I’m Featured in the Luther Vandross “Never Too Much” Documentary

Thank you for the kind comments about my appearance in the documentary. Initially, I was apprehensive about appearing in the film. But as many of you know, I dedicated my life to diabetes outreach after Luther’s debilitating stroke related to mismanaged type 2 diabetes. The need to raise awareness for preventing a stroke or diabetes-related complication from occurring far outweighed my doubts or insecurities. The trauma I experienced from Luther’s health crisis will always be heavy on my heart. I hope sharing my story will empower you and your loved one to make time to manage your health.

Outside the Tribeca Film Festival screening of “Never Too Much” with Fonzi Thornton, James Ervin (Luther Vandross‘s choreographer, me, Catherine Schuller (Divabetic Image and Style Advisor, and Seveda Williams (Luther Vandross‘s niece).

Until now, I have refrained from discussing the documentary out of consideration for friends and colleagues who were not featured. I am grateful to have been included, but seeing myself on screen shattered any illusions that I resemble Brad Pitt (LOL).

Watching myself relive the experience on screen was difficult, but knowing the path I chose in response to it made me feel proud.

Many people have told me that my scenes brought tears to their eyes. I was able to speak openly and honestly about Luther’s health crisis because of my ongoing work with Divabetic and the members of the Divabetic community.

If I had continued to work in entertainment instead of diving headfirst into diabetes outreach after Luther’s stroke, I don’t think I could have revisited my experience in such a candid and vulnerable way. More importantly, I feel I delivered a powerful message on why making time to take care of yourself and your health is essential.

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