D-Story: Molly

Diagnosis to Diva
Diagnosis to Diva

May’s Diabetes Roundtable podcast special guest, Molly from Amsterdam is a mother of three and has been living with diabetes since 1999. But juggling the roles of wife and mother haven’t stopped her from getting involved with 100Campaign to make insulin available to everyone. We hope Molly’s story helps to empower you to manage your diabetes with confidence, knowledge and inspiration (like a diva!) this month.

Diagnosis To Diva: I’m a Midwestern girl, built of sturdy farm stock people who are quiet hard workers and don’t complain. I was raised learning to look at every obstacle in life and just “get over it, and on with it.” When I was first diagnosed, after spending the weekend in the hospital because of blood sugars over 900 and being shoved back into the world a few days later with really not much more than the knowledge of how to inject an orange with insulin, I figured I’d better just get on with it. I was a senior in college (in the middle of mid terms!) – 2 months away from graduation, about to start my career. I basically just figured it out all on my own – and didn’t really talk about it to anyone. I lived the next ten years with my diabetes this way – doing well but not really speaking much about my diabetes.

Diagnosis to Diva: Molly
Diagnosis to Diva: Molly

The irony of course of this is that I worked in global health and was a huge proponent of encouraging those most affected by a condition – be it HIV, diabetes, etc to be at the forefront of the advocacy. In 2010 I began working for a diabetes youth empowerment organization called AYUDA. Here I was surrounded by other amazing vivacious young people who were living “out loud” with diabetes- unashamed to test blood in front of crowds – wearing their insulin pumps outside their clothes- and I was still in hiding. Finally I realized I had to get out there and practice what I preached. I tested my blood sugar at a meeting in front of strangers. I spoke at a global meeting and finally talked about my experiences as a person living with diabetes. It was invigorating and liberating to finally become a full fledge member of this diabetes community. It was a huge step for me and ultimately helped me improve my diabetes health as well!

Biggest Self-Care Issue or Concern: I think now that I’m a mom of three kids and a husband who travels quite a bit for work, my main concern for myself is just watching my lows when I’m alone with kids.

Special members of healthcare entourage: My kids! Inspire me every day to stay healthy and live a long long long life!

Diabetes Associations/Organizations/Publications You’re Affiliated With: Founded in 2012, the 100 Campaign is a global movement committed to tearing down the barriers to access to insulin for all that need it. Disheartened by the lack of global action towards access to insulin, a small team of advocates with experience in diabetes communities in resource poor settings came together to launch the 100 Campaign.

Favorite Diabetes Resource: my Medtronic pump!

Favorite Celebrity Diva: Tina Turner. She’s overcome so much on her own to become not only an inspiration and an icon but a unflappable cool customer with the most amazing legs. Ever.

Favorite Movie and/or TV Show: The Graduate/Project Runway

Favorite Song: Always (Atlantic Starr)

Which Diva inspires you the most? Your 3 choices are: Carol King, Carol Burnett and Florence Henderson ‘Carol Brady’. Carol Burnett. Proof that women have a sense of humor!

Motivating Mindset: Diabetes is a journey – not a destination. Your in it for the long run so dont stress every single bump in the road. For me the most important thing I learned was that everyone is totally different on how you handle your condition – there is no “right” way to do it. When thinking about your cafe you are your best advocate!

Your Motto: Pedal to the metal!

COMING SOON: May’s Diabetes Roundtable Inspired by Kate Middleton featuring Mr. Divabetic,Catherine Schuller, Patricia Addie Gentle RN, CDE, Kathy Gold RN, CDE, Mama Rose Marie, the Digital divas(Taryn and Jessica), Molly Lepeska from 100Campaign and Liz Wolff, the owner of CURE Thrift Shop in New York, NY http://www.blogtalkradio.com/divatalkradio1/2013/05/14/diabetes-roundtable-inspired-by-kate-middleton
