What’s In Your Bag? 

Many of our community members agree that thinking ahead and being prepared for unexpected issues related to your daily self-care is helpful.  Before you leave your house, make sure you have the necessary supplies with you. 

Talk to your healthcare collaborators about what fits your diabetes lifestyle. It could be a small snack, water bottle, glucose tablets, insulin, glucose monitor, or glucose gels.

Based on your lifestyle, your healthcare collaborators may recommend changes in your meal plan, activity level, or diabetes medicines to help you manage blood sugar swings.

Medical identification (cards, bracelets, or necklaces) can show others that you have diabetes and show whether you take diabetes medicine such as insulin. What’s in your bag? 

Highlights From Divabetic’s Menopause And Diabetes Panel Discussion

Enjoy highlights from Divabetic’s World Menopause Day Panel discussion on Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Our panel was moderated by Divabetic Image & Style Advisor Catherine Schuller and featured Dr. Julianne Arena, Donna Rice, and Amparo.


According to research, hormone levels (most notably estrogen and progesterone) fall dramatically during menopause. Changes to our hormones can affect our blood sugar levels and make managing diabetes more difficult.

Dr. Julianne Arena is a double board-certified physician, a board-certified OBGYN who applies traditional, integrative methods and a multi-layered approach to helping women with sexual health and intimacy issues. She’s also a practitioner of Cliovana, the only treatment available that improves long-term clitoral stimulation with proven sound wave technology. Her goal is to help women create optimal and vibrant lives.

Catherine Schuller is the go-to person in the image industry for all things style and fashion for the plus-size woman. She began as a former Ford Model and became a spokesperson for the industry, a retail editor for Mode magazine, and wrote the highly acclaimed how-to guide The Ultimate Plus Size Modeling Guide, which has helped thousands of young women who want to enter the plus size modeling field. She is a frequently quoted media expert on the puls-size market. She has appeared five times on The View, The Today Show, The Early Show, eight times on Neal Cavuto’s Your World, and many television and radio shows across the United States.

Donna Rice is a registered nurse and a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. She is a national and international thought leader and author of four books, including Divabetic’s ebook Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide To Love And Intimacy With Diabetes. She is a Past President of the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists and the Past President of the  Diabetes Health and Wellness Institute for Baylor Health Care Systems in Dallas, Texas.   Donna is the Chief Operating Officer for DiabetesSisters and The Chief  Evangelist for Call-ai, working on voice-driven AI for diabetes care and education.

Divabetic’s e-book, Sweet Romance: A Woman’s Guide to Love And Intimacy With Diabetes is available now.  Inside you’ll find:

  • The common physical and emotional sexual complications of diabetes and treatment options for men and women
  • An overview of diabetes nutrition, physical activity, weight loss, and diabetes medications
  • Information on how aging impacts diabetes management and intimacy
  • Guidance on how to talk to your health care provider about intimacy-related issues
  • Ideas and techniques for building sexual intimacy and communicating effectively with your partner
  • Tips to help you avoid dangerous or money-wasting fraudulent sexual treatments

Authors Janis Roszler and Donna Rice use humor, helpful examples, and insightful questions to present key topics about sexual health in an engaging, approachable way. This series is perfect for anyone (regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or health status) looking to rekindle intimacy with their partner or be proactive about their sexual and emotional well-being.

BUY NOW: $4.99

Divabetic Healthy Swaps Podcast Coming In June

With a few simple swaps, you can help live your best life while managing your diabetes. Our experts offer straightforward, simple, and fun swap ideas for drinks, medications, self-care, and fashion. Plus, we share style tips and words of inspiration to help you maintain a healthy habit.

