First Listen: Crystal Penny’s STANDARDS on Solar Radio


There’s nothing more thrilling than hearing your music on the radio!

Yesterday, my new song, STANDARDS, by the dynamic duo CRYSTAL PENNY (sisters Crystal Wilson Blackmon and Penni Wilson), produced by Ivan Hampden Jr., was featured on Richard Marzetti’s Soul Life program on Solar Radio Radio, the UK’s #1 music station bringing you soul, jazz, funk, soulful house, R&B, disco and more.

CRYSTAL PENNY began their career known as The Lovations with a string of original classical soul hits that recently went viral. Since then, they have shared the stage or recorded with such icons as Barry White, Maurice White, Rick James, Lou Rawls, Diana Ross, and Curtis Mayfield & the Impressions, among many others. Their sweet harmonies accompany the late maestro Barry White on his classic hit Practice What You Preach.

The two also appeared on OWN network’s reality TV show, Flex & Shanice, starring Crystal’s daughter, Grammy-nominated recording artist Shanice Wilson (best known for her megahit, I Like Your Smile), her husband, actor and comedian, Flex, and their children.

Growing up in a family of gifted singers, the sisters started harmonizing at a young age. With music in their souls, they continue to thrive after five decades of brilliant song.

STANDARDS is a timeless R&B tune brought to life by CRYSTAL PENNY‘s trademark vocal harmonies, engaging melody, and lyrics praising the legendary soul music divas. Already embraced by UK audiences, CRYSTAL PENNY’s new single is a follow-up to their original soul classic recordings (performed under the name The Lovations) that have gone viral.

A 90s dating experience from my years living in San Francisco inspired the song’s lyrics when I discovered how the sentiments expressed in our favorite songs shape our thoughts and expectations about love.

I’ll have much more to share about the song and the talented collaborators I worked with when STANDARDS is released in mid-April on all music platforms, including Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon.

You can hear STANDARDS on Soul Life (1:16 mark). Click on the LINK to LISTEN NOW

Rosie O’Donnell Treated Her Sleep Apnea, So You Should Too!

“I had a problem that I was kind of embarrassed about,”says Rosie O’Donnell. “I was tossing, turning, and snoring like a buzz saw.”

Every night, millions of people like Rosie miss out on countless hours of sleep because of sleep apnea—and many more cases go undiagnosed!

Many women going through menopause assume they have insomnia, but they may have sleep apnea. Moreover, the two conditions have similar symptoms, including daytime fatigue, mood problems, and decreased work productivity. This is why it’s so important to be tested for sleep apnea rather than try to treat your condition with over-the-counter sleep aids or blame the quality of your duvet for maintaining a healthy night’s sleep.

Sleep Apnea Myth: “I’m a light sleeper.”

Studies have shown over and over again that you, as a patient, are very poor at predicting whether or not you have obstructive sleep apnea. This is because it only happens while you are sleeping.

Sleep Apnea Myth: “I don’t snore.”

Many people think obstructive sleep apnea is severe snoring. But many people with mild to moderate conditions may not snore at all. Remember that snoring, by definition, means that one is still breathing (somewhat). Apnea means total blockage. So,if you are not breathing, you are not snoring.

Rosie’s doctor said that when she underwent a sleep test, they discovered she was waking up over 200 times during the night, and she stopped breathing for almost forty seconds.

However, this severe condition affecting many people with diabetes is treatable.

Sleep apnea is a blockage of the airway, making it difficult to breathe. When this happens, your body wakes up so you can breathe, resulting in sleep loss.

Once a proper diagnosis was reached, Rosie was treated with CPAP, or a continuous positive airway pressure machine. She admitted that after one night of use with the CPAP she noticed an incredible difference.

Could sleep apnea be slowly ruining your life and hurting your health? You’ll never know until you get tested like Rosie O’Donnell. There are many options for getting an official diagnosis of sleep apnea, including a home sleep test.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) alters glucose metabolism and promotes insulin resistance. Over time these consistently higher glucose levels lead to a higher A1C and a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.

We’re talking about nighttime diabetes management with musical inspiration from Gladys Knight & The Pips courtesy of SONY Music.

