Divabetic’s Annual Diabetes Mystery podcast Starts Rehearsals

We’re excited to announce that rehearsals start today for Divabetic’s 5th Annual Diabetes Mystery podcast, ‘Swan Wake’ on Thursday, February 22, 2018.

“Our annual diabetes mystery podcast is the highpoint of the year for the Diabetes Late Nite team,” says Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek. ”It brings us closer together because everyone’s forced to step out of their ‘comfort zone’ on this podcast. We’re not ‘actors’ and I’m not a ‘writer’ so there’s a great deal of trust involved in the process. I love it.”

“After turning 50 I realized that I don’t get as many opportunities to try new things or challenge myself. But our mystery podcast gives me this incredible opportunity to become  a ‘writer’, a ‘director’ and a ‘actor’ for one day with the people I love. The whole expeience makes me feel alive! I love the challenge of trying to educate, empower and entertain our listeners.”

The writing process for this year’s mystery, ‘Swan Wake’ began shortly after the live broadcast of ‘Gypsies, Tramps & Peas’ in September.

“I was so naive when we first started writing our mystery podcasts five years ago. It never occurred to me that it might take longer than three weeks to finish a script!  But I learned the hard way that to be happy with the end result actually takes months of writing and rewriting. Last year I started about seven months earlier and the extra writing and rehearsal time paid off big time in the ratings. Our listeners really loved it,” says Max Szadek. “My big ‘Ah Ha’ moment as a ‘writer’ came when I realized that it doesn’t matter how many times you edit a script before rehearsals start, once you hear it out loud, everything changes.”

Ballerina, Author, Zippora Karz is the inspiration behind why this year’s diabetes mystery’s setting is the ballet.

“A few years ago, I interviewed Zippora, who is living with type 1 diabetes, on our Diabetes Late Nite podcast about her wonderful book, The Sugarless Plum’ says Max. “After she shared her experience as a ballet dancer living with diabetes it occurred to me that there is a strong connection between the regimens of managing diabetes and ballet.”

“True to my character, ‘Mr. Divabetic’, I jumped headfirst into writing this year’s mystery without knowing much about ballet. I quickly learned that as a writer you can’t be ‘clueless’ on the topic you’re writing about.  I needed to do a considerable amount research which proved to be a lot of fun. I attended performances of ‘Swan Lake’ and ‘Whipped Cream’ (with Misty Copeland) at Lincoln Center, watched numerous ballet videos ( Actress Sarah Jessica Parker touring the American Ballet Theater (ABT) shoe closet on YouTube) and ballet documentaries (‘Bolshoi Ballet’), read excerpts from various Balanchine biographies and scanned every article mentioning ballet I could find in the paper. I also interviewed Zippora several times about the basics in ballet.”

Here’s the radio drama’s synopsis: When the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic heads to the Gotham City Ballet Company’s box office to fix a mix up with his ‘Swan Lake’ tickets he’s faced with a even bigger problem – a murder. To make matters worse, one of his gooey gluten-free cheesecakes seems to be covering the victim’s face. Even more shocking are the numerous scandals swirling around the Gotham City Ballet and it’s members that have everyone walking around on tip toes. Could our happy healthcare host’s insipid culinary creations make him an accessory to the crime or even a possible side dish? Now Mr. Divabetic with the help of his team of whip smart Diabetes Educators, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, MaryAnn Nicolay BA, DTR, a Best-selling Mystery Writer, Tonya Kappes and his own nosey Italian Mom, Mama Rose Marie must whip up his own crime-solving recipe, and fast–before a hearty dose of intrigue and a deadly dash of danger ends his diabetes advocacy and healthy catering career once and for all.

Divabetic’s 5th  Annual Diabetes Mystery podcast, ‘Swan Wake’ debuts in September 2018. Cast members include Asha Brown, Chef Robert Lewis, Seveda Williams, Catherine Schuller AICI CIP,  Zippora Karz and Lorraine Brooks.


Cuban Stuffed Pork Tenderloin Recipe by Holly Clegg

We’re spotlighting ‘Latinos & Diabetes’ on March’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with musical inspiration from ‘La Reina de la Salsa’, Celia Cruz on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 6 PM, EST.

March’s musical inspiration, Celia Cruz did not have diabetes but people of Hispanic and Latino origin are at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes and related cardiometabolic abnormalities. The risk varies considerably among specific ethnic groups and other factors, such as the length of time they have been living in the United States, according to two studies and an accompanying commentary being published in the August issue of Diabetes Care®.