Developing these habits isn’t always easy. Adapting to a new routine can be tricky, and it’s often tempting to want to return to old ways if we don’t see immediate results. One of the biggest mistakes people make when forming a new habit is taking on too much too quickly.  Focus on what’s working in your diabetes self-care plan before overhauling diabetes management. Instead of decluttering the entire house, why not focus on one room or closet? Why not focus on the calories you drink rather than everything you eat?  If you want to eat healthier, try replacing one dessert daily with a piece of fruit rather than cutting out sugar completely. If you’re going to get into hiking, start with a walk at lunchtime. Setting small goals you can achieve will help keep you motivated along the way.

Our friend and podcast guest, Dr. Lisa Young, shares some great suggestions for smart swaps for a healthy heart in this Video. Dr. Young, PhD, RDN, CDN is an internationally recognized nutritionist in private practice and offers counseling to adults and children.

Guests include Catherine Schuller, Poet Lorraine Brooks, Patricia Addie-Gentle RD, CDCES, MaryAnn Horst Nicolay, MEd, NDTR, and Mama Rose Marie. Hosted by Mr. Divabetic.

Please feel free to call-in comments at 1-347-215-8551. Diva TalkRadio’s signature show is one you want to hear live every month.

Body Positivity by Dr. Beverly S. Adler, PhD, CDE

This debate about Jillian Michaels (the self-proclaimed “health expert”) and her negative remarks during an interview about Lizzo (rap singer) and her positive self-acceptance is not a new criticism. Jillian Michael’s question, “Why are we celebrating her body?” is not so surprising as she makes her living helping people to lose weight and get fit.  Lizzo, on the other hand, flaunts her curvaceous body size in her costumes when she performs on stage. Her song lyrics reinforce the idea that you can “feel good as hell” about yourself and celebrates how women should feel empowered.

The term body shaming describes the practice of making critical, potentially humiliating comments about a person’s body size or weight. This controversy about “fatness versus fitness” is not so black and white. Not every plus-sized person is unhealthy or has diabetes. Likewise, not every thin person has achieved their weight in a healthy manner, such as those with eating disorders.

How can you respond to body shaming? Try body positivity. It is the belief that all human beings should have a positive body image, while challenging the ways in which society represents and views the physical body. Body positivity advocates the acceptance of all bodies no matter the form, size, or appearance.

It’s human nature to experience hurt feelings when someone says something negative about you.  But the good news is there are a few things you can do to build up your confidence, feel better about yourself, and learn to move on:

1.    DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. Spend time with people who love you for who you are.

2.    DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES YOU FEEL BEAUTIFUL. Get a haircut, treat yourself to a manicure, or wear your favorite outfit.

3.    DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES YOU FEEL ACCOMPLISHED. Love to run, sew, play chess, tell jokes, bake, juggle? We all have special talents, so find what you do well and do it often.4.    DO SOMETHING NICE FOR OTHERS. Pay it forward in the drive-through. Shovel a neighbor’s walk. Mail someone a handwritten note. Small kindnesses can make you feel happy, beautiful, and accomplished at the same time!

Dr. Beverly S. Adler, aka “Dr. Bev”, is a clinical psychologist and Certified Diabetes Educator with a private practice in Baldwin, NY. She was honored in 2016 with the “Certified Diabetes Educator Entrepreneur of the Year Award.”

She is the author/editor of two diabetes self-help books which include insightful lessons of empowerment written by successful men and women with diabetes.  She has published articles in print and online about diabetes management – always with the focus on emotional adjustment. Dr. Bev has been quoted in numerous magazines and contributed to a monthly diabetes advice column online. She is a frequent contributor to the Divabetic Diabetes Daily Wire, where she blogs about diabetes topics from the psychological perspective.

Dr. Bev has lived successfully with type 1 diabetes for 42 years. You can connect with her on her website www.AskDrBev.com and on Twitter @AskDrBev.

Diabetes Late Nite Inspired by Maria Callas

We’re talking about how to minimize DRAMA in our DIABETES LIVES with music from the ultimate diva, Maria Callas on January’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast.

