indian curry.
As long as I’m smart and stay mindful
There’s no reason not to be prideful.

Pack up your cares and remorse.
And stay on your self-caring course.
Kick that regret to the curb.
And start living the life you deserve.

LISTEN NOW: Poet Lorraine Brooks reads her poem, ‘Je ne regrette rien’ on June’s Diabetes Late Nite. We’re talking about having ‘NO REGRETS’  with musical inspiration from Edith Piaf.

We all have regrets. It is part of human nature. However, hanging onto regrets takes up space and keeps us from enjoying the present moment. The stress factor plays havoc on the cells of the body. It affects our blood pressure, energy levels, hormones and immune response. It also affects the mind. Our thinking process becomes clouded, mistakes are made and poor choices lead to increased stress. All of these things can affect our diabetes wellness. For the things we regret doing, if we look carefully enough, we will see that they hold a lesson and if we learn from our regrets then the regret has served us well.

Born in Paris in 1915, Edith Piaf become the voice of France. She began her singing career on the streets, and her only musical apprenticeship came from listening to singers on the capital’s popular radio stations. But Piaf’s ability to sing from the heart, as very few can, soon enchanted  audiences beyond Paris. Her songs touch one’s heart and spirit, even if one cannot understand the words themselves.

Edith Piaf is helping us sing your praises! We applaud the determination, persistence and efforts to stay healthy and upbeat about your daily self-care. Together, we are changing the way people learn to live with diabetes.

Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Best-Selling Author and Weight Loss Expert, Dr. Lori Shemek PhD, Dr. Andrea Chisholm OBGYN, Cindy Lou from the ‘Diabetes What To Know’ community, and Mama Rose Marie.

Throughout this podcast we will be featuring music from ‘EDITH PIAF TOP 40’ album courtesy of SONY Music

Father’s Day Vegetarian Recipe by Holly Clegg

Father’s Day will be quickly upon us, why not surprise Dad with a tasty meatless dish at your celebration? After all, June is Men’s Health Month.

I reached out to my good friend, Best-Selling Cookbook Author Holly Clegg for a vegetarian recipe that will satisfy the meat lovers in your family and help keep Dad healthy and happy. 

“This fabulous vegetarian southwestern quinoa recipe will be a game changer for them,” says Best-Selling Cookbook Author, Holly Clegg. “It’s Diabetic Friendly and Gluten Free. You just put quinoa on to cook, sauté vegetables and combine together to pop in the oven for hearty, healthy and absolutely wonderful one-dish quick meal!”

Southwestern Veggie Quinoa Bowl from Holly Clegg’s ‘Guy’s Guide To Eating Well: A Man’s Cookbook For Health and Wellness’


3/4 cup quinoa

1 1/2 cups water

1 cup chopped onion

1 red bell pepper, cored and chopped

1 cup chopped peeled sweet potato

1 teaspoon minced garlic

1 teaspoon ground chili powder

1 teaspoon ground oregano

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

1 (15-ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained

1 1/2 cups salsa

1/4 cup fresh chopped cilantro

1 cup reduced-fat Mexican blend cheese


1.  Preheat oven 350°F.  Coat 9-inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.

2.  In medium nonstick pot, combine quinoa and water. Bring to boil, reduce heat and cook, covered about 17-20 minutes or until water absorbed and quinoa cooked. Remove from heat and fluff with fork. Set aside.

3. Meanwhile, in large nonstick pan coated with nonstick cooking spray, sauté onion, bell pepper, sweet potato, and garlic until tender, about 5-7 minute or until tender. Add chili powder, oregano, and cumin.

4.  To vegetables, add cooked quinoa, black beans, salsa, and cilantro.

5.  Transfer quinoa mixture into prepared baking dish. Top with cheese. Bake 20 minutes or until cheese is melted.

Makes 6 (1-cup) servings

Holly Clegg’s Terrific Tip:  “Chicken may be added if you want a heartier meal.  Garnish with diced avocado, tomatoes, and cilantro.”

Nutrients: Calories:250  kcal,  Calories from Fat: 21%, Fat: 6 g, Saturated Fat: 2 g, Cholesterol: 12 mg, Sodium: 600  mg, Carbohydrates: 36 g, Dietary Fiber: 7 g, Total Sugars: 6 g, Protein:12g, Dietary Exchanges: 1 vegetable, 2 starch, 1 lean meat

Eating Less Meat Doesn’t Make You Less Manly

Although a vegetarian or vegan diet won’t “cure” type 1 or type 2 diabetes — despite some erroneous claims — scientists have found that a meatless diet can do quite a bit of good for people with diabetes. A study in Diabetes Care showed that people with type 2 diabetes on a vegan diet lowered their cholesterol and improved their kidney function. And eating more vegetables and carbohydrates that are low on the glycemic index can help make it easier to manage your blood sugars.

If you’re considering a vegetarian diet, please consult with your doctor. Additionally,  it may be helpful to speak with a registered dietitian (RD) who can help you create an eating plan that provides all the necessary nutrients and the right number of calories to maintain a healthy weight.

Why not give Dad a cookbook for Father’s Day?  

Holly Clegg’s trim&TERRIFIC Guy’s Guide to Eating Well: A Man’s Cookbook for Health and Wellness address common male needs with coordinating ingredients that help alleviate men-specific symptoms and help prevent men’s diseases- all with an emphasis on hearty, king-of-the-grill simple and super-satisfying recipes.