“If there are any bright highlights in the picture,”aid Neil Schneiderman, PhD from The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL), “they are that Hispanics/Latinos older than 65 years, who have better access to health care, are more likely to be aware of their diabetes, more likely to be receiving treatment, and have better glycemic control than those people under the age of 65 years.”

Best-Selling Cookbook author Holly Clegg, who will be joining us on March’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast, shares her wonderful Cuban recipe to help you add some flavor to your menu without compromising your health.

“Perky flavors are packed in this eye-catching tenderloin,” says Holly. “Serve sliced to see the stuffing.”

Cuban Stuffed Pork Tenderloin from KITCHEN 101 cookbook


2 (1-pound) pork tenderloins

1 teaspoon minced garlic

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

1/3 cup chopped parsley

1/3 cup shredded part-skim Mozzarella cheese

1/3 cup chopped bread and butter pickles

Pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven 350°F.  Cover baking pan with foil.
  2. Make a slit down center of each tenderloin, not cutting through (butterfly).
  3. Spread inside of both tenderloins with garlic and mustard.  Stuff with parsley, cheese and pickles.  Fold sides together securing with twine or threading toothpicks to hold together.  Season tenderloin with pepper.   Bake 40-45 minutes or until meat thermometer registers 160°F.

Makes 6 servings

Options:  Turn leftovers into Cuban quesadillas or sandwiches.  In tortilla, layer, pork (shred if possible), Swiss cheese, pickle slices and mustard and heat in skillet.

Nutritional Information: Calories: 232 kcal, Calories from Fat: 33%, Fat 8g, Saturated Fat: 3g, Cholesterol: 104mg, Sodium: 264mg, Carbohydrates: 3g, Dietary Fiber: 0g, Total Sugars: 2g, Protein: 34g, Dietary Exchanges: 4 1/2 lean meat

With over 1 million cookbooks sold, Holly Clegg has become a culinary expert on easy healthy everyday recipes through her nationally recognized best-selling trim&TERRIFIC® and Eating Well cookbook series, including Eating Well Through Cancer, (English, Spanish and Chinese editions), Eating Well to Fight Arthritis and Diabetic Cooking with the American Diabetes Association.

This newly revised and expanded 15-year anniversary edition of Holly’s Eating Well Through Cancer includes chapters on nourishing foods that are best tolerated to ease common side effects such as nausea, sore mouth and throat, taste changes, neutropenia and weight loss. With easy everyday recipes using familar ingredients, you’ll find this book an invaluable recipe resource for cancer prevention

Holly Clegg attended the Cordon Bleu Cooking School, London. For more information, visit About Holly or The Healthy Cooking Blog for more recipes and tips.

LISTEN NOW: Mr. Divabetic shines the spotlight on author and chef, Holly Clegg, in this half-hour special edition of Diva Talk Radio. This fun-filled food frenzy will feature expert advice on quick, flavorful and healthy eating from Holly’s latest book, ‘Too Hot in the Kitchen:  Secrets to Sizzle at Any Age’

TUNE IN: March’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast inspired by Celia Cruz on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 6 – 7:30 PM, EST. Guests include Cookbook Author Holly Clegg, Constance Brown-Riggs MSEd,RD,CDE,CDN, Poet Lorraine Brooks, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach and Mama Rose Marie.
Vídeo oficial de Celia Cruz de su tema ‘Rie Y Llora’. Haz clic aquí para escuchar a Celia Cruz en Spotify: http://smarturl.it/CCRSpot?IQid=RYL

‘Live with Me, Love with Me’ by Poet Lorraine Brooks

Sometimes I’m angry, sometimes I’m sad,
Sometimes I cry at the day that I’ve had.
Often I’m happy, but sometimes I’m not,
Sometimes I fear the disease that I’ve got.

Sometimes I need to eat, sometimes I don’t.
Sometimes my meds will work, sometimes they won’t.
Sometimes my mood is good, happy and gay,
Sometimes it’s hard just to get through the day.

It’s hard to explain, and I don’t have a clue
As to why at some times I behave as I do.
But trust me, I’m trying…I’m doing my best
But this disease just doesn’t give you a rest.

So try to be gentle and do understand,
That I’m just trying to play all,the cards in my hand.
To manage is crucial, and I need support
With planning, and cooking, and things of that sort.

Help me to live with this, and watch what I do,
And know that I because you’re my mate, I need you.
We’re both on this journey, we travel this road
And we”ll both appreciate the seeds that we’ve sowed.

Parttners in everything, shoulders to lean,
All for each other, and no in-between.
That’s what I want and I know you’ll exceed
In giving me all the support that I need!