If there’s drama in multiple areas of your diabetes life, be honest with yourself—you’re the constant. Are you creating it? We don’t do anything repeatedly unless there’s something in it for us, so, what’s the payoff?

Every time you find ourselves immersed in something that seems overwhelming, you have an opportunity to learn how to deal with challenges better.

Guests include Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport PhD, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, Lorraine Brooks, American Heart and American Diabetes Association’s Know Diabetes By Heart Ambassador Rob Taub, Yoga for Diabetes Author and Director Rachel Zinman and Patricia Addie-Gentle RN,CDE.

Throughout the podcast we will be featuring music from the Grandiose Stimmen: Maria Callas album courtesy of SONY Music.


Understanding and Treating Heart Attack, Panic Attack, and Hypoglycemic Reaction Beverly S. Adler, PhD, CDE

Heart attack, panic attack, and hypoglycemic reaction (low blood glucose) have symptoms which are common to all three conditions. However, treatment for all three are very different.

Symptoms of a Heart Attack:

Shortness of breath

Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to you neck, jaw, shoulder, or upper back. (Note: women may have a heart attack without chest pain.)

Indigestion, heartburn or abdominal discomfort

Nausea or vomiting

Cold sweat

Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness

Unusual fatigue

Symptoms of a Panic Attack:

Sensations of shortness of breath or being smothered

Over-breathing (hyperventilating)

Nausea or abdominal distress

Dry heaving and/or gagging


Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded or faint

Feeling of choking

Palpitations and/or accelerated heart rate

Chills or hot flushes

Trembling or shaking

Numbness or tingling sensations

Fear of losing control or going insane

Feeling that death is imminent

Symptoms of a Hypoglycemic Reaction (Low Blood Glucose):

Rapid heartbeat

Blurry vision

Sudden nervousness

Unexplained fatigue

Pale skin





Skin tingling

Sudden mood changes

Trouble thinking clearly or concentrating

Loss of consciousness, seizure, coma

What You Should Know About a Heart Attack

Heart disease is the most common cause of death for both women and men in the United States. However, of the nearly 500,000 heart attack deaths that occur each year, more than 239,000 are in women. Women’s symptoms may occur more often when women are resting. Mental stress may trigger heart attack symptoms in women. Sweating is typical for a heart attack, as is nausea, especially for women. Women of all ages should take heart health seriously. Women under the age of 65, and especially those with a family history of heart disease, need to pay close attention to heart disease risk factors. A heart attack is dangerous, and requires prompt medical attention.

You can’t deep-breathe your way out of a heart attack, but you can deep-breathe your way through a panic attack. If you feel your heart is racing, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth several times in a row. If it helps, you’re probably just panicking.  If it’s a heart attack, that deep-breathing is going to hurt.

What You Should Know About a Panic Attack

A panic attack is very sudden in onset and includes an intense fear and anxiety. Panic attacks will be over within 10 minutes (and often less), while heart attacks can last much longer. During a panic attack your body goes into fight or flight mode – your breathing rate increase, muscles tense, and heart rate quicken. A panic attack imposes no immediate danger; it is not going to cause a heart attack. Though it can feel like it, a panic attack won’t kill you.

What You Should Know About a Hypoglycemic Reaction (also known as an Insulin Reaction)

The American Diabetes Association defines hypoglycemia, or low blood glucose, in terms of two levels. Level 1 is when the blood glucose level is lower than 70 mg/dL. Level 2, known as severe hypoglycemia, is when the blood glucose level is lower than 54 mg/dL and requires the assistance from another person to treat. Severe hypoglycemia is classed as a diabetes emergency. If you experience any of the symptoms of hypoglycemia, even if you suspect anxiety, you should check your blood glucose. If you have low blood glucose and it causes symptoms, do not ignore it. Low blood glucose can be potentially life-threatening.

How to Treat a Heart Attack:

Call 911 or your local emergency number. Whenever you’re in doubt about your symptoms, seek care without delay. Only medical tests can rule out the possibility of a heart attack.

