Tim Brand from ‘My Bleeding Finger’ Blog is our special guest on Divabetic’s upcoming Diabetes Roundtable podcast scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2013, 6 – 7 PM, EST. Here’s Tim’s ‘Diagnosis to Dude’ story:
Name: Tim Brand
Status: Father of 2 girls with Type 1 Diabetes
Diagnosis: (Month/Day/Year) April 1 2009, and April 10 2011 at ages 3 and 3 ½
Diagnosis To Dude: Two fold, in the endocrinology clinic at children’s hospital telling the certified diabetes educator (CDE) that they would need to send a nurse to our house to help us, I couldn’t do that kind of care. She said you can do it, later that night I gave our daughter her first shot of long acting insulin. Two years later I checked youngest daughter and she had a BG of 501. Then I began to write and advocate for Type 1 Diabetes and my 2 girls that live with it. Before I wrote, I could do all the diabetes care, I became a vocal advocate after 2nd diagnoses. I could no longer site on the bench.
Biggest Self-Care Issue or Concern: Societal ignorance that puts my daughters at risk and or the FDA.
Special members of healthcare entourage: My wife, she is a d-mom extraordinaire, the entire DOC and of course our Endocrinology team. We have a great team, our girls hugs our Endocrinology and CDE when they see them. They encourage us and tell us we are doing a great job. They are always upbeat and positive. I’ve never heard a negative word from them. The DOC because they are always there to vent to, ask advice and encourage me on hard days.
Diabetes Associations & Organizations Affiliated With:
http://diabetesadvocates.org/ We are a collective of individuals and organizations that offer expertise, resources, and support to those touched by diabetes. We believe that connecting with others living with and caring for diabetes, and providing emotional and anecdotal support, goes hand-in-hand with the support of a healthcare provider.
http://bleedingfinger.com/ My personal blog on Type 1 Diabetes. I tell the story of my 2 girls with Type 1 Diabetes and advocate on issues related to Diabetes.
http://www.tudiabetes.org/ Tudiabetes, a community of people touched by diabetes. I am a member and supporter.
Favorite Diabetes Resource: Dlife.com
Twitter Account: @bleedingfinger
Favorite Diabetes Self-care Product: G4 by Dexcom. Its help my wife and I get more sleep. Very accurate.
Motivating Mindset:
I have 2 daughters diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes exactly 2 years apart. They were both 3 years old when diagnosed. I motivated to help them stay healthy and keep life as normal as I can. I never want them to feel like they are a burden to me and my wife. It our job to take care of them diabetes and all; it’s our job to love them diabetes and all. It is scary to have a child diagnosed with Type 1, but you can do it. Just take the info your endocrinology team lays out and follow that. You will learn to adjust and a few months everything slows down and you will find a new normal for your family.
Your Motto: Tomorrow can’t wait, enjoy what you have today and make as many people smile around you as you can. ‘Carpe Diem’ is also a good motto.
Download Tim’s Story