Gladys Knight doesn’t have diabetes, but the disease is as close to her heart as the memories of her mother, Elizabeth Knight, who died of complications from the disease in 1997. The five-time Grammy award winner never misses an opportunity to voice the message of early detection and treatment of diabetes.

Gladys shares her final words of wisdom: ”Do something about diabetes … Know more, do more!” Knight feels nearly as passionate about spreading that message as she does about the incredible singing career her mom helped her launch some 54 years ago.

Guests include Stacey Harris aka The Diabetic Pastry Chef, Mary Ann Hodorowicz, RD, LDN, MBA, CDCES, CEC, SleepyHead Central founder Tamara Sellman RPSGT, CCSH, Poet Lorraine Brooks and Mama Rose Marie.

A Silent Film You Don’t Want To Miss: The Unknown

Recently, I saw the silent film, The Unknown, directed by Tod Browning and made in 1927 at the Walter Reade Theater at the Film at Lincoln Center. It was part of the series, Unspeakable by Tod Browning. Our screening featured live musical accompaniment by Donald Sosin. Donal Sosin is celebrating his fiftieth anniversary of partnering with Film at Lincoln Center.
Coincidentally, diabetes is known as the “silent killer” because many people with type 2 diabetes often initially have no symptoms. Mismanaged diabetes or untreated diabetes can cause much glucose or blood sugar in the bloodstream, negatively affecting the whole body, including the cardiovascular system, circulation, eyesight, and kidney function. 
Also, high blood pressure is often called the “silent killer” because it may show no symptoms. High blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease, heart failure, and stroke. Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure to unhealthy levels. Having more than three drinks in one sitting temporarily raises blood pressure.
According to the Film at Lincoln Center’s website, Tod Browning (1880–1962) ranks among his time’s most original and enigmatic filmmakers. He made some of the most bizarre and eerily atmospheric silent era films, including The Unknown, starring Lon Chaney, widely considered Browning’s masterpiece. The Unknown also stars a young effervescent Joan Crawford. It’s a remarkable film. Sadly, it was billed as a horror film but not by today’s standards.

Lon Cheney plays an armless knife thrower, “Alonzo the Armless,” in a carnival. He alls in head over heels in love with the carnival owner’s daughter, Nonan, played by Joan Crawford.
Nonan sees a man kill her father outside her trailer’s window but doesn’t realize it’s
Alonzo because the killer strangles her father with his arms.
Alonzo and his tiny sidekick, Cojo, have everyone fooled because  Alonzo is an imposter. Secretly, he wears a corset to tightly strap his arms to his torso so no one can see them. Cojo also knows Alonzo is a notorious criminal who has burglarized numerous people in the towns the carnival has traveled to. Still, Alonzo can live beyond police suspicion because they believe he has no arms. His life at the carnival is going well until he notices the carnival’s strong man, Malabar, is also infatuated with Nonan. Alonzo can’t bare to see anyone else vie for Nonan’s affection.
Unfortunately, his heart is in turmoil. Alonzo knows if Nonan learned that he killed her father, she would never love him. To win her love, Alonzo comes up with a plan to win her love.

Lon Cheney is so good at expressing his character’s inner pain, even without saying a word, that the plot’s bizarre twists and turns are still believable.

Alonzo decides to cut off both his arms. He enlists a top surgeon to operate by blackmailing him. Alonzo has dirt about the surgeon’s torrid past in Algiers. He threatens to reveal the surgeon’s wrongdoing unless the surgery succeeds. Several months of recovery go by before Alonzo can return home. When he finally reunites with Nonan, it’s too late. During their separation, Nonan fell in in love with Malabar. The two lovebirds plan to marry.  Alonzo is enraged. He has no choice but to kill Malabar. The most obvious way is to sabotage Malabar’s new sideshow routine. Malabar has devised an elaborate stage show to prove he is the world’s strongest man. He will tie his arms to two horses that attempt to pull his limbs off by galloping in different directions.
Alonzo’s plans spiral out of control from there.
It’s storytelling at its best. I was blown away by the acting, the scenery, and the plot.

What scares you most about diabetes? 

