Divabetic Pink Champagne Holiday Gift Guide 2021, #1

This year’s Divabetic Gift Guide theme: Pink Champagne, is inspired by song lyrics that I wrote after binge-watching a dozen Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. I picked up a pen and wrote these lyrics:

Oh baby! pour me a glass 

of pink champagne

after a few sips, I’d love to explain

why I decided on Christmas Day

to give my gift for you away 

The rest of the song lyrics for Pink Champagne quickly followed and I liked my lyrics so much that I called my Luther Vandross musical family friends, producer Ivan Hampden Jr., and vocalist Paulette McWilliams. This dynamic duo agreed to record the song. I look forward to sharing the recorded song but until then please take a minute to enjoy this year’s Gift Guide inspired by a burst of creativity!

I’m sure more than a few readers are scratching your heads over the fact that our gift guide’s theme of an alcoholic cocktail, Pink Champagne. Sure, it’s a great song title but is it right for a healthy holiday gift guide designed to inspire you to live your best diabetes life?

Since we know many people with diabetes enjoy an alcoholic beverage during the holidays, we think it is!

A long time ago, I presented diabetes outreach at an Open Clinic in Sleepy Hollow. I met with the diabetes educator ahead of time to discuss our presentation. She did not want to address alcohol consumption during our presentation even though Cinco De Mayo was quickly approaching. Instead, she felt strongly that abstinence from alcohol was the best option for people with diabetes. Therefore, in her opinion, there was no need to address the topic during our presentation.

Let’s just say we didn’t see eye to eye on the matter.

I felt, and still believe that abstinence from alcohol works for some people with diabetes but not everyone. At one point during our presentation, I asked the crowd to raise their hands if they were planning to have a cocktail or two to celebrate Cinco De Mayo. Every hand flew up. When I asked if anyone knew how alcohol affects their blood sugar levels there was confusion.

Needless to say, we addressed the topic in-depth during the presentation. We held a highly interactive and meaningful discussion. Afterward, the educator expressed her gratitude to me for addressing the topic. There is no doubt that we will be featuring information about alcohol’s impact on blood sugar levels in our upcoming Pink Champagne Christmas Gift Guide-related posts.

Whether you’re focused on losing weight or want to add a little extra sparkle into your daily diabetes self-care, we’ve got you covered with this year’s Divabetic  Holiday Gift Guide 2021. We believe in thoughtful gifts that bring a little happiness and good health into your life.

This colorful portion control container system allows you to maintain better portion control for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, making it perfect when you’re trying to lose weight or better manage diet and exercise. Each pre-measured container is based on the amount of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, proteins, and carbs you need each day. Simply match your color to your food plan for ideal portion control sizes. Price: $16.95 on Amazon. 


Don’t Let Diabetes Dim Your Dazzle this Holiday Season!

The holidays are depressing times for some people. We think everyone else is partying with a loving family, while we don’t have family, or don’t like them, or they are far away. Diabetes doesn’t help.

You might feel the weight of diabetes more at this time, because you can’t let go and celebrate like everyone else. Or maybe you do let go and then beat yourself up over it.

Need some inspiration and advice to stay on track with your diabetes wellness goals this holiday season?

Tune in to Divabetic’s free Diabetes Late Nite podcast available on demand featuring holiday music by the sensational singer, Leona Lewis. Our podcast guests include Diabetes Alert Dog Trainer & Scent Detection Expert Debby Kay, Mindful Eating Expert Megrette Fletcher RD CDE, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach, and ‘The Secrets to Living & Loving With Diabetes’ Author Janis Roszler RD, CDE, LDN.

Additionally, Emmy Award winning Producer Linda Bracero Morel, who is living with type 2 diabetes,  shares her remarkable weight loss journey, Poet Lorraine Brooks provides wordy wisdom and Mama Rose Marie offers some motherly adivce.

One of Mama Rose Marie’s helpful tips is to start visiting neighbors, former co-workers, and older family members who are shut in during the holiday season. Help someone shop, escort them to doctors appointments (and take notes) and/or drive them to social activies like bridge.  Please open your heart and share love and companionship to a population that is in need.

Enjoy Diabetes Late Nite featuring holiday music from Leona Lewis courtesy of SONY MUSIC. LISTEN NOW