LISTEN to Lorraine Brooks read her poem, ‘Live With Me, Love With Me’ on February’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast featuring music from Tim McGraw & Faith Hill’s ‘Rest Of Our Lives’ album courtesy of SONY Music. ‘Rest Of Our Lives’ is described as a cozy, inoffensive depiction of an American marriage, with tender ballads and handsome up-tempo numbers preaching the gospel of devotion by Mikael Wood for the Los Angeles Times. Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Jaye O’Grey, Janis Roszler LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and Mama Rose Marie.

‘Couples & Diabetes’ with Janis Roszler, LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND

We’re talking about ‘COUPLES  & DIABETES’ on February’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast on Tuesday, February, 13, 2018. 6 – 7:30 PM, EST.

How we deal with the pressures of diabetes can make a real difference to the relationships we have with others including friends, family, work colleagues or one off acquaintances.

I reached out to my friend, and colleague, Janis Roszler, LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND, who is  a Certified Diabetes Educator and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for her advice on the subject in an exclusive interview for the Divabetic community.  

Q: What are the common do’s and don’ts for engaging your spouse in your diabetes care?

Janis Roszler (JR): Ask, don’t assume.  Ask your partner if they would like your help.    If they say yes, ask what they would like you to do. 

(JR): Learn about diabetes.  The more you know, the more comfortable you are likely to feel.  For example, your partner’s occasional high blood sugar level is not a problem. Complications develop when blood sugar levels remains high for an extended period of time.

(JR): Don’t be offended if your partner turns down your offer to help.  Many people prefer to do certain tasks themselves. 

(JR): Don’t enter the “parent trap.”  You don’t want to turn into your partner’s nagging mother or father! Calmly share your concerns then ask how you can help. 

Q: What is helpful and not helpful in their interactions with each other?

(JR): Watch your non-verbal communication.  Rolling your eyes or turning away communicates a negative message as clearly as yelling.  When you speak to your partner, turn your body towards them, employ good eye contact and listen to what they say.  Don’t think about your response while they are speaking.  Good listening communicates heartfelt concern.

Q: What advice can you give spouses/partners who argue about diabetes?

(JR): Most couples fight.  The trick is to fight fair and repair hurt feelings at the end of the argument.  Here are some rules for fighting fair:

Make an appointment to discuss the issue.  Find a time when you both aren’t distracted.

Stay on topic.  If you are upset about a certain problem, don’t bring up other issues that also bother you.

Don’t bring up the past.  Avoid phrases like “you always…” or “you never…”  They make people feel attacked.

Focus on the problem, not the person.  Don’t call your partner stupid, forgetful or any other negative term.  That can cause hurt feelings and prompt your partner to attack you back. The problem is the issue, not your partner.

If things get heated, take a break. When people feel angry or attacked, they stop listening. They also have a harder time feeling compassion. If things get out of hand, take a break. Set a time to resume the discussion.

End in a supportive way. After the fight, try to connect in a loving way.  Hug, laugh, go for a walk, etc.  Invest in your relationship.

Q: What advice can you give to spouses/partners of people with diabetes who don’t want to manage their diabetes?

(JR): You can’t control another person’s behavior.  Let your partner know that you are there for them, but try not to nag or guilt them into changing their behavior.  It will only stress your relationship. It is hard to watch someone ignore or mismanage their health.  If watching them becomes too overwhelming, meet with a therapist who can help you deal with the situation.

Q: What advice can you give to spouses who may be afraid that their partners will develop diabetes health-related complications?

(JR): The good news is that people who manage their diabetes well dramatically reduce their risk of complications.  Discuss how you can support their efforts to stay healthy.  If they are open to it, join them at a diabetes class or appointment with their health provider, so you can learn what they need and how you may be able to help.

Q: Hypoglycemia is upsetting, both for people with diabetes and their partners. Both get scared, both get frustrated, and both can get angry, at each other and at the diabetes. What advice can you offer on this subject?

(JR): Create a diabetes emergency plan before a problem develops.  Which snacks should be in the house?  What should you say if you think your partner’s blood sugar is dropping? If your partner wears a pump and has an unexpected blood sugar swing, what should you do?  Etc. If you have unanswered questions, join your loved one at an upcoming appointment with their healthcare provider and ask what they suggest. 

Q:  Many people use glucose monitoring devices that can share data. Are there any guidelines for partners who monitor their spouse’s blood sugar data on their iPhones, etc.?

