Love Yourself

I was talking to a friend with type 1 diabetes yesterday, and he shared an experience with me that highlighted the challenges of managing diabetes. His insurance company had miscoded his request for insulin, which caused his pharmacy to be unable to refill his prescription. After hours of phone calls, a trip to the Emergency Room, and a lot of frustration, he finally resolved the issue.

This situation emphasized how difficult and frustrating it can be to advocate for one’s health with diabetes. Many people assume that individuals with diabetes should be able to manage their condition without any problems. Unfortunately, empathy, compassion, and encouragement for those living with diabetes are rarely expressed. Instead, there’s an assumption that it’s “no big deal.”

Statistics show that many people struggle with medication compliance, even with oral medications. It raises the question: why don’t others recognize the courage, determination, dedication, and perseverance it takes to manage diabetes day in and day out, year after year? While I don’t have an answer to that rhetorical question, I do recommend giving yourself a pat on the back, encouraging yourself, and appreciating the hard work you put into managing your health.

Remember, it starts with you. Take a minute to love yourself, and let this post be a reminder to you that we see you, recognize your commitment to your health, and love you too. You are amazing!!!

Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love and Intimacy with Diabetes, book one in the series, is your key to a happy, healthy intimate life with diabetes. BUY NOW

Listen To Your Body With The Same Insensity As Luther’s Music

Thank you so much for tuning in to the documentary Luther: Never Too Much on CNN. I want to remind you to take care of your health because it truly matters!

I know that prioritizing your well-being can sometimes feel challenging, especially if you’re not completely happy with your body’s shape or size.

I love Luther’s music as much as anyone. But as a man at hight risk for type 2 diabetes, his enduring legacy has been a 20-year wake-up call for me to take better care of my health.

I don’t set unrealistic goals, have an ‘all or nothing’ mindset, or use workouts to compensate for bad behaviors. I have adopted a Divabetic goal to be a better, not a perfect eater. I work beside my healthcare collaborators to create a wellness plan.

A friend who watched the documentary mentioned that my scene highlights how much the people around us care about our well-being.

Perhaps this can inspire you to take those first steps toward protecting your health! I’ve had the opportunity to chat with many of Luther Vandross’s musical family members, both on stage and behind the scenes.

We are thrilled to see your passion and enthusiasm for him. I am grateful for your love and support of Luther’s musical journey and for joining us in this celebration of his legacy!

Over 75 million adults in the United States have prediabetes and are unaware of it. With prediabetes, blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough for a type 2 diabetes diagnosis.

Prediabetes is a serious health condition that increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Take a quick Prediabetes Risk Test from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention.

People with diabetes have a 1.5–2 times higher risk of stroke than people without diabetes. The risk increases with the length of time a person has diabetes and how well their condition is managed. Luther’s stroke is linked to mismanaged type 2 diabetes.

The symptoms of diabetes health-related stroke are the smae the symptoms of any stroke. Dizziness, problems with balance or trouble walking and severe headaches. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms you take action immediately.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the following of the symptoms, call 911 immediately: Face drooping on one side, weakness in one arm, or difficulty raising both arms, difficult speaking, and slurred speech. The sooner you get yourself or a loved one to the hospital, the better chances of recovery. There’s a clot-busting medication called ‘TPA’ that if given within a few hours of symptom onset can greatly reduce the severity of storke.

New York City’s Great Elephants Migration Exhibit

The life-sized sculptures made by Indigenous artisans using an invasive weed called lantana camera are incredible! 

Sometimes, the elephant in the room is the sudden change in your life due to the symptoms of diabetes. Keeping the symptoms a secret or ignoring the symptoms can be problematic, including increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, blurred vision, and numbness or tingling in the hands and feet. 

Our bodies start to struggle with insulin efficiency, leading to a state known as insulin resistance. Without proper treatment and management, prediabetes can progress to type 2 diabetes, underscoring the importance of early detection and intervention.

According to the CDC, 97.6 million people in the United States aged 18 and older have prediabetes, which is 38% of the adult population. Almost 90% of the people living with diabetes don’t know they have it or ignore the symptoms.  

The risk factors for developing prediabetes are varied. Being overweight or obese, having a family history of type 2 diabetes, leading a sedentary lifestyle, having high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, or a history of gestational diabetes are all significant contributors. Age also plays a role, as the likelihood of developing prediabetes increases after the age of 45.

Our friend, Jill Weisenberger RD, CDCES, offers advice on what to eat for those feeling confused or overwhelmed with living with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in this video series.

Prediabetes is a pivotal health condition that acts as a precursor to type 2 diabetes. It is defined by blood sugar levels that are higher than average yet not high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes.

This subtle difference is crucial, as prediabetes often goes unnoticed due to its mild nature, unlike type 2 diabetes, which presents more evident and urgent symptoms.

The elephant project directly fights the threat of an invasive species while raising money and awareness for environmental issues.

The collective isn’t just using lantana as a sculpting material; it converts tons of agricultural waste products rich in nutrients into biochar and black carbon. The biochar is then buried to improve the soil in India.

Could You Have Prediabetes? Don’t be part of the herd unsure or unaware of their health condition. Take this free, simple RISK TEST Now.

Enjoy this scene from Divabetic’s 10th Annual Original Mystery podcast, Murder Plain As Vanilla, streaming on Spotify, iTunes, and BlogTalkRadio.

t1international’s Insulin Crisis Digital Demonstration Campaign Needs You!

1 in 4 people with diabetes is forced to ration insulin — too often, fatally — because costs continue to skyrocket! Join Mr. Divabetic in supporting @t1international’s Insulin Crisis Digital Demonstration Campaign. Added bonus: @miss__diabetes will animate you!

@T1International aims to highlight the severity of the insulin crisis.

Miss Diabetes @miss__diabetes

In 1923, the discoverers of insulin sold its patent for $1, hoping the low price would keep the essential treatment available to everyone who needed it.

Now, retail prices in the US are around the $300 range for all insulins from the three major brands that control the market reports the BBC.

Submit your photos to fellow diabetes advocate @miss_diabetes by September 10, 2021.


Be part of my animation for T1International and their Insulin Crisis Digital Demonstration!

Here’s how:

Step 1: Take a selfie of yourself holding a sign that states 1 in 2 Can’t Access INSULIN #insulin4all #insulin1in2 – these hashtags are important, so don’t forget to add them! (Your message just has to be visible.)

Step 2: Post a photo of yourself to your Instagram and Tag T1International and @missdiabetes


Step 3: Submit your photo to Miss Diabetes and let her do her magic! 

This global demonstration is open to anyone who wants to send a message to Big Pharma and to people who don’t know about the insulin crisis that is affecting people with diabetes.

If you participate, you will be entered into a random drawing to win a Custom Portrait Print of Yourself (giclee printed) by Miss Diabetes! DEADLINE: 9/10/21

Please help us highlight the insulin crisis during the 100th year of the discovery of insulin and to #advocatedontcelebrate #insulin4all