Chobani Zero Sugar Yogurts

Have you tried Chobani’s Zero Sugar yogurts? If so, please share your comments to add to our upcoming blog post. 

Small changes can help manage diabetes, but where do you start? Many zero-sugar, less-sugar, and reduced-sugar foods have a strange aftertaste or leave you unsatisfied and wanting to eat more. The more these products proliferate in grocery store aisles, the more hopeless our search becomes. We’d love to hear what works or doesn’t for achieving your diabetes health goals. Let’s help each other out with some valuable insights!

Mr. Divabetic talks to nationally-recognized Registered Dietitian and Diabetes Care and Education Specialist Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDCES, CHWC, FAND about The Beginner’s Guide To What To Eat With Type 2 Diabetes digital download.

Podcast guests include Catherine Schuller, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Patricia Addie-Gentle RD, CDCES, MaryAnn Horst Nicolay, MEd, NDTR, and MamaRose Marie. Hosted by Mr. Divabetic.

With a few simple swaps, you can help live your best life while managing your diabetes. Our experts offer straightforward, simple, and fun swap ideas for drinks, medications, self-care, and fashion. Plus, we share style tips and words of inspiration to help you maintain a healthy habit.

Developing these habits isn’t always easy. Adapting to a new routine can be tricky, and it’s often tempting to want to return to old ways if we don’t see immediate results. One of the biggest mistakes people make when forming a new habit is taking on too much too quickly.  Focus on what’s working in your diabetes self-care plan before overhauling diabetes management. Instead of decluttering the entire house, why not focus on one room or closet? Why not focus on the calories you drink rather than everything you eat?  If you want to eat healthier, try replacing one dessert daily with a piece of fruit rather than cutting out sugar completely. If you’re going to get into hiking, start with a walk at lunchtime. Setting small goals you can achieve will help keep you motivated along the way.

Don’t Miss Divabetic’s Salad-Making Party with Jill Weisenberger in August

Looking for a fun way to socialize without putting your diabetes wellness at risk? Do you need a little help staying on track with your diabetes self-care?

Join the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic for this free, fun Virtual Salad Making Party with special guest, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDCES, CHWWC, FAND on Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 7 – 8 PM, EST on Zoom.


Eating a salad sounds healthy, doesn’t it? But a leafy green salad can go bad when you pile on the high calorie and high carb toppings, dressings, and other deep-fried offerings.

How do you make a great-tasting salad without sacrificing your diabetes wellness?

Special Guest, nutritionist Jill Weisenberger shares her favorite nutrient-dense salad and tasty dressing recipes that you can make at home and answers your nutrition questions.

Divabetic is committed to making sure that every ‘wellness with a wow’ program event that you register for is going to be great!

Just because something is called a salad on the menu does NOT make it the best choice.

Here are a few tips for making sure your stay on track with your health goals when you eat salad:

  • Reach for darker greens, such as spinach, leaf lettuce, arugula, kale, and watercress, instead of iceberg lettuce.
  • Croutons don’t add much nutritional value, but they can add a lot of calories. So if you like a few crunchy toppings, add a tablespoon or two of chopped walnuts or flax seeds.
Nationally recognized Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator and Author Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDCES, CHWC, FAND is the author of four books. Diabetes Weight Loss Week by Weekis a bestseller and can help you manage your weight and blood sugar at the same time. The Overworked Person’s Guide to Better Nutrition offers solutions to your everyday food and nutrition problems – no matter how busy you are. 21 Things You Need to Know about Diabetes and Your Heart gives you specific actions to take to improve your health right away. And Jill’s newest book Prediabetes: A Complete Guide leads you through dozens of concrete steps to lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and other chronic health problems.
Learn to finally Stick With It and keep your motivation and willpower up for healthy lifestyle habits. Jill Weisenberger’s Stick With It is a self-paced video course that guides you step-by-step to the healthy habits you want. You’ll learn why your motivation and willpower move up and down like a roller coaster and what you can do to keep them up higher and longer.

Quinoa Gets A ‘Quin-Wow!’ Makeover with Jill Weisenberger

Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wa) has become the latest superfood to take America by storm.

Some people even call it the ‘Beyonce’ of Supergrains!

But is this gluten-free, high-protein grain-like relative of spinach and beets worth the hype?

We asked our friend and colleague, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDCES, FAND, CHWC, who recently published The Beginner’s Guide To What To Eat With Type 2 Diabetes, for her advice.

Q: What puts the ‘Quin-Wow! into Quinoa and makes it so special?

Jill Weisenberger (JW): I love it for its taste, versatility and nutrition profile. We classify quinoa as a whole grain and eat it like it’s a whole grain, but technically it’s a seed. Nutritionally, it has all the essential amino acids, lots of fiber, B vitamins, magnesium and other vitamins and minerals, as well as health-boosting phytonutrients. 