(JR): Some people feel great comfort knowing that their partner is watching their blood sugar level.  Others prefer to keep these results private.  Ask how your partner feels about sharing this information.  If you see that their blood sugar level is going out of range, how would they like you to communicate this information?  When should you tell them?  This is all very personal and should be discussed before the situation arises.

Q:  Divabetic is honored to  participate in Diabetes Podcast Week  to raise awareness for the ‘Spare a Rose, Save A Child’ campaign. This a wonderful cause encourages people to take the typical “dozen roses,” so popular on Valentine’s Day, and donate the value of one rose to help save the life of a child living with diabetes in developing countries. (The International Diabetes Foundation estimates that there almost 500,000 children under 15 years with type 1 diabetes. Lack of access to insulin remains a common cause of death in a child with diabetes.) Make your donation tonight by visiting the International Diabetes Federation (idf.org).

In the spirit of Diabetes Podcast Week, I’d like to ask you what some guidelines are for creating boundaries between parents and children with diabetes?

(JR): Visit the Children with Diabetes organization (childrenwithdiabetes.com).  They run wonderful programs and offer online support for parents of children who have diabetes. Learn how other parents handle boundary issues.  If your child is ready, encourage them to gradually start to do age appropriate self-care tasks, so they can become more independent.  Let them know that they can come to you if any task doesn’t go as planned. 

Janis Roszler, LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND is a registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator, and insulin pump trainer. She is the author of several books as well as the popular Dear Janis column in Diabetes Positive! Magazine and contributes to Diabetes Health, Diabetes Forecast, Diabetes Interview, and Diabetes Self-Management . She is also a speaker on diabetes-related topics and has appeared on numerous radio programs and Internet webcasts.




The Secrets of Living and Loving with Diabetes helps readers gain control of their diabetes and reach a new level of confidence in their relationships.

In this book, three experts deliver advice on issues such as handling nagging friends and relatives, injecting insulin discreetly while dining out, bringing up the subject of blood sugar highs and lows before turning out the bedroom lights, and avoiding diabetes urgencies becoming emergencies. Also included are practical tools like exercises, quizzes, questions, checklists, and coping strategies.

One of Janis Roszler’s other books, Sex & Diabetes is the first book ever to deal exclusively with sexual problems as they relate to diabetes— and the only book to discuss issues that relate to both men and women.

It also shows you how sexual problems can be prevented or delayed and discusses treatments options that currently exist. Sex & Diabetes highlights the value of communication between sexual partners and the importance of having an open relationship with healthcare professionals.

TUNE IN: Diabetes Late Nite inspired by Faith Hill & Tim McGraw on Tuesday, February 13, 2018, 6 PM, EST. Throughout this podcast we will be playing selected songs from Tim McGraw & Faith Hill’s ‘Rest Of Our Lives’ album courtesy of SONY Music. Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Jaye O’Grey, Janis Roszler LMFT, RD, LD/N, CDE, FAND, and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE.

Don’t Get Hoodwinked by Chocolate That’s Pink!

Barely a day goes by without my social media feed buzzing over the miraculous powers of some type of chocolate. Most recently, I’ve been bombarded by the news of the new KitKats coated in the pink-tinged, berry-like chocolate (Ruby Chocolate) offered in Japan. This pink Kit Kat is made from ruby cocoa beans without the addition of any coloring or flavoring and is being hailed as the first new type of natural chocolate to appear in over 80 years.

What’s the deal? Is this legitimate claim or just another example of the manufacturers enticing us to buy their food products without regard for our diabetes health?

I reached out to Virginia-based Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, author of ‘The Overworked Person’s Guide to Better Nutrition’ to help make sense of this new Kit Kat’s health claims regarding Ruby Chocolate. Here’s our interview:

Q: Is this ruby chocolate healthier than dark chocolate? Why or why not?

JW: There’s not much information available about the nutritional composition or the flavanols in ruby chocolate. Because the processing is different and the beans may also be different, I would have to assume that there are differences among ruby chocolate and a flavanol-rich dark chocolate. I just can’t guess what they are.

Q: What advice can you offer someone living with type 2 diabetes about adding this Kit Kat as a snack to their meal plan? 

JW: Treat this like any other indulgent food. Work in the calories, carbs and saturated fat. You’ll need to swap this food for another. The best way to know how any food – indulgent or not – affects your blood sugar is to measure your blood sugar before eating and again about 2 hours later.

Q: Is this Kit Kat bar or any other chocolate a good way to treat a low blood sugar?