Many people fear complications associated with mismanaged diabetes, including stroke, blindness, and amputation. Although these conditions can be debilitating, they can all be prevented. Properly managing your diabetes can help you avoid the stress and anxiety around those intrusive thoughts and fears. The best way to start is to enlist the help of a certified diabetes care and education specialist (CDCES). LEARN MORE

Should New York State Ban Menthol?

Whitney Houston smoked Newport menthol cigarettes. She admitted many times she could not quit even though she was aware of the damage to her voice caused by smoking. By the end of her life, her voice was shot.
Clive Davis recalls her admitting, “I understand I can’t just cut back. I’ve got to stop. I promise I will.”
Unfortunately, Whitney’s failure to quit smoking menthol cigarettes is not uncommon.
Menthol flavoring masks the harsh taste of cigarette smoke, and menthol smokers engage in more intense smoking behaviors than regular cigarettes.
Basically, menthol cigarettes numb your lungs. It has a cooling and painkilling effect, so people who smoke menthol tend to inhale more deeply and have a harder time quitting smoking. As a result, they suffer greater damage to their health.

About 18.5 million people in the United States are regular menthol smokers. That’s 37% of the cigarette market. Here’s a breakdown of their use by race in the United States:

  • 85% of Black smokers smoke menthols
  • 46% of Hispanic smokers smoke menthols
  • 39% of Asian American smokers smoke menthols

The health effects of smoking disproportionately impact black and brown communities with a higher rate of menthol use.

One can speculate that a superstar like Whitney Houston had the means to seek professional support to help her overcome her menthol addiction. She even had an excellent reason to quit.

Clive Davis feels that menthol cigarettes destroyed Whitney Houston’s voice. If they can damage a powerful voice like hers, imagine what they can do to your lungs.

“We were trying to get her to stop smoking,” Clive Davis told reports. “It was a serious problem because it affected her singing.”

Menthols and mint are also extremely popular among teenage smokers. More than half of cigarette smokers ages 12 to 17 use menthol cigarettes.

The more cigarettes you smoke, the higher your risk for type 2 diabetes. People who smoke cigarettes are 30%–40% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than people who don’t smoke. Smoking also makes it harder to manage your diabetes.

New York State Governor Hochul hopes to ban menthol cigarettes and other flavored tobacco while raising the tax on smokes by $1 — claiming it’ll fuel the black market, be hard to enforce and worsen police-community relations.

Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in New York and the US. In 2020, 22.5% of youths used an e-cigarette. Every year, approximately 4,300 New Yorkers under 18 become daily smokers, statistics show.

About 280,000 New Yorkers under 18 are projected to die prematurely from smoking, while 28,200 New York adults die annually.

To get help to quit using tobacco products, can text VAPEFREETX to 88709. Parents can text QUIT to 202-899-7550 for tips and advice for helping teens and young adults quit using tobacco or vape products.

Learn how to become your own ‘Diabetes Bodyguard’ on this episode of Divabetic’s podcast with musical inspiration from one our all-time favorite divas, Whitney Houston.

Guests include  Dr. Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDCES, Constance Brown Riggs MSEd, RD, CDCES, CDN, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach featuring Patricia Addie Gentle RN, CDCES, Mindy Bartleson, T1D, blogger at “There’s More to the Story,” and author, Hairstylist & Salon Owner, Karline Ricketts, and America’s #1 Energy Conductor, Kathie Dolgin aka ‘High Voltage’.

Divabetic Remembers Sharon Paige

“Sharon (Paige) possessed one of the most unique female vocals that blended perfectly with the smooth singing and vocal prowess of Harold Melvin and Teddy Pendergrass,” said Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff, founders of Philadelphia International Records, in a statement.

Singer Sharon Paige, who performed with Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, died from cardiovascular disease and mismanaged diabetes in 2020 at 67.

“Cardiovascular disease” has three types and covers a broad term that covers a long list of conditions:

  • Atherosclerosis: This condition causes fatty plaque to build up in your blood vessels, which can lead to events like a heart attack or stroke.
  • Arrhythmia is also known as an “irregular heartbeat. This condition is caused by structural changes or damage to your heart.
  • Heart failure occurs when your heart muscles weaken and lack blood supply.