Eat it hot or cold, in soups or stews, in place of rice or pasta and even as a cooked breakfast cereal. And it’s great sweet or savory.

Q: Why should someone with type 2 diabetes and/or prediabetes consider adding Quinoa to their meal plan?

JW: In general, eating whole grains is associated with less risk of type 2 diabetes. And whole grains are an important part of a balanced diet. Quinoa is a little higher in protein than most, but the goal is not to focus on one or two whole grains. Instead, we should eat a diet as varied as possible to get the best range of nutrients and other disease-fighters. I especially like quinoa because it’s an intact whole grain, as opposed to one highly refined. Of course, you can find it in crackers, breads and other processed foods – and that’s perfectly fine – but eating the intact seed is quite good for us.

Q: Can Quinoa help manage blood sugar levels?

JW: Not in any direct way, but a balanced diet in general helps manage blood sugar and other metabolic problems associated with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Q: What are some do’s and don’ts for cooking Quinoa?

JW: Rinse it first to rid the bitter saponins, which are natural pesticides. You can cook it like rice: 2 parts liquid: 1 part quinoa. I typically prepare it in my rice cooker with half water and half broth. This gives it a great flavor without too much sodium. 

Experiment with quinoa as a base for a whole-grain salad, a nourish bowl, as the starchy side to soup up sauces, and as a str on it’s own flavored with your favorite herbs, spices and cooked vegetables.

Love New Recipes?

Join the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic for this free Virtual Cooking Party with special guest, Author of The Beginner’s Guide To What To Eat With Type 2 Diabetes,  Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND on Zoom on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 7-8 PM, EST. Jill shares her favorite quinoa recipes with us!


Will Eating Eggs Raise Your Cholesterol? with Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, FAND

We asked Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, FAND whether or not eggs will impact our cholesterol levels on January’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast. (Click here for the full interview). Jill graciously share the  information below on this subject for our Divabetic blog readers:

Jill Weisenberger: The egg is one of those nutrient-dense foods that generates a lot of debate about its healthfulness. Because eggs are high in cholesterol, which has historically been linked to heart disease, the public has long been warned about eating too many eggs, especially the cholesterol-rich yolk. People with diabetes may have even greater concerns because their risk of developing heart disease is quite high.

Here are a few things about eggs.

Recently the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology and Dietary Guidelines for Americans Committee stated that the evidence is not strong enough to conclude that cholesterol in foods raises blood cholesterol.

Some population studies have found that eating seven or more eggs weekly increases the risk of heart disease among people with diabetes. Not all studies find an association, however. I see a problem with population studies like these. The researchers cannot account for all of the variables in people’s diets. For example, on some plates, eggs keep company with wholesome fruit and whole-grain toast or oats. On other plates, eggs sit atop buttery biscuits and sausage gravy. Does the company eggs keep influence health? I would have to think so.

Researchers in Australia studied what happens when people with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes eat two eggs daily for six days per week compared to those eating very few eggs. After three months, there were no differences in cholesterol levels, blood sugar, blood pressure or waist circumference. The study didn’t end after three months, so I’m looking forward to learning what the researchers find about these diets after a full year.

In a separate study, researchers compared an egg-based breakfast to an oatmeal-based breakfast among people with well-controlled type 2 diabetes. They measured blood sugar, cholesterol, body fat and more. They found no differences except that the egg group had lower markers of inflammation


Jill Weisenberger’s comprehensive guide, ‘Prediabetes: A Complete Guide: Your Lifestyle Reset to Stop Prediabetes and Other Chronic Illnesses’ will lead you through dozens of concrete steps you can take to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and other lifestyle-related chronic diseases. Taking an individualized approach to your lifestyle “reset,” this book will allow you to choose your own path to wellness, help you gain a greater sense of wellbeing, boost your confidence in your abilities to maintain a healthful lifestyle, and potentially even help you reverse prediabetes and avoid type 2 diabetes and other chronic illnesses.


Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND is a great resource for all things nutrition, food and diabetes. Whether she’s speaking, writing, chatting on social media, appearing on TV or working with individuals, her candid and energetic approach appeals to busy people, and her sound nutrition and fitness advice gets results. In fact, her appreciation for science and ability to translate science into actionable information earned her a place in US News & World Report’s 10 Dietitian’s You Need to Follow on Social Media.

Diabetes Late Nite Inspired by Maria Callas

Listen to January’s Diabetes Late Nite Inspired by Maria Callas

Are you a ‘Drama Queen’? Every time you find yourself immersed in something that seems overwhelming, do feel like it’s an opportunity to learn how to deal with challenges better? Or do you act like the sky is falling? Guests include: Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport PhD, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, Lorraine Brooks, American Heart and American Diabetes Association’s Know Diabetes By Heart Ambassador Rob Taub, Yoga for Diabetes Author and Director Rachel Zinman and Patricia Addie-Gentle RN,CDE.