Seen and Heard

Everyone wants to be seen and heard. Recently, Ledisi shared her struggles on social media about not being seen or heard by the R&B music industry.

“Talked to a writer about my name not being mentioned enough in musical spaces. I said, “I’m consistently ignored from conversations about music. Especially R&B Music. It’s hurtful after devoting my life to this genre and music as a whole. I get over it. I think about the Legends before me, who are still ignored choosing to move forward. Thats what it’s all about. Going where you are loved. In the end my art will speak for me. That’s all the matters. Do this for the music. Not popularity,” said Ledisi.

Her message hit home with fans who quickly expressed their support. Ledisi received many comments, texts, and phone calls that moved her. She said she posted her comment to be transparent and to inspire others.

Interestingly, Ledisi has won a GRAMMY Award and has been praised for her commitment to authenticity. So, in many ways, you might be scratching your head, wondering what she is upset about. Her post underscores that we all long to be seen and heard from time to time.

It’s not always easy to open up about your diabetes and express your challenges and pitfalls. However, expressing yourself can help alleviate your frustration.

If you don’t feel like you’re being seen or heard, take a moment to notice and listen to someone in your life. Pat them on the back, compliment their style, appreciate their talents, admire their perseverance, recognize their positivity, encourage their efforts, and congratulate them for making art.

Tell me I can’t so I can show you I CAN!

Need a dose of diva inspiration to help you gain some confidence to overcome an obstacle in your diabetes self-care rountine?
Let singer, songwriter Ledisi’s journey to success inspire you to stay strong and go on!
Just before Ledisi recorded her ‘Lost & Found” album, which has earned her a nomination for Best New Artist as well as Best R&B album, she felt she was floundering.
“When you don’t know how beautiful you are, you will always be in search of happiness.” – Ledisi

Although Ledisi had released two critically acclaimed albums independently and worked on Broadway, she still was unable to garner much mainstream attention.
She recalls being told consistently that she didn’t have the “look” necessary to be a star. In addition, while her music could be classified as R&B, she also sang with jazz inflections that left some industry people confused about how to categorize her, or to market her.
“Be careful of who and what you let into your space.Not everyone is worthy of your presence.” – Ledisi
Fed up, Ledisi was about to quit the business until she met a friend and producer who encouraged her to give her recording career one more try. So she took a leap of faith and was rewarded.
Tell me I can’t so I can show you I CAN! – Ledisi