JW: Only if that’s your only option. I’ve known some people who say they actually look forward to having low blood sugar, so they can eat chocolate bars or other desserts. This just isn’t a good idea though. The quickest way to restore blood sugar levels is to consume something like glucose tablets, table sugar or fruit juice. Another big advantage is that glucose tablets or something similar provides many, many fewer calories and no unhealthy saturated fats. Here’s a good intro to treating low blood sugar levels: http://www.joslin.org/info/how_to_treat_a_low_blood_glucose.html

Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, author of The Overworked Person’s Guide to Better Nutrition, is your resource for all things nutrition, food and diabetes.

The Overworked Person’s Guide to Better Nutrition offers bite-sized nutrition tips for busy people looking for solutions to their everyday food and nutrition problems. This book is filled with diet strategies for weight loss and overall better health that can help anyone, on any schedule, eat and feel better. Meant to be picked up and read piecemeal, every page is packed with interesting tips designed to improve nutrition and relieve stress and guilt. Healthier habits can fit with any schedule!

Whether she’s speaking, writing, chatting on social media, appearing on TV or working with individuals, Jill’s candid and energetic approach appeals to busy people, and her sound nutrition and fitness advice gets results. In fact, her appreciation for science and ability to translate science into actionable information earned her a place in US News & World Report’s 10 Dietitian’s You Need to Follow on Social Media.

Jill Weisenberger‘s specialties include weight control, heart health, diabetes, pre-diabetes, wellness and nutrition for people with hectic lives. She’ll make nutrition science understandable, realistic and oh so delicious.

Tune in to January’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast available on demand, at any time, using this LINK.  We’re taking about ‘MINDFULNESS’ with musical inspiration from Pink. Guests include Chilbrook Kennels Breeder Author, Diabetes Alert Dog and Scent Detection Expert, Debby Kay, ‘Walking with Peety’ Author Eric O’Grey, Poet Lorraine Brooks, ‘Yoga for Diabetes’ Author, Rachel Zinman, and  the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE.  Throughout the podcast we will be featuring songs from the P!nk’s ‘Beautiful Trauma’ album courtesy of SONY Music.

‘Disconnect’ by Poet Lorraine Brooks

Connected, injected, collected, in touch,
Devices are sometimes a need or a crutch.
If I find myself in the mall with no phone,
I suddenly feel afraid and alone.

With all this technology right in our hands
It increases pressure and makes more demands.
I’m beeping, and buzzing, and vibrating too,
They tell me the traffic and tell me what’s new.

Weather, and movies, and amber alerts,
Baseball and football and music concerts.
I have the world in my pocket at will,
But often I feel that I’m out of it still.

There’s hazards to all of this need to be known.
There’s risks to,our health, as studies have shown.
The false sense of intimacy when we’re online
Is making connections that aren’t genuine.

There’s many days when I just put down my screen,
And those are the times when I feel most serene.
I put up my boundaries, turn off the sounds,
And try to connect with the peace to be found.

We all need alone time, to take care of us,
Time away from the hustle and fuss.
My message is always essentially this…
Take care of YOU FIRST, And don’t be remiss.

Don’t allow,life to just fritter away,
And turn off your phones for a part of the day!

Poet Lorraine Brooks reads her poem, ‘Disconnect’ on January’s Diabetes Late Nite with music from P!NK. We’re talking about ‘Mindfulness & Diabetes’ with guests: Diabetes Alert Dog and Scent Detection Expert, Debby Kay, ‘Walking with Peety’ Author Eric O’Grey, Poet Lorraine Brooks, ‘Yoga for Diabetes’ Author, Rachel Zinman, and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE. Throughout the podcast we’re spotlighting songs from P!nk’s album, ‘Beautiful Trauma’ courtesy of SONY Music.  LISTEN NOW


Our Twelfth Day of Blue Christmas Gift Ideas from Doris Hobbs

On the twelfth day of Blue Christmas, my true friend, Doris Hobbs sent to me a T1D Exposed calendar to celebrate people living well with diabetes.

Divabetic is celebrating a Blue Christmas to bring attention to the mental health issues related to living with diabetes.

You probably know better than we do how diabetes affects your holiday experience. You might feel the weight of diabetes more at this time, because you can’t let go and celebrate like everyone else. Or maybe you do let go and then beat yourself up over it.

That’s why we asked our panel of experts, friends and past Diabetes Late Nite podcast guests to spread some holiday cheer by sharing their favorite products to help keep you ‘happy and healthy’ all year long.

