We are excited to announce our partnership with Diabetes Sisters to conduct the first-ever Survey on LOVE for women with diabetes across all stages of life.

Relationships, including the ones we have with ourselves, play a crucial role in managing diabetes. From marriages to best friends, we hope to gain insight into the topics that matter the most to you and what kind of support and guidance you need, particularly if you’re dealing with sexual health issues.
It’s time for the voices of the approximately 15 million women in the United States who have diabetes, or about 1 in every 9 adult women, to be heard.
Managing diabetes can be challenging. Depending on what’s happening in your life, such as hormonal changes, how you manage your diabetes may need to change over time. Staying on track with your body, relationships, and attitude towards living with diabetes can be a daunting task.
We plan to release the survey on Galalantines Day, February 13, and publish our results on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2024. Your participation can help us improve the quality of our care, support, and encouragement.