Chew and swallow an aspirin, unless you are allergic to aspirin or have been told by your doctor never to take aspirin.

Take nitroglycerin, if prescribed.

Begin CPR if the person is unconscious.

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease:

Quit or don’t smoke.

Exercise regularly.

Maintain a healthy weight.

Eat a healthy diet that includes whole grains, a variety of fruits and vegetables, low fat or fat-free dairy products, and lean meats. Avoid saturated or trans fat, added sugars, and high amounts of salt.

How to Treat a Panic Attack:

Use deep breathing. While hyperventilating is a symptom of panic attacks that can increase fear, deep breathing can reduce symptoms of panic during an attack.

Close your eyes. Some panic attacks come from triggers that overwhelm you.  To reduce the stimuli, close your eyes during your panic attack.  This can block out any extra stimuli and make it easier to focus on your breathing.

Find a focus object. Some people find it helpful to find a single object to focus all of their attention on during a panic attack.  Pick one object in clear sight and consciously note everything about it.

Picture your happy place. What’s the most relaxing place in the world that you can think of and picture yourself there; try to focus on the details as much as possible. This place should be quiet, calm, and relaxing.

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Panic Symptoms:

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs. All of these can trigger or worsen panic attacks.

Practice stress management and relaxation techniques. For example, yoga, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation may be helpful.

Get physically active. Aerobic activity may have a calming effect on your mood.

How to Treat a Hypoglycemic Reaction:

Early symptoms can usually be treated by following the 15-15 rule. Eat or drink 15 grams of a fast-acting carbohydrate. Fast-acting carbohydrates are foods that are easily converted to sugar in the body, such as glucose tablets or gel, fruit juice, or regular soda (not diet soda).

Check your blood glucose again in 15 minutes. If it is still low (below 70 mg/dL) repeat the step above.

If your next meal is more than an hour away, you will need to eat one carbohydrate choice as a snack (along with protein) to keep your blood glucose from going low again.

If you have type 1 diabetes and your blood glucose drops too low, you may pass out. If you do, a drug called glucagon should be injected into your skin, like you do with insulin This can be done by a family member or friend who has been taught how to do it. Since glucagon may cause you to vomit, you should be placed on your side when the injection is given. If no one knows how to give the injection, you should be taken to a hospital. You need a prescription for a glucagon kit. You should awaken about 10 minutes after the glucagon is injected. If you do not, you should be taken to a hospital at once.

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Blood Glucose:

Pay attention to feelings of hunger and give your body what it needs to function properly.

Always carry a fast-acting carbohydrate with you in case you need to treat an insulin reaction.

If you can’t figure out why you have low blood glucose, call your healthcare provider, as your medicine may need to be adjusted.

Understanding the symptoms for heart attack, panic attack, and hypoglycemia is important so you can receive the right treatment. In addition, it’s also important to make lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of heart attack, manage panic symptoms, and manage blood glucose. 

Dr. Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDE

Dr. Beverly S. Adler, aka “Dr. Bev”, is a clinical psychologist and Certified Diabetes Educator with a private practice in Baldwin, NY. She was honored in 2016 with the “Certified Diabetes Educator Entrepreneur of the Year Award.”

She is the author/editor of two diabetes self-help books which include insightful lessons of empowerment written by successful men and women with diabetes.  She has published articles in print and online about diabetes management – always with the focus on emotional adjustment. Dr. Bev has been quoted in numerous magazines and contributed to a monthly diabetes advice column online. She is a frequent contributor to the Divabetic Diabetes Daily Wire, where she blogs about diabetes topics from the psychological perspective.

Dr. Bev has lived successfully with type 1 diabetes for 42 years. You can connect with her on her website www.AskDrBev.com and on Twitter @AskDrBev.