You and your family should be aware of the common signs and symptoms. However, many symptoms can be more or less severe than others, and some people may experience no symptoms.

Having type 2 diabetes means thinking about your heart because you’re twice as likely to have heart disease or a stroke than someone who doesn’t have diabetes—and at a younger age.

Over time, high blood sugar can damage the blood vessels and nerves that control your heart.

From daily blood sugar monitoring for managing your A1C to adding exercise and making smart food choices, these changes are important for helping you stay heart-healthy.

According to her son, Jean-Baptiste, Sharon Paige stopped performing in the last decade of her life due to diabetes.

I speculate that the grueling touring schedule prohibited her from performing, especially if she was coping with diabetes health-related complications such as nerve damage (neuropathy,) loss of vision, or ambulatory issues.

It could have been challenging to stay on stage for long periods if Sharon Paige suffered from the most common diabetes complication, nerve damage. Nerve damage causes numbness and pain, often affecting the feet and legs, but it can also affect your digestion, blood vessels, and heart.

Sadly, there’s a lack of information regarding her diabetes mismanagement, similar to many celebrity health articles, to provide readers with a greater understanding.

We’re celebrating Divabetic’s 12th Year Anniversary of Podcasting with musical inspiration from Babyface and music from his A Closer Look album courtesy of SONY Music. Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Susan Weiner MS, RDN, CDCES, FADCES, Ivan Hampden Jr., and Collage Artist Tom Cocotos. Hosted by Max “Mr. Divabetic” Szadek.

Divabetic’s Bride’s Guide to Diabetes podcast

Make a vow to live well with diabetes.

Tune in to Divabetic’s Bride’s Guide to Diabetes podcast.

If you’re living with, at risk of, or affected by diabetes, planning or attending a wedding, this inside guide to one of life’s most significant celebrations is for you!

Mr. Divabetic officiates a full hour of diabetes information and inspiration featuring a guest list of wedding, food and fashion experts offering tips and suggestions for brides, grooms, attendants, and attendees. Brides living with type 1 diabetes share how they juggled blood sugars and last-minute nerves.

Guests include Jessica Issler RD, CDCES, Judi Wilcox RD, CDCES, Wedding Cake Designer Christine Campanelli, Celebrity Cookbook Author Holly Clegg, Divabetic Style Expert Catherine Schuller, and Former Brides.

Photo by Gift Habeshaw

Divabetic inspiration, Luther Vandross has been a choice of music for many brides and grooms. Many of his songs are still being played today. His emotion and topic of love are perfect for wedding music.

Released in 1989 on the album The Best of Luther Vandross: The Best of Love, “Here and Now” was a wedding super hit in the 1990s and was played at thousands of weddings as the first dance song for wedding couples. Here and Now peaked and number six on the Billboard Hot 100.

Luther Vandross ‘Live at Radio City Music Hall 2003’ 20th Anniversary Edition Announced

I was there when Luther Vandross recorded his first and only live album at Radio City Music Hall in 2003. It’s a bittersweet memory because it was also Luther’s last live performance. Unfortunately, in April 2003, Luther suffered a stroke due to mismanaged type 2 diabetes. His Radio City concerts would be his last, and he was at the peak of his powers during these shows. Thankfully, the newly-restored concert recording captures Luther’s masterful showmanship, soulful singing, and deep connection to his audience. Luther’s live concerts were indeed a spectacle. Great music, vocals, lavish costumes, and staging ensured concertgoers got their money’s worth.

J  Records and Legacy Recordings, the catalog division of Sony Music Entertainment, are pleased to announce the deluxe digital release of Luther Vandross – Live Radio City Music Hall 2003 – Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition – The Last Concert on Friday, February 10.

A romantic prelude to Valentine’s Day 2023, Luther’s Radio City rendition of “I’d Rather” [the second #1 Billboard Adult R&B Songs chart-topper from 2001’s Top 10 platinum-selling eponymous album] is being released as a single accompanied by an elegant new lyric video [the first-ever created for the song] premiering online today.