Doris’ pick: The T1D Exposed Calendar features twelve powerful men and women living with type 1 diabetes who are showcasing a passion in their portrait. Type 1 diabetes is part of their lives, but is not the single story of their fascinating existence. Living with T1D changes a person’s body, and the T1D Exposed calendar features tasteful nude portraits of individuals embracing those changes and their lives with type one.

The mission of The Nude Diabetes Advocacy Project is to promote awareness, connect people living with type one diabetes (T1D), and fundraise for both local and global diabetes organizations.

“Shedding my clothes for diabetes awareness has brought me a sense of empowerment that I literally can’t express in words, says, Doris Hobbs aka ‘Miss June’.

A San Francisco based Luxury Liaison, Doris bridges the world of MEDIA with unmistakable elegance through both written Storytelling & Visual Imagery with her website, Rich In Love. This accomplished Media Expert and Fashion Doyenne breathes new life into her sought-after glamour persona & profitable branding campaigns while maintaining a voice as a Diabetes Awareness Advocate. 

“What the T1D Exposed calendar creators, Tara Layman and Kat Reed are doing is truly an artistic expression in regards to the auto-immune disease that is much needed in today’s society”

What was it like to pose nude since especially since shedding the clothes and he shame that is associated with our bodies can be difficult?

“Having never posed nude within my career as a luxury model I surprisingly wasn’t terrified; I actually had the opposite reaction. I instantly became rather invested and driven to move forward and participate,” says Doris Hobbs. “I literally didn’t want to leave the shoot as I feel so comfortable in my own skin for the first time. The emotion that overcame me when I set my eyes on the final image as “Miss June” was a glamorous moment I will forever remember.”

I love this fabulous T1D Exposed calendar! I admire the bravery and self acceptance of all 12 participants about their experience living with type 1 diabetes. There’s no shame in their game, and there shouldn’t be any in yours! Be inspired to show the world that you’re living well with diabetes. 

On December’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast we’re celebrating a Blue Christmas. I chose this theme in December because ‘Blue’ is the color that I feel is most closely associate with diabetes and more importantly, it gives us an opportunity to raise awareness for the mental health issues related to diabetes which are often overlooked and ignored. Some listeners may feel that talking about depression is depressing which is understandable. However, I feel it’s far more important to reach out to those coping with diabetes distress and burnout and let them know they are not alone.  Please join us!

TUNE IN! December’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast featuring music by Elvis Presley on Tuesday, December 12, 2017, 6 PM, EST. We’re discussing ways to not let diabetes make you feel ‘blue’ during the holiday season with our panel of experts. Guests include Chilbrook Kennels Breeder Author, Diabetes Alert Dog and Scent Detection Expert, Debby Kay, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Susan Weiner MS, RDN, CDE, CDN, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Rachel Zinman, Dr. Mandy Reece PharmD, CDE, BC-ADM, and America’s #1 Energy Conductor, High Voltage.

Throughout the podcast we will be featuring songs from the new “Christmas with Elvis and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra” album courtesy of SONY Music. The album brings together Elvis Presley’s best-loved yuletide performances from “Elvis’ Christmas Album” (1957) and “Elvis Sings the Wonderful World of Christmas” (1971) re-imagined with sublime and exquisite new arrangements performed by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.

Are you feeling ‘blue’ this holiday season?

If so, you’re not alone. While it’s true that sadness and/or depression at holiday time can be a reaction to the stresses and demands of the season, people with diabetes are more likely to be depressed than others states David Spero BSN, RN for Diabetes Self-Management.

Diabetes can cause complications and health problems that may worsen symptoms of depression. Depression can lead to poor lifestyle decisions, such as unhealthy eating, less exercise, smoking and weight gain — all of which are risk factors for diabetes.

The good news is that diabetes and depression can be treated together. And effectively managing one can have a positive effect on the other.

If you think you might be depressed, seek help right away. Your doctor or diabetes educator can refer you to a mental health professional.


Celebrating A Diabetes ‘Blue’ Christmas on Diabetes Late Nite

We’re celebrating a Diabetes ‘BLUE’ Christmas with musical inspiration from Elvis Presley on December’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast scheduled for Tuesday, December 12,2017, 6 PM,EST. 

Feeling blue?

Know someone with diabetes who gets irritated without any rhyme or reason? And it’s hard to guess what triggered the mood swing.

Moods swings affect people living with both type I and type II diabetes alike. It is difficult to say whether diabetes triggers mood swings or living with diabetes makes you moody. ‘Fluctuations in blood glucose level leads to change in levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin and 5HT. When this happens it makes one prone mood swings and then to anxiety and depression, in the long run,’ explains Dr. Pradeep Gadge, Diabetologist, Shreya Diabetic Care, Mumbai.