Join us for Clued Inn Escape Room, the first-ever, free Diabetes & Heart Health Escape Room Experience on National Diabetes Alert Day, Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 5- 10PM in New York City. Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Space Limited.  BOOK NOW 

‘Self-Acceptance & Diabetes’ by Beverly S. Adler, PhD, CDE Clinical Psychologist and Certified Diabetes Educator

“Figure out who you are and do it on purpose” – Dolly Parton            

This month’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast talks about self-acceptance and diabetes. Max “Mr. Divabetic” Szadek focuses attention on Julie Murphy’s book Dumplin’ and spotlighting the music of Dolly Parton who helped make the soundtrack for the Netflix movie. To summarize (and simplify) the story, it’s about a plus-size teenageddaughter of a former beauty queen, who learns how to accept her body and feel proud of who she is.

Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy

Self-acceptance can be an emotional struggle for many people, especially for women who judge their appearance critically. You fill in the blank: “I am too ______” short, tall, fat, skinny, young or old, etc. Let’s remember not to judge a book by its cover! Plus-size people can be superficially judged by their body type instead of what’s on the inside. It’s unfair, but you can’t change what others think. Try to remember to be yourself. People don’t have to like you, but you don’t have to care.

Some people are judged critically for having diabetes. It is assumed, and they are unfairly blamed and shamed, that they lead an unhealthy lifestyle (i.e. eating too many sweets, and being lazy). It’s hurtful to be so harshly judged, especially with no evidence to support those accusations. You know in your heart of hearts what is true and what is untrue. Remember that the most important relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself.

Benefits of Self-Acceptance

Self-acceptance is necessary for good mental health.  A person who scores high on self-acceptance has a positive, non-judging attitude.  A person treats themselves kindly, rather than harshly.  A person allows themselves to be human, to make mistakes and learn from them. Know that as humans we are not perfect, nor should we be expected to act flawlessly.

Psychological benefits of self-acceptance include a decrease in depressive symptoms and an increase in positive emotions. Positive benefits include an increase in feelings of self-worth and self-esteem, and more self-kindness when mistakes occur. Self-acceptance is associated with more optimism and better recovery from stress. Other psychological benefits are a decrease in fear of failure, less desire to win the approval of others, and less self-criticism.  Physical benefits include lower levels of glycosylated hemoglobin (a marker for glucose levels/insulin resistance).

Tips for Self-Acceptance

Use self-talk to encourage yourself. Tell yourself to keep trying and focus on positive aspects of what you did.

Forgive yourself. You have to accept your humanness and the fact that you are not perfect. If you hurt yourself through addictive behavior, avoidance, or otherwise behaving unwisely, make a coping plan for the next time you are in a similar situation so that you can begin to act differently. Remember, there are no failures, if you have learned and grown from your mistakes; there are only lessons learned.

Become mindful. Know what you think, feel and want. When you are mindful you can act on this knowledge rather than on what others want for you.

Practice good self-care. You can accept yourself more, when you take better care of your basic needs. Nourish yourself daily through healthy activities, like choosing healthful food choices, physical activity, sleep, intimacy, and healthy social interactions.

Final Thoughts

Challenge your negative thoughts about yourself. The underlying message of Dumplin is to figure out who you are and do it on purpose. Treat yourself with self-compassion. Tolerate yourself to be imperfect in some parts. We are deserving of love and respect just the way we are. Value yourself and all the things that make you unique. We are all works in progress.

Dr. Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDE

Dr. Beverly S. Adler, aka “Dr. Bev”, is a clinical psychologist and Certified Diabetes Educator with a private practice in Baldwin, NY. She was honored in 2016 with the “Certified Diabetes Educator Entrepreneur of the Year Award.”

She is the author/editor of two diabetes self-help books which include insightful lessons of empowerment written by successful men and women with diabetes.  She has published articles in print and online about diabetes management – always with the focus on emotional adjustment. Dr. Bev has been quoted in numerous magazines and contributed to a monthly diabetes advice column online. She is a frequent contributor to the Divabetic Diabetes Daily Wire, where she blogs about diabetes topics from the psychological perspective.

