Gluten Free – Are You Kidding Me?

Scan the grocery aisles, neighborhood bakery or office cupboard and it’s impossible to miss the multitude of products proclaiming that they are “gluten-free.”  Or go on Instagram and be barraged by yet another celebrity who has banished gluten from their diet. And as you can see by the photo below, it looks like even savvy NYC Christmas tree vendors are jumping on the bandwagon. 

All kidding aside, I can’t help but wonder if there’s any truth to the gluten free food trend? Is it real or hype? And should you really be concerned about all or any of the gluten lurking around in your diet? 

I reached out to Virginia-based Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, author of ‘The Overworked Person’s Guide to Better Nutrition’ to help make sense of the chaos surrounding the gluten free food trend. Here’s our interview:

Q: Is Gluten Free real or hype?

Jill Weisenberger, (JW): It’s both. It’s for real and it’s hype. 

Completely avoiding gluten, a protein in wheat, rye and barley, is critical for anyone with celiac disease and anyone with a diagnosed gluten sensitivity. It’s a problem when people self-diagnose and stop consuming gluten. You really need to nail down the diagnosis before starting a gluten-free diet, which is the only treatment for celiac disease. The only way to diagnose celiac disease is to have an intestinal biopsy after regularly consuming gluten. So if people have the biopsy after avoiding gluten, they might be told that they don’t have celiac disease when they really do. 

Celiac disease, by the way, is an autoimmune disease, and gluten damages the small intestine.

It’s hype when it comes to weight loss and general health for anyone who is not intolerant to gluten. Only those people with celiac disease or another gluten intolerance should be on a gluten-free diet. If others feel more energetic or sleep better or have other benefits, it’s probably from an improved diet and not from the avoidance of gluten. Since gluten is in wheat, a gluten-free diet usually means fewer baked goods and less highly processed snacks and other foods. I think people feel better because they replaced packaged snacks with wholesome, health-boosting foods like fruit and nuts and yogurt – not because they gave up gluten.

Q: What does ‘gluten free’ really mean?

JW: Someone with celiac or other gluten intolerance must avoid gluten from all sources. This is not easy! Gluten is found in wheat, barley, rye, contaminated oats and all products made with them. You’ll find gluten in baked goods, candy, bread, soups, soy sauce, beer, even lots of lunch meats and cottage cheese. And even lipsticks and medications can contain gluten.

Q: What can I eat on a gluten free diet?

JW: Certainly someone with celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity has lots of restrictions, but there are lots of good options too. It’s important to consume the least restricted diet possible. This is true for everyone. By eating a large variety of foods, you will get the most possible nutrients. Focus on fruits, vegetables, milk, lean protein sources like fish and poultry, legumes like lentils and black beans. There are lots of grains that are gluten free. A few to try out are buckwheat, millet, quinoa, rice and sorghum. 

Q: How difficult is it to be gluten free?

JW: Fortunately, there are lots of gluten-free products identified in supermarkets, but people have shared with me that avoiding all gluten is difficult. This is especially true in restaurants, other people’s homes and at parties. Even well-meaning waitstaff and friends get confused and foods that may contain hidden gluten. Condiments can be a problem. Another big problem is cross contamination. Say you have celiac disease, but live with people who don’t. If someone spreads mustard on bread and puts the knife back into the mustard, it may now be contaminated with gluten.

Q: Who should be gluten free?

All people with celiac disease and those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity must follow a gluten-free diet. Both type 1 diabetes and celiac disease are autoimmune diseases. Research shows that they have a similar genetic basis. Often people with type 1 diabetes will also have celiac disease. Everyone with type 1 diabetes should discuss getting tested for celiac with their doctor. People with diabetes but without celiac disease or documented gluten sensitivity do not need to eat a gluten-free diet.

Q: How about people with type 2 diabetes? Should they be on a gluten free diet?

JW: Celiac disease is not more common among people with type 2 diabetes than it is among the general public.  I don’t recommend a gluten-free diet for people who don’t need it because the more restricted a diet is, the fewer health-boosting nutrients it’s likely to provide. 

Q: Why would I choose to eat gluten free foods if I’m not gluten intolerant?

JW: There’s no need to eat foods made specifically for a gluten-free population unless you have celiac disease or a diagnosed gluten sensitivity.

Q: Does ‘gluten free’ mean healthier? or What’s the biggest misconception about gluten free?

JW: Definitely not. In fact, gluten-free breads and other products often lack the iron and vitamins found in traditional products. This is why it’s so important to work with a registered dietitian nutritionist skilled in gluten-free diets. Some people think that foods marked gluten-free or free of another nutrient must be more healthful. This is false.

Q: Is a gluten free donut better for me than a regular donut?

JW: Sorry no. A donut is a donut is a donut. It’s a now and then food – gluten or no gluten.

Q: Can I be gluten free without eating gluten free packaged foods?

JW: Yes. Just like someone can eat a wholesome gluten-containing diet without relying on packaged foods, it’s possible to eat a variety of foods without gluten without buying a single special product. But it’s okay to buy them. Just be intentional about it. Gluten-free doesn’t mean wholesome. Again, this is why working with a skilled registered dietitian nutritionist is so important. 

Q: Jill, any final thoughts on gluten free diets?

JW: This is potentially a difficult diet to follow, and it leaves you vulnerable to nutrient deficiencies. You can find a RDN to help you at

Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, author of The Overworked Person’s Guide to Better Nutrition, is your resource for all things nutrition, food and diabetes.

The Overworked Person’s Guide to Better Nutrition offers bite-sized nutrition tips for busy people looking for solutions to their everyday food and nutrition problems. This book is filled with diet strategies for weight loss and overall better health that can help anyone, on any schedule, eat and feel better. Meant to be picked up and read piecemeal, every page is packed with interesting tips designed to improve nutrition and relieve stress and guilt. Healthier habits can fit with any schedule!

Whether she’s speaking, writing, chatting on social media, appearing on TV or working with individuals, Jill’s candid and energetic approach appeals to busy people, and her sound nutrition and fitness advice gets results. In fact, her appreciation for science and ability to translate science into actionable information earned her a place in US News & World Report’s 10 Dietitian’s You Need to Follow on Social Media.

Jill Weisenberger‘s specialties include weight control, heart health, diabetes, pre-diabetes, wellness and nutrition for people with hectic lives. She’ll make nutrition science understandable, realistic and oh so delicious.

On December’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast we’re celebrating a Blue Christmas. I chose this theme in December because ‘Blue’ is the color that I feel is most closely associated with diabetes and more importantly, it gives us an opportunity to raise awareness for the mental health issues related to diabetes. Guests include Chilbrook Kennels Breeder Author, Diabetes Alert Dog and Scent Detection Expert, Debby Kay, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Susan Weiner MS, RDN, CDE, CDN, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Rachel ZinmanDr. Mandy Reece PharmD, CDE, BC-ADM, and America’s #1 Energy Conductor, High Voltage.

Throughout the podcast we will be featuring songs from the new “Christmas with Elvis and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Our Fifth Day of Blue Christmas Gift Ideas from Susan D’Addario

On the fifth day of Blue Christmas my true friend and athlete, Susan D’Addario sent to me a Paderno Spiralizer to inspire me to do more home cooking.

Divabetic is celebrating a Blue Christmas to bring attention to the mental health issues related to living with diabetes.

You probably know better than we do how diabetes affects your holiday experience. You might feel the weight of diabetes more at this time, because you can’t let go and celebrate like everyone else. Or maybe you do let go and then beat yourself up over it.

That’s why we asked our panel of experts, friends and past Diabetes Late Nite podcast guests to spread some holiday cheer by sharing their favorite products to help keep you ‘happy and healthy’ all year long.

Susan’s pick: the Paderno 6-Blade Spiralizer allows you to quickly turn a wide variety of vegetables and fruit into healthy meals. Vegetable strands, shreds, and ribbons can be eaten both raw and cooked. Take the work out of salads and slaws, add textural appeal to vegetable platters, and create new flavors with ease.

“You can make noodles out of many types of veggies,” says Susan D’Addario aka ‘The HealthShrink’. “ I make zucchini or noodles frequently using zucchini and/or yellow squash. Get your veggies an forget the sugar raising pasta.”

Zoodles” is a nickname for zucchini noodles, or spaghetti-like strands made from spiralized, raw zucchini and other squash. They contain no flour or wheat whatsoever and are very low in both calories and carbs.

“You can eat approximately five cups or more of zoodles for the same number of calories that you’d get from just one cup of regular wheat-based noodles!,” states Dr. Axe on his Food & Medicine website.

“Zoodles’ provide a good dose of nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and a modest amount of fiber in every cup.

Did we mention zoodles are gluten-free?



While it’s possible to find pre-made zoodles in some grocery stores, most people prefer to make them fresh at home, especially considering they can take just a few quick minutes to prepare. 

My friend, Susan D’Addario, LCSW is the Founder of The HealthShrink program, and an avid health seeker and healer in both the mental/emotional and the physical health realms. Whether referred to as a diet coach, nutrition coach, or Eating Psychology Coach, she’s fascinated with people, emotions, health, and our relationship with eating, food, and our body.  As a nutrition coach, Susan looks forward to supporting you with counseling strategies and nutrition principles that are nourishing, doable and sustainable and yield long-lasting weight loss results.

Susan’s HealthShrink program emphasizes the inner root causes of weight issues, as an antidote to the superficial Band-Aids of fad dieting.

I have happily partnered with Susan D’Addario to present Health & Wellness programming for the members of the Gotham Volleyball League in New York. Together we have produced a series of popular Facebook Live videos focusing on healthy food and drink alternatives for people who enjoy sports. Susan has also presented several Health & Wellness programs for members interested in achieving optimum health. Susan’s a very thoughtful, intelligent woman with a passion for helping others. On and off-court, I’m happy to have Susan be a part of my team.

Wondering why physical activity is so important for managing diabetes?

Regular activity is a key part of managing diabetes along with proper meal planning, taking medications as prescribed, and stress management according to the American Diabetes Association. 

When you are active, your cells become more sensitive to insulin so it can work more efficiently. Your cells also remove glucose from the blood using a mechanism totally separate from insulin during exercise.

So, exercising consistently can lower blood glucose and improve your A1C. When you lower your A1C, you may be able to take fewer diabetes pills or less insulin.

Physical activity is also important for your overall well being, and can help with many other health conditions. READ MORE

Get Inspired to Move! 

Meet other women who swim, bike, and run for hours — with diabetes

WILD stands for Women Inspiring Life With Diabetes, and the organization demonstrates that having diabetes can be an inspiration rather than an obstacle to achieving one’s athletic and fitness goals.  Through the Red Riders and Team WILD, Mari Ruddy, a recreational triathlete with type 1 diabetes and a stage IIa breast cancer survivor, has found a way to contribute to the health and wellness of all people who live with the incredible challenge of diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2.





On December’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast we’re celebrating a Blue Christmas. I chose this theme in December because ‘Blue’ is the color that I most closely associate with diabetes and I feel that the mental health issues related to diabetes are often overlooked and ignored. Some listeners may feel that talking about depression is depressing  which is understandable. However, I feel it is far more important to reach out to those coping with diabetes distress and burnout  and let them know they are not alone.  Please join us! 

TUNE IN! Don’t miss December’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast featuring music by Elvis Presley on Tuesday, December 12, 2017, 6 PM, EST. We will be discussing ways to not let diabetes make you feel ‘blue’ during the holiday season with our panel of experts. Guests include ‘Walking With Peety’ Author Eric O’Grey, Chilbrook Kennels Breeder Author, Diabetes Alert Dog and Scent Detection Expert, Debby Kay, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Susan Weiner MS, RDN, CDE, CDN, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE and America’s #1 Energy Conductor, High Voltage. Throughout the podcast we will be featuring songs from the new “Christmas with Elvis and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra” album courtesy of SONY Music. The album brings together Elvis Presley’s best-loved yuletide performances from “Elvis’ Christmas Album” (1957) and “Elvis Sings the Wonderful World of Christmas” (1971) re-imagined with sublime and exquisite new arrangements performed by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.

NEED MORE INSPIRATION? Our panel of experts, Divabetic community members and past Diabetes Late Nite guests will be sharing more Blue Christmas Gift suggestions on this blog for the next twelve days to help you enjoy the festive spirit of the season without compromising your diabetes health!

Are you feeling ‘blue’ this holiday season?

You’re not alone.

While it’s true that sadness and/or depression at holiday time can be a reaction to the stresses and demands of the season, people with diabetes are more likely to be depressed than others states David Spero BSN, RN for Diabetes Self-Management.

Diabetes can cause complications and health problems that may worsen symptoms of depression. Depression can lead to poor lifestyle decisions, such as unhealthy eating, less exercise, smoking and weight gain — all of which are risk factors for diabetes.

The good news is that diabetes and depression can be treated together. And effectively managing one can have a positive effect on the other.

If you think you might be depressed, seek help right away. Your doctor or diabetes educator can refer you to a mental health professional.

Gluten Free Mini Cheesecake Recipe from My Baking Addiction

If you love knowing that a book is based on real life before you dive in, you’re in luck! I just finished the first draft of my next ‘Mister Divabetic Mystery: One Murder Tutu Many’, based on my own dietary restrictions.

I’ve been gluten free under the watchful eye of my doctor for two weeks. She thinks my new diet will help alleviate some of the discomfort I experience from psoriasis. During the winter months in New York City my psoriasis especially flares up so I decided it was worth a try!

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and other related grains. It’s also found hiding in shocking amount of other foods including ketchup, soy sauce, coffee creamer!  Those who are genuinely intolerant have an autoimmune condition known as celiac disease, where their immune system responds to the gluten protein by attacking the small intestine. The link between celiac disease and type 1 diabetes mellitus is well known.

Common symptoms of malabsorption include gas, bloating, diarrhea, and weight loss. Other symptoms may include fatigue, anemia, irritability, or depression. In many cases of undiagnosed celiac disease, however, there are no symptoms at all.

Once diagnosed, the only treatment of celiac disease is lifelong, complete elimination of gluten-containing foods from the diet. With gluten elimination, symptoms may disappear within a few days, but complete healing of the small intestine may take three to six months or, in some cases, up to two years.

The good news for me, someone who doesn’t have celiac, is that I’m seeing a slight difference in my psoriasis. It hasn’t disappeared but it has stopped itching and  some patches (on my shoulders and elbows) are now slightly smaller in size.

The bad news is a recent Harvard University study found that people who limited their gluten intake or avoided it completely actually had a 13 percent higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes.  I have a family history of diabetes so this news immediately caught my eye!

“We wanted to determine if gluten consumption will affect health in people with no apparent medical reasons to avoid gluten,” explained Dr Geng Zong of Harvard’s School of Public Health. “Gluten-free foods often have less dietary fiber and other micronutrients, making them less nutritious and they also tend to cost more.”

Fiber is known to protect against type 2 diabetes. When the researchers had adjusted for the protective effect of fiber, they found those in the top 20 percent for consuming gluten in their study had a 13 percent less chance of developing type 2 diabetes, compared to those who consumed 4 grams or less.

After reading the report I’ve become conscious of adding more fiber to my diet. It’s that hard to do even if you’re gluten free! I’m eating more vegetables  (the crunchier the better), nuts, berries, beans and brown rice.

Occasionally when I crave something sweet I now make myself a treat. Here’s a great mini cheesecake recipe I found online  at my baking addiction. The author, ‘Erin’ claims, ”these fuss-free gluten-free mini cheesecakes are perfect for parties or potlucks and couldn’t be any easier to make!” After making them, I agree! Click the link for the recipe: Gluten-Free Mini Cheesecakes Recipe from ‘My Baking Addiction’

By the way, I liked this recipe so much it plays a significant role into next year’s Mister Divabetic Mystery: ‘One Murder Tutu Many’ podcast/short story set in the world of ballet.

Can’t wait until next year to hear one of my  ‘Mister. Divabetic Mysteries podcasts? Click on the link to enjoy ‘Phantom of the Okra’ featuring music from ‘Phantom of the Opera’ courtesy of SONY Music. A trip to the local Farmer’s Market turns into a fiasco for the happy healthcare host when he finds a dead body in a bushel of okra in the Mr Divabetic Mystery podcast,’Phantom of the Okra’ LISTEN