Are You Suffering from Dry Feet & Cracked Heels?

Divabetic Diabetes Late Nite podcast guest, Connie Elder is passionate about helping women put their best foot forward. With a well-earned reputation as one of the most trusted developers of lifestyle products for women, entrepreneur Connie Elder launched her PEAK 10 SKIN skin care line featuring SAVE MY SOLE rescue cream to elevate skin health and hydration to new heights with pure, clean, active ingredients. 

PEAK 10 SKIN founder Connie Elder

Q: What inspired you to create SAVE MY SOLE rescue cream

Connie Elder (CE): Skin care is not just about the face!  Our skin is the largest organ of the body and we need to take care of ‘all of it’, including our feet.  Especially this time of year we are wearing more open toed shoes, sandals, flip flops and our feet our more visible.  This makes most people more aware of how their feet look.  While this is important, it is also important to take care of the health of the skin on your feet.  Our feet are really good to us and take us everywhere we go.  Therefore, I believe they deserve pampering and a little TLC.

SAVE MY SOLE a spa-inspired foot cream, not only provides nourishment that can help prevent and rescue dry feet, is has a menthol and eucalyptus aroma that provides a cooling and refreshing sensation.  I personally find it extends the life of my safe pedicures!

Q: Many people with diabetes are likely to experience cracked heels because damage to nerves in the feet from rollercoaster blood sugars can cause dry skin. How does SAVE MY SOLE rescue cream work to help heal cracked heels? 

CE: In my past, I worked with a wound care center where we saw lots of diabetic wounds that would not heal.  Many of these were on the feet and caused those who suffered with the wounds ambulatory problems.   If we keep the skin on our feet hydrated and moisturized, it is less likely to become dry and crack, causes a wound that is slow to heal. 

SAVE MY SOLE foot rescue cream is 25% pure refined Shea Butter.  This provides much needed nourishment to the skin on the feet.  Shea Butter combined with Vitamin E and coconut oil will lock in moisture for the feet and encourage the repair process for dry, cracked skin.

Skin is like leather, the more nourished it is the stronger it is.   With proper conditioning it is less likely to experience cracking and tearing.  You can’t break a conditioned piece of leather, but a dried out piece of leather can tear. 

Q: Do you have any advice for preventing dry feet? 

CE: The best way to keep the skin on your feet from getting dry is to be kind and treat them with foot cream daily.  Once a week, use a pumice stone or a fine sand paper block to gently dust off the excessive dry skin.  Once you remove the dry skin apply SAVE MY SOLE foot rescue cream to your feet daily.  Within a few days you will notice your feet are less dry and they will feel nice to the touch.  Visit your podiatrist to keep your feet well-manicured and your nails trimmed.  You’ll enjoy sleeping with your feet again!

*If you have an open wound on your feet consult your doctor first.

Q: There’s been a lot of chaos surrounding different Sunscreen SPF levels and their benefits in the news lately. With the Summer months quickly approaching what advice can you give for shopping for sunscreen?

CE: There’s a lot of discussion around sunscreen, for sure.  Sunscreen is very important to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun.  I personally believe using an SPF above 30 provides a false sense of security.  We tend to think it last longer and it doesn’t.  Reapplication of sunscreen is most important to maintain protection through the day.  

There are some chemicals used in many sunscreen that should be avoided, especially for everyday use. 

I personally use sunscreen with a combination of Titanium Dioxide or Zinc Oxide (natural mineral) and a small percentage of Octinoxate.   Safe levels of the organic compound Octinoxate mixed with the natural minerals are known for absorbing UV-A and UV-B rays of the sun, protecting the skin from damage.

Q: What words of wisdom can you offer to help women love the skin they are in? 

CE: First, remember aging is the gift of life.  If you are 60, don’t expect to look 30…no one does!  Be the best you can be for the age you are.  Healthy, hydrated skin looks radiant, at any age. 

This can be achieved by using products daily that are pure, clean and effective.  Be diligent in caring for your skin.  Wash your face in the evening and nourish it with products containing quality ingredients.  Products with a shorter ingredients list are usually best!  If you are over 40, add a serum to your skincare routine.   Make sure you are also hydrating from the inside.  Drink lots of water!  Limit your skin’s exposure to direct sunlight.  Wear sunscreen!

Peak 10 Skin offers a complete spa line of products to exfoliate, hydrate and protect skin, and has a well-deserved reputation for its pure, clean, active ingredients.

The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic discusses Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) on this podcast. Guests include Dr. Andrea Chisholm OBGYN, Peak 10 Skin founder Connie Elder, We Are Diabetes organization founder, Asha Brown, and Laura L. who are both living with type 1 diabetes. Throughout the podcast we will be playing selected songs from P.M. Dawn’s live album courtesy of SONY Music.  PODCAST LISTENER SURVEY

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