Dr. Bev has lived successfully with type 1 diabetes for 42 years. You can connect with her on her website www.AskDrBev.com and on Twitter @AskDrBev.

Don’t miss February’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast in support of the ‘Spare A Rose, Save A Child’campaign on Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 6 – 7:30 PM, EST.  We’re talking about ‘SELF ACCEPTANCE & DIABETES’ with musical inspiration from Country Superstar, Dolly Parton. Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Dr.Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDE, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP,  Lisa R Young, PhD, RDN and more. Enjoy selected songs from Dolly Parton’s new album Dumplin’ Original Motion Picture Soundtrack courtesy of SONY Music.  TUNE IN

Divabetic Remembers Phyllis Hyman

We’re going ‘beyond the music’ to explore the chronic health hardships experienced by beloved musicians giving hope to others struggling with the same issues.

Singer and actress, Phyllis Hyman was best known for her soulful music during the late–1970s through the early–1990s including the songs; “You Know How to Love Me” (1979), “Living All Alone” (1986) and “Old Friend” (1991). Phyllis Hyman also performed on Broadway in the 1981 musical based on the music of Duke Ellington, Sophisticated Ladies, which ran from 1981 until 1983.

Let’s be clear, Phyllis Hyman was not living with diabetes but she was battling depression and other mental health issues throughout her life.

People with diabetes tend to suffer higher rates of depression according to research.  As many as one in five people with diabetes think about suicide, some on a daily basis. People considering suicide don’t always advertise their plans, but those with diabetes might be doing so by neglecting their diabetes management.And suicide or suicide attempts using insulin or other diabetes medications that lower blood sugar levels may not always be an easy-to-spot attempt at self-harm, they added.

Born in Pittsburgh in 1950, Phyllis Hyman was the eldest of seven children. She grew up in Philadelphia listening to a wide range of music from James Brown to Nina Simone via Karen Carpenter and Minnie Ripperton.

Her big break came when she gained the attention of the jazz drummer Norman Connors, who had something of a reputation for discovering female vocalists (including Jean Carne). In 1976, Phyllis Hyman’s sultry rendition of The Stylistics’ “Betcha By Golly Wow” proved a favorite on the R & B radio stations in the United States.

She then signed to the New-York-based Buddha record label and cut several fine tracks which became staple fare on an emerging radio format, the “quiet storm” – soul ballads played late into the night.

When she should have been soaring like the gifted songbird she was, Phyllis Hyman’s mental health issues took control of her life. She committed suicide a few days before her 45th birthday, a few hours before she was due to appear at the Apollo Theatre, in Harlem.

This is the story as reported by Ms. Hyman’s friend and manager Gelinda Garcia on Depressionmymuse.wordpress com:

“Phyllis had a philosophy about life, death and her body. Simply, she felt that because it was her life, it was also her death. Because it was her body, she had the right to do with it as she chose, including leaving it behind when she was ready to.

Although she was not a member of the Hemlock Society, she was very clear that suicide was indeed an option for those whose lives could not be managed successfully because there was just too much pain : emotionally, physically and spiritually.

About ten years earlier, Phyllis was diagnosed as being “bi-polar”, a medical term for someone who suffers from the dis-ease of manic-depression. As she got older, her disease became more and more difficult for her to manage. She elected not to use pharmaceutical medication. She elected to self medicate. Her self medication distorted her disease more and more, until she felt helpless about ever being able to recover from it.

It is important to note that she had attempted suicide twice before she actually committed suicide. Because she and I talked about suicide as an option to living a painful life, I was not surprised by her death. I was and am still very sorrowful that she actually made the decision to ascend June 30, 1995.“

“As an artist, she sang her desperation. “She has a song that is a soundtrack of her entire life, ‘You Just Don’t Know What I’ve Been Going Through,’ ” said Frank Sheffield, Hyman’s long-time friend who managed the jazz station at Hampton (Va.) University, where Hyman often appeared.

