Halloween 2024: Princess Frogs

Here’s a sneak peek at my Halloween 2024 displays: “Princess Frogs.” This year’s display explores whether a man is as willing as a woman to kiss a frog and whether a princess would prefer living as a frog over living as a princess. 

In the modern version of the fairytale “The Frog Prince,” an evil witch transforms a prince into a frog. A princess breaks the spell by kissing the frog and transforming him into a prince. 

In the past years, I have created Halloween displays about Central Park ghosts, the Van Der Voort Sisters, and Amy Winehouse.

I created the four Princess Frogs’ bodies using plastic water bottles and Coffeemate bottles, assorted Amazon boxes, the New York Times newspaper, paper towels and toilet paper rolls, foam (found in the garbage, and rolls and rolls of masking tape.

The faces are made from kid’s frog masks (bought online), cardboard from butter, soap, and foil boxes, and dollar-store Halloween plastic eyes (bought last year). I’m guilty of using every shortcut I can find for my displays. I made old-school paper mache using flour, water, and salt. My tip is to use brown packing paper, found in Amazon packages, rather than newspaper. It’s so much easier to work with and creates a smooth finish.

Candy Decorations for Halloween

This year, I’m starting my Halloween decorations early. I’m using different kinds of candy to decorate my paper mache sculptures to be displayed on New York City’s most iconic Halloween Street on the Upper Westside. I’m attempting to be more crafty.

My goal is to encourage people to indulge in the creativity associated with Halloween instead of candy.

We’re talking about ‘THE SWEETEST TABOO’ aka ‘SUGAR’ with musical inspiration from Sade on this episode of Divabetic’s popular podcast. Guests include Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Tameka Milline, Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP, Kathy Dolgin aka ‘High Voltage’, and Stephanie MacKendree.

Halloween’s record-breaking sugar consumption and its detrimental effects on overall health are scarier than any ghost story. It’s been reported that consumers gobbled up a record $36.9 billion in candy, gum, mints, chocolate, and other confections in 2021. High intakes of dietary sugars in a worldwide pandemic of obesity and cardiovascular disease have heightened concerns about the adverse effects of excessive consumption of sugars.

The American Heart Association suggests limiting adding sugars to 100 calories per day (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams) for most adult women and no more than 150 calories per day (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar) for most men.

Last year, I used paper mache for the first time to make several sculptures. I was told that the street’s theme was ‘ghosts,’ which proved untrue. Unfortunately, I didn’t learn the truth until completing all my displays.

One of my sculptures was the Ghost of  Lily, the Central Park Zoo Polar Bear (1987- 2004). Lily was the beloved companion of Gus, a 700-pound polar bear that mesmerized tourists. He swam lap after lap in figure-eight patterns, pawing his way through the water with powerful backstrokes. He did this for as many as 12 hours a day. Every day. Every week. Every month. Lily would grin and bear it as she watched and waited for her partner to finish.

This year, I’m using paper mache again to create my sculptures. Although I’m not sharing what my sculptures will be, I have been working on different decorating techniques using candy.

Candy is bright, fun, and festive. Candy colors like yellow, red, orange, and green are eye-catching. Candy corn seems to be the candy most commonly associated with Halloween.  The various variations of two and three-color combinations lend themselves to floral designs.

But working with candy, especially in the Summer heat, is challenging. It’s sticky and melts quickly. I’m storing various types of candy in my refrigerator to keep them from distorting their shape. Using a hot glue gun to affix candy to various materials, such as cardboard and paper, is painful. It doesn’t work. So now, I’m using Elmer’s glue which presents its own set of problems.

Janet and Rosetta Van der Voort, born in the 1800s, were two wealthy sisters whose father rarely let them leave the house unaccompanied. The one place they were allowed to visit was Central Park’s Wollman Rink, where they went ice skating in the winter. The two sisters never married were lifelong best friends, and died a few months apart. Since their death, their ghostly spirits have been seen periodically skating together on the Central Park Pond, wearing the same red and purple outfits they wore over 100 years ago.

Divabetic pays tribute to Central Park’s infamous Victorian ghost sisters, Janet and Rosetta Van der Voort,  in this short video.


A Silent Film You Don’t Want To Miss: The Unknown

Recently, I saw the silent film, The Unknown, directed by Tod Browning and made in 1927 at the Walter Reade Theater at the Film at Lincoln Center. It was part of the series, Unspeakable by Tod Browning. Our screening featured live musical accompaniment by Donald Sosin. Donal Sosin is celebrating his fiftieth anniversary of partnering with Film at Lincoln Center.
Coincidentally, diabetes is known as the “silent killer” because many people with type 2 diabetes often initially have no symptoms. Mismanaged diabetes or untreated diabetes can cause much glucose or blood sugar in the bloodstream, negatively affecting the whole body, including the cardiovascular system, circulation, eyesight, and kidney function. 
Also, high blood pressure is often called the “silent killer” because it may show no symptoms. High blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease, heart failure, and stroke. Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure to unhealthy levels. Having more than three drinks in one sitting temporarily raises blood pressure.
According to the Film at Lincoln Center’s website, Tod Browning (1880–1962) ranks among his time’s most original and enigmatic filmmakers. He made some of the most bizarre and eerily atmospheric silent era films, including The Unknown, starring Lon Chaney, widely considered Browning’s masterpiece. The Unknown also stars a young effervescent Joan Crawford. It’s a remarkable film. Sadly, it was billed as a horror film but not by today’s standards.

