Itzhak Perlman Peforms Back-To-Back Performances in Richmond, Virginia

This past weekend, Richmond, VA’s historic Carpenter Theater, built in 1926, was ablaze with back-to-back performances by Itzhak Perlman.

The legendary violinist has been a long-standing advocate for accessibility after being diagnosed with polio. I chose to seek employment working for Mr. Perlman after experiencing Luther Vandrosss difficulties using a wheelchair after suffering a stroke due to mismanaged type 2 diabetes.

I discuss finding Luther after his stroke in the Luther: Never Too Much documentary, which will be released on streaming platforms in January 2025.

I decided that if I returned to personal assistant work, I would prefer to work with an entertainer who requires my help beyond picking out the green M&Ms from a bowl in the dressing room. Mr. Perlman’s ongoing issues related to accessibility in travel and hotel accommodations piqued my interest. Helping a legendary performer of Mr. Perlman’s stature do what they love, like performing live for an audience, brings me joy.

His first performance, “Cinema Serenade,” featured film scores by John Williams, Ennio Morricone, and Erich Wolfgang Korngold.

Valentina Peleggi conducted this survey of cinema’s most moving melodies from iconic films such as Casablanca, Cinema Paradiso, Out of Africa, and many others.

Sunday’s “Afternoon with Itzhak Perlman” had the legendary violinist sharing childhood memories, telling jokes, and recalling career highlights interspersed between musical selections encompassing his phenomenal career. Itzhak Perlman’s back-to-back performances closed the Richmond Symphony‘s spectacular Strad Fest.

Morning Walk in Greenville, SC, to Prevent Diabetes

I’m committed to good health, so I try to walk for at least 30 minutes every day. My family history of type 1 and type 2 diabetes makes me aware that I am at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This information is one of the biggest motivating factors in my life to not take my health for granted.

If you’re like me and worried if you may have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, the Centers for Disease Control offers a quick, easy Pre-Diabetes Risk Test.

They also offer a National Diabetes Prevention Program that helps people with prediabetes make lasting lifestyle changes to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.

Working with a trained coach teaches you to eat healthy, add physical activity, and manage stress. With other participants, you’ll celebrate successes and work to overcome challenges. Find out more on their website.

It’s difficult to maintain good health when I’m out on a music tour. The long hours, lack of sleep, and high-caloric foods hinder my goals. So, my morning walk is one way I maintain a healthy habit until I get home.  

Walking is a great place to start if you’re looking for a way to include more physical activity and exercise into your daily routine.

According to Medical News, brisk walking or striding at above 4 miles or 6.4 km per hour was associated with a reduced risk of around 39%, which is equal to 2.24 fewer cases of type 2 diabetes in every 100 people. Every increase of 1 km of speed was associated with a 9% reduction in risk.

On tour with Itzhak Perlman, my morning walk is always different because I travel to new cities every other day. I can never get bored when I’m stepping out on new terrain or city streets. However, I understand how daily walking around the same neighborhood or office park can be boring. If you’re worried about staying motivated, finding a music playlist, radio show, or podcast series to listen to when you’re walking can help to keep you engaged and make the time go faster. 

My daily walks are a form of meditation, so I try to avoid the phone.  If you’re interested in meditating, check out Divabetic’s annual Guided Meditation podcast with our friend, Yoga Instructor, and Author Rachel Zinman. Her friendly, straightforward approach to mediating has helped me calm my mind during these unprecedented times.

But you may also want to pick up the phone and call friends and family to stop you from feeling your walk is drudgery. 

People always ask me what music I’m listening to. Right now, Itzhak Perlman’s Cinema Serenade album is on repeat. We just performed several pieces from the album with the Charleston Symphony. Here’s one of my favorites – enjoy!

Rory McEwen’s Amazing Botanical Art

Today, I saw an extraordinary exhibit called “Rory McEwen: A New Perspective on Nature” at the Gibbes Museum of Art in Charleston, SC, associated with the Royal Botanic Gardens.

I wanted to share a bit about Rory McEwen with you since I knew nothing about him before heading into the museum. He was a musician who became one of the most influential botanical artists of the 20th century. Sadly, Rory’s life was cut short when he took his own life at the age of 50 after being diagnosed with cancer.

Rory’s work blew me away. His botanical artwork is incredibly detailed and colorful; seeing it in person was a mind-blowing experience. Rory developed a unique painting style on vellum and used large empty backgrounds on which his plant portraits seemed to float.

His work is showcased in this exhibition alongside the works of master botanical artists from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.