Mood swings are more evident when one fails to express pent up emotions. So whether it is feeling low or inability to concentrate, it is better to talk and express it. If that doesn’t help, writing notes to yourself even on your phone’s notepad can also do the trick. Social interactions can also help in managing moods and emotions.

The holiday season triggers mood swings for many of us.  We may stress about finances, fight with family members, feel overwhelmed, slip into bad eating habits, ignore blood sugars and/or gain weight.

We will be discussing ways to not let diabetes dim your dazzle during the holidays with our panel of experts.

Guests include ‘Walking With Peety’ Author Eric O’Grey, Chilbrook Kennels Breeder Author, Diabetes Alert Dog and Scent Detection Expert, Debby Kay, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Susan Weiner MS, RDN, CDE, CDN, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and America’s #1 Energy Conductor, High Voltage. 

Throughout the podcast we will be featuring songs from the new “Christmas with Elvis and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra” album courtesy of SONY Music. The album brings together Elvis Presley’s best-loved yuletide performances from “Elvis’ Christmas Album” (1957) and “Elvis Sings the Wonderful World of Christmas” (1971) re-imagined with sublime and exquisite new arrangements performed by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.

TUNE IN: Click on this Diabetes Late Nite link for inspiration to live healthfully during the holiday season.


Mariah Carey Has Weight Loss Surgery, We’re Wondering Why?

Are body shammers responsible for why singer, Mariah Carey chose to undergo weight loss surgery?

According to a source, Mariah Carey‘s insecurity about her weight caused her to elect to have the gastric sleeve surgery, which shrinks the size of the stomach so patients eat less.

“She always fluctuates and it makes her upset,” said a source close to Mariah Carey. “She lives in denial about it; she has the tags cut out of clothes, so she can be blissfully unaware of her size.”

Today we are all surrounded by idealized images of beauty more than ever before so it’s not surprising that even someone as successful as Mariah Carey would feel insecure about her image.  Image shown on social media can create expectations that are impossible to meet, leaving us feeling inadequate and ashamed about our own looks.

One way to address body dissatisfaction is to change the way we think about our bodies, shifting the focus from evaluation and critique to care and appreciation.When we’re focused on how our body looks, we’re often less aware of how it feels—and therefore less in touch with signs of hunger and fullness, feelings of pleasure and pain, and even the sensation of our heartbeat. Research suggests that self-compassion is associated with lower levels of self-objectification, the tendency to habitually take an observer’s perspective on one’s own body rather than experiencing it from the inside outWe will be discussing self-compassion on November’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with guest, Dr. Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDE.

Do you feel Mariah Carey’s weight loss surgery was necessary?

After all, body mass index or BMI is an important measurement to determine if you qualify for the surgery. Vertical sleeve gastrectomy was traditionally reserved for highly obese patients. If you have a BMI higher than 40 or are at least 100 pounds overweight you are considered extremely obese (which Mariah was not strictly judging from recent photos).

Vertical sleeve gastrectomy isn’t for the casual dieter hoping to lose a few pounds. Instead, the procedure requires an assessment that focuses on physical and mental considerations to make sure you can succeed with weight loss following the surgery. While the surgery may change the size of your stomach, it’s up to you to change your eating habits.

The surgery is a permanent change to your stomach, which means you must carefully consider your options before undergoing this surgical option.

Gastric sleeve surgery removes 70% of the stomach where the hunger hormone ghrelin is produced.

Diabetes remission rates after sleeve gastrectomy are also very high (more than 60%) and, in some studies, similar to results seen after gastric bypass.

Most patients who have gastric bypass or a sleeve gastrectomy experience weight loss and changes in their gastrointestinal tract. Weight loss surgery causes profound changes in the incretins — hormones in the gastrointestinal tract that cause insulin to be released. These changes lead to significant improvement in type 2 diabetes and can cause long-term changes in the pancreas that causes diabetes to go away.

Let’s consider that Mariah Carey may not have elected to have weight loss surgery for purely ‘vanity’ reasons.

Mariah Carey had gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with her six-month-old twins Monroe and Moroccan in 2011. It’s well documented that after having gestational diabetes, you are at higher risk for type 2 diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association recommends that all women with a history ofgestational diabetes have a two-hour glucose tolerance test at six weeks and at least every three years after giving birth.

