Everyone might think that all smoothies are ‘healthy’ but that’s just a bit of wishful drinking. In reality, many of the most readily available smoothies in America also contain the most calories, added sugars and carbohydrates.
Find out what types of smoothies and/or smoothie ingredients you should enjoy and which ones you should avoid to enjoy during Divabetic’s free At Home Scavenger Hunt & Smoothie Party on Zoom this Thursday, June 18, 2020, 7 – 7:35 PM, EST with Special Guest, Diabetes Care and Education Specialist and Registered Dietitian Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND . Register Now.

We encourage people with diabetes to be mindful of carbohydrate intake in their smoothie, as this is what will directly affect blood sugars, rather than rely on a bunch of fancy terms like ‘superfood’ , ‘green’, and ‘detox’ to quill any suspicions before taking a sip.
Thankfully, our friend, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND agreed to share a few quick facts on smoothies for our Divabetic blog readers prior to our zoom outreach event.
Q: Will fruit smoothies spike blood sugars?
Jill Weisenberger (JW): Anything with carbohydrates has the potential to spike blood sugar levels for people with diabetes, Certainly fruit, especially blenderized fruit, can do that. So the key is what else is in your smoothie.
Q: Jill, are smoothies in general as healthy as most people seem to believe?
JW: Smoothies can be an excellent way to get health-boosting, disease-fighting nutrients from fruits and vegetables. However, the wrong kind of smoothie can be a bad choice for people with diabetes, especially when eating out. There’s an infinite number of smoothies you can make, so each person is bound to find several healthy combinations they like.
Are you wondering if smoothies will spike your blood sugars?
The American Diabetes Association recommends checking your blood sugars one to two hours after you start eating and/or drinking to capture the peak level of your blood glucose.
Keep in mind that blood glucose results often trigger emotions. Blood glucose numbers can make you feel angry, frustrated, and/or blue. Knowledge is power: tracking your blood glucose levels is wonderful tool to see how your diabetes care plan is working, and whether you need to adjust your plan with the help of your healthcare professional.

One lucky Divabetic Zoom Party participant will receive their pick of one of Jill Weisenberger’s sensational books (see below) in the random drawing held at the end of our outreach event:
Diabetes Weight Loss Week by Week is a bestseller and can help you manage your weight and blood sugar at the same time.
The Overworked Person’s Guide to Better Nutrition offers solutions to your everyday food and nutrition problems – no matter how busy you are.
21 Things You Need to Know about Diabetes and Your Heart gives you specific actions to take to improve your health right away.
Prediabetes: A Complete Guide leads you through dozens of concrete steps to lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and other chronic health problems.

Learn the Do’s and Don’ts to Healthy Smoothies with Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND at Divabetic’s Zoom Smoothie Party on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 7 – 7:35 PM, EST. REGISTER NOW
Jill Weisenberger’s candid and energetic approach and her sound nutrition and fitness advice has earned her a place as one of 10 Dietitians You Need to Follow on Social Media in US News & World Report. Jill offers healthy and delicious recipe ideas and nutrition strategies that are based in sound nutrition science. Whether you’re looking for disease prevention or management, nutritious meals that people actually want to eat, or truths (and myths!) about the latest food trends, get reasonable and realistic tips from expert Jill Weisenberger.