There’s over 150 simple, satisfying and nutritious recipes. Yes, burgers and pizza!! In this healthy men’s cookbook, each recipe includes terrific tips (shortcuts), menu suggestions and nutrition nuggets, which answers the “Why is this good for me question!” Start eating healthy with this preventive health cookbook with recipes for men to cook to help manage testosterone, diabetes, cancer, weight-gain, joint pain and heart disease – plus recipes for quick meals, slow cookers and outdoor cooking.

Best-selling cookbook author, Holly Clegg, and men’s health specialist, Dr. Curtis Chastain partnered together to create the perfect man’s cookbook for you to look good and feel good. Everything a man could want in a cookbook, plus more! That means it is your turn to take on the kitchen!

Tune in to Divabetic’s June Diabetes Late Nite featuring music by Edith Piaf on Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 6 PM, EST.  We’re talking about living well with diabetes by having ‘NO REGRETS’. Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Dr. Lori Shemek PhD, Dr. Andrea Chisholm OBGYN, Cindy Lou from the ‘Diabetes What To Know’ community, and Mama Rose Marie. Throughout this podcast we will be featuring music from ‘EDITH PIAF TOP 40’ album courtesy of SONY Music.


Healthy Cuban Pork and Black Beans Recipe by Holly Clegg

‘La Reina de la Salsa’ is our musical inspiration for  the upcoming Diabetes Late Nite podcast on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 6 PM, EST.

March’s musical inspiration, Celia Cruz did not have diabetes but people of Hispanic and Latino origin are at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes as well as experiencing diabetes health-related complications such as amputation.

However, there’s recently been a breakthrough in preventing amputation in Cuba thanks to a unique Cuban product Heberprot-P, a drug that has sparked acclaim for its effectiveness in controlling and healing diabetic foot ulcers.

This drug registered in 2006 was created by Cuban scientist Jorge Berlanga and a team from the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology of the island.

It contains epithermal growth factor (EGF) as an active pharmaceutical ingredient, while being applied by direct infiltration or injections in the wound site closing the ulcers in a period of 45 to 90 days.

“With the application of this medication, we were able to reduce amputation rates in the country from 70 percent to 5 percent today,”said Dr. Jose Fernandez Montequin.

Currently, Heberprot-P is registered in 23 countries and is effectively applied in 10 countries that have already authorized its use and marketing.

Best-Selling Cookbook author Holly Clegg, who will be joining us on March’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast, shares her wonderful Cuban recipe to help you add some flavor to your menu without compromising your health.

“This fabulously flavored diabetic-friendly pork tenderloin recipe is ideal for a slow cooker,” says Holly Clegg.” I like to serve with yellow rice.”

Cuban Pork and Black Beans Recipe from KITCHEN 101 Cookbook  (Crockpot Convenience Chapter)    


2 (1-pound) pork tenderloins

Garlic powder

2 onions, chopped

1 (15-ounce) can black bean soup

1 (15-ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained

1 (10-ounce) can tomatoes and green chilies

1 tablespoon chopped jalapenos

2 tablespoon ground cumin

2 tablespoons lime juice


1.  Season pork tenderloins heavily with garlic powder.  In 3 ½-6-quart slow cooker, insert plastic liner if desired.  In slow cooker, combine all ingredients.

2.  Cook on LOW 6-8 hours or until pork tenderloin is tender.

Makes 8 servings

Nutritional information per Serving: Calories 245 Calories from Fat 23% Fat 6g Saturated Fat 2g Cholesterol 76mg Sodium 527mg Carbohydrates 17g Dietary Fiber 5g Total Sugars 5g Protein 29g Dietary Exchanges: 1 starch, 1 vegetable, 4 lean meat

Terrific Tip: Add dried herbs to the slow cooker in beginning of cooking, and fresh herbs just before serving.

Nutritional Nugget: A nutritional gem, beans provide an excellent source of fiber and folate, helping with digestive health and weight maintenance.

With over 1 million cookbooks sold, Holly Clegg has become a culinary expert on easy healthy everyday recipes through her nationally recognized best-selling trim&TERRIFIC® and Eating Well cookbook series, including Eating Well Through Cancer, (English, Spanish and Chinese editions), Eating Well to Fight Arthritis and Diabetic Cooking with the American Diabetes Association.

This newly revised and expanded 15-year anniversary edition of Holly’s Eating Well Through Cancer includes chapters on nourishing foods that are best tolerated to ease common side effects such as nausea, sore mouth and throat, taste changes, neutropenia and weight loss. With easy everyday recipes using familar ingredients, you’ll find this book an invaluable recipe resource for cancer prevention

Holly Clegg attended the Cordon Bleu Cooking School, London. For more information, visit About Holly or The Healthy Cooking Blog for more recipes and tips.

LISTEN NOW: Mr. Divabetic shines the spotlight on author and chef, Holly Clegg, in this half-hour special edition of Diva Talk Radio. This fun-filled food frenzy will feature expert advice on quick, flavorful and healthy eating from Holly’s latest book, ‘Too Hot in the Kitchen:  Secrets to Sizzle at Any Age’

TUNE IN: March’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast inspired by Celia Cruz on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 6 – 7:30 PM, EST. Guests include Cookbook Author Holly Clegg, Constance Brown-Riggs MSEd, RD, CDE, CDN, Poet Lorraine Brooks, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach and Mama Rose Marie.