The connection point between diabetes and suicide is depression. About 16 percent of the general population experience depression, but the percentage is nearly doubled among those with diabetes. 

In Everyday Health Ed Cook, who was diagnosed with diabetes 38 years ago gradually lost his vision and then his driver’s license, his business, and most recently, one toe to amputation, depression infiltrated his life. A religious person, he struggled against thoughts of suicide and sought help.

“The complications led me to severe depression,” Cook admitted. He entered treatment, which included anti-depressants for a time, and he now regularly attends both therapy and support groups. “It helps to know I am not alone,” he said. “Diabetes is not the end of the world.”

But Cook also acknowledges that his battle is not over. Periodically, he still feels some despair as he continues to face the screenings and health assessments, such as vascular checkups, that are intended to catch complications before they do too much damage. Still, through prayer and therapy, he said, he’s come to see that even now he has a role and a purpose. “I try to be an encouragement to people,” he said.

Are You Feeling Suicidal? 

No matter how much pain you’re experiencing right now, you’re not alone. Some of the finest, most admired, needed, and talented people have been where you are now. Feeling suicidal is not a character defect, and it doesn’t mean that you are crazy, or weak, or flawed. It only means that you have more pain than you can cope with right now.

The pain of depression can be treated and hope can be renewed. No matter what your situation, there are people who need you, places where you can make a difference, and experiences that can remind you that life is worth living. It takes real courage to face death and step back from the brink. You can use that courage to face life, to learn coping skills for overcoming depression, and for finding the strength to keep going. Remember:

  1. Your emotions are not fixed – they are constantly changing. How you feel today may not be the same as how you felt yesterday or how you’ll feel tomorrow or next week.
  2. Your absense would create grief and anguish in the lives of friends and loved ones.
  3. There are many things you can still accomplish in your life.
  4. There are sights, sounds, and experiences in life that have the ability to delight and lift you – and that you would miss.
  5. Your ability to experience pleasurable emotions is equal to your ability to experience distressing emotions.

Mental health conditions such as depression, and bipolar disorder are treatable with changes in lifestyle, therapy, and medication. Most people who seek help can improve their situation and recover.

Take these immediate steps: Promise not to do anything right now, avoid drugs and alchohol, make your home safe, and don’t keep these suicidal feelings to yourself.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. 1-800273-8255

Off-Off Broadway Soul Divas Night Out Presents Strength of a Woman: A Phyllis Hyman Tribute Experience Starring Queen Diva is an intimate 75 minute concert that is a celebration of Phyllis Hyman’s musical legacy. Featuring Sonja Elise Freeman, ASCAP Singer/Songwriter, Author, Teacher, Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention Advocate will sing her favorite songs to celebrate the life and musical legacy of the Legendary Songstress Phyllis Linda Hyman. BUY TICKETS

Join us for the inaugural Fandross Festival presented by the Vandross Family Estate and Divabetic celebrating the musical legacy of Luther Vandross and raising awareness for the prevention of diabetes health-related complications such as stroke on Saturday, May 12, 2018, 6:30 -9:30 PM at SVA Theater. BUY TICKETS 


We’re talking about ‘Diabetes, Sleep & Mental Health Issues’ on Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with musical inspiration from the iconic Phyllis Hyman. Guests include Alyson Williams, Queen Diva, Patricia Farrell PhD, Kristina Wolfe, ‘Tabouli: The Story of a Heart-Driven Diabetes Alert Dog’ Author Matt Pelicano, Elizabeth Vaughan Gallagher, Stacie Shonkwiler, and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach with Patricia Addie-Gentle. Throughout the podcast we will be featuring music from ‘The Essential Phyllis Hyman’ album courtesy of SONY Music.