Luther Vandross–the award-winning American singer, songwriter, producer, and performer whose exquisite tenor vocals combined elements of R&B, pop, soul, and indefinable magic while selling millions of records–performed two sold-out shows at New York’s fabled Radio City Music Hall on February 11 and 12, 2003. These shows were part of an annual tradition of performing at Radio City Music Hall on Valentine’s Day.

At these shows, superstar stylist June Ambrose helped me to borrow Harry Winston jewels for Luther and his backing vocalists to wear on stage. The sparkle of real diamonds added to the elegance and excitement of the evening.

J Records released Luther Vandross – Live Radio City Music Hall 2003, an eleven-song edited version of the concert, on October 14, 2003. On the 20th anniversary of Luther’s final shows, J/Legacy are releasing an expanded edition featuring the full concert, with the setlist restored to original concert order and Luther’s on-stage banter providing insight into his personality, sense of humor and commitment to his audience and his songs.

The expanded 20th-anniversary edition of Luther Vandross – Live Radio City 2003 includes the eleven songs from the original release as well as four new tracks–“Power of Love/Love Power,” “Going Out of My Head,” “Any Day Now,” and “Say It Now”–and more.

Luther Vandross – Live Radio City Music Hall 2003 – Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition – The Last Concert
1. Power of Love / Love Power [new track]
2. Happy Valentine’s Day [spoken word]
3. Never Too Much
4. Work It/ Here and Now [spoken word]
5. Here And Now
6. Going Out Of My Head [new track]
7. Stop To Love
8. Love Won’t Let Me Wait
9. Any Day Now [new track]
10. A House Is Not A Home
11. I’d Rather
12. Take You Out
13. Say It Now [new track]
14. Superstar
15. Band Introduction [spoken word and music including :30 seconds of “I Believe”]
16. Intro to “Glow Of Love” [spoken word]
17. Glow Of Love
18. Encore [spoken word]
19. If Only For One Night
20. Creepin’

Luther Vandross ‘Live at Radio City Music Hall 2003’ 20th Anniversary Edition album is available now for preorder on iTunes. Release date February 10, 2023.

Divabetic Podcast Inspired by Dolly Parton

Happy Birthday, Dolly Parton!

In her 77 years on this earth, Dolly Parton has taught us many lessons—like never skimp on hair spraySo, in honor of the Grammy-winning singer-songwriter, Oscar/Emmy/Tony–nominated actress, and philanthropist extraordinaire, we dedicate this Divabetic podcast to her.

If you’re ever experiencing a bout of self-doubt or lacking in the self-love department, there maybe you need a dose of Dolly Parton. As referenced in The New York Times, one fan summed up her appreciation like this: “I’ll tell you why I love her… Dolly is everything I never dared to be. Sure, she’s outrageous looking. But just once, didn’t you ever want to do something outlandish — without worrying what everyone will say?”

She doesn’t let age slow her down.  Dolly says she’s still “the same girl that wants to squeeze every little drop out of life that I can.”

Dolly is a big advocate for keeping a positive mindset and finding beauty in even the smallest aspects of everyday life. She says “I make a point to appreciate all the little things in my life. I go out and smell the air after a good, hard rain. These small actions help remind me that there are so many great, glorious pieces of good in the world.”\

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain.” — Dolly Parton

Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Dr.Beverly S. Adler PhD, CDCES, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDCES, Catherine Schuller,  Lisa R Young, PhD, RDN, and Type 2 Diabetes – What To Know Facebook Community member Crystal.

Throughout the podcast, we feature music from Dolly Parton’s Dumplin’ Original Motion Picture Soundtrack courtesy of SONY Music.

Don’t Miss Divabetic’s First Podcast In 2023

Mr. Divabetic talks with international yoga teacher and author Rachel Zinman, living with LADA diabetes, on Divabetic’s popular podcast on Thursday, January 19, 2023, at 6 PM, EST.

Rachel shares how she overcame the years of frustration and confusion associated with a misdiagnosis.

There have been many bumps in the road on Rachel’s journey with LADA diabetes (latent autoimmune diabetes in adults) related to her initial misdiagnosis.  She was initially misdiagnosis with type 2 diabetes. Although many of her symptoms were similar to type 2 diabetes,  she has another condition that may be more closely related to type 1 diabetes called latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA).