“I paint flowers as a way of getting as close as possible to what I perceive as the truth, my truth of the time in which I live,” said Rory McEwen.

He is recognized as one of the standard-bearers of today’s renaissance in botanical painting and has had a lasting impact on the world of botanical art.

Here’s a short film about Rory McEwen, spotlighting his musical and artistic talents. Between 1956 and 1965, Rory McEwen was best known as a guitarist and singer, and performed at venues across the country, including the Edinburgh Festival, the Keele Folk Festival and the Festival Hall, where the demand for tickets was so high that extra rows of chairs had to be put on the stage.

Remembering Luther Vandross

Today I’m thinking of my boss, Luther Vandross, on the anniversary of his passing.  Luther changed my life twice. First, he hired me to be his assistant, and then his stroke, related to mismanaged type 2 diabetes, made me a diabetes advocate.

In 1995, he moved me from San Francisco (where I worked in Regional Theater) to New York City to become his full-time assistant.  It was two years after I worked on my first Luther tour, Never Let Me Go, in 1993.

It was a dream come true for a kid who loves soul music from Rochester, NY (I was a diehard WDKX listener) without professional connections. In 2003, I became his caregiver after he suffered a stroke due to mismanaged type 2 diabetes which led me on a path as a diabetes advocate.

My lack of knowledge regarding my grandmother’s diabetes and self-care dismissed concerns I might have had that mismanaged diabetes could destroy someone’s quality of life and health until it was too late. Calling diabetes ‘a touch of sugar’ is like saying a Great White shark is a Goldfish.

Luther was a generous, kind, funny, and hugely talented man. But sadly, I witnessed him struggle with food addiction. In reflection, I feel Luther’s behavior was similar to other addicts. He was either sober, abstaining from carbohydrates, or using, binge eating. No one talks about food addiction as they discuss or glorify drug use. But in my opinion, Luther was wrestling with a monster just as powerful and seductive as cocaine. Unfortunately, he lost the battle. He felt trapped in his body, and it caused him physical, mental, and emotional heartache.

But that’s not the whole story. Luther was a complex, multi-dimensional man, just like a multi-dimensional artist who was a successful songwriter, producer, vocal arranger, and vocalist. On many of his biggest hits, he showcases all of these skills.

The first time I met him, the sheer magnitude of his talent blew me away. He embodied the American Dream to me. He never had a Plan B because he felt if he did, then he wouldn’t pursue his dream. His bravery has influenced my life decisions and given me the strength to pursue my dreams.

Every July 1st, I renew my desire to help those at risk, affected by, and living with diabetes to ‘keep their house a home’ by learning to delay or prevent a mismanaged diabetes complication such as stroke.

Enjoy Divabetic’s Annual Luther Vandross Tribute podcast guests, including Lisa Fischer, Jason Miles, Jeff James, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDCES, and Chuck Flowers.

By the time Luther Vandross headed to the studio to record his fifth album, Give Me the Reason, in 1986; he’d become one of the most successful soul singers of the first half of the eighties. His four previous albums have been either certified platinum or double-platinum in America.

Luther Vandross’s fifth album, Give Me the Reason, comprised nine tracks, including the hits: So Amazing, There’s Nothing Better Than Love, Stop To Love and Give Me The Reason. We chose to spotlight this album because this is the first time Luther showcased his 100-pound weight loss on the album’s cover. He was not able to maintain or sustain the weight loss. Luther lost and gained at least a hundred pounds more than eight times while I worked for him. We’re discussing yo-yo dieting, self-love, and the power of positive talk can help you overcome feelings of failing or self-loathing related to body shape and size.

Today, I continue to present diabetes outreach with dazzle! Divabetic’s robust schedule includes newsletters, blog posts, virtual programs, and podcasts. I also work full-time for violinist Itzhak Perlman. Since Mr. Perlman, who has polio, uses a motorized scooter, I spend most days dealing with accessibility issues regarding air and ground travel and hotel accommodations. Mr. Perlman’s exuberance for life, humor and kindness, not to mention talent, make it all worthwhile. Although soul music and Rhythm and Blues will always be my first love, I’ve learned to appreciate classical music.

Itzhak Perlman is truly amazing! And yes, Mr. Perlman has listened to and enjoyed Luther’s music.

Over the past 20 years since Luther’s stroke, I have lost none of my passion for helping others at risk, affected by and living with avoid a similar fate to Luther’s. I am still keenly interested in eradicating the shame and blame associated with type 2 diabetes and elevating the conversation surrounding food addiction.

Throughout the podcast, we will feature music from Luther Vandross’s Give Me The Reason album courtesy of SONY Music.