ALONE IN THE KITCHEN by Poet Lorraine Brooks
I went to the kitchen to get me a snack,
And then I thought, no, better put the chips back.
I’m home in the morning, home all the day,
And I can’t keep on eating and eating this way.
I’ve got to stay healthy, in spite of the news,
Because food and drink are so easy to abuse.
I’m bored, and I’m worried, as all of us are,
I’m eating my Skippy right out of the jar.
But I didn’t give up, or succumb to defeat,
And I started cooking good foods I can eat.
Fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes and beans,
Broccoli, carrots, and cabbage, and greens.
I made a quiche, but it wasn’t high-fat,
I learned how to substitute this for that.
I made a cheesecake with Splenda instead,
And there was no sugar in my banana bread.
I made a stew, and some soup, and some fish,
Without adding butter or oils to my dish.
I’m doing my best, I‘m not perfect, but still…
Instead of much salt, I use spices, like dill.
And I’m doing Zumba online, for an hour
So I don’t lose all of strength and my power.
So I would suggest, while this quarantine goes,
Get out of your jammies and put on some clothes.
Do something healthy, creative, and such
And the time spent alone won’t bother you as much.
For me that was cooking, for you maybe not,
But let’s take advantage of all that we’ve got.
One day this all will be part of the past,
And we can enjoy all our freedoms, at last.
Hear Lorraine Brooks read her poem, ‘Alone In the Kitchen’ on April’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast. CLICK HERE. Guests include: Author of the Noodle Shop Mysteries: Vivien Chien, Sara (Mandy) Reece, PharmD, CDE, Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport PhD, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Alexis Gray and Poet Lorraine Brooks. Throughout this podcast we will be featuring music from Maren Morris’s Girl album courtesy of SONY Music.