The less severe type 2 diabetes is before sleeve gastrectomy, the greater the likelihood patients will be disease free afterwards, according to new research presented here during ObesityWeek 2014, the largest international event focused on the basic science, clinical application and prevention and treatment of obesity.

Whether or not she had weight loss surgery six weeks ago for health  and/or vanity reasons, the GRAMMY winner showed off a slimmer figure at her hand and footprint ceremony at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood last Wednesday.

A second source tells ET that Mariah feels “much better about herself” now, adding, “this is a new beginning for her.”

We’re talking about ‘Weight Loss Surgery & Diabetes’ on Diabetes Late Nite podcast with music from Etta James.

Etta James is a Grammy Award-winning singer known for hit songs like “I’d Rather Go Blind” and “At Last.”

Etta James was born Jamesetta Hawkins on January 25, 1938, in Los Angeles, California, to a 14-year-old mother, Dorothy Hawkins, who encouraged her daughter’s singing career. James would later say, “My mother always told me, even if a song has been done a thousand times, you can still bring something of your own to it. I’d like to think I did that.” James never knew her father.

Etta James was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 1993, prior to her signing a new recording contract with Private Records.

Etta James underwent gastric bypass surgery and lost over 200 pounds. The dramatic weight loss had an impact on her voice, as she told Ebony magazine, “I can sing lower, higher and louder.” Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach, Dr. Monique Renee Rolle DPM, Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP, Susan Greenberg Weiner MS, RDN, CDE, CDN, and Mama Rose Marie. Prize giveaways courtesy of Earth Brand Shoes, Dr. Greenfield’s Diabetic Foot Creams, Cabot Cheese and Nu Naturals.  LISTEN NOW

High Voltage’s Secret to ‘Loving Yourself’

‘Love yourself, love your health’ is a catchy saying but putting into daily practice takes time and effort especially for those of us who don’t even like our hair (!)

How do you actually love yourself and your diabetes health? 

My good friend and mentor, Kathie Dolgin aka ‘High Voltage’ is a walking billboard for self-compassion. She’s a health and wellness pioneer, best-selling author and TV personality, who has helped thousands of people get their energy up and their weight down. She has been featured on the TODAY Show, Good Morning America, CBS Morning Show, CNN, Extra, Entertainment Tonight, E! Network & More.

High Voltage believes in the power of Affirmations. Affirmations are statements said aloud with confidence about a perceived truth which have helped thousands of people make significant changes in their lives.

An affirmation can work because it has the ability to program your mind into believing the stated concept.uses affirmations.

High Voltage’s daily affirmations start with “I’m Happy, I’m Healthy” and then she adds a phrase like “I am the best and I deserve the best” or “I am fit, fabulous and fierce!” 

Trust me, it works! I worked with her for several years on her Energy Up! Program in New York and I witness first-hand the power of affirmations in your daily life. Starting your day by saying aloud “I’m Happy, I’m Healthy and I choose to be FABULOUS” is like a double shot of attitude. 

How do you practice self-compassion? That’s what we’re talking about on November’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast. 

Tune in to November’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast on World Diabetes Day on Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 6 – 7:30 PM, EST.

Enjoy an exclusive first listen of “Whitney Houston – I Wish You Love: More From ‘The Bodyguard’” ahead of the album’s release date courtesy of SONY Music. This 25th anniversary of “The Bodyguard” soundtrack album features the hit song, “I’m Every Woman” echoing the recent statistics that 1 in 10 women are now living with diabetes.

Throughout the podcast we will be talking to experts about ways to safeguard you and your family from experiencing diabetes health-related complications such as stroke, blindness and amputation.

Guests include Dr. Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDE, Constance Brown Riggs MSEd, RD, CDE, CDN, Poet Lorraine Brooks, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie Gentle RN, CDE and Mama Rose Marie.

High Voltage is the founder and executive director of the national nonprofit organization, Energy Up!, whose mission is to prevent childhood obesity. Energy Up! is the only health and wellness childhood obesity program built on the Energy Up! Addiction model with a published medical study. Numerous New York City private and public schools, the township of Huntington, Long Island and the Gerald J. Freidman Diabetes Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center have experienced High Voltage’s unique health and wellness programming.

Learn more about High Voltage @ www.energyup.org


It’s time to get Sugar Savvy – read about solutions for dropping those stubborn pounds, energizing your body, and feeling great about yourself. Health and wellness guru Kathie “High Voltage” Dolgin will help you retrain your brain to say no to sugar and its harmful effects, and get you on the path to “Fit, Fabulous and Fierce.

Our most successful Sugar Savvy Sister lost over 18 pounds in 6 weeks! *