It’s not uncommon for someone with LADA to be initially misdiagnosed. Unfortunately, the years spent treating the wrong condition without success can take a toll on your mind, body, and spirit. She shares how yoga and meditation helped her to overcome years of frustration and confusion.

Rachel shares a guided meditation, “Compassion Meditation,” focusing on self-love and compassion to help you live well with diabetes. Rachel’s meditation references Tara, a female deity in both Hinduism and Buddhism. Tara personifies compassion and offers salvation from suffering. She is thought to have been born of empathy for the suffering world and is regularly invoked for protection, guidance, and deliverance from difficult situations.

In Hinduism, she is the second of the ten Mahavidyas, avatars of the great Mother Goddess Mahadevi.

In Buddhism, Tara is a savior deity who liberates souls from suffering. According to origin tales, she emerged from the tear of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara who cried when looking upon the suffering world. She is therefore associated primarily with compassion but can take on many forms to help and protect her devotees.

In her book, Yoga for Diabetes: How to Manage your Health with Yoga and Ayurveda, Rachel Zinman shares her journey and the hard-won wisdom gained from her own experience of yoga and diabetes.

“If you are at all open or curious to learn about an ancient holistic way of healing and supporting the body, this book is for you. Zinman is clearly an expert and looks so glowingly healthy at 50 years old, one may wonder just how much benefit we too can get from incorporating some yoga into our lives.”—Diabetes Daily


The Sweetest Taboo Is Not Good For You: Added Sugar

Happy Birthday to Sade Adu!

With over 60 million albums sold worldwide, 4 Grammys, and holding a CBE, Sade is one of the most successful British female artists in history,

She’s inspiring us to talk about ‘THE SWEETEST TABOO’ aka ‘SUGAR’ on Divabetic’s free monthly podcast.

Sugar is everywhere. But do we understand the impact it has on our diabetes health?

You may think of sweets, chocolate, sodas, table sugar, and fruit if asked to name sugary foods. But sugar also appears in savory foods such as ready meals, soups, salads, and sauces, and ‘healthy’ foods such as breakfast cereals and yogurt. Furthermore, starches such as bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes also convert to sugar in our bloodstream, having the same impact on our bodies.

Problems occur when you consume too much added sugar — that is, sugar that food manufacturers add to products to increase flavor or extend shelf life.

These ‘hidden sugars’ can add a surprising amount to our daily intake.

According to the National Cancer Institute, adult men take in an average of 24 teaspoons of added sugar per day. That’s equal to 384 calories.

“Excess sugar’s impact on obesity and diabetes is well documented, but one area that may surprise many men is how their taste for sugar can have a serious impact on their heart health,” says Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health as reported in the Havard Health publishing.

“The effects of added sugar intake — higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease — are all linked to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke,” says Dr. Hu. “Basically, the higher the intake of added sugar, the higher the risk for heart disease.”

How much is okay?

The American Heart Association suggests that women consume no more than 100 calories (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams) and men no more than 150 calories (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams) of added sugar per day. Your daily allowance of added sugar daily is about the same as a 12-ounce can of sweetened soda.

Unfortunately,  the more sugar you eat, the more you crave!  Experts say it can take a few days to weeks to get over an addiction to refined sugar once you start. But you can do it!

Set yourself up for success by telling yourself that you got this.

“Words are powerful,” says our friend, Kathie Dolgin, author of Sugar Savvy Solution: Kick Your Sugar Addiction for Life and Get Healthy. “If you think resisting sugar is going to be hard, it will be hard,” she told Women’s Running. “Change that negative self-talk if you are going to take control of your diet and your health. Believe you can do this!”

Guests include Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDCES, Tameka Milline, Divabetic Image & Style Icon Catherine Schuller. Kathy Dolgin aka ‘High Voltage’, and Stephanie McKendree.


Throughout the podcast, we will feature music from The Essential Sade album courtesy of SONY Music. The ESSENTIAL series features the biggest hits and best-loved songs from Sade! Plus full-liner notes and photos for the complete experience. Includes ‘Smooth Operator,’ ‘Your Love is King,’ ‘Hang on to Your Love,’ ‘The Sweetest Taboo’ and more.