Our team boards the Tall Ship Lynx for the Decadent Desserts on Deck Baking Competition. The Lynx was one of the first ships to defend America’s freedom by evading the British naval fleet.

After a moment of silence for Britannia Coffin the competition begins.
Even in a fog of ginger, cinnamon, and chocolate, Max stands out from the rest of the competitors. He’s wearing a pirate disguise – in fact, he’s the only one in a costume. Max starts his preparations in hope of fulfilling his ultimate dream of becoming the next Food Network star.
Max: Tonya! Stop calling me Davy Jones.
Tonya: For Pete’s Sakes, Max. Your outfit is scaring all the children!
Mama Rose Marie: Now, now, dear. It’s time to focus on your pie recipe. I’m so glad that Millicent convinced them not to cancel the competition.
Tonya: People are lining up to take selfies with Britannia’s Nordic poles! This competition is great!
Max: For once I agree with you, Tonya – It is great. I’m sure to win with the velvet smoothness of the key lime cashew filling, and the crunchy pecan pie crust – YUM!
Tonya: I wasn’t talking about your pie, Max. I meant this competition is helping us solve the murder. I’ve overheard several people talking about how much they hated Britannia. Now where do you think Loretta is on this boat?
Max: Stop bothering me. I need to pay attention to chopping these nuts. This knife is sharp.
Tonya: Where’s your snazzy food processor?
Max: I stashed it below the deck. I don’t want anyone to see it. They might put two and two together and link me to the murder.
Tonya: Avoidance behavior is only going to make matters worse, Max. You should use it. With any luck, the killer will come forward once they see it!
Mama Rose Marie: She has a point, dear.
Max: Neither one of you really believes in me or in my baking ability. You just wanted me to be a decoy to catch the killer.
Mama Rose Marie Now, son, I think the hot sun’s getting to you.
Max: Prove it. Say something nice about my baking.
Tonya: Umm, You always get the oven temperature right.
Max: And . . .?
Tonya: Uh, Max. Rose Marie, help me out here? That knife he’s pointing at me is really sharp.
Mama Rose Marie: You’re good at measuring ingredients, son. Really wonderful!
Max: Well … I’ve got some news for you two. My baking skills are ten times better than your detective skills. Otherwise, one of you would have realized by now that I wasn’t the last person to see Britannia Coffin alive.
Mama Rose Marie: What? How can you be sure?
Max: Britannia had her walking poles with her when she sold me the food processor. If I had been the last person to see her alive then why were they in Goldie’s umbrella stand? Obviously she met someone else. And whoever that person is, is the killer! Now, go bother someone else, let me focus on winning.
Patricia: (interrupting) Maa … I mean Bartholomew, one of the celebrity judges is Renata Whisk from last year’s Gingerbread Men competition. Doesn’t she hate you?
Max: How much more can I take?
MaryAnn: Right now, she is on the other side of the deck waving that police sketch of you around. She’s telling everyone about how your poisoned kale hot cocoa killed everyone’s favorite TV chef, Sweet Sally Buttercup!
Patricia: Max, that silly pirate costume won’t stop Renata from recognizing you!
Max: What should I do?
Tonya: Did you bring any extra pirate costumes for us?
Max: They’re over there in a bag. Why?
Tonya: We’re going to put them on and get off this boat now. We’ll hightail it to Britannia’s mansion before Renata can blow your cover and you’re arrested. Let’s go Captain Bartholomew!

Divabetic’s Mystery podcast, Kill Me Madam, cast includes USA Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, MaryAnn Horst-Nicolay MEd, NDRT, Lorraine Brooks, Catherine Schuller, Wendy Radford, Coach The Cure‘s Trisha Artman, Mama Rose Marie, Seveda Williams, and Max ‘Mr. Divabetic’ Szadek. Produced by Leisa Chester-Weir.
Throughout the podcast we will be featuring music from the Broadway Cast Album of ‘Call Me Madam’ courtesy of SONY Music.

Looking for a fun way to socialize without putting your diabetes wellness at risk? Do you need a little help staying on track with your diabetes self-care?
Join the happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic for this free, fun Tea Party with special guests, Divabetic Image & Style Advisor Catherine Schuller, Tessie’s Teas’ owner Rose Hall and Harlem Heaven’s Hats owner Evetta Petty on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 7 – 8 PM, EST on Zoom.