U. S. Open, Mental Health & Overcoming Setbacks

I attended the U.S. Open earlier this week and witnessed some incredible matches. While on the grounds, I heard Sloane Stephens playing in one of the stadiums. She was ahead 6-0, 4-1, but ultimately lost in three sets. I can only imagine how devastated she must have felt after the loss. How does one bounce back from such a disappointing defeat on one of the U.S. Open’s main courts, especially when commentators like Chris Evert are critical of your performance? Rennae Stubbs, whom I greatly admire as an announcer, mentioned that Sloane needs to learn how to win again after a tough summer season. Losing a tennis match can be frustrating and disappointing, especially if you have high expectations for your performance.

Similarly, managing unexpected blood sugar levels can be a setback that requires steadiness and resilience. Just as in tennis, where you need to stay focused and composed even when things don’t go as planned, managing blood sugar levels demands steadfastness and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Both situations require patience, determination, and the willingness to adjust your game plan when things don’t go your way.

Sometimes, you need a plan B. For someone living with diabetes, that may mean finding a new healthcare collaborator. If you feel your provider isn’t providing advice, encouragement, or resources to help you, which is expected, then it’s time for a change. Constant worrying, negative thinking, and always expecting the worst can take a toll on your emotional and physical health. It can sap your emotional strength, leave you feeling restless and jumpy, cause insomnia, headaches, stomach problems, and muscle tension, and make it difficult to concentrate at work or on court. Check out this HelpGuide.Org RESOURCE Guide. 

During the match I was watching, I saw LuLu Sun from New Zealand, the surprise Wimbledon quarterfinalist, playing in her first U.S. Open with high expectations. Unfortunately, her match coincided with the big-serving American Chris Eubanks‘s intense five-set battle, spilling large crowds of Eubanks fans into the stands at LuLu’s match. So, there she was, New Zealand’s tennis ace, playing her first match on an outside court with fans screaming nearby and planes flying overhead. On top of that, the lighting was rapidly changing from day to night, making things even more challenging. Watching LuLu, I realized that the U.S. Open isn’t as glitz and glamour as expected.

Having high expectations or setting high standards for ourselves may increase stress and pressure to meet those expectations. If we perceive ourselves as falling short of our dreams, this can lead to anxiety, self-doubt, and feelings of inadequacy. The fear of failure and the constant drive for perfection can take a toll on our mental well-being, potentially leading to burnout and feelings of frustration. It’s essential to strike a balance and set realistic expectations to maintain a healthy mindset and prevent unnecessary strain on our mental health. If you’re plagued by exaggerated worry and tension, there are steps you can take to turn off anxious thoughts. Chronic worrying is a mental habit that can be broken. You can train your brain to stay calm and look at life from a more balanced, less fearful perspective. Check out this HelpGuide.Org RESOURCE Guide. 

Our friend, Dr. Beverly S. Adler, PhD, CD, shares “Fear of Diabetes Complications” with our Divabetic community in this blog post. READ MORE. In the blog post, “Dr. Bev” states the topic of diabetes complications stirs up a lot of emotional issues. Some well-meaning but uninformed people (they call themselves your family and friends) may tell you that if you eat that slice of cake, you will lose a toe or go blind. Trying to guilt you into eating healthy does not work. It makes many people with diabetes become oppositional and eat that slice – and more – just because they want to be assertive.

National Mindfulness Day is coming up on Thursday, September 12, 2024. One tip to help cope with worrying is to write down your worries. If an anxious thought or worry comes into your head during the day, briefly note it and then continue about your day. Remind yourself that you’ll have time to think about it later, so there’s no need to worry about it right now. Also, writing down your thoughts—on a pad or on your phone or computer—is much more complex than simply thinking about them, so your worries are more likely to lose their power.

Divabetic Mystery Phrase #3

Can you complete the Mystery Phrase below? Diabetes self-care can be emotionally taxing, but reframing your mind-set can have powerful results. Upbeat, kind, encouraging and gentle words that you say to yourself can help!

Divabetic Mystery Phrase #3

Self-help books often promote the power of positive affirmations. If you’ve never tried them before, the idea can seem incredibly awkward to tell yourself how awesome you are. 

Positive affirmations help to re-program your thought patterns and change the way you think and feel about things. They are short positive statements that can help you focus on goals, get rid of negative, self-defeating beliefs and program your subconscious mind.

And yes, there is genuine theory and a fair amount of neuroscience behind this practice.

If you’re struggling to cope with your diabetes diagnosis: try repeating positive affirmations to yourself each morning to steer your mood in the right direction. This way of thinking can be helpful when the mental burden of diabetes management gets tough.

Divabetic Mystery Phrase #3 Answer

We’re talking about how to minimize the drama in our diabetes lives with music from the ultimate diva, Maria Callas on Divabetic’s Diabetes Late NIte podcast.

Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast

Are you a drama queen?

If there’s drama in multiple areas of your diabetes life, be honest with yourself—you’re the constant. Are you creating it? We don’t do anything repeatedly unless there’s something in it for us, so, what’s the payoff?

Every time we find ourselves immersed in something that seems overwhelming, we have an opportunity to learn how to deal with challenges better.

Guests include Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport PhD, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, Lorraine Brooks, American Heart and American Diabetes Association’s Know Diabetes By Heart Ambassador Rob Taub, Yoga for Diabetes Author and Director Rachel Zinman and Patricia Addie-Gentle RN,CDE.

