New York City’s Great Elephants Migration Exhibit

The life-sized sculptures made by Indigenous artisans using an invasive weed called lantana camera are incredible! 

Sometimes, the elephant in the room is the sudden change in your life due to the symptoms of diabetes. Keeping the symptoms a secret or ignoring the symptoms can be problematic, including increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, blurred vision, and numbness or tingling in the hands and feet. 

Our bodies start to struggle with insulin efficiency, leading to a state known as insulin resistance. Without proper treatment and management, prediabetes can progress to type 2 diabetes, underscoring the importance of early detection and intervention.

According to the CDC, 97.6 million people in the United States aged 18 and older have prediabetes, which is 38% of the adult population. Almost 90% of the people living with diabetes don’t know they have it or ignore the symptoms.  

The risk factors for developing prediabetes are varied. Being overweight or obese, having a family history of type 2 diabetes, leading a sedentary lifestyle, having high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, or a history of gestational diabetes are all significant contributors. Age also plays a role, as the likelihood of developing prediabetes increases after the age of 45.

Our friend, Jill Weisenberger RD, CDCES, offers advice on what to eat for those feeling confused or overwhelmed with living with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in this video series.

Prediabetes is a pivotal health condition that acts as a precursor to type 2 diabetes. It is defined by blood sugar levels that are higher than average yet not high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes.

This subtle difference is crucial, as prediabetes often goes unnoticed due to its mild nature, unlike type 2 diabetes, which presents more evident and urgent symptoms.

The elephant project directly fights the threat of an invasive species while raising money and awareness for environmental issues.

The collective isn’t just using lantana as a sculpting material; it converts tons of agricultural waste products rich in nutrients into biochar and black carbon. The biochar is then buried to improve the soil in India.

Could You Have Prediabetes? Don’t be part of the herd unsure or unaware of their health condition. Take this free, simple RISK TEST Now.

Enjoy this scene from Divabetic’s 10th Annual Original Mystery podcast, Murder Plain As Vanilla, streaming on Spotify, iTunes, and BlogTalkRadio.

Halloween Muse: Amy Wine “Haunted” House Twins

I have trouble glorifying famous addicts in the music industry. Many people seem to idolize their tragic lives. In my opinion, making ‘good art’ doesn’t require wrestling your demons, torturing your soul, or taking mind-alerting substances. There are plenty of happy, down-to-earth sober artists making beautiful and popular music. Unfortunately, their legacies are often outshined by the mystical status of Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Jimmy Hendrix, and Amy Winehouse. 

This Halloween, I’ve decided to pay tribute to Amy Winehouse to raise awareness for 988 since substance abuse is rising. 

Amy Winehouse’s legacy is a cautionary tale for how deadly substance abuse and addiction can be.  Unfortunately, her tragic story is all too familiar.

Its been widely reported that the COVID-19 pandemic led to an increased number of people misusing drugs and dying from drug overdoses. There were more than 99,000 drug overdose deaths in the United States in the first year of the pandemic, an increase of nearly 30% from the year before.

Amy Winehouse was a rockstar’s rockstar. She is considered one of the greatest musical talents of the past 20 years. Her voice, music, and the way she expressed herself were unique. She modernized jazz.  She poured her soul into writing deeply confessional lyrics and singing around London, her hometown. She was a unique talent, a jazz fanatic with the voice of a soul singer. 

That Winehouse was just 27 years old when she died underscored her sheer natural brilliance, the meteoric nature of her rise, and the wrenching tragedy of her downward spiral and ultimate fall.

Driven by her muse and haunted by her addictions, she allegedly used heroin and other hard drugs until alcohol became her constant companion. She’d died of accidental alcohol poisoning, as her blood alcohol level was .416% at the time of her death. Addiction and mental health disorders may house certain symptoms, but every case is different, just like the person with them.

If someone in your life is jeopardizing their well-being in any capacity, that should be the first sign: something is wrong, and this person is battling.

Calling 988 directly connects you to compassionate, accessible care and support for mental health or substance abuse-related distress.

I created the Amy Wine “Haunted” House Twins using water bottles, hangers, Diet Coke bottles, yarn, pipe cleaners, newspaper, plastic bags, Target cloth bags, paper shreddings, Dollar Store decorations (masks and eyeballs), disposal serving forks, ribbon, styrofoam balls, and gaffers tape. This Halloween, celebrate creativity, not candy!