Never Been Small

Jennaire’s song, “Never Been Small,” is worth a listen for anyone who struggles with self-image, self-acceptance, or self-love—which means it’s for everyone!! I haven’t heard anyone address this topic (“I have never been small. I have never been thin.”)  in lyrics before hearing it.

Hating yourself because of how you look can harm your health. More information is coming out about how dangerous weight cycling (yo-yo dieting) is for your overall health. Repeatedly losing and regaining weight as small as 5–10 pounds or as large as 50 pounds or more can cause fluctuations in blood pressure, heart rate, and other cardiovascular risk factors.

This topic is addressed in the Luther: Never Too Much documentary because of Luther’s public struggle with weight management.

During my tenure working for him, he lost and regained 100 pounds multiple times. For many years, he lost weight by strictly dieting. I introduced him to step aerobics, which initially proved helpful, but only briefly. There’s a lot more to it than just willpower. Jeannaire’s liberating song speaks to my heart. 

The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic stops by the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island to raise awareness for diabetes in a fun, new way!

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