Divas & Diabetes: Della Reese

In May, we’re shining the spotlight on singer, actress Della Reese who is living with type 2 diabetes.  Della is best known for her gospel talents and long career in television, including her role on the show ‘Touched by an Angel.’

On Diabetes Late Nite scheduled for Tuesday, May 9, 2017, 6 – 7 PM, EST we will discuss ways to help you overcome the shock of being diagnosed with diabetes, especially if it occurs after a traumatic health crisis.

“Every 25 seconds someone in the United States is diagnosed with diabetes,” said Vice Admiral Richard H. Carmona, the U.S. Surgeon General. “It’s the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States, costing thousands of lives and billions of dollars every year.”

Della Reese was officially diagnosed with diabetes after collapsing on the set of ‘Touched By An Angel.’

“I was feeling great. so I don’t even know how long I had had type 2 diabetes. I have no family history of diabetes whatsoever,” says Della Reese.

The diagnosis of a major disease truly shakes a person to their very core. It can changed your picture-perfect life completely.

Our lives certainly doesn’t stop once we’re diagnosed with a diabetes. There are many ways to get through the initial shock including:

Surrounding yourself with people you love: You need to connect with people who can be your rock/anchor, encouragement, or support, and most importantly, make you feel loved.

Don’t make rash decisions:  Relax. Breathe. Take a time out. Do some research and get a second opinion (if necessary). These make all the difference in getting the best doctor and treatment.

Focus on your health: Stick to your self-care routine and your doctor’s appointments. If you need to let go of unnecessary things at the moment, do so.

Don’t let your emotions get the best of you: Trust that the intensity of your anger, sadness and/or frustration will subside with time.

Make some adjustments to your lifestyle: Taking good care of yourself is a start. Remember to reward yourself for getting enough rest, exercise, and choosing healthier options like brown rice, whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables.

Join a diabetes support group: You will discover new ways of coping through the advice of others living with diabetes. Be sure that everything is kept confidential within the group.

According to a Health Guide online resource, bottling up your emotions increases your stress even more, and could lead to many more health problems.

In 2002, Reese announced on Larry King Live that she had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but didn’t come as a surprise considering what she ate and what her diet consisted of, as well as her weight. She loved cake, especially chocolate. She became a spokeswoman for the American Diabetes Association, traveling around the United States to raise awareness about this disorder.

Della felt she could to control her disease when she did the best, “With diet, exercise and medication, I took control of my diabetes,” she stated. “I lost 20 pounds and lowered my blood sugar from between 275 and 300 to between 67 and 110.”

More recently, Della admitted to suffering from diabetes, “My life is at stake,” she said. “I don’t have type 2 diabetes — type 2 diabetes has me.”  She contributed her declining diabetes health to years of eating her old, nightly snacks of fried chicken, potato chips, ice cream, candy bars and cola, who was very frustrated because she didn’t do anything to prevent herself.

How different is Della Reese’s diabetes health story from others living with type 2 diabetes?

Despite the national epidemic of type 2 diabetes, two out of three Americans with the disease don’t meet the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists’ target for blood sugar goals.

“People with diabetes face many daunting obstacles, but in my over 20 years of working as a certified diabetes educators, I think the biggest struggle is figuring out how to fit diabetes management into your life, so that diabetes doesn’t take over your life. Learning how to combine regular blood glucose testing, exercise, healthy eating, medications, regular eye exams, and daily foot care can seem overwhelming and seemingly impossible, says Lynn Grieger from Sharecare.  “Taking a proactive approach, where diabetes self-care becomes a part of your life without taking over your life, is key for both a happy and fulfilling life, as well as a healthy life.”

According to the results of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists’ survey, 98 percent of people with type 2 diabetes believe blood sugar control is important. However, 61 percent weren’t aware of the A1C test. Even after they were told what it is, 51 percent didn’t know their last A1C result.

How well do you manage your diabetes?

According to the world health organization, diabetes affects 347 million people worldwide. However, the majority of people with diabetes are originally diagnosed with pre-diabetes, which presents the opportunity to alter unhealthy dietary habits and prevent full diabetes. Additionally, those with diabetes can prevent negative complications by heeding the advice of their healthcare professional, engaging in regular physical activity, and accurately managing glucose levels. In other words, diabetes health-related complications are largely preventable.

There is a distinction between living with diabetes and dying from it. The difference is YOU! Take action and take action early.

“The biggest struggle for people with diabetes is how to balance management of diabetes in one’s lifestyle. It is essential to seek emotional and medical support from family, friends and your health care team to feel your best. Be honest and positive, control your diabetes and do not let it control you,” says Laura Motosko, MSEd, RD.

TUNE IN: Diabetes Late Nite inspired by Della Reese.  Guests include Diabetes Diabetes Alert Dog Trainer and Author from Chilbrook Kennels, Debby Kay, Central Farm Markets Co-Founder, Debra Moser, Kathy Gold RN, MSN, CDE, FAADE, Master Hairstylist Karline Ricketts, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach, Poet Lorraine Brooks and Mama Rose Marie.

Throughout the podcast we will be featuring selected songs from Della Reese’s albums including ‘Swing Slow & Cha Cha Cha’ courtesy of SONY Music.