Lon Cheney plays an armless knife thrower, “Alonzo the Armless,” in a carnival. He alls in head over heels in love with the carnival owner’s daughter, Nonan, played by Joan Crawford.
Nonan sees a man kill her father outside her trailer’s window but doesn’t realize it’s
Alonzo because the killer strangles her father with his arms.
Alonzo and his tiny sidekick, Cojo, have everyone fooled because  Alonzo is an imposter. Secretly, he wears a corset to tightly strap his arms to his torso so no one can see them. Cojo also knows Alonzo is a notorious criminal who has burglarized numerous people in the towns the carnival has traveled to. Still, Alonzo can live beyond police suspicion because they believe he has no arms. His life at the carnival is going well until he notices the carnival’s strong man, Malabar, is also infatuated with Nonan. Alonzo can’t bare to see anyone else vie for Nonan’s affection.
Unfortunately, his heart is in turmoil. Alonzo knows if Nonan learned that he killed her father, she would never love him. To win her love, Alonzo comes up with a plan to win her love.

Lon Cheney is so good at expressing his character’s inner pain, even without saying a word, that the plot’s bizarre twists and turns are still believable.

Alonzo decides to cut off both his arms. He enlists a top surgeon to operate by blackmailing him. Alonzo has dirt about the surgeon’s torrid past in Algiers. He threatens to reveal the surgeon’s wrongdoing unless the surgery succeeds. Several months of recovery go by before Alonzo can return home. When he finally reunites with Nonan, it’s too late. During their separation, Nonan fell in in love with Malabar. The two lovebirds plan to marry.  Alonzo is enraged. He has no choice but to kill Malabar. The most obvious way is to sabotage Malabar’s new sideshow routine. Malabar has devised an elaborate stage show to prove he is the world’s strongest man. He will tie his arms to two horses that attempt to pull his limbs off by galloping in different directions.
Alonzo’s plans spiral out of control from there.
It’s storytelling at its best. I was blown away by the acting, the scenery, and the plot.

What scares you most about diabetes? 

Many people fear complications associated with mismanaged diabetes, including stroke, blindness, and amputation. Although these conditions can be debilitating, they can all be prevented. Properly managing your diabetes can help you avoid the stress and anxiety around those intrusive thoughts and fears. The best way to start is to enlist the help of a certified diabetes care and education specialist (CDCES). LEARN MORE

Van Der Voort Sisters Ghost Story by Lorraine Brooks

The Van Der Voort Sisters Ghost Story by Lorraine Brooks

Janet and Rosetta Van der Voort
Were allowed only one outdoor sport.
Their father dear would let them skate
On one pond near the park’s south gate.

And skate they would, in purple and red,
The figure-eights their feet would tread.
In afternoon and evening’s charm
The sisters skated arm in arm.

They never married nor gave their hearts,
And died as spinsters, weeks apart.
They had no friends or folks to mourn,
And traveled not from where they were born.

And now, as people skate the pond,
They’ve seen the sisters, aptly donned,
As figures floating on the ice
Making figure-eights precise.

They haunt their old familiar ground
Skating together, round and round.
So if, perchance, you see them there,
Enjoy their presence – IF YOU DARE.


Janet and Rosetta Van der Voort, born in the 1800s, were two wealthy sisters whose father rarely let them leave the house unaccompanied. The one place they were allowed to visit was Central Park’s Wollman Rink, where they went ice skating in the winter. The two sisters never married, were lifelong best friends, and died a few months apart. Since their death, their ghostly spirits have been seen periodically skating together on the Central Park Pond, wearing the same red and purple outfits they wore over 100 years ago.

Looking for a fun way to socialize without putting your diabetes wellness at risk? Are you interested in baking tips and recipes?

Back by popular demand! The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic, hosts this free, fun Virtual Baking Party with special guest Stacey Harris, The Diabetic Pastry Chef, on Thursday, November 10, 7-8 PM EST.

During this Extra-Special Baking Party on Zoom, we invite you to bake along with The Diabetic Pastry Chef as she prepares her delicious Sugar-Free Pumpkin Spice Muffin recipe. Once you register, we will send you the recipe’s complete list of ingredients so you can prepare before our program begins.

The Diabetic Chef will also demonstrate her favorite kitchen tool and share expert tips for using sugar substitutes and alternative flours in traditional recipes.

Free PrizesMr. Divabetic will host a Baking Trivia Contest and Prize Drawing during the program. You must be present at our Baking Party to enter our prize drawings to win a Splenda Baking Kit, Tonya Kappes Cozy Mystery and PEAK 10 SKIN SAVE MY SOLE foot rescue cream.


Sugar-Free Baked Rice Pudding Recipe by the Diabetic Pastry Chef

Divabetic wants to encourage you to indulge in the creative side of Halloween this year.

Instead of feasting on loads of candy, why not listen to our short audio ghost story about the Van der Voort Sisters who haunt Central Park as you enjoy this sugar-free recipe from the Diabetic Pastry Chef?

Sugar-Free Baked Rice Pudding by the Diabetic Pastry Chef


3/4 cup cooked brown rice

2 cups whole milk

3 eggs, beaten

1 cup dry sugar substitute of choice

3 Tbsp. butter, melted

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/3 cup raisins

sprinkle of nutmeg for garnishing

nutmeg for garnishing


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine all ingredients in a greased 1 1/2 quart casserole dish. Garnish the top with a light sprinkle of grated nutmeg.  Bake until the pudding is firm in the center, about 40 minutes. Serve warm or cold with cream or whipped cream.

The Diabetic Pastry Chef’s Note: The pudding mixture can be baked in small greased ramekins or mini casserole dishes instead of a large casserole dish.

Janet and Rosetta Van der Voort, born in the 1800s, were two wealthy sisters whose father rarely let them leave the house unaccompanied. The one place they were allowed to visit was Central Park’s Wollman Rink, where they went ice skating in the winter. The two sisters never married, were lifelong best friends, and died a few months apart. Since their death, their ghostly spirits have been seen periodically skating together on the Central Park Pond, wearing the same red and purple outfits they wore over 100 years ago.

Looking for a fun way to socialize without putting your diabetes wellness at risk? Are you interested in baking tips and recipes?

Back by popular demand! The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic, hosts this free, fun Virtual Baking Party with special guest Stacey Harris, The Diabetic Pastry Chef, on Thursday, November 10, 7-8 PM EST.

During this Extra-Special Baking Party on Zoom, we invite you to bake along with The Diabetic Pastry Chef as she prepares her delicious Sugar-Free Pumpkin Spice Muffin recipe. Once you register, we will send you the recipe’s complete list of ingredients so you can prepare before our program begins.

The Diabetic Chef will also demonstrate her favorite kitchen tool and share expert tips for using sugar substitutes and alternative flours in traditional recipes.

Free PrizesMr. Divabetic will host a Baking Trivia Contest and Prize Drawing during the program. You must be present at our Baking Party to enter our prize drawings to win a Splenda Baking Kit, Tonya Kappes Cozy Mystery and PEAK 10 SKIN SAVE MY SOLE foot rescue cream.


Central Park Ghosts: The Van der Voort Sisters

I’m excited to share a sneak peek of my upcoming multi-media Halloween display. The theme of Halloween Street, where I work, is ‘Ghost Live”. Since we’re so close to Central Park, I researched ghosts in Central Park and found out about these two Victorian Sisters, Janet and Rosetta Van der Voort, who haunt the Wollman ice rink. I was so inspired by their story that I decided to produce a short story about them and recruited a few talented friends to help.

Janet and Rosetta Van der Voort, born in the 1800s, were two wealthy sisters whose father rarely let them leave the house unaccompanied. The one place they were allowed to visit was Central Park’s Wollman Rink, where they went ice skating in the winter. The two sisters never married, were lifelong best friends, and died a few months apart. Since their death, their ghostly spirits have been seen periodically skating together on the Central Park Pond, wearing the same red and purple outfits they wore over 100 years ago.

Divabetic pays tribute to the sisters’ spirits, hoping to encourage you to indulge in the creativity associated with Halloween instead of candy.

Halloween’s record-breaking sugar consumption and its detrimental effects on overall health are scarier than any ghost story. It’s been reported that consumers gobbled up a record $36.9 billion in candy, gum, mints, chocolate, and other confections in 2021.

High intakes of dietary sugars in the setting of a worldwide pandemic of obesity and cardiovascular disease have heightened concerns about the adverse effects of excessive consumption of sugars.

High intakes of dietary sugars in the setting of a worldwide pandemic of obesity and cardiovascular disease have heightened concerns about the adverse effects of excessive consumption of sugars.

The American Heart Association suggests limiting adding sugars to no more than 100 calories per day (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams) for most adult women and no more than 150 calories per day (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar) for most men.

Credits Producer: Max Szadek Writers: Max Szadek, Wendy Radford, Lorraine Brooks

Voice Actors: Max Szadek, Verna Henry, Lauren Ricks Graphic Designer: Max Szadek

Articles on the Van der Voort Sisters:

Van der Voort sisters/Ephemeral New York, click HERE to read.

Surprising Central Park, Nature’s Pied-a-Terre, click HERE to read.

Central Park’s Skating